First Names Rhyming UNITY
English Words Rhyming UNITY
community | noun (n.) Common possession or enjoyment; participation; as, a community of goods. |
| noun (n.) A body of people having common rights, privileges, or interests, or living in the same place under the same laws and regulations; as, a community of monks. Hence a number of animals living in a common home or with some apparent association of interests. |
| noun (n.) Society at large; a commonwealth or state; a body politic; the public, or people in general. |
| noun (n.) Common character; likeness. |
| noun (n.) Commonness; frequency. |
discommunity | noun (n.) A lack of common possessions, properties, or relationship. |
disunity | noun (n.) A state of separation or disunion; want of unity. |
immunity | noun (n.) The state of being insusceptible to poison, the contagion of disease, etc. |
| adjective (a.) Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty, obligation, office, tax, imposition, penalty, or service; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy. |
| adjective (a.) Freedom; exemption; as, immunity from error. |
importunity | noun (n.) The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent application; troublesome pertinacity. |
impunity | noun (n.) Exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss. |
inopportunity | noun (n.) Want of opportunity; unseasonableness; inconvenience. |
intercommunity | noun (n.) Intercommunication; community of possessions, religion, etc. |
jejunity | noun (n.) The quality of being jejune; jejuneness. |
munity | noun (n.) Freedom; security; immunity. |
opportunity | noun (n.) Fit or convenient time; a time or place favorable for executing a purpose; a suitable combination of conditions; suitable occasion; chance. |
| noun (n.) Convenience of situation; fitness. |
| noun (n.) Importunity; earnestness. |
triniunity | noun (n.) Triunity; trinity. |
triunity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being triune; trinity. |
unity | noun (n.) The state of being one; oneness. |
| noun (n.) Concord; harmony; conjunction; agreement; uniformity; as, a unity of proofs; unity of doctrine. |
| noun (n.) Any definite quantity, or aggregate of quantities or magnitudes taken as one, or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation; thus, in a table of natural sines, the radius of the circle is regarded as unity. |
| noun (n.) In dramatic composition, one of the principles by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation are preserved; conformity in a composition to these; in oratory, discourse, etc., the due subordination and reference of every part to the development of the leading idea or the eastablishment of the main proposition. |
| noun (n.) Such a combination of parts as to constitute a whole, or a kind of symmetry of style and character. |
| noun (n.) The peculiar characteristics of an estate held by several in joint tenancy. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH UNİTY (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (nity) - English Words That Ends with nity:
affinity | noun (n.) Relationship by marriage (as between a husband and his wife's blood relations, or between a wife and her husband's blood relations); -- in contradistinction to consanguinity, or relationship by blood; -- followed by with, to, or between. |
| noun (n.) Kinship generally; close agreement; relation; conformity; resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colors, or of languages. |
| noun (n.) Companionship; acquaintance. |
| noun (n.) That attraction which takes place, at an insensible distance, between the heterogeneous particles of bodies, and unites them to form chemical compounds; chemism; chemical or elective affinity or attraction. |
| noun (n.) A relation between species or highe/ groups dependent on resemblance in the whole plan of structure, and indicating community of origin. |
| noun (n.) A superior spiritual relationship or attraction held to exist sometimes between persons, esp. persons of the opposite sex; also, the man or woman who exerts such psychical or spiritual attraction. |
aldermanity | noun (n.) Aldermen collectively; the body of aldermen. |
| noun (n.) The state of being an alderman. |
alkalinity | noun (n.) The quality which constitutes an alkali; alkaline property. |
alternity | noun (n.) Succession by turns; alternation. |
amenity | noun (n.) The quality of being pleasant or agreeable, whether in respect to situation, climate, manners, or disposition; pleasantness; civility; suavity; gentleness. |
antichristianity | noun (n.) Opposition or contrariety to the Christian religion. |
asininity | noun (n.) The quality of being asinine; stupidity combined with obstinacy. |
benignity | noun (n.) The quality of being benign; goodness; kindness; graciousness. |
| noun (n.) Mildness; gentleness. |
| noun (n.) Salubrity; wholesome quality. |
christianity | noun (n.) The religion of Christians; the system of doctrines and precepts taught by Christ. |
| noun (n.) Practical conformity of one's inward and outward life to the spirit of the Christian religion |
