Name Report For First Name TALEI:


First name TALEI's origin is Indian. TALEI means "precious". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with TALEI below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of talei.(Brown names are of the same origin (Indian) with TALEI and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with TALEI - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming TALEI



NAMES RHYMING WITH TALEŻ (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (alei) - Names That Ends with alei:

kalei avalei loralei

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (lei) - Names That Ends with lei:

camillei kaylei laurelei lorelei sceaplei

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ei) - Names That Ends with ei:

jomei rei jenisei joei whitnei aleksei andrei kei matei avenei dordei llamrei

NAMES RHYMING WITH TALEŻ (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (tale) - Names That Begins with tale:

tale taleb talebot talehot taletha

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (tal) - Names That Begins with tal:

tal tala talal talawat talayeh talbert talbot talbott talford talia taliah talib talibah taliesin talihah talisha talitha tallia tallis tallon tally talmadge talo talon talora talori talulah talus talutah talya talyssa

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ta) - Names That Begins with ta:

taavet taaveti taavetti taavi tab taban tabari tabatha tabbart tabbert taber tabetha tabia tabitha tablita tabor tabora taburer tacy tad tadao tadd tadeo tadesuz tadewi tadhg tadita tadleigh tafui tag tagan tage taggart tahbert taher tahir tahirah tahkeome tahki tahlia tahmelapachme tahnee tahra tahu tahurer tai taicligh taidgh taidhg taidhgin taigi tailayag taillefe taillefer taini taipa taishi tait taitasi taite taithleach taiyana taj tajah


First Names which starts with 'ta' and ends with 'ei':

First Names which starts with 't' and ends with 'i':

taji takhi takouhi tami taneli tani tapani tapati tarni tawni taxiarchai teddi teferi tehuti teithi telutci teri terri teuicui thai thi tiarni tibeldi tiponi titi tlachinolli tlalli tlanextli tlazohtlaloni tlazopilli tlexictli tlilpotonqui toai tochtli toli tomi toni tori torri toshi totsi tovi traci troi tsekani tsiishch'ili tulsi tumaini tupi turi tuuli tzvi

English Words Rhyming TALEI


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH TALEŻ (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (alei) - English Words That Ends with alei:

galeinoun (n. pl.) That division of elasmobranch fishes which includes the sharks.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (lei) - English Words That Ends with lei:

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH TALEŻ (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (tale) - Words That Begins with tale:

talenoun (n.) See Tael.
 verb (v. i.) That which is told; an oral relation or recital; any rehearsal of what has occured; narrative; discourse; statement; history; story.
 verb (v. i.) A number told or counted off; a reckoning by count; an enumeration; a count, in distinction from measure or weight; a number reckoned or stated.
 verb (v. i.) A count or declaration.
 verb (v. i.) To tell stories.

talebearernoun (n.) One who officiously tells tales; one who impertinently or maliciously communicates intelligence, scandal, etc., and makes mischief.

talebearingnoun (n.) The act of informing officiously; communication of sectrts, scandal, etc., maliciously.
 adjective (a.) Telling tales officiously.

talednoun (n.) A kind of quadrangular piece of cloth put on by the Jews when repeating prayers in the synagogues.

talefuladjective (a.) Full of stories.

talegallanoun (n.) A genus of Australian birds which includes the brush turkey. See Brush turkey.

talentedadjective (a.) Furnished with talents; possessing skill or talent; mentally gifted.

talesnoun (n.) Persons added to a jury, commonly from those in or about the courthouse, to make up any deficiency in the number of jurors regularly summoned, being like, or such as, the latter.
  (syntactically sing.) The writ by which such persons are summoned.

talesmannoun (n.) A person called to make up a deficiency in the number of jurors when a tales is awarded.

taletellernoun (n.) One who tells tales or stories, especially in a mischievous or officious manner; a talebearer; a telltale; a tattler.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (tal) - Words That Begins with tal:

talapoinnoun (n.) A small African monkey (Cercopithecus, / Miopithecus, talapoin) -- called also melarhine.
 noun (n.) A Buddhist monk or priest.

talarianoun (n. pl.) Small wings or winged shoes represented as fastened to the ankles, -- chiefly used as an attribute of Mercury.

talbotnoun (n.) A sort of dog, noted for quick scent and eager pursuit of game.

talbotypenoun (n.) Same as Calotype.

talcnoun (n.) A soft mineral of a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, usually occurring in foliated masses. It is hydrous silicate of magnesia. Steatite, or soapstone, is a compact granular variety.

talcoseadjective (a.) Alt. of Talcous

talcousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to talc; composed of, or resembling, talc.

taliacotianadjective (a.) See Tagliacotian.

taliationnoun (n.) Retaliation.

talionnoun (n.) Retaliation.

talipesnoun (n.) The deformity called clubfoot. See Clubfoot.

talipotnoun (n.) A beautiful tropical palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), a native of Ceylon and the Malabar coast. It has a trunk sixty or seventy feet high, bearing a crown of gigantic fan-shaped leaves which are used as umbrellas and as fans in ceremonial processions, and, when cut into strips, as a substitute for writing paper.

talismannoun (n.) A magical figure cut or engraved under certain superstitious observances of the configuration of the heavens, to which wonderful effects are ascribed; the seal, figure, character, or image, of a heavenly sign, constellation, or planet, engraved on a sympathetic stone, or on a metal corresponding to the star, in order to receive its influence.
 noun (n.) Hence, something that produces extraordinary effects, esp. in averting or repelling evil; an amulet; a charm; as, a talisman to avert diseases.

talismanicadjective (a.) Alt. of Talismanical

talismanicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a talisman; having the properties of a talisman, or preservative against evils by occult influence; magical.

talkingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Talk
 adjective (a.) That talks; able to utter words; as, a talking parrot.
 adjective (a.) Given to talk; loquacious.

talknoun (n.) To utter words; esp., to converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts.
 noun (n.) To confer; to reason; to consult.
 noun (n.) To prate; to speak impertinently.
 noun (n.) The act of talking; especially, familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered, especially in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more.
 noun (n.) Report; rumor; as, to hear talk of war.
 noun (n.) Subject of discourse; as, his achievment is the talk of the town.
 verb (v. t.) To speak freely; to use for conversing or communicating; as, to talk French.
 verb (v. t.) To deliver in talking; to speak; to utter; to make a subject of conversation; as, to talk nonsense; to talk politics.
 verb (v. t.) To consume or spend in talking; -- often followed by away; as, to talk away an evening.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to be or become by talking.

talkativeadjective (a.) Given to much talking.

talkernoun (n.) One who talks; especially, one who is noted for his power of conversing readily or agreeably; a conversationist.
 noun (n.) A loquacious person, male or female; a prattler; a babbler; also, a boaster; a braggart; -- used in contempt or reproach.

tallagenoun (n.) Alt. of Talliage
 verb (v. t.) To lay an impost upon; to cause to pay tallage.

talliagenoun (n.) A certain rate or tax paid by barons, knights, and inferior tenants, toward the public expenses.

talliernoun (n.) One who keeps tally.

tallnessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being tall; height of stature.

tallownoun (n.) The suet or fat of animals of the sheep and ox kinds, separated from membranous and fibrous matter by melting.
 noun (n.) The fat of some other animals, or the fat obtained from certain plants, or from other sources, resembling the fat of animals of the sheep and ox kinds.
 verb (v. t.) To grease or smear with tallow.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to have a large quantity of tallow; to fatten; as, tallow sheep.

tallowingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Tallow
 noun (n.) The act, or art, of causing animals to produce tallow; also, the property in animals of producing tallow.

tallowernoun (n.) An animal which produces tallow.

tallowishadjective (a.) Having the qualities of tallow.

tallowyadjective (a.) Of the nature of tallow; resembling tallow; greasy.

tallwoodnoun (n.) Firewood cut into billets of a certain length.

tallynoun (n.) Originally, a piece of wood on which notches or scores were cut, as the marks of number; later, one of two books, sheets of paper, etc., on which corresponding accounts were kept.
 noun (n.) Hence, any account or score kept by notches or marks, whether on wood or paper, or in a book; especially, one kept in duplicate.
 noun (n.) One thing made to suit another; a match; a mate.
 noun (n.) A notch, mark, or score made on or in a tally; as, to make or earn a tally in a game.
 noun (n.) A tally shop. See Tally shop, below.
 noun (n.) To score with correspondent notches; hence, to make to correspond; to cause to fit or suit.
 noun (n.) To check off, as parcels of freight going inboard or outboard.
 adjective (a.) Stoutly; with spirit.
 verb (v. i.) To be fitted; to suit; to correspond; to match.
 verb (v. i.) To make a tally; to score; as, to tally in a game.

tallyingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Tally

tallyhonoun (interj. & n.) The huntsman's cry to incite or urge on his hounds.
 noun (interj. & n.) A tallyho coach.

tallymannoun (n.) One who keeps the tally, or marks the sticks.
 noun (n.) One who keeps a tally shop, or conducts his business as tally trade.

talmanoun (n.) A kind of large cape, or short, full cloak, forming part of the dress of ladies.
 noun (n.) A similar garment worn formerly by gentlemen.

talmudnoun (n.) The body of the Jewish civil and canonical law not comprised in the Pentateuch.

talmudicadjective (a.) Alt. of Talmudical

talmudicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Talmud; contained in the Talmud; as, Talmudic Greek; Talmudical phrases.

talmudistnoun (n.) One versed in the Talmud; one who adheres to the teachings of the Talmud.

talmudisticadjective (a.) Resembling the Talmud; Talmudic.

talonnoun (n.) The claw of a predaceous bird or animal, especially the claw of a bird of prey.
 noun (n.) One of certain small prominences on the hind part of the face of an elephant's tooth.
 noun (n.) A kind of molding, concave at the bottom and convex at the top; -- usually called an ogee.
 noun (n.) The shoulder of the bolt of a lock on which the key acts to shoot the bolt.

talooknoun (n.) Alt. of Taluk

taluknoun (n.) A large estate; esp., one constituting a revenue district or dependency the native proprietor of which is responsible for the collection and payment of the public revenue due from it.

talookdarnoun (n.) Alt. of Talukdar

talukdarnoun (n.) A proprietor of a talook.

talpanoun (n.) A genus of small insectivores including the common European mole.

talusnoun (n.) The astragalus.
 noun (n.) A variety of clubfoot (Talipes calcaneus). See the Note under Talipes.
 noun (n.) A slope; the inclination of the face of a work.
 noun (n.) A sloping heap of fragments of rock lying at the foot of a precipice.

talcumnoun (n.) Same as Talc.

tallboynoun (n.) A kind of long-stemmed wineglass or cup.
 noun (n.) A piece of household furniture common in the eighteenth century, usually in two separate parts, with larger drawers above and smaller ones below and raised on legs fifteen inches or more in height; -- called also highboy.
 noun (n.) A long sheet-metal pipe for a chimney top.

tallisnoun (n.) Same as Tallith.

tallithnoun (n.) An undergarment worn by orthodox Jews, covering the chest and the upper part of the back. It has an opening for the head, and has tassels, called zizith, on its four corners.
 noun (n.) A tasseled shawl or scarf worn over the head or thrown round the shoulders while at prayer.


English Words which starts with 'ta' and ends with 'ei':