First Names Rhyming SKYLLER
English Words Rhyming SKYLLER
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SKYLLER (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (kyller) - English Words That Ends with kyller:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (yller) - English Words That Ends with yller:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ller) - English Words That Ends with ller:
aller | adjective (a.) Of all; -- used in composition; as, alderbest, best of all, alderwisest, wisest of all. |
| adjective (a.) Same as Alder, of all. |
annuller | noun (n.) One who annuls. |
bookseller | noun (n.) One who sells books. |
bordeller | noun (n.) A keeper or a frequenter of a brothel. |
caballer | noun (n.) One who cabals. |
caller | noun (n.) One who calls. |
| adjective (a.) Cool; refreshing; fresh; as, a caller day; the caller air. |
| adjective (a.) Fresh; in good condition; as, caller berrings. |
caviller | noun (n.) One who cavils. |
compeller | noun (n.) One who compels or constrains. |
controller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, controls or restraines; one who has power or authority to regulate or control; one who governs. |
| noun (n.) An officer appointed to keep a counter register of accounts, or to examine, rectify, or verify accounts. |
| noun (n.) An iron block, usually bolted to a ship's deck, for controlling the running out of a chain cable. The links of the cable tend to drop into hollows in the block, and thus hold fast until disengaged. |
| noun (n.) Any electric device for controlling a circuit or system; |
| noun (n.) An electromagnet, excited by the main current, for throwing a regulator magnet into or out of circuit in an automatic device for constant current regulation. |
| noun (n.) A kind of multiple switch for gradually admitting the current to, or shutting it off from, an electric motor; as, a car controller for an electric railway car. |
| noun (n.) A lever controlling the speed of an engine; -- applied esp. to the lever governing a throttle valve, as of a steam or gasoline engine, esp. on an automobile. |
cornsheller | noun (n.) A machine that separates the kernels of corn from the cob. |
cruller | noun (n.) A kind of sweet cake cut in strips and curled or twisted, and fried crisp in boiling fat. |
culler | noun (n.) One who picks or chooses; esp., an inspector who selects wares suitable for market. |
disannuller | noun (n.) One who disannuls. |
distiller | noun (n.) One who distills; esp., one who extracts alcoholic liquors by distillation. |
| noun (n.) The condenser of a distilling apparatus. |
dramseller | noun (n.) One who sells distilled liquors by the dram or glass. |
driller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, drills. |
droller | noun (n.) A jester; a droll. |
duller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, dulls. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Dull |
dweller | noun (n.) An inhabitant; a resident; as, a cave dweller. |
enroller | noun (n.) One who enrolls or registers. |
expeller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, expels. |
extoller | noun (n.) One who extols; one who praises. |
faller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, falls. |
| noun (n.) A part which acts by falling, as a stamp in a fulling mill, or the device in a spinning machine to arrest motion when a thread breaks. |
feller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, fells, knocks or cuts down; a machine for felling trees. |
| noun (n.) An appliance to a sewing machine for felling a seam. |
filler | noun (n.) One who, or that which, fills; something used for filling. |
| noun (n.) A thill horse. |
| noun (n.) A composition, as of powdered silica and oil, used to fill the pores and grain of wood before applying paint, varnish, etc. |
| noun (n.) Any standing tree or standard higher than the surrounding coppice in the form of forest known as coppice under standards. Chiefly used in the pl. |
finestiller | noun (n.) One who finestills. |
forestaller | noun (n.) One who forestalls; esp., one who forestalls the market. |
foreteller | noun (n.) One who predicts. |
fulfiller | noun (n.) One who fulfills. |
fuller | adjective (a.) A die; a half-round set hammer, used for forming grooves and spreading iron; -- called also a creaser. |
