Name Report For First Name SEENTAHNA:


First name SEENTAHNA's origin is Indian. SEENTAHNA means "strangth and courage". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with SEENTAHNA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of seentahna.(Brown names are of the same origin (Indian) with SEENTAHNA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with SEENTAHNA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming SEENTAHNA



NAMES RHYMING WITH SEENTAHNA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 8 Letters (eentahna) - Names That Ends with eentahna:

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (entahna) - Names That Ends with entahna:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (ntahna) - Names That Ends with ntahna:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (tahna) - Names That Ends with tahna:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (ahna) - Names That Ends with ahna:

diahna kiahna tiahna

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (hna) - Names That Ends with hna:

zihna aghna dymphna eithna ethna trishna daphna

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (na) - Names That Ends with na:

abena adanna asmina ayana crispina fana hasana hasina makena tarana uchenna urenna zahina zena zwena alhena hana rihana sana' thana' aitana epona agana inina nena raina bozena jana jirina abellona gelsomina fukayna levina jaakkina jaana katariina durandana falerina methena nanna cairistiona catriona ghleanna kyna armina johanna katharina luana aegina aetna akilina alcina aretina athena celena corinna desmona echidna filipina ilona irena ivanna jarina luigina philana philomena polyxena pyrena rena stephana syna trina yalena iolana kaimana kalena kekona keona kina kona mahina malana mana moana oliana olina adamina adena ivana jardena

NAMES RHYMING WITH SEENTAHNA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 8 Letters (seentahn) - Names That Begins with seentahn:

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (seentah) - Names That Begins with seentah:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (seenta) - Names That Begins with seenta:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (seent) - Names That Begins with seent:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (seen) - Names That Begins with seen:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (see) - Names That Begins with see:

seely seeton

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (se) - Names That Begins with se:

seabert seabrig seabright seabroc seabrook seaburt seadon seafra seafraid seager seaghda sealey seamere seamus sean seana seanachan seanan seanlaoch seanna searbhreathach searlait searlas searle searlus seaton seaver seaward seb sebak sebasten sebastene sebastian sebastiana sebastiano sebastien sebastiene sebastienne sebastyn sebe seber sebert sebestyen sebille sebo secg secgwic sechet seda sedge sedgeley sedgewic sedgewick sedgewik sefton sefu segar segenam seger segulah segunda segundo seif seignour seiji sein seina seireadan sekai sekani sekhet sekou sela selam selamawit selassie selassiee selby selden seldon sele seleby selena selene seleta selig selik selima selina selk selma selvyn selwin selwine selwyn semadar semele semira


First Names which starts with 'seen' and ends with 'ahna':

First Names which starts with 'see' and ends with 'hna':

First Names which starts with 'se' and ends with 'na':

senona serafina seraphina serefina serena

First Names which starts with 's' and ends with 'a':

saa saada saadya saba sabana sabina sabiya sabola sabra sabria sabrina sadaka sadhbba sadira safa safia safiya sagira sahara saida saina sakeena sakima sakra sakujna sakura salama salbatora saleema salma saloma salvadora salvatora salwa samantha samara sameeha sameera samira samoanna samuela samuka samvarta sanaa sancha sancia sanda sandhya sandra sanjna sanora sanura sanya sapphira sara sarama sarika sarina sarisha sarita sasa sasha saskia sativola saturnina sauda saumya saura savanna savarna saxona saxonia sayda sbtinka scadwiella scota scotia scowyrhta scylla senalda senora senta seorsa serenata serhilda serihilda serilda setanta settarra sha-mia shabaka shada shadha shadia shaela

English Words Rhyming SEENTAHNA



Rhyming Words According to Last 8 Letters (eentahna) - English Words That Ends with eentahna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (entahna) - English Words That Ends with entahna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (ntahna) - English Words That Ends with ntahna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (tahna) - English Words That Ends with tahna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ahna) - English Words That Ends with ahna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (hna) - English Words That Ends with hna:

krishnanoun (n.) The most popular of the Hindoo divinities, usually held to be the eighth incarnation of the god Vishnu.

