Name Report For First Name CHASSIDY:


First name CHASSIDY's origin is American. CHASSIDY means "sensitive". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with CHASSIDY below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of chassidy.(Brown names are of the same origin (American) with CHASSIDY and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with CHASSIDY - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming CHASSIDY



NAMES RHYMING WITH CHASSİDY (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (hassidy) - Names That Ends with hassidy:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (assidy) - Names That Ends with assidy:

cassidy kassidy

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ssidy) - Names That Ends with ssidy:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (sidy) - Names That Ends with sidy:

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (idy) - Names That Ends with idy:

trinidy mufidy

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (dy) - Names That Ends with dy:

clady cody lundy majdy hnedy ady brady judy biddy birdy brandy cindy cyndy goldy hedy jady jody kandy kennedy lindy maddy mandy melody mindy wandy wendy addy andy body brody buddy eddy freddy gordy grady kody mundy ody paddy randy rowdy ruddy scandy shandy sheedy teddy hardy bundy thady mady ardy daudy berdy jordy cady kady roddy rudy sandy

NAMES RHYMING WITH CHASSİDY (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (chassid) - Names That Begins with chassid:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (chassi) - Names That Begins with chassi:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (chass) - Names That Begins with chass:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (chas) - Names That Begins with chas:

chas chas-chunk-a chase chasen chaseyn chasidah chasya chasye

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (cha) - Names That Begins with cha:

cha cha'akmongwi cha'kwaina cha'risa cha'tima chaba chabah chace chad chadburn chadburne chadbyrne chadwi chadwick chadwik chadwyk chafulumisa chaga chagai chaim chaisly chait chaitra chaka chakierra chalchiuitl chalina chalise chalmer chalmers chamorra chamunda chamyle chan chana chanah chanan chance chancellor chancey chanda chandara chandi chandler chandra chandria chane chanel chanell chanelle chaney chanler chann channa channe channelle channing channon chano chanoch chansomps chantae chantal chantalle chantay chante chantel chantell chantelle chantrell chanya chapa chapalu chapin chapman chappel chappell char chardae chardanae chardonnay charee charion charis charise charissa chariste charity charla charlaine charlayne charlee


First Names which starts with 'cha' and ends with 'idy':

First Names which starts with 'ch' and ends with 'dy':

First Names which starts with 'c' and ends with 'y':

cacey cadby cagney cailey cailsey caitly caley cally caly camey carbry carey carley carly carney cary casey cassy cathly cathy cauley cawley cerny charley charly chauncey chauncy chelsey chelsy cheney cherry chesley chesney chevy choncey chrissy christy cicely cicily cidney clancy clay cleary cluny coby codey colbey colby coley conary conley connolly conny conroy conway cony cooey cooley cooney corby corday corey corky corley correy corry cortney cory courtenay courtnay courtney covey cranley cranly crissy cristy crosley crosly crowley culley cully cundry curney cydney cymberly cyneley czigany

English Words Rhyming CHASSIDY


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CHASSİDY (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (hassidy) - English Words That Ends with hassidy:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (assidy) - English Words That Ends with assidy:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ssidy) - English Words That Ends with ssidy:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (sidy) - English Words That Ends with sidy:

subsidynoun (n.) Support; aid; cooperation; esp., extraordinary aid in money rendered to the sovereign or to a friendly power.
 noun (n.) Specifically: A sum of money paid by one sovereign or nation to another to purchase the cooperation or the neutrality of such sovereign or nation in war.
 noun (n.) A grant from the government, from a municipal corporation, or the like, to a private person or company to assist the establishment or support of an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public; a subvention; as, a subsidy to the owners of a line of ocean steamships.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (idy) - English Words That Ends with idy:

perfidynoun (n.) The act of violating faith or allegiance; violation of a promise or vow, or of trust reposed; faithlessness; treachery.

tidynoun (n.) The wren; -- called also tiddy.
 noun (n.) A cover, often of tatting, drawn work, or other ornamental work, for the back of a chair, the arms of a sofa, or the like.
 noun (n.) A child's pinafore.
 superlative (superl.) Being in proper time; timely; seasonable; favorable; as, tidy weather.
 superlative (superl.) Arranged in good order; orderly; appropriate; neat; kept in proper and becoming neatness, or habitually keeping things so; as, a tidy lass; their dress is tidy; the apartments are well furnished and tidy.
 verb (v. t.) To put in proper order; to make neat; as, to tidy a room; to tidy one's dress.
 verb (v. i.) To make things tidy.

