Name Report For First Name AVARON:


First name AVARON's origin is Arthurian Legend. AVARON means "arthur's burial place". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with AVARON below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of avaron.(Brown names are of the same origin (Arthurian Legend) with AVARON and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with AVARON - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming AVARON



NAMES RHYMING WITH AVARON (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (varon) - Names That Ends with varon:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (aron) - Names That Ends with aron:

charon camaron karon aaron aron baron daron faron taron sharon yaron garon

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ron) - Names That Ends with ron:

hebron acheron chiron myron deron audron cameron farron kamron modron abarron adron barron biron bron buiron camron camshron ciceron darron delron devron duron efron ephron eron ferron jarron jayron jerron kameron kevron kieron kyron leron neron ron sheron terron theron therron waldron miron mai-ron byron veron petron aleron galeron doron garron geron

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (on) - Names That Ends with on:

afton carnation aedon solon strephon sidon cihuaton nijlon sokanon odion sion accalon dudon pendragon antton erromon gotzon txanton zorion celyddon eburacon mabon bendision alston alton benton burton carelton fenton hamilton harrison histion kenton pierson preston ralston

NAMES RHYMING WITH AVARON (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (avaro) - Names That Begins with avaro:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (avar) - Names That Begins with avar:


Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ava) - Names That Begins with ava:

ava avagail avah avalee avalei avalloc avalon

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (av) - Names That Begins with av:

avedis avelaine avelina aveline avelyn avenall avenei aveneil avenelle avent avera averell averey averil averill avernus avery averyel averyl avi avia aviana aviance avianna avice avicenna avichai avichayil avidan avidor avie aviel avigail avigdor avilon avimelech avinoam aviram avis avisha avishai avital aviv aviva avivah avivi avivit avlynn avner avniel avonaco avonmora avonmore avraham avrey avriel avril avrill avryl avs avsalom avshalom avyanna


First Names which starts with 'av' and ends with 'on':

First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 'n':

aahan aaralyn aban abban abbotson abbudin abdalrahman abdiraxman abdul-muhaimin abdul-rahman abedabun abeodan abhainn ablendan abooksigun abran abrecan acennan achan ackerman actaeon acteon acwellen adalson adalwen adalwin adalyn adamnan adamson adan addilynn addisen addison addyson adeben adeen adelynn aden adetoun adin adiran adken adkyn adnan adon adoracion adorjan adriaan adrian adrien adrion adwin aekerman aesclin aesctun aescwyn aeshan aeson aethelbeorn aethelisdun aethelstan aethelstun aetheston aethretun agamemnon agiefan agoston agravain agrican aguistin agustin agyfen ahearn aheawan ahebban aherin ahern ahreddan ahren ahriman aibhlin aidan aidann aideen aiden aidrian aiekin aiken aikin ailean aileen ailein ailen ailin ailison ain airrin aislin aislinn aislynn

English Words Rhyming AVARON


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH AVARON (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (varon) - English Words That Ends with varon:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (aron) - English Words That Ends with aron:

baronnoun (n.) A title or degree of nobility; originally, the possessor of a fief, who had feudal tenants under him; in modern times, in France and Germany, a nobleman next in rank below a count; in England, a nobleman of the lowest grade in the House of Lords, being next below a viscount.
 noun (n.) A husband; as, baron and feme, husband and wife.

charonnoun (n.) The son of Erebus and Nox, whose office it was to ferry the souls of the dead over the Styx, a river of the infernal regions.

cascaronnoun (n.) Lit., an eggshell; hence, an eggshell filled with confetti to be thrown during balls, carnivals, etc.

diatessaronnoun (n.) The interval of a fourth.
 noun (n.) A continuous narrative arranged from the first four books of the New Testament.
 noun (n.) An electuary compounded of four medicines.

fanfaronnoun (n.) A bully; a hector; a swaggerer; an empty boaster.

makaronnoun (n.) See Macaroon, 2.

monotessaronnoun (n.) A single narrative framed from the statements of the four evangelists; a gospel harmony.

semidiatessaronnoun (n.) An imperfect or diminished fourth.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ron) - English Words That Ends with ron:

acheronnoun (n.) A river in the Nether World or infernal regions; also, the infernal regions themselves. By some of the English poets it was supposed to be a flaming lake or gulf.

almendronnoun (n.) The lofty Brazil-nut tree.

anatronnoun (n.) Native carbonate of soda; natron.
 noun (n.) Glass gall or sandiver.
 noun (n.) Saltpeter.

andironnoun (n.) A utensil for supporting wood when burning in a fireplace, one being placed on each side; a firedog; as, a pair of andirons.

andronnoun (n.) The apartment appropriated for the males. This was in the lower part of the house.

apastronnoun (n.) That point in the orbit of a double star where the smaller star is farthest from its primary.

