Name Report For First Name BRAIANA:


First name BRAIANA's origin is Unknown. BRAIANA means "alternate spelling: brianna, briana.". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with BRAIANA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of braiana.(Brown names are of the same origin (Unknown) with BRAIANA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with BRAIANA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming BRAIANA



NAMES RHYMING WITH BRAŻANA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (raiana) - Names That Ends with raiana:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (aiana) - Names That Ends with aiana:

daiana maiana

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (iana) - Names That Ends with iana:

oliana fabiana liliana sebastiana adriana mariana tatiana abriana ariana audriana aureliana aviana ayiana bibiana brezziana briana caliana caroliana chiana christiana cipriana damiana daviana diana eliana eviana floriana galiana giana graciana indiana joelliana keiana keriana kiana kristiana krystiana liana lilliana loriana luciana odiana teriana toriana viviana emiliana oriana gregoriana georgiana gloriana juliana aubriana

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ana) - Names That Ends with ana:

ayana fana hasana tarana hana rihana sana' thana' aitana agana jana jaana durandana luana philana stephana iolana kaimana malana mana moana ivana dhana zigana drisana pithasthana rana andreana chu'mana huyana lenmana nahimana ileana ioana loredana oana roxana stefana bohdana bwana hakizimana mukhwana kana kohana adana ahana

NAMES RHYMING WITH BRAŻANA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (braian) - Names That Begins with braian:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (braia) - Names That Begins with braia:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (brai) - Names That Begins with brai:

braiden brain brainard brainerd

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (bra) - Names That Begins with bra:

bra brachah brad bradach bradaigh bradamate bradan bradana bradbourne bradburn bradd braddock braddon brademagus braden bradene bradey bradford bradig bradleah bradlee bradley bradly bradon bradshaw bradwell brady bradyn braeden braedon braedyn braelyn braemwiella brale braleah bram bramley bramwell bran brand branda brandan branddun brande brandee brandeis brandeles brandelis brandelyn branden brandi brandice brandie brandilyn brandin brando brandon brandubh branduff brandy brandyce brandyn brangaine brangore brangorre branhard branigan brann brannan brannen brannon branor bransan branson brant brantley branton brantson branwen branwyn braoin brarn brasil braweigh brawleigh brawley braxton brayden braydon braylie braylon brayton

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (br) - Names That Begins with br:

bre brea breac breana


First Names which starts with 'bra' and ends with 'ana':

First Names which starts with 'br' and ends with 'na':

breanna bree-ana breena brenna breyanna brianna briaunna brienna brina briona brionna brona bruna bryana bryanna bryna brynna

First Names which starts with 'b' and ends with 'a':

baba badi'a badra baduna baha baheera bahira bahiya balbina balinda balisarda bama bana baptista baraka barbara barbra barda barika barkarna barra barta baseema basheera bashiga bashira basilia bathilda bathsheba battista batula batya bautista beatha beatricia beatrisa becca beda behula bela belda belia belina belinda belisarda bella belva bemia bena benedetta benigna benita beomia beornia berangaria berdina berengaria bernadea bernadina bernarda bernetta bernia bernicia bernita berta bertha bertilda bertina bertuska beta betha bethanna bethea bethia bethsaida bethseda bethsheba betia bettina beula bha bhadraa bhagiratha

English Words Rhyming BRAIANA


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH BRAŻANA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (raiana) - English Words That Ends with raiana:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (aiana) - English Words That Ends with aiana:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (iana) - English Words That Ends with iana:

damiananoun (n.) A Mexican drug, used as an aphrodisiac.

diananoun (n.) The daughter of Jupiter and Latona; a virgin goddess who presided over hunting, chastity, and marriage; -- identified with the Greek goddess Artemis.

dulciananoun (n.) A sweet-toned stop of an organ.

liananoun (n.) A luxuriant woody plant, climbing high trees and having ropelike stems. The grapevine often has the habit of a liane. Lianes are abundant in the forests of the Amazon region.