untidyadjective (a.) Unseasonable; untimely.
 adjective (a.) Not tidy or neat; slovenly.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CHASSİDY (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (chassid) - Words That Begins with chassid:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (chassi) - Words That Begins with chassi:

chassisnoun (n.) A traversing base frame, or movable railway, along which the carriage of a barbette or casemate gun moves backward and forward. [See Gun carriage.]
 noun (n.) The under part of an automobile, consisting of the frame (on which the body is mounted) with the wheels and machinery.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (chass) - Words That Begins with chass:

chassenoun (n.) A movement in dancing, as across or to the right or left.
 noun (n.) A small potion of spirituous liquor taken to remove the taste of coffee, tobacco, or the like; -- originally chasse-cafe, lit., "coffee chaser."
 verb (v. i.) To make the movement called chasse; as, all chasse; chasse to the right or left.

chasselasnoun (n.) A white grape, esteemed for the table.

chassepotnoun (n.) A kind of breechloading, center-fire rifle, or improved needle gun.

chasseurnoun (n.) One of a body of light troops, cavalry or infantry, trained for rapid movements.
 noun (n.) An attendant upon persons of rank or wealth, wearing a plume and sword.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (chas) - Words That Begins with chas:

chasableadjective (a.) Capable of being chased; fit for hunting.

chasingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chase
 noun (n.) The art of ornamenting metal by means of chasing tools; also, a piece of ornamental work produced in this way.

chasenoun (n.) A rectangular iron frame in which pages or columns of type are imposed.
 noun (n.) The part of a cannon from the reenforce or the trunnions to the swell of the muzzle. See Cannon.
 noun (n.) A groove, or channel, as in the face of a wall; a trench, as for the reception of drain tile.
 noun (n.) A kind of joint by which an overlap joint is changed to a flush joint, by means of a gradually deepening rabbet, as at the ends of clinker-built boats.
 verb (v. t.) To pursue for the purpose of killing or taking, as an enemy, or game; to hunt.
 verb (v. t.) To follow as if to catch; to pursue; to compel to move on; to drive by following; to cause to fly; -- often with away or off; as, to chase the hens away.
 verb (v. t.) To pursue eagerly, as hunters pursue game.
 verb (v. i.) To give chase; to hunt; as, to chase around after a doctor.
 verb (v.) Vehement pursuit for the purpose of killing or capturing, as of an enemy, or game; an earnest seeking after any object greatly desired; the act or habit of hunting; a hunt.
 verb (v.) That which is pursued or hunted.
 verb (v.) An open hunting ground to which game resorts, and which is private properly, thus differing from a forest, which is not private property, and from a park, which is inclosed. Sometimes written chace.
 verb (v.) A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive his ball in order to gain a point.
 verb (v. t.) To ornament (a surface of metal) by embossing, cutting away parts, and the like.
 verb (v. t.) To cut, so as to make a screw thread.

chasernoun (n.) One who or that which chases; a pursuer; a driver; a hunter.
 noun (n.) Same as Chase gun, esp. in terms bow chaser and stern chaser. See under Bow, Stern.
 noun (n.) One who chases or engraves. See 5th Chase, and Enchase.
 noun (n.) A tool with several points, used for cutting or finishing screw threads, either external or internal, on work revolving in a lathe.

chasiblenoun (n.) See Chasuble.

chasmnoun (n.) A deep opening made by disruption, as a breach in the earth or a rock; a yawning abyss; a cleft; a fissure.
 noun (n.) A void space; a gap or break, as in ranks of men.

chasmedadjective (a.) Having gaps or a chasm.

chasmyadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a chasm; abounding in chasms.

chasteadjective (a.) Pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; virtuous; continent.
 adjective (a.) Pure in thought and act; innocent; free from lewdness and obscenity, or indecency in act or speech; modest; as, a chaste mind; chaste eyes.
 adjective (a.) Pure in design and expression; correct; free from barbarisms or vulgarisms; refined; simple; as, a chaste style in composition or art.
 adjective (a.) Unmarried.

chasteningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chasten

chastenedadjective (a.) Corrected; disciplined; refined; purified; toned down.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Chasten

chastenernoun (n.) One who chastens.

chastenessnoun (n.) Chastity; purity.
 noun (n.) Freedom from all that is meretricious, gaudy, or affected; as, chasteness of design.

chastisableadjective (a.) Capable or deserving of chastisement; punishable.

chastisingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chastise

chastisementnoun (n.) The act of chastising; pain inflicted for punishment and correction; discipline; punishment.

