Name Report For First Name CHRISTEENA:


First name CHRISTEENA's origin is English. CHRISTEENA means "variant of christiana. follower of christ". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with CHRISTEENA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of christeena.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with CHRISTEENA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with CHRISTEENA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming CHRISTEENA



NAMES RHYMING WITH CHRİSTEENA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 9 Letters (hristeena) - Names That Ends with hristeena:

Rhyming Names According to Last 8 Letters (risteena) - Names That Ends with risteena:


Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (isteena) - Names That Ends with isteena:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (steena) - Names That Ends with steena:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (teena) - Names That Ends with teena:


Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (eena) - Names That Ends with eena:

meena aghadreena aleena arleena ashleena breena charleena correena darleena deena doreena dreena eleena fineena jeena judeena kareena kathleena leena nareena noreena ameena queena sakeena sheena marleena

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ena) - Names That Ends with ena:

abena makena zena zwena alhena nena bozena methena athena celena irena philomena polyxena pyrena rena yalena kalena adena jardena allena elena filomena marilena jelena kwabena serena alena almundena analena andena angellena arlena asucena aurkena autena azucena azusena bena birdena buena charlena cholena christena collena cullodena cyrena daena dalena darena darlena defena dena duena earlena eilena ellena elvena ena francena galena helena ilena jaena jena jimena jolena jonathena jovena kemena kolena kristalena kristena

NAMES RHYMING WITH CHRİSTEENA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 9 Letters (christeen) - Names That Begins with christeen:


Rhyming Names According to First 8 Letters (christee) - Names That Begins with christee:

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (christe) - Names That Begins with christe:

christel christen christene

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (christ) - Names That Begins with christ:

christa christabel christal christan christana christanne christi christiaan christian christiana christiane christianna christiansen christie christien christina christine christofer christoffer christofferson christofor christophe christopher christos christy christyn

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (chris) - Names That Begins with chris:

chris chrisanna chrisanne chriselda chrisha chrissa chrissie chrissy

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (chri) - Names That Begins with chri:


Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (chr) - Names That Begins with chr:

chrysann chryseis chryses chrysostom chrystal chrystina

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ch) - Names That Begins with ch:

cha cha'akmongwi cha'kwaina cha'risa cha'tima chaba chabah chace chad chadburn chadburne chadbyrne chadwi chadwick chadwik chadwyk chafulumisa chaga chagai chaim chaisly chait chaitra chaka chakierra chalchiuitl chalina chalise chalmer chalmers chamorra chamunda chamyle chan chana chanah chanan chance chancellor chancey chanda chandara chandi chandler chandra chandria chane chanel chanell chanelle chaney chanler chann channa channe


First Names which starts with 'chri' and ends with 'eena':

First Names which starts with 'chr' and ends with 'ena':

First Names which starts with 'ch' and ends with 'na':

cherina chesna cheyanna chiana chianna china chu'mana chyna chynna

First Names which starts with 'c' and ends with 'a':

cacia cadda cadena cadencia cadenza cadha cadhla cadyna caedwalla caersewiella caffara caffaria cahira caira cairistiona cala calandra calandria calantha caldwiella caliana calida calinda calissa calista calleigha callia calliegha calligenia callista calvina calynda calysta camara cambria camelia camella camellia camila camilla camraya candida candra cantara capeka caprina capucina cara caressa carilla carina carisa carissa carla carlaisa carletta carlita carlota carlotta carma carmela carmelina carmelita carmella carmencita carmia carmina carmita carmya carola caroliana carolina carona carressa carrola cartimandua casandra casimira cassandra cassiopeia cassondra casta castalia catalina catarina caterina cathenna cathia catia catriona cavana

English Words Rhyming CHRISTEENA



Rhyming Words According to Last 9 Letters (hristeena) - English Words That Ends with hristeena:

Rhyming Words According to Last 8 Letters (risteena) - English Words That Ends with risteena:

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (isteena) - English Words That Ends with isteena:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (steena) - English Words That Ends with steena:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (teena) - English Words That Ends with teena:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (eena) - English Words That Ends with eena:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ena) - English Words That Ends with ena:

amphisbaenanoun (n.) A fabled serpent with a head at each end, moving either way.
 noun (n.) A genus of harmless lizards, serpentlike in form, without legs, and with both ends so much alike that they appear to have a head at each, and ability to move either way. See Illustration in Appendix.

antilegomenanoun (n. pl.) Certain books of the New Testament which were for a time not universally received, but which are now considered canonical. These are the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James and Jude, the second Epistle of Peter, the second and third Epistles of John, and the Revelation. The undisputed books are called the Homologoumena.