nicotiananoun (n.) A genus of American and Asiatic solanaceous herbs, with viscid foliage and funnel-shaped blossoms. Several species yield tobacco. See Tobacco.

poinciananoun (n.) A prickly tropical shrub (Caesalpinia, formerly Poinciana, pulcherrima), with bipinnate leaves, and racemes of showy orange-red flowers with long crimson filaments.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ana) - English Words That Ends with ana:

banananoun (n.) A perennial herbaceous plant of almost treelike size (Musa sapientum); also, its edible fruit. See Musa.

bandananoun (n.) A species of silk or cotton handkerchief, having a uniformly dyed ground, usually of red or blue, with white or yellow figures of a circular, lozenge, or other simple form.
 noun (n.) A style of calico printing, in which white or bright spots are produced upon cloth previously dyed of a uniform red or dark color, by discharging portions of the color by chemical means, while the rest of the cloth is under pressure.

bimananoun (n. pl.) Animals having two hands; -- a term applied by Cuvier to man as a special order of Mammalia.

campananoun (n.) A church bell.
 noun (n.) The pasque flower.
 noun (n.) Same as Gutta.

curtananoun (n.) The pointless sword carried before English monarchs at their coronation, and emblematically considered as the sword of mercy; -- also called the sword of Edward the Confessor.

guananoun (n.) See Iguana.

guarananoun (n.) A preparation from the seeds of Paullinia sorbilis, a woody climber of Brazil, used in making an astringent drink, and also in the cure of headache.

gitananoun (n. masc.) Alt. of Gitano

havananoun (n.) An Havana cigar.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Havana, the capital of the island of Cuba; as, an Havana cigar

iguananoun (n.) Any species of the genus Iguana, a genus of large American lizards of the family Iguanidae. They are arboreal in their habits, usually green in color, and feed chiefly upon fruits.

jacananoun (n.) Any of several wading birds belonging to the genus Jacana and several allied genera, all of which have spurs on the wings. They are able to run about over floating water weeds by means of their very long, spreading toes. Called also surgeon bird.

jambolananoun (n.) A myrtaceous tree of the West Indies and tropical America (Calyptranthes Jambolana), with astringent bark, used for dyeing. It bears an edible fruit.

kerananoun (n.) A kind of long trumpet, used among the Persians.

levananoun (n.) A goddess who protected newborn infants.

nirvananoun (n.) In the Buddhist system of religion, the final emancipation of the soul from transmigration, and consequently a beatific enfrachisement from the evils of wordly existence, as by annihilation or absorption into the divine. See Buddhism.

nagananoun (n.) The disease caused by the tsetse fly.

quadrumananoun (n. pl.) A division of the Primates comprising the apes and monkeys; -- so called because the hind foot is usually prehensile, and the great toe opposable somewhat like a thumb. Formerly the Quadrumana were considered an order distinct from the Bimana, which last included man alone.
 noun (n. pl.) A division of the Primates comprising the apes and monkeys; -- so called because the hind foot is usually prehensile, and the great toe opposable somewhat like a thumb. Formerly the Quadrumana were considered an order distinct from the Bimana, which last included man alone.

pedimananoun (n. pl.) A division of marsupials, including the opossums.

pozzuolananoun (n.) Alt. of Pozzolana

pozzolananoun (n.) Volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water.

purananoun (n.) One of a class of sacred Hindoo poetical works in the Sanskrit language which treat of the creation, destruction, and renovation of worlds, the genealogy and achievements of gods and heroes, the reigns of the Manus, and the transactions of their descendants. The principal Puranas are eighteen in number, and there are the same number of supplementary books called Upa Puranas.

puzzolananoun (n.) See Pozzuolana.

ramayananoun (n.) The more ancient of the two great epic poems in Sanskrit. The hero and heroine are Rama and his wife Sita.

rananoun (n.) A genus of anurous batrachians, including the common frogs.

salangananoun (n.) The salagane.