chastisernoun (n.) One who chastises; a punisher; a corrector.

chastitynoun (n.) The state of being chaste; purity of body; freedom from unlawful sexual intercourse.
 noun (n.) Moral purity.
 noun (n.) The unmarried life; celibacy.
 noun (n.) Chasteness.

chasublenoun (n.) The outer vestment worn by the priest in saying Mass, consisting, in the Roman Catholic Church, of a broad, flat, back piece, and a narrower front piece, the two connected over the shoulders only. The back has usually a large cross, the front an upright bar or pillar, designed to be emblematical of Christ's sufferings. In the Greek Church the chasuble is a large round mantle.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (cha) - Words That Begins with cha:

chamomilenoun (n.) A genus of herbs (Anthemis) of the Composite family. The common camomile, A. nobilis, is used as a popular remedy. Its flowers have a strong and fragrant and a bitter, aromatic taste. They are tonic, febrifugal, and in large doses emetic, and the volatile oil is carminative.
 noun (n.) See Camomile.

chabnoun (n.) The red-bellied wood pecker (Melanerpes Carolinus).

chabasitenoun (n.) Alt. of Cabazite

chablisnoun (n.) A white wine made near Chablis, a town in France.
 noun (n.) a white wine resembling Chablis{1}, but made elsewhere, as in California.

chabouknoun (n.) Alt. of Chabuk

chabuknoun (n.) A long whip, such as is used in the East in the infliction of punishment.

chacenoun (n.) See 3d Chase, n., 3.
 verb (v. t.) To pursue. See Chase v. t.

chachalacanoun (n.) The Texan guan (Ortalis vetula).

chacmanoun (n.) A large species of African baboon (Cynocephalus porcarius); -- called also ursine baboon. [See Illust. of Baboon.]

chaconnenoun (n.) An old Spanish dance in moderate three-four measure, like the Passacaglia, which is slower. Both are used by classical composers as themes for variations.

chadnoun (n.) See Shad.

chaetetesnoun (n.) A genus of fossil corals, common in the lower Silurian limestones.

chaetiferousadjective (a.) Bearing setae.

chaetodontnoun (n.) A marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae. The chaetodonts have broad, compressed bodies, and usually bright colors.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Chaetodonts or the family Chaetodontidae.

chaetognathadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Chaetognatha.

chaetognathanoun (n. pl.) An order of free-swimming marine worms, of which the genus Sagitta is the type. They have groups of curved spines on each side of the head.

chaetopodnoun (n.) One of the Chaetopoda.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Chaetopoda.

chaetopodanoun (n. pl.) A very extensive order of Annelida, characterized by the presence of lateral setae, or spines, on most or all of the segments. They are divided into two principal groups: Oligochaeta, including the earthworms and allied forms, and Polychaeta, including most of the marine species.

chaetotaxynoun (n.) The arrangement of bristles on an insect.

chafingnoun (p pr. & vb. n.) of Chafe
 verb (v. t.) The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing.

chafenoun (n.) Heat excited by friction.
 noun (n.) Injury or wear caused by friction.
 noun (n.) Vexation; irritation of mind; rage.
 verb (v. t.) To excite heat in by friction; to rub in order to stimulate and make warm.
 verb (v. t.) To excite passion or anger in; to fret; to irritate.
 verb (v. t.) To fret and wear by rubbing; as, to chafe a cable.
 verb (v. i.) To rub; to come together so as to wear by rubbing; to wear by friction.
 verb (v. i.) To be worn by rubbing; as, a cable chafes.
 verb (v. i.) To have a feeling of vexation; to be vexed; to fret; to be irritated.

chafernoun (n.) One who chafes.
 noun (n.) A vessel for heating water; -- hence, a dish or pan.
 noun (n.) A kind of beetle; the cockchafer. The name is also applied to other species; as, the rose chafer.

chafewaxnoun (n.) Alt. of Chaffwax

chaffwaxnoun (n.) Formerly a chancery officer who fitted wax for sealing writs and other documents.

chafeweednoun (n.) The cudweed (Gnaphalium), used to prevent or cure chafing.

chaffnoun (n.) The glumes or husks of grains and grasses separated from the seed by threshing and winnowing, etc.
 noun (n.) Anything of a comparatively light and worthless character; the refuse part of anything.
 noun (n.) Straw or hay cut up fine for the food of cattle.
 noun (n.) Light jesting talk; banter; raillery.
 noun (n.) The scales or bracts on the receptacle, which subtend each flower in the heads of many Compositae, as the sunflower.
 verb (v. i.) To use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.
 verb (v. t.) To make fun of; to turn into ridicule by addressing in ironical or bantering language; to quiz.

chaffingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chaff
 noun (n.) The use of light, frivolous language by way of fun or ridicule; raillery; banter.

chaffernoun (n.) One who chaffs.
 noun (n.) Bargaining; merchandise.
 noun (n.) To treat or dispute about a purchase; to bargain; to haggle or higgle; to negotiate.
 noun (n.) To talk much and idly; to chatter.
 verb (v. t.) To buy or sell; to trade in.
 verb (v. t.) To exchange; to bandy, as words.

chafferingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chaffer

chafferernoun (n.) One who chaffers; a bargainer.

chafferynoun (n.) Traffic; bargaining.

chaffinchnoun (n.) A bird of Europe (Fringilla coelebs), having a variety of very sweet songs, and highly valued as a cage bird; -- called also copper finch.

chafflessadjective (a.) Without chaff.

chaffyadjective (a.) Abounding in, or resembling, chaff.
 adjective (a.) Light or worthless as chaff.
 adjective (a.) Resembling chaff; composed of light dry scales.
 adjective (a.) Bearing or covered with dry scales, as the under surface of certain ferns, or the disk of some composite flowers.

chagreennoun (n.) See Shagreen.

chagrinnoun (n.) Vexation; mortification.
 noun (n.) To excite ill-humor in; to vex; to mortify; as, he was not a little chagrined.
 adjective (a.) Chagrined.
 verb (v. i.) To be vexed or annoyed.

chargriningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chagrin

chainnoun (n.) A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion and transmission of mechanical power, etc.
 noun (n.) That which confines, fetters, or secures, as a chain; a bond; as, the chains of habit.
 noun (n.) A series of things linked together; or a series of things connected and following each other in succession; as, a chain of mountains; a chain of events or ideas.
 noun (n.) An instrument which consists of links and is used in measuring land.
 noun (n.) Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected with the shrouds; also, the channels.
 noun (n.) The warp threads of a web.
 verb (v. t.) To fasten, bind, or connect with a chain; to fasten or bind securely, as with a chain; as, to chain a bulldog.
 verb (v. t.) To keep in slavery; to enslave.
 verb (v. t.) To unite closely and strongly.
 verb (v. t.) To measure with the chain.
 verb (v. t.) To protect by drawing a chain across, as a harbor.

chainingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chain

chainlessadjective (a.) Having no chain; not restrained or fettered.

chainletnoun (n.) A small chain.

chainworknoun (n.) Work looped or linked after the manner of a chain; chain stitch work.

chairnoun (n.) A movable single seat with a back.
 noun (n.) An official seat, as of a chief magistrate or a judge, but esp. that of a professor; hence, the office itself.
 noun (n.) The presiding officer of an assembly; a chairman; as, to address the chair.
 noun (n.) A vehicle for one person; either a sedan borne upon poles, or two-wheeled carriage, drawn by one horse; a gig.
 noun (n.) An iron block used on railways to support the rails and secure them to the sleepers.
 verb (v. t.) To place in a chair.
 verb (v. t.) To carry publicly in a chair in triumph.

chairingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chair

chairmannoun (n.) The presiding officer of a committee, or of a public or private meeting, or of any organized body.
 noun (n.) One whose business it is to cary a chair or sedan.

chairmanshipnoun (n.) The office of a chairman of a meeting or organized body.

chaisenoun (n.) A two-wheeled carriage for two persons, with a calash top, and the body hung on leather straps, or thorough-braces. It is usually drawn by one horse.
 noun (n.) a carriage in general.

chajanoun (n.) The crested screamer of Brazil (Palamedea, / Chauna, chavaria), so called in imitation of its notes; -- called also chauna, and faithful kamichi. It is often domesticated and is useful in guarding other poultry. See Kamichi.

chalazanoun (n.) The place on an ovule, or seed, where its outer coats cohere with each other and the nucleus.
 noun (n.) A spiral band of thickened albuminous substance which exists in the white of the bird's egg, and serves to maintain the yolk in its position; the treadle.

chalazaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the chalaza.


English Words which starts with 'cha' and ends with 'idy':

English Words which starts with 'ch' and ends with 'dy':

chickabiddynoun (n.) A chicken; a fowl; also, a trivial term of endearment for a child.

chiropodynoun (n.) The art of treating diseases of the hands and feet.