arenanoun (n.) The area in the central part of an amphitheater, in which the gladiators fought and other shows were exhibited; -- so called because it was covered with sand.
 noun (n.) Any place of public contest or exertion; any sphere of action; as, the arenaof debate; the arena of life.
 noun (n.) "Sand" or "gravel" in the kidneys.

avenanoun (n.) A genus of grasses, including the common oat (Avena sativa); the oat grasses.

cantilenanoun (n.) See Cantabile.

catenanoun (n.) A chain or series of things connected with each other.

coralligenanoun (n. pl.) Same as Anthozoa.

dracaenanoun (n.) A genus of liliaceous plants with woody stems and funnel-shaped flowers.

dreissenanoun (n.) A genus of bivalve shells of which one species (D. polymorpha) is often so abundant as to be very troublesome in the fresh waters of Europe.

galenanoun (n.) A remedy or antidose for poison; theriaca.
 noun (n.) Lead sulphide; the principal ore of lead. It is of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, and is cubic in crystallization and cleavage.

helenanoun (n.) See St. Elmo's fire, under Saint.

homologoumenanoun (n. pl.) Those books of the New Testament which were acknowledged as canonical by the early church; -- distinguished from antilegomena.

hyaenanoun (n.) Same as Hyena.

hyenanoun (n.) Any carnivorous mammal of the family Hyaenidae, of which three living species are known. They are large and strong, but cowardly. They feed chiefly on carrion, and are nocturnal in their habits.

ingenanoun (n.) The gorilla.

lagenanoun (n.) The terminal part of the cochlea in birds and most reptiles; an appendage of the sacculus, corresponding to the cochlea, in fishes and amphibians.

lenanoun (n.) A procuress.

marenanoun (n.) A European whitefish of the genus Coregonus.

melaenanoun (n.) A discharge from the bowels of black matter, consisting of altered blood.

melenanoun (n.) See Melaena.

modenanoun (n.) A certain crimsonlike color.

molybdenanoun (n.) See Molybdenite.

muraenanoun (n.) A genus of large eels of the family Miraenidae. They differ from the common eel in lacking pectoral fins and in having the dorsal and anal fins continuous. The murry (Muraena Helenae) of Southern Europe was the muraena of the Romans. It is highly valued as a food fish.

ozenanoun (n.) A discharge of fetid matter from the nostril, particularly if associated with ulceration of the soft parts and disease of the bones of the nose.

patenanoun (n.) A paten.
 noun (n.) A grassy expanse in the hill region of Ceylon.

phagedenanoun (n.) A canine appetite; bulimia.
 noun (n.) Spreading, obstinate ulceration.

phalaenanoun (n.) A linnaean genus which included the moths in general.

philopenanoun (n.) A present or gift which is made as a forfeit in a social game that is played in various ways; also, the game itself.

pyrenanoun (n.) A nutlet resembling a seed, or the kernel of a drupe.

scenanoun (n.) A scene in an opera.
 noun (n.) An accompanied dramatic recitative, interspersed with passages of melody, or followed by a full aria.

subpenanoun (n. & v. t.) See Subpoena.

subpoenanoun (n.) A writ commanding the attendance in court, as a witness, of the person on whom it is served, under a penalty; the process by which a defendant in equity is commanded to appear and answer the plaintiff's bill.
 verb (v. t.) To serve with a writ of subpoena; to command attendance in court by a legal writ, under a penalty in case of disobedience.

venanoun (n.) A vein.

verbenanoun (n.) A genus of herbaceous plants of which several species are extensively cultivated for the great beauty of their flowers; vervain.


Rhyming Words According to First 9 Letters (christeen) - Words That Begins with christeen:

Rhyming Words According to First 8 Letters (christee) - Words That Begins with christee:

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (christe) - Words That Begins with christe:

christeningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Christen

christendomnoun (n.) The profession of faith in Christ by baptism; hence, the Christian religion, or the adoption of it.
 noun (n.) The name received at baptism; or, more generally, any name or appelation.
 noun (n.) That portion of the world in which Christianity prevails, or which is governed under Christian institutions, in distinction from heathen or Mohammedan lands.
 noun (n.) The whole body of Christians.