sultananoun (n.) The wife of a sultan; a sultaness.
 noun (n.) A kind of seedless raisin produced near Smyrna in Asiatic Turkey.

tananoun (n.) Same as Banxring.

thananoun (n.) A police station.

torananoun (n.) A gateway, commonly of wood, but sometimes of stone, consisting of two upright pillars carrying one to three transverse lintels. It is often minutely carved with symbolic sculpture, and serves as a monumental approach to a Buddhist temple.

tramontananoun (n.) A dry, cold, violent, northerly wind of the Adriatic.

zenananoun (n.) The part of a dwelling appropriated to women.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH BRAŻANA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (braian) - Words That Begins with braian:

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (braia) - Words That Begins with braia:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (brai) - Words That Begins with brai:

braidingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Braid
 noun (n.) The act of making or using braids.
 noun (n.) Braids, collectively; trimming.

braidnoun (n.) A plait, band, or narrow fabric formed by intertwining or weaving together different strands.
 noun (n.) A narrow fabric, as of wool, silk, or linen, used for binding, trimming, or ornamenting dresses, etc.
 noun (n.) A quick motion; a start.
 noun (n.) A fancy; freak; caprice.
 verb (v. t.) To weave, interlace, or entwine together, as three or more strands or threads; to form into a braid; to plait.
 verb (v. t.) To mingle, or to bring to a uniformly soft consistence, by beating, rubbing, or straining, as in some culinary operations.
 verb (v. t.) To reproach. [Obs.] See Upbraid.
 verb (v. i.) To start; to awake.
 verb (v. t.) Deceitful.

brailnoun (n.) A thong of soft leather to bind up a hawk's wing.
 noun (n.) Ropes passing through pulleys, and used to haul in or up the leeches, bottoms, or corners of sails, preparatory to furling.
 noun (n.) A stock at each end of a seine to keep it stretched.
 verb (v. t.) To haul up by the brails; -- used with up; as, to brail up a sail.

brainnoun (n.) The whitish mass of soft matter (the center of the nervous system, and the seat of consciousness and volition) which is inclosed in the cartilaginous or bony cranium of vertebrate animals. It is simply the anterior termination of the spinal cord, and is developed from three embryonic vesicles, whose cavities are connected with the central canal of the cord; the cavities of the vesicles become the central cavities, or ventricles, and the walls thicken unequally and become the three segments, the fore-, mid-, and hind-brain.
 noun (n.) The anterior or cephalic ganglion in insects and other invertebrates.
 noun (n.) The organ or seat of intellect; hence, the understanding.
 noun (n.) The affections; fancy; imagination.
 verb (v. t.) To dash out the brains of; to kill by beating out the brains. Hence, Fig.: To destroy; to put an end to; to defeat.
 verb (v. t.) To conceive; to understand.

brainingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Brain

brainedadjective (p.a.) Supplied with brains.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Brain

brainishadjective (a.) Hot-headed; furious.

brainlessadjective (a.) Without understanding; silly; thoughtless; witless.

brainpannoun (n.) The bones which inclose the brain; the skull; the cranium.

brainsickadjective (a.) Disordered in the understanding; giddy; thoughtless.

brainyadjective (a.) Having an active or vigorous mind.

braisenoun (n.) Alt. of Braize
 noun (n.) Alt. of Braize
 verb (v. t.) To stew or broil in a covered kettle or pan.

braizenoun (n.) A European marine fish (Pagrus vulgaris) allied to the American scup; the becker. The name is sometimes applied to the related species.
 noun (n.) Charcoal powder; breeze.
 noun (n.) Braised meat.
 noun (n.) See Braise.

braisernoun (n.) A kettle or pan for braising.

braitnoun (n.) A rough diamond.

braillenoun (n.) A system of printing or writing for the blind in which the characters are represented by tangible points or dots. It was invented by Louis Braille, a French teacher of the blind.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (bra) - Words That Begins with bra:

brabantineadjective (a.) Pertaining to Brabant, an ancient province of the Netherlands.