apronnoun (n.) An article of dress, of cloth, leather, or other stuff, worn on the fore part of the body, to keep the clothes clean, to defend them from injury, or as a covering. It is commonly tied at the waist by strings.
 noun (n.) Something which by its shape or use suggests an apron;
 noun (n.) The fat skin covering the belly of a goose or duck.
 noun (n.) A piece of leather, or other material, to be spread before a person riding on an outside seat of a vehicle, to defend him from the rain, snow, or dust; a boot.
 noun (n.) A leaden plate that covers the vent of a cannon.
 noun (n.) A piece of carved timber, just above the foremost end of the keel.
 noun (n.) A platform, or flooring of plank, at the entrance of a dock, against which the dock gates are shut.
 noun (n.) A flooring of plank before a dam to cause the water to make a gradual descent.
 noun (n.) The piece that holds the cutting tool of a planer.
 noun (n.) A strip of lead which leads the drip of a wall into a gutter; a flashing.
 noun (n.) The infolded abdomen of a crab.

archenteronnoun (n.) The primitive enteron or undifferentiated digestive sac of a gastrula or other embryo. See Illust. under Invagination.

aileronnoun (n.) A half gable, as at the end of a penthouse or of the aisle of a church.
 noun (n.) A small plane or surface capable of being manipulated by the pilot of a flying machine to preserve or destroy lateral balance; a hinged wing tip; a lateral stabilizing or balancing plane.

beakironnoun (n.) A bickern; a bench anvil with a long beak, adapted to reach the interior surface of sheet metal ware; the horn of an anvil.

boronnoun (n.) A nonmetallic element occurring abundantly in borax. It is reduced with difficulty to the free state, when it can be obtained in several different forms; viz., as a substance of a deep olive color, in a semimetallic form, and in colorless quadratic crystals similar to the diamond in hardness and other properties. It occurs in nature also in boracite, datolite, tourmaline, and some other minerals. Atomic weight 10.9. Symbol B.

caldronnoun (n.) A large kettle or boiler of copper, brass, or iron. [Written also cauldron.]

catoptronnoun (n.) A reflecting optical glass or instrument; a mirror.

catopronnoun (n.) See Catopter.

chaldronnoun (n.) An English dry measure, being, at London, 36 bushels heaped up, or its equivalent weight, and more than twice as much at Newcastle. Now used exclusively for coal and coke.

chamfronnoun (n.) The frontlet, or head armor, of a horse.

chaperonnoun (n.) A hood; especially, an ornamental or an official hood.
 noun (n.) A device placed on the foreheads of horses which draw the hearse in pompous funerals.
 noun (n.) A matron who accompanies a young lady in public, for propriety, or as a guide and protector.
 verb (v. t.) To attend in public places as a guide and protector; to matronize.

chaudronnoun (n.) See Chawdron.

chauldronnoun (n.) See Chawdron.

chawdronnoun (n.) Entrails.

chevronnoun (n.) One of the nine honorable ordinaries, consisting of two broad bands of the width of the bar, issuing, respectively from the dexter and sinister bases of the field and conjoined at its center.
 noun (n.) A distinguishing mark, above the elbow, on the sleeve of a non-commissioned officer's coat.
 noun (n.) A zigzag molding, or group of moldings, common in Norman architecture.

chiliahedronnoun (n.) A figure bounded by a thousand plane surfaces

citronnoun (n.) A fruit resembling a lemon, but larger, and pleasantly aromatic. The thick rind, when candied, is the citron of commerce.
 noun (n.) A citron tree.
 noun (n.) A citron melon.

cobironnoun (n.) An andiron with a knob at the top.

coelectronnoun (n.) See Electron.

decahedronnoun (n.) A solid figure or body inclosed by ten plane surfaces.

decameronnoun (n.) A celebrated collection of tales, supposed to be related in ten days; -- written in the 14th century, by Boccaccio, an Italian.

deltohedronnoun (n.) A solid bounded by twelve quadrilateral faces. It is a hemihedral form of the isometric system, allied to the tetrahedron.

dihedronnoun (n.) A figure with two sides or surfaces.

dodecahedronnoun (n.) A solid having twelve faces.

duodecahedronnoun (n.) See Dodecahedral, and Dodecahedron.

dzeronnoun (n.) The Chinese yellow antelope (Procapra gutturosa), a remarkably swift-footed animal, inhabiting the deserts of Central Asia, Thibet, and China.

ecderonnoun (n.) See Ecteron.

ecteronnoun (n.) The external layer of the skin and mucous membranes; epithelium; ecderon.

ekaboronnoun (n.) The name given by Mendelejeff in accordance with the periodic law, and by prediction, to a hypothetical element then unknown, but since discovered and named scandium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the boron group. See Scandium.

electronnoun (n.) Amber; also, the alloy of gold and silver, called electrum.
  () One of those particles, having about one thousandth the mass of a hydrogen atom, which are projected from the cathode of a vacuum tube as the cathode rays and from radioactive substances as the beta rays; -- called also corpuscle. The electron carries (or is) a natural unit of negative electricity, equal to 3.4 x 10-10 electrostatic units. It has been detected only when in rapid motion; its mass, which is electromagnetic, is practically constant at the lesser speeds, but increases as the velocity approaches that of light. Electrons are all of one kind, so far as known, and probably are the ultimate constituents of all atoms. An atom from which an electron has been detached has a positive charge and is called a coelectron.