| verb (v. t.) One whose occupation is to full cloth. |
| verb (v. t.) To form a groove or channel in, by a fuller or set hammer; as, to fuller a bayonet. |
guller | noun (n.) One who gulls; a deceiver. |
huller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, hulls; especially, an agricultural machine for removing the hulls from grain; a hulling machine. |
impeller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, impels. |
indweller | noun (n.) An inhabitant. |
instiller | noun (n.) One who instills. |
killer | noun (n.) One who deprives of life; one who, or that which, kills. |
| noun (n.) A voracious, toothed whale of the genus Orca, of which several species are known. |
knoller | noun (n.) One who tolls a bell. |
kruller | noun (n.) See Cruller. |
logroller | noun (n.) One who engages in logrolling. |
loller | noun (n.) One who lolls. |
| noun (n.) An idle vagabond. |
| noun (n.) A Lollard. |
luller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, lulls. |
manqueller | noun (n.) A killer of men; a manslayer. |
miller | noun (n.) One who keeps or attends a flour mill or gristmill. |
| noun (n.) A milling machine. |
| noun (n.) A moth or lepidopterous insect; -- so called because the wings appear as if covered with white dust or powder, like a miller's clothes. Called also moth miller. |
| noun (n.) The eagle ray. |
| noun (n.) The hen harrier. |
muller | noun (n.) One who, or that which, mulls. |
| noun (n.) A vessel in which wine, etc., is mulled over a fire. |
| noun (n.) A stone or thick lump of glass, or kind of pestle, flat at the bottom, used for grinding pigments or drugs, etc., upon a slab of similar material. |
outdweller | noun (n.) One who holds land in a parish, but lives elsewhere. |
queller | noun (n.) A killer; as, Jack the Giant Queller. |
| noun (n.) One who quells; one who overpowers or subdues. |
| noun (n.) A killer; as, Jack the Giant Queller. |
| noun (n.) One who quells; one who overpowers or subdues. |
piller | noun (n.) One who pills or plunders. |
poller | noun (n.) One who polls; specifically: (a) One who polls or lops trees. (b) One who polls or cuts hair; a barber. [R.] (c) One who extorts or plunders. [Obs.] Baex. (d) One who registplws votplws, or one who enters his name as a voter. |
posttiller | noun (n.) See Postiler. |
proller | noun (n.) Prowler; thief. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ler) - English Words That Ends with ler:
abler | adjective (a.) comp. of Able. |
| superlative (a.) superl. of Able. |
ambler | noun (n.) A horse or a person that ambles. |
angler | noun (n.) One who angles. |
| noun (n.) A fish (Lophius piscatorius), of Europe and America, having a large, broad, and depressed head, with the mouth very large. Peculiar appendages on the head are said to be used to entice fishes within reach. Called also fishing frog, frogfish, toadfish, goosefish, allmouth, monkfish, etc. |
annealer | noun (n.) One who, or that which, anneals. |
annueler | noun (n.) A priest employed in saying annuals, or anniversary Masses. |
antiguggler | noun (n.) A crooked tube of metal, to be introduced into the neck of a bottle for drawing out the liquid without disturbing the sediment or causing a gurgling noise. |
antler | noun (n.) The entire horn, or any branch of the horn, of a cervine animal, as of a stag. |
appealer | noun (n.) One who makes an appeal. |
archbutler | noun (n.) A chief butler; -- an officer of the German empire. |
ashler | noun (n.) Hewn or squared stone; also, masonry made of squared or hewn stone. |
| noun (n.) In the United States especially, a thin facing of squared and dressed stone upon a wall of rubble or brick. |
assailer | noun (n.) One who assails. |
assembler | noun (n.) One who assembles a number of individuals; also, one of a number assembled. |
babbler | noun (n.) An idle talker; an irrational prater; a teller of secrets. |
| noun (n.) A hound too noisy on finding a good scent. |
| noun (n.) A name given to any one of family (Timalinae) of thrushlike birds, having a chattering note. |
backsettler | noun (n.) One living in the back or outlying districts of a community. |
baffler | noun (n.) One who, or that which, baffles. |
bailer | noun (n.) See Bailor. |
| noun (n.) One who bails or lades. |
| noun (n.) A utensil, as a bucket or cup, used in bailing; a machine for bailing water out of a pit. |
