First Names Rhyming ARELA
English Words Rhyming ARELA
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ARELA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rela) - English Words That Ends with rela:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ela) - English Words That Ends with ela:
beteela | noun (n.) An East India muslin, formerly used for cravats, veils, etc. |
chela | noun (n.) The pincherlike claw of Crustacea and Arachnida. |
| noun (n.) In India, a dependent person occupying a position between that of a servant or slave and a disciple; hence, a disciple or novice. |
cypsela | noun (n.) A one-seeded, one-celled, indehiscent fruit; an achene with the calyx tube adherent. |
patela | noun (n.) A large flat-bottomed trading boat peculiar to the river Ganges; -- called also puteli. |
pathopoela | noun (n.) A speech, or figure of speech, designed to move the passion. |
pela | noun (n.) See Wax insect, under Wax. |
philomela | noun (n.) The nightingale; philomel. |
| noun (n.) A genus of birds including the nightingales. |
rhabdocoela | noun (n. pl.) A suborder of Turbellaria including those that have a simple cylindrical, or saclike, stomach, without an intestine. |
rhynchocoela | noun (n. pl.) Same as Nemertina. |
sequela | noun (n.) One who, or that which, follows. |
| noun (n.) An adherent, or a band or sect of adherents. |
| noun (n.) That which follows as the logical result of reasoning; inference; conclusion; suggestion. |
| noun (n.) A morbid phenomenon left as the result of a disease; a disease resulting from another. |
stela | noun (n.) A small column or pillar, used as a monument, milestone, etc. |
urodela | noun (n. pl.) An order of amphibians having the tail well developed and often long. It comprises the salamanders, tritons, and allied animals. |
weigela | noun (n.) Alt. of Weigelia |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ARELA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (arel) - Words That Begins with arel:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (are) - Words That Begins with are:
are | noun (n.) The unit of superficial measure, being a square of which each side is ten meters in length; 100 square meters, or about 119.6 square yards. |
| () The present indicative plural of the substantive verb to be; but etymologically a different word from be, or was. Am, art, are, and is, all come from the root as. |
area | noun (n.) Any plane surface, as of the floor of a room or church, or of the ground within an inclosure; an open space in a building. |
| noun (n.) The inclosed space on which a building stands. |
| noun (n.) The sunken space or court, giving ingress and affording light to the basement of a building. |
| noun (n.) An extent of surface; a tract of the earth's surface; a region; as, vast uncultivated areas. |
| noun (n.) The superficial contents of any figure; the surface included within any given lines; superficial extent; as, the area of a square or a triangle. |
| noun (n.) A spot or small marked space; as, the germinative area. |
| noun (n.) Extent; scope; range; as, a wide area of thought. |
areal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an area; as, areal interstices (the areas or spaces inclosed by the reticulate vessels of leaves). |
areca | noun (n.) A genus of palms, one species of which produces the areca nut, or betel nut, which is chewed in India with the leaf of the Piper Betle and lime. |
arefaction | noun (n.) The act of drying, or the state of growing dry. |
arena | noun (n.) The area in the central part of an amphitheater, in which the gladiators fought and other shows were exhibited; -- so called because it was covered with sand. |
| noun (n.) Any place of public contest or exertion; any sphere of action; as, the arenaof debate; the arena of life. |
| noun (n.) "Sand" or "gravel" in the kidneys. |
arenaceous | adjective (a.) Sandy or consisting largely of sand; of the nature of sand; easily disintegrating into sand; friable; as, arenaceous limestone. |
arenarious | adjective (a.) Sandy; as, arenarious soil. |
arenation | noun (n.) A sand bath; application of hot sand to the body. |
arendator | noun (n.) In some provinces of Russia, one who farms the rents or revenues. |
areng | noun (n.) Alt. of Arenga |
arenga | noun (n.) A palm tree (Saguerus saccharifer) which furnishes sago, wine, and fibers for ropes; the gomuti palm. |
arenicolite | noun (n.) An ancient wormhole in sand, preserved in the rocks. |
arenilitic | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to sandstone; as, arenilitic mountains. |
arenose | adjective (a.) Sandy; full of sand. |
arenulous | adjective (a.) Full of fine sand; like sand. |
areola | noun (n.) An interstice or small space, as between the cracks of the surface in certain crustaceous lichens; or as between the fibers composing organs or vessels that interlace; or as between the nervures of an insect's wing. |
| noun (n.) The colored ring around the nipple, or around a vesicle or pustule. |
areolar | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, an areola; filled with interstices or areolae. |
areolate | adjective (a.) Alt. of Areolated |
areolated | adjective (a.) Divided into small spaces or areolations, as the wings of insects, the leaves of plants, or the receptacle of compound flowers. |
areolation | noun (n.) Division into areolae. |
| noun (n.) Any small space, bounded by some part different in color or structure, as the spaces bounded by the nervures of the wings of insects, or those by the veins of leaves; an areola. |
areole | noun (n.) Same as Areola. |
areolet | noun (n.) A small inclosed area; esp. one of the small spaces on the wings of insects, circumscribed by the veins. |
areometer | noun (n.) An instrument for measuring the specific gravity of fluids; a form hydrometer. |
areometric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Areometrical |
areometrical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or measured by, an areometer. |
areometry | noun (n.) The art or process of measuring the specific gravity of fluids. |
areopagist | noun (n.) See Areopagite. |
areopagite | noun (n.) A member of the Areopagus. |
areopagitic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Areopagus. |
areopagus | noun (n.) The highest judicial court at Athens. Its sessions were held on Mars' Hill. Hence, any high court or tribunal |
areostyle | noun (a. & n.) See Intercolumniation, and Araeostyle. |
areosystyle | noun (a. & n.) See Intercolumniation, and Araeosystyle. |
arest | noun (n.) A support for the spear when couched for the attack. |
aretaics | noun (n.) The ethical theory which excludes all relations between virtue and happiness; the science of virtue; -- contrasted with eudemonics. |
aretology | noun (n.) That part of moral philosophy which treats of virtue, its nature, and the means of attaining to it. |
arete | noun (n.) An acute and rugged crest of a mountain range or a subsidiary ridge between two mountain gorges. |
English Words which starts with 'ar' and ends with 'la':
archencephala | noun (n. pl.) The division that includes man alone. |
archiblastula | noun (n.) A hollow blastula, supposed to be the primitive form; a c/loblastula. |
argala | noun (n.) The adjutant bird. |
armilla | noun (n.) An armil. |
| noun (n.) A ring of hair or feathers on the legs. |
artiodactyla | noun (n. pl.) One of the divisions of the ungulate animals. The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and the third digit of each foot (corresponding to the middle finger in man) is asymmetrical and paired with the fourth digit, as in the hog, the sheep, and the ox; -- opposed to Perissodactyla. |
arolla | noun (n.) The stone pine (Pinus Cembra). |