mischnanoun (n.) See Mishna.

mishnanoun (n.) A collection or digest of Jewish traditions and explanations of Scripture, forming the text of the Talmud.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SEENTAHNA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 8 Letters (seentahn) - Words That Begins with seentahn:

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (seentah) - Words That Begins with seentah:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (seenta) - Words That Begins with seenta:

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (seent) - Words That Begins with seent:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (seen) - Words That Begins with seen:

seenadjective (a.) Versed; skilled; accomplished.
  (p. p.) of See
  () p. p. of See.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (see) - Words That Begins with see:

seenoun (n.) A seat; a site; a place where sovereign power is exercised.
 noun (n.) Specifically: (a) The seat of episcopal power; a diocese; the jurisdiction of a bishop; as, the see of New York. (b) The seat of an archibishop; a province or jurisdiction of an archibishop; as, an archiepiscopal see. (c) The seat, place, or office of the pope, or Roman pontiff; as, the papal see. (d) The pope or his court at Rome; as, to appeal to the see of Rome.
 verb (v. t.) To perceive by the eye; to have knowledge of the existence and apparent qualities of by the organs of sight; to behold; to descry; to view.
 verb (v. t.) To perceive by mental vision; to form an idea or conception of; to note with the mind; to observe; to discern; to distinguish; to understand; to comprehend; to ascertain.
 verb (v. t.) To follow with the eyes, or as with the eyes; to watch; to regard attentivelly; to look after.
 verb (v. t.) To have an interview with; especially, to make a call upon; to visit; as, to go to see a friend.
 verb (v. t.) To fall in with; to have intercourse or communication with; hence, to have knowledge or experience of; as, to see military service.
 verb (v. t.) To accompany in person; to escort; to wait upon; as, to see one home; to see one aboard the cars.
 verb (v. i.) To have the power of sight, or of perceiving by the proper organs; to possess or employ the sense of vision; as, he sees distinctly.
 verb (v. i.) Figuratively: To have intellectual apprehension; to perceive; to know; to understand; to discern; -- often followed by a preposition, as through, or into.
 verb (v. i.) To be attentive; to take care; to give heed; -- generally with to; as, to see to the house.
 verb (v. t.) In poker and similar games at cards, to meet (a bet), or to equal the bet of (a player), by staking the same sum.

seeingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of See
  (conj. (but originally a present participle)) In view of the fact (that); considering; taking into account (that); insmuch as; since; because; -- followed by a dependent clause; as, he did well, seeing that he was so young.

seednoun (n.) A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant.
 noun (n.) Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed.
 noun (n.) The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; -- not used in the plural.
 noun (n.) That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice.
 noun (n.) The principle of production.
 noun (n.) Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David.
 noun (n.) Race; generation; birth.
 verb (v. t.) To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field.
 verb (v. t.) To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations.
  (pl. ) of Seed

seedingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Seed

seedboxnoun (n.) A capsule.
 noun (n.) A plant (Ludwigia alternifolia) which has somewhat cubical or box-shaped capsules.

seedcakenoun (n.) A sweet cake or cooky containing aromatic seeds, as caraway.

seedcodnoun (n.) A seedlip.

seedernoun (n.) One who, or that which, sows or plants seed.

seedinessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being seedy, shabby, or worn out; a state of wretchedness or exhaustion.

seedlessadjective (a.) Without seed or seeds.

seedlingnoun (n.) A plant reared from the seed, as distinguished from one propagated by layers, buds, or the like.

seedlipnoun (n.) Alt. of Seedlop

seedlopnoun (n.) A vessel in which a sower carries the seed to be scattered.

seednessnoun (n.) Seedtime.

seedsmannoun (n.) A sower; one who sows or scatters seed.
 noun (n.) A person who deals in seeds.

seedtimenoun (n.) The season proper for sowing.

seekadjective (a.) Sick.
 verb (v. t.) To go in search of; to look for; to search for; to try to find.
 verb (v. t.) To inquire for; to ask for; to solicit; to bessech.
 verb (v. t.) To try to acquire or gain; to strive after; to aim at; as, to seek wealth or fame; to seek one's life.
 verb (v. t.) To try to reach or come to; to go to; to resort to.
 verb (v. i.) To make search or inquiry: to endeavor to make discovery.

seekingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Seek

seekernoun (n.) One who seeks; that which is used in seeking or searching.
 noun (n.) One of a small heterogeneous sect of the 17th century, in Great Britain, who professed to be seeking the true church, ministry, and sacraments.

seelingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Seel
 noun (n.) The rolling or agitation of a ship in a storm.

seelnoun (n.) Alt. of Seeling
 noun (n.) Good fortune; favorable opportunity; prosperity. [Obs.] "So have I seel".
 noun (n.) Time; season; as, hay seel.
 verb (v. t.) To close the eyes of (a hawk or other bird) by drawing through the lids threads which were fastened over the head.
 verb (v. t.) Hence, to shut or close, as the eyes; to blind.
 verb (v. i.) To incline to one side; to lean; to roll, as a ship at sea.

seelyadjective (a.) See Silly.

seemingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Seem
 noun (n.) Appearance; show; semblance; fair appearance; speciousness.
 noun (n.) Apprehension; judgment.
 adjective (a.) Having a semblance, whether with or without reality; apparent; specious; befitting; as, seeming friendship; seeming truth.

seemadjective (a.) To appear, or to appear to be; to have a show or semblance; to present an appearance; to look; to strike one's apprehension or fancy as being; to be taken as.
 verb (v. t.) To befit; to beseem.

seemernoun (n.) One who seems; one who carries or assumes an appearance or semblance.

seemingnessnoun (n.) Semblance; fair appearance; plausibility.

seemlessadjective (a.) Unseemly.

seemlinessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being seemly: comeliness; propriety.

seemlyhednoun (n.) Comely or decent appearance.

seepagenoun (n.) Alt. of Sipage
 noun (n.) The act or process of seeping; percolation.

seepyadjective (a.) Alt. of Sipy

seernoun (n.) One who sees.
 noun (n.) A person who foresees events; a prophet.
 adjective (a.) Sore; painful.

seeressnoun (n.) A female seer; a prophetess.

seerfishnoun (n.) A scombroid food fish of Madeira (Cybium Commersonii).

seerhandnoun (n.) A kind of muslin of a texture between nainsook and mull.

seershipnoun (n.) The office or quality of a seer.

seersuckernoun (n.) A light fabric, originally made in the East Indies, of silk and linen, usually having alternating stripes, and a slightly craped or puckered surface; also, a cotton fabric of similar appearance.

seerwoodnoun (n.) Dry wood.

seesawnoun (n.) A play among children in which they are seated upon the opposite ends of a plank which is balanced in the middle, and move alternately up and down.
 noun (n.) A plank or board adjusted for this play.
 noun (n.) A vibratory or reciprocating motion.
 noun (n.) Same as Crossruff.
 adjective (a.) Moving up and down, or to and fro; having a reciprocating motion.
 verb (v. i.) To move with a reciprocating motion; to move backward and forward, or upward and downward.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to move backward and forward in seesaw fashion.

seesawingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Seesaw

seethingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Seethe

seethenoun (n.) To decoct or prepare for food in hot liquid; to boil; as, to seethe flesh.
 verb (v. i.) To be a state of ebullition or violent commotion; to be hot; to boil.

seethernoun (n.) A pot for boiling things; a boiler.

seecatchnoun (n.) A full-grown male fur seal.


English Words which starts with 'seen' and ends with 'ahna':

English Words which starts with 'see' and ends with 'hna':

English Words which starts with 'se' and ends with 'na':

semolinanoun (n.) The fine, hard parts of wheat, rounded by the attrition of the millstones, -- used in cookery.

sennanoun (n.) The leaves of several leguminous plants of the genus Cassia. (C. acutifolia, C. angustifolia, etc.). They constitute a valuable but nauseous cathartic medicine.
 noun (n.) The plants themselves, native to the East, but now cultivated largely in the south of Europe and in the West Indies.

seraphinanoun (n.) A seraphine.