bamboozler | noun (n.) A swindler; one who deceives by trickery. |
batfowler | noun (n.) One who practices or finds sport in batfowling. |
batteler | noun (n.) Alt. of Battler |
battler | noun (n.) A student at Oxford who is supplied with provisions from the buttery; formerly, one who paid for nothing but what he called for, answering nearly to a sizar at Cambridge. |
bawler | noun (n.) One who bawls. |
beguiler | noun (n.) One who, or that which, beguiles. |
besprinkler | noun (n.) One who, or that which, besprinkles. |
bewailer | noun (n.) One who bewails or laments. |
bicycler | noun (n.) One who rides a bicycle. |
blackmailer | noun (n.) One who extorts, or endeavors to extort, money, by black mailing. |
boggler | noun (n.) One who boggles. |
boiler | noun (n.) One who boils. |
| noun (n.) A vessel in which any thing is boiled. |
| noun (n.) A strong metallic vessel, usually of wrought iron plates riveted together, or a composite structure variously formed, in which steam is generated for driving engines, or for heating, cooking, or other purposes. |
| noun (n.) A sunken reef; esp., a coral reef on which the sea breaks heavily. |
bottler | noun (n.) One who bottles wine, beer, soda water, etc. |
bowler | noun (n.) One who plays at bowls, or who rolls the ball in cricket or any other game. |
| noun (n.) A derby hat. |
brabbler | noun (n.) A clamorous, quarrelsome, noisy fellow; a wrangler. |
brangler | noun (n.) A quarrelsome person. |
brawler | noun (n.) One that brawls; wrangler. |
bridler | noun (n.) One who bridles; one who restrains and governs, as with a bridle. |
broiler | noun (n.) One who excites broils; one who engages in or promotes noisy quarrels. |
| noun (n.) One who broils, or cooks by broiling. |
| noun (n.) A gridiron or other utensil used in broiling. |
| noun (n.) A chicken or other bird fit for broiling. |
brotheler | noun (n.) One who frequents brothels. |
bubbler | noun (n.) One who cheats. |
| noun (n.) A fish of the Ohio river; -- so called from the noise it makes. |
| verb (v. t.) To cheat; to deceive. |
buckler | noun (n.) A kind of shield, of various shapes and sizes, worn on one of the arms (usually the left) for protecting the front of the body. |
| noun (n.) One of the large, bony, external plates found on many ganoid fishes. |
| noun (n.) The anterior segment of the shell of trilobites. |
| noun (n.) A block of wood or plate of iron made to fit a hawse hole, or the circular opening in a half-port, to prevent water from entering when the vessel pitches. |
| verb (v. t.) To shield; to defend. |
bugler | noun (n.) One who plays on a bugle. |
bungler | noun (n.) A clumsy, awkward workman; one who bungles. |
burler | noun (n.) One who burls or dresses cloth. |
bustler | noun (n.) An active, stirring person. |
butler | noun (n.) An officer in a king's or a nobleman's household, whose principal business it is to take charge of the liquors, plate, etc.; the head servant in a large house. |
cabbler | noun (n.) One who works at cabbling. |
cackler | noun (n.) A fowl that cackles. |
| noun (n.) One who prattles, or tells tales; a tattler. |
cajoler | noun (n.) A flatterer; a wheedler. |
caviler | noun (n.) Alt. of Caviller |
chandler | noun (n.) A maker or seller of candles. |
| noun (n.) A dealer in other commodities, which are indicated by a word prefixed; as, ship chandler, corn chandler. |
choler | noun (n.) The bile; -- formerly supposed to be the seat and cause of irascibility. |
| noun (n.) Irritation of the passions; anger; wrath. |
chronicler | noun (n.) A writer of a chronicle; a recorder of events in the order of time; an historian. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SKYLLER (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (skylle) - Words That Begins with skylle:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (skyll) - Words That Begins with skyll:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (skyl) - Words That Begins with skyl:
skylark | noun (n.) A lark that mounts and sings as it files, especially the common species (Alauda arvensis) found in Europe and in some parts of Asia, and celebrated for its melodious song; -- called also sky laverock. See under Lark. |
skylarking | noun (n.) The act of running about the rigging of a vessel in sport; hence, frolicking; scuffing; sporting; carousing. |