elytronnoun (n.) Alt. of Elytrum

enderonnoun (n.) The deep sensitive and vascular layer of the skin and mucous membranes.

enheahedronnoun (n.) A figure having nine sides; a nonagon.

enteronnoun (n.) The whole alimentary, or enteric, canal.

entoplastronnoun (n.) The median plate of the plastron of turtles; -- called also entosternum.

ephemeronnoun (n.) One of the ephemeral flies.

epimeronnoun (n.) In crustaceans: The part of the side of a somite external to the basal joint of each appendage.
 noun (n.) In insects: The lateral piece behind the episternum.

epiplastronnoun (n.) One of the first pair of lateral plates in the plastron of turtles.

epoophoronnoun (n.) See Parovarium.

exametronnoun (n.) An hexameter.

flatironnoun (n.) An iron with a flat, smooth surface for ironing clothes.

fleuronnoun (n.) A flower-shaped ornament, esp. one terminating an object or forming one of a series, as a knob of a cover to a dish, or a flower-shaped part in a necklace.

garronnoun (n.) Same as Garran.

goudronnoun (n.) a small fascine or fagot, steeped in wax, pitch, and glue, used in various ways, as for igniting buildings or works, or to light ditches and ramparts.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH AVARON (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (avaro) - Words That Begins with avaro:

avarousadjective (a.) Avaricious.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (avar) - Words That Begins with avar:

avaricenoun (n.) An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
 noun (n.) An inordinate desire for some supposed good.

avariciousadjective (a.) Actuated by avarice; greedy of gain; immoderately desirous of accumulating property.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ava) - Words That Begins with ava:

avanoun (n.) Same as Kava.

avadavatnoun (n.) Same as Amadavat.

availingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Avail

availnoun (n.) Profit; advantage toward success; benefit; value; as, labor, without economy, is of little avail.
 noun (n.) Proceeds; as, the avails of a sale by auction.
 verb (v. t.) To turn to the advantage of; to be of service to; to profit; to benefit; to help; as, artifices will not avail the sinner in the day of judgment.
 verb (v. t.) To promote; to assist.
 verb (v. i.) To be of use or advantage; to answer the purpose; to have strength, force, or efficacy sufficient to accomplish the object; as, the plea in bar must avail, that is, be sufficient to defeat the suit; this scheme will not avail; medicines will not avail to check the disease.
 verb (v. t. & i.) See Avale, v.

availabilitynoun (n.) The quality of being available; availableness.
 noun (n.) That which is available.

availableadjective (a.) Having sufficient power, force, or efficacy, for the object; effectual; valid; as, an available plea.
 adjective (a.) Such as one may avail one's self of; capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose; usable; profitable; advantageous; convertible into a resource; as, an available measure; an available candidate.

availablenessnoun (n.) Competent power; validity; efficacy; as, the availableness of a title.
 noun (n.) Quality of being available; capability of being used for the purpose intended.

availmentnoun (n.) Profit; advantage.

avalanchenoun (n.) A large mass or body of snow and ice sliding swiftly down a mountain side, or falling down a precipice.
 noun (n.) A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice.
 noun (n.) A sudden, great, or irresistible descent or influx of anything.

avantnoun (n.) The front of an army. [Obs.] See Van.

avastadjective (a.) Cease; stop; stay.

avatarnoun (n.) The descent of a deity to earth, and his incarnation as a man or an animal; -- chiefly associated with the incarnations of Vishnu.
 noun (n.) Incarnation; manifestation as an object of worship or admiration.

avauntnoun (n.) A vaunt; to boast.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To advance; to move forward; to elevate.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To depart; to move away.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To vaunt; to boast.
  (interj.) Begone; depart; -- a word of contempt or abhorrence, equivalent to the phrase "Get thee gone."

avauntournoun (n.) A boaster.


English Words which starts with 'av' and ends with 'on':

averruncationnoun (n.) The act of averting.
 noun (n.) Eradication.

aversationnoun (n.) A turning from with dislike; aversion.

aversionnoun (n.) A turning away.
 noun (n.) Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike; antipathy; disinclination; reluctance.
 noun (n.) The object of dislike or repugnance.

aviationnoun (n.) The art or science of flying.

avisionnoun (n.) Vision.

avocationnoun (n.) A calling away; a diversion.
 noun (n.) That which calls one away from one's regular employment or vocation.
 noun (n.) Pursuits; duties; affairs which occupy one's time; usual employment; vocation.

avolationnoun (n.) The act of flying; flight; evaporation.

avulsionnoun (n.) A tearing asunder; a forcible separation.
 noun (n.) A fragment torn off.
 noun (n.) The sudden removal of lands or soil from the estate of one man to that of another by an inundation or a current, or by a sudden change in the course of a river by which a part of the estate of one man is cut off and joined to the estate of another. The property in the part thus separated, or cut off, continues in the original owner.