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (christ) - Words That Begins with christ:

christnoun (n.) The Anointed; an appellation given to Jesus, the Savior. It is synonymous with the Hebrew Messiah.

christcrossnoun (n.) The mark of the cross, as cut, painted, written, or stamped on certain objects, -- sometimes as the sign of 12 o'clock on a dial.
 noun (n.) The beginning and the ending.

christiannoun (n.) One who believes, or professes or is assumed to believe, in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him; especially, one whose inward and outward life is conformed to the doctrines of Christ.
 noun (n.) One born in a Christian country or of Christian parents, and who has not definitely becomes an adherent of an opposing system.
 noun (n.) One of a Christian denomination which rejects human creeds as bases of fellowship, and sectarian names. They are congregational in church government, and baptize by immersion. They are also called Disciples of Christ, and Campbellites.
 noun (n.) One of a sect (called Christian Connection) of open-communion immersionists. The Bible is their only authoritative rule of faith and practice.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to Christ or his religion; as, Christian people.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the church; ecclesiastical; as, a Christian court.
 adjective (a.) Characteristic of Christian people; civilized; kind; kindly; gentle; beneficent.

christianismnoun (n.) The Christian religion.
 noun (n.) The Christian world; Christendom.

christianitenoun (n.) Same as Anorthite.
 noun (n.) See Phillipsite.

christianitynoun (n.) The religion of Christians; the system of doctrines and precepts taught by Christ.
 noun (n.) Practical conformity of one's inward and outward life to the spirit of the Christian religion
 noun (n.) The body of Christian believers.

christianizationnoun (n.) The act or process of converting or being converted to a true Christianity.

christianizingnoun (p. pr. vb. n.) of Christianize

christianlikeadjective (a.) Becoming to a Christian.

christianlyadjective (a.) Christianlike.
 adverb (adv.) In a manner becoming the principles of the Christian religion.

christiannessnoun (n.) Consonance with the doctrines of Christianity.

christlessadjective (a.) Without faith in Christ; unchristian.

christlikeadjective (a.) Resembling Christ in character, actions, etc.

christlyadjective (a.) Christlike.

christmasnoun (n.) An annual church festival (December 25) and in some States a legal holiday, in memory of the birth of Christ, often celebrated by a particular church service, and also by special gifts, greetings, and hospitality.

christmastidenoun (n.) The season of Christmas.

christocentricadjective (a.) Making Christ the center, about whom all things are grouped, as in religion or history; tending toward Christ, as the central object of thought or emotion.

christologynoun (n.) A treatise on Christ; that department of theology which treats of the personality, attributes, or life of Christ.

christomnoun (n.) See Chrisom.

christophanynoun (n.) An appearance of Christ, as to his disciples after the crucifixion.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (chris) - Words That Begins with chris:

chrismnoun (n.) Olive oil mixed with balm and spices, consecrated by the bishop on Maundy Thursday, and used in the administration of baptism, confirmation, ordination, etc.
 noun (n.) The same as Chrisom.

chrismaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to or used in chrism.

chrismationnoun (n.) The act of applying the chrism, or consecrated oil.

chrismatorynoun (n.) A cruet or vessel in which chrism is kept.

chrisomnoun (n.) A white cloth, anointed with chrism, or a white mantle thrown over a child when baptized or christened.
 noun (n.) A child which died within a month after its baptism; -- so called from the chrisom cloth which was used as a shroud for it.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (chri) - Words That Begins with chri:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (chr) - Words That Begins with chr:

chrematisticsnoun (n.) The science of wealth; the science, or a branch of the science, of political economy.

chreotechnicsnoun (n.) The science of the useful arts, esp. agriculture, manufactures, and commerce.

chrestomathicadjective (a.) Teaching what is useful.

chrestomathynoun (n.) A selection of passages, with notes, etc., to be used in acquiring a language; as, a Hebrew chrestomathy.

chromascopenoun (n.) An instrument for showing the optical effects of color.

chromatenoun (n.) A salt of chromic acid.

chromaticadjective (a.) Relating to color, or to colors.
 adjective (a.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or semitones) of the scale, instead of the regular intervals of the diatonic scale.

chromaticaladjective (a.) Chromatic.

chromaticsnoun (n.) The science of colors; that part of optics which treats of the properties of colors.

chromatinnoun (n.) Tissue which is capable of being stained by dyes.
 noun (n.) The deeply staining substance of the nucleus and chromosomes of cells, now supposed to be the physical basis of inheritance, and generally regarded as the same substance as the hypothetical idioplasm or germ plasm.

chromatismnoun (n.) The state of being colored, as in the case of images formed by a lens.
 noun (n.) An abnormal coloring of plants.

chromatogenousadjective (a.) Producing color.

chromatographynoun (n.) A treatise on colors

chromatologynoun (n.) A treatise on colors.

chromatophorenoun (n.) A contractile cell or vesicle containing liquid pigment and capable of changing its form or size, thus causing changes of color in the translucent skin of such animals as possess them. They are highly developed and numerous in the cephalopods.
 noun (n.) One of the granules of protoplasm, which in mass give color to the part of the plant containing them.