brabblenoun (n.) A broil; a noisy contest; a wrangle.
 verb (v. i.) To clamor; to contest noisily.

brabblementnoun (n.) A brabble.

brabblernoun (n.) A clamorous, quarrelsome, noisy fellow; a wrangler.

braccateadjective (a.) Furnished with feathers which conceal the feet.

bracenoun (n.) That which holds anything tightly or supports it firmly; a bandage or a prop.
 noun (n.) A cord, ligament, or rod, for producing or maintaining tension, as a cord on the side of a drum.
 noun (n.) The state of being braced or tight; tension.
 noun (n.) A piece of material used to transmit, or change the direction of, weight or pressure; any one of the pieces, in a frame or truss, which divide the structure into triangular parts. It may act as a tie, or as a strut, and serves to prevent distortion of the structure, and transverse strains in its members. A boiler brace is a diagonal stay, connecting the head with the shell.
 noun (n.) A vertical curved line connecting two or more words or lines, which are to be taken together; thus, boll, bowl; or, in music, used to connect staves.
 noun (n.) A rope reeved through a block at the end of a yard, by which the yard is moved horizontally; also, a rudder gudgeon.
 noun (n.) A curved instrument or handle of iron or wood, for holding and turning bits, etc.; a bitstock.
 noun (n.) A pair; a couple; as, a brace of ducks; now rarely applied to persons, except familiarly or with some contempt.
 noun (n.) Straps or bands to sustain trousers; suspenders.
 noun (n.) Harness; warlike preparation.
 noun (n.) Armor for the arm; vantbrace.
 noun (n.) The mouth of a shaft.
 verb (v. t.) To furnish with braces; to support; to prop; as, to brace a beam in a building.
 verb (v. t.) To draw tight; to tighten; to put in a state of tension; to strain; to strengthen; as, to brace the nerves.
 verb (v. t.) To bind or tie closely; to fasten tightly.
 verb (v. t.) To place in a position for resisting pressure; to hold firmly; as, he braced himself against the crowd.
 verb (v. t.) To move around by means of braces; as, to brace the yards.
 verb (v. i.) To get tone or vigor; to rouse one's energies; -- with up.

bracingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Brace
 noun (n.) The act of strengthening, supporting, or propping, with a brace or braces; the state of being braced.
 noun (n.) Any system of braces; braces, collectively; as, the bracing of a truss.
 adjective (a.) Imparting strength or tone; strengthening; invigorating; as, a bracing north wind.

braceletnoun (n.) An ornamental band or ring, for the wrist or the arm; in modern times, an ornament encircling the wrist, worn by women or girls.
 noun (n.) A piece of defensive armor for the arm.

bracernoun (n.) That which braces, binds, or makes firm; a band or bandage.
 noun (n.) A covering to protect the arm of the bowman from the vibration of the string; also, a brassart.
 noun (n.) A medicine, as an astringent or a tonic, which gives tension or tone to any part of the body.

brachnoun (n.) A bitch of the hound kind.

brachelytranoun (n. pl.) A group of beetles having short elytra, as the rove beetles.

brachianoun (n. pl.) See Brachium.

brachialadjective (a.) Pertaining or belonging to the arm; as, the brachial artery; the brachial nerve.
 adjective (a.) Of the nature of an arm; resembling an arm.

brachiatanoun (n. pl.) A division of the Crinoidea, including those furnished with long jointed arms. See Crinoidea.

brachiateadjective (a.) Having branches in pairs, decussated, all nearly horizontal, and each pair at right angles with the next, as in the maple and lilac.

brachioganoidnoun (n.) One of the Brachioganoidei.

brachioganoideinoun (n. pl.) An order of ganoid fishes of which the bichir of Africa is a living example. See Crossopterygii.

brachiolarianoun (n. pl.) A peculiar early larval stage of certain starfishes, having a bilateral structure, and swimming by means of bands of vibrating cilia.