skylight | noun (n.) A window placed in the roof of a building, in the ceiling of a room, or in the deck of a ship, for the admission of light from above. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (sky) - Words That Begins with sky:
sky | noun (n.) A cloud. |
| noun (n.) Hence, a shadow. |
| noun (n.) The apparent arch, or vault, of heaven, which in a clear day is of a blue color; the heavens; the firmament; -- sometimes in the plural. |
| noun (n.) The wheather; the climate. |
| verb (v. t.) To hang (a picture on exhibition) near the top of a wall, where it can not be well seen. |
| verb (v. t.) To throw towards the sky; as, to sky a ball at cricket. |
skying | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sky |
skyed | adjective (a.) Surrounded by sky. |
| () of Sky |
skyey | adjective (a.) Like the sky; ethereal; being in the sky. |
skyish | adjective (a.) Like the sky, or approaching the sky; lofty; ethereal. |
skyrocket | noun (n.) A rocket that ascends high and burns as it flies; a species of fireworks. |
skysail | noun (n.) The sail set next above the royal. See Illust. under Sail. |
skyman | noun (n.) An aeronaut. |
skyscraper | noun (n.) A skysail of a triangular form. |
| noun (n.) A name for the one of the fancy sails alleged to have been sometimes set above the skysail. |
| noun (n.) A very tall building. |
| noun (n.) Hence, anything usually large, high, or excessive. |
English Words which starts with 'sky' and ends with 'ler':
English Words which starts with 'sk' and ends with 'er':
skater | noun (n.) One who skates. |
| noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of hemipterous insects belonging to Gerris, Pyrrhocoris, Prostemma, and allied genera. They have long legs, and run rapidly over the surface of the water, as if skating. |
skegger | noun (n.) The parr. |
skelder | noun (n.) A vagrant; a cheat. |
| verb (v. t. & i.) To deceive; to cheat; to trick. |
skeletonizer | noun (n.) Any small moth whose larva eats the parenchyma of leaves, leaving the skeleton; as, the apple-leaf skeletonizer. |
sketcher | noun (n.) One who sketches. |
skewer | noun (n.) A pin of wood or metal for fastening meat to a spit, or for keeping it in form while roasting. |
| verb (v. t.) To fasten with skewers. |
skimmer | noun (n.) One who, or that which, skims; esp., a utensil with which liquids are skimmed. |
| noun (n.) Any species of longwinged marine birds of the genus Rhynchops, allied to the terns, but having the lower mandible compressed and much longer than the upper one. These birds fly rapidly along the surface of the water, with the lower mandible immersed, thus skimming out small fishes. The American species (R. nigra) is common on the southern coasts of the United States. Called also scissorbill, and shearbill. |
| noun (n.) Any one of several large bivalve shells, sometimes used for skimming milk, as the sea clams, and large scallops. |
skinker | noun (n.) One who serves liquor; a tapster. |
skinner | noun (n.) One who skins. |
| noun (n.) One who deals in skins, pelts, or hides. |
skipper | noun (n.) One who, or that which, skips. |
| noun (n.) A young, thoughtless person. |
| noun (n.) The saury (Scomberesox saurus). |
| noun (n.) The cheese maggot. See Cheese fly, under Cheese. |
| noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of small butterflies of the family Hesperiadae; -- so called from their peculiar short, jerking flight. |
| noun (n.) The master of a fishing or small trading vessel; hence, the master, or captain, of any vessel. |
| noun (n.) A ship boy. |
skirmisher | noun (n.) One who skirmishes. |
| noun (n.) Soldiers deployed in loose order, to cover the front or flanks of an advancing army or a marching column. |
skiver | noun (n.) An inferior quality of leather, made of split sheepskin, tanned by immersion in sumac, and dyed. It is used for hat linings, pocketbooks, bookbinding, etc. |
| noun (n.) The cutting tool or machine used in splitting leather or skins, as sheepskins. |
skulker | noun (n.) One who, or that which, skulks. |
skidder | noun (n.) One that skids; one that uses a skid; |
| noun (n.) One that skids logs. |
| noun (n.) An engine for hauling the cable used in skidding logs. |
| noun (n.) The foreman of a construction gang making a skid road. |