chromatoscopenoun (n.) A reflecting telescope, part of which is made to rotate eccentrically, so as to produce a ringlike image of a star, instead of a point; -- used in studying the scintillation of the stars.

chromatospherenoun (n.) A chromosphere.

chromatropenoun (n.) An instrument for exhibiting certain chromatic effects of light (depending upon the persistence of vision and mixture of colors) by means of rapidly rotating disks variously colored.
 noun (n.) A device in a magic lantern or stereopticon to produce kaleidoscopic effects.

chromatypenoun (n.) A colored photographic picture taken upon paper made sensitive with potassium bichromate or some other salt of chromium.
 noun (n.) The process by which such picture is made.

chromenoun (n.) Same as Chromium.
 noun (n.) To treat with a solution of potassium bichromate, as in dyeing.

chromicadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, chromium; -- said of the compounds of chromium in which it has its higher valence.

chromidnoun (n.) One of the Chromidae, a family of fresh-water fishes abundant in the tropical parts of America and Africa. Some are valuable food fishes, as the bulti of the Nile.

chromidrosisnoun (n.) Secretion of abnormally colored perspiration.

chromismnoun (n.) Same as Chromatism.

chromitenoun (n.) A black submetallic mineral consisting of oxide of chromium and iron; -- called also chromic iron.
 noun (n.) A compound or salt of chromous hydroxide regarded as an acid.

chromiumnoun (n.) A comparatively rare element occurring most abundantly in the mineral chromite. Atomic weight 52.5. Symbol Cr. When isolated it is a hard, brittle, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty. Its chief commercial importance is for its compounds, as potassium chromate, lead chromate, etc., which are brilliantly colored and are used dyeing and calico printing. Called also chrome.

chromonoun (n.) A chromolithograph.

chromoblastnoun (n.) An embryonic cell which develops into a pigment cell.

chromogenicadjective (a.) Containing, or capable of forming, chromogen; as, chromogenic bacteria.

chromographnoun (n.) An apparatus by which a number of copies of written matter, maps, plans, etc., can be made; -- called also hectograph.

chromoleucitenoun (n.) A chromoplastid.

chromolithographnoun (n.) A picture printed in tints and colors by repeated impressions from a series of stones prepared by the lithographic process.

chromolithographernoun (n.) One who is engaged in chromolithography.

chromolithographicadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or made by, chromolithography.

chromolithographynoun (n.) Lithography adapted to printing in inks of various colors.

chromophanenoun (n.) A general name for the several coloring matters, red, green, yellow, etc., present in the inner segments in the cones of the retina, held in solution by fats, and slowly decolorized by light; distinct from the photochemical pigments of the rods of the retina.

chromophorenoun (n.) Any chemical group or residue (as NO2; N2; or O2) which imparts some decided color to the compound of which it is an ingredient.

chromophotographynoun (n.) The art of producing photographs in colors.

chromophotolithographnoun (n.) A photolithograph printed in colors.

chromoplastidnoun (n.) A protoplasmic granule of some other color than green; -- also called chromoleucite.

chromosomenoun (n.) One of the minute bodies into which the chromatin of the nucleus is resolved during mitotic cell division; the idant of Weismann.

chromospherenoun (n.) An atmosphere of rare matter, composed principally of incandescent hydrogen gas, surrounding the sun and enveloping the photosphere. Portions of the chromosphere are here and there thrown up into enormous tongues of flame.

chromosphericadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the chromosphere.

chromotypenoun (n.) A sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph. See Chromolithograph.
 noun (n.) A photographic picture in the natural colors.

chromousadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or derived from, chromium, when this element has a valence lower than that in chromic compounds.

chromulenoun (n.) A general name for coloring matter of plants other than chlorophyll, especially that of petals.

chronicadjective (a.) Relating to time; according to time.
 adjective (a.) Continuing for a long time; lingering; habitual.

chronicaladjective (a.) Chronic.

chroniclenoun (n.) An historical register or account of facts or events disposed in the order of time.
 noun (n.) A narrative of events; a history; a record.
 noun (n.) The two canonical books of the Old Testament in which immediately follow 2 Kings.
 verb (v. t.) To record in a history or chronicle; to record; to register.

chroniclingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Chronicle


English Words which starts with 'chri' and ends with 'eena':

English Words which starts with 'chr' and ends with 'ena':

English Words which starts with 'ch' and ends with 'na':

chinanoun (n.) A country in Eastern Asia.
 noun (n.) China ware, which is the modern popular term for porcelain. See Porcelain.