brachiopodnoun (n.) One of the Brachiopoda, or its shell.

brachiopodanoun (n.) A class of Molluscoidea having a symmetrical bivalve shell, often attached by a fleshy peduncle.

brachiumnoun (n.) The upper arm; the segment of the fore limb between the shoulder and the elbow.

brachmannoun (n.) See Brahman.

brachycatalecticnoun (n.) A verse wanting two syllables at its termination.

brachycephalicadjective (a.) Alt. of Brachycephalous

brachycephalousadjective (a.) Having the skull short in proportion to its breadth; shortheaded; -- in distinction from dolichocephalic.

brachycephalynoun (n.) Alt. of Brachycephalism

brachycephalismnoun (n.) The state or condition of being brachycephalic; shortness of head.

brachyceraladjective (a.) Having short antennae, as certain insects.

brachydiagonalnoun (n.) The shorter of the diagonals in a rhombic prism.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the shorter diagonal, as of a rhombic prism.

brachydomenoun (n.) A dome parallel to the shorter lateral axis. See Dome.

brachygraphernoun (n.) A writer in short hand; a stenographer.

brachygraphynoun (n.) Stenography.

brachylogynoun (n.) Conciseness of expression; brevity.

brachypinacoidnoun (n.) A plane of an orthorhombic crystal which is parallel both to the vertical axis and to the shorter lateral (brachydiagonal) axis.

brachypteranoun (n. pl.) A group of Coleoptera having short wings; the rove beetles.

brachypteresnoun ( A group of birds, including auks, divers, and penguins.

brachypterousadjective (a.) Having short wings.

brachystochronenoun (n.) A curve, in which a body, starting from a given point, and descending solely by the force of gravity, will reach another given point in a shorter time than it could by any other path. This curve of quickest descent, as it is sometimes called, is, in a vacuum, the same as the cycloid.

brachytypousadjective (a.) Of a short form.

brachyuranoun (n. pl.) A group of decapod Crustacea, including the common crabs, characterized by a small and short abdomen, which is bent up beneath the large cephalo-thorax. [Also spelt Brachyoura.] See Crab, and Illustration in Appendix.

brachyuraladjective (a.) Alt. of Brachyurous

brachyurousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Brachyura.

brachyurannoun (n.) One of the Brachyura.

bracknoun (n.) An opening caused by the parting of any solid body; a crack or breach; a flaw.
 noun (n.) Salt or brackish water.

brackennoun (n.) A brake or fern.

bracketnoun (n.) An architectural member, plain or ornamental, projecting from a wall or pier, to support weight falling outside of the same; also, a decorative feature seeming to discharge such an office.
 noun (n.) A piece or combination of pieces, usually triangular in general shape, projecting from, or fastened to, a wall, or other surface, to support heavy bodies or to strengthen angles.
 noun (n.) A shot, crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support.
 noun (n.) The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage.
 noun (n.) One of two characters [], used to inclose a reference, explanation, or note, or a part to be excluded from a sentence, to indicate an interpolation, to rectify a mistake, or to supply an omission, and for certain other purposes; -- called also crotchet.
 noun (n.) A gas fixture or lamp holder projecting from the face of a wall, column, or the like.
 noun (n.) A figure determined by firing a projectile beyond a target and another short of it, as a basis for ascertaining the proper elevation of the piece; -- only used in the phrase, to establish a bracket. After the bracket is established shots are fired with intermediate elevations until the exact range is obtained. In the United States navy it is called fork.
 verb (v. t.) To place within brackets; to connect by brackets; to furnish with brackets.
 verb (v. t.) To shoot so as to establish a bracket for (an object).

bracketingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bracket
 noun (n.) A series or group of brackets; brackets, collectively.

brackishadjective (a.) Saltish, or salt in a moderate degree, as water in saline soil.

brackishnessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being brackish, or somewhat salt.

brackyadjective (a.) Brackish.


English Words which starts with 'bra' and ends with 'ana':

English Words which starts with 'br' and ends with 'na':