| noun (n.) The body of Christian believers. |
clandestinity | noun (n.) Privacy or secrecy. |
coeternity | noun (n.) Existence from eternity equally with another eternal being; equal eternity. |
compaternity | noun (n.) The relation of a godfather to a person. |
concinnity | noun (n.) Internal harmony or fitness; mutual adaptation of parts; elegance; -- used chiefly of style of discourse. |
condignity | noun (n.) Merit, acquired by works, which can claim reward on the score of general benevolence. |
confinity | noun (n.) Community of limits; contiguity. |
confraternity | noun (n.) A society of body of men united for some purpose, or in some profession; a brotherhood. |
consanguinity | noun (n.) The relation of persons by blood, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage; blood relationship; as, lineal consanguinity; collateral consanguinity. |
convicinity | noun (n.) Immediate vicinity; neighborhood. |
cotqueanity | noun (n.) The condition, character, or conduct of a cotquean. |
dignity | noun (n.) The state of being worthy or honorable; elevation of mind or character; true worth; excellence. |
| noun (n.) Elevation; grandeur. |
| noun (n.) Elevated rank; honorable station; high office, political or ecclesiastical; degree of excellence; preferment; exaltation. |
| noun (n.) Quality suited to inspire respect or reverence; loftiness and grace; impressiveness; stateliness; -- said of //en, manner, style, etc. |
| noun (n.) One holding high rank; a dignitary. |
| noun (n.) Fundamental principle; axiom; maxim. |
disensanity | noun (n.) Insanity; folly. |
diuturnity | noun (n.) Long duration; lastingness. |
divinity | adjective (a.) The state of being divine; the nature or essence of God; deity; godhead. |
| adjective (a.) The Deity; the Supreme Being; God. |
| adjective (a.) A pretended deity of pagans; a false god. |
| adjective (a.) A celestial being, inferior to the supreme God, but superior to man. |
| adjective (a.) Something divine or superhuman; supernatural power or virtue; something which inspires awe. |
| adjective (a.) The science of divine things; the science which treats of God, his laws and moral government, and the way of salvation; theology. |
eternity | noun (n.) Infinite duration, without beginning in the past or end in the future; also, duration without end in the future; endless time. |
| noun (n.) Condition which begins at death; immortality. |
eviternity | noun (n.) Eternity. |
exsanguinity | noun (n.) Privation or destitution of blood; -- opposed to plethora. |
femininity | noun (n.) The quality or nature of the female sex; womanliness. |
| noun (n.) The female form. |
feminity | noun (n.) Womanliness; femininity. |
fluinity | noun (n.) The quality of being fluid or capable of flowing; a liquid, aeriform. or gaseous state; -- opposed to solidity. |
fraternity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being fraternal or brotherly; brotherhood. |
| noun (n.) A body of men associated for their common interest, business, or pleasure; a company; a brotherhood; a society; in the Roman Catholic Chucrch, an association for special religious purposes, for relieving the sick and destitute, etc. |
| noun (n.) Men of the same class, profession, occupation, character, or tastes. |
humanity | noun (n.) The quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. |
| noun (n.) Mankind collectively; the human race. |
| noun (n.) The quality of being humane; the kind feelings, dispositions, and sympathies of man; especially, a disposition to relieve persons or animals in distress, and to treat all creatures with kindness and tenderness. |
| noun (n.) Mental cultivation; liberal education; instruction in classical and polite literature. |
| noun (n.) The branches of polite or elegant learning; as language, rhetoric, poetry, and the ancient classics; belles-letters. |
imbonity | noun (n.) Want of goodness. |
immanity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being immane; barbarity. |
inanity | noun (n.) Inanition; void space; vacuity; emptiness. |
| noun (n.) Want of seriousness; aimlessness; frivolity. |
| noun (n.) An inane, useless thing or pursuit; a vanity; a silly object; -- chiefly in pl.; as, the inanities of the world. |
inconcinnity | noun (n.) Want of concinnity or congruousness; unsuitableness. |
indemnity | noun (n.) Security; insurance; exemption from loss or damage, past or to come; immunity from penalty, or the punishment of past offenses; amnesty. |
| noun (n.) Indemnification, compensation, or remuneration for loss, damage, or injury sustained. |
indignity | noun (n.) Any action toward another which manifests contempt for him; an offense against personal dignity; unmerited contemptuous treatment; contumely; incivility or injury, accompanied with insult. |
indivinity | noun (n.) Want or absence of divine power or of divinity. |
infinity | noun (n.) Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. |
| noun (n.) Unlimited capacity, energy, excellence, or knowledge; as, the infinity of God and his perfections. |
| noun (n.) Endless or indefinite number; great multitude; as an infinity of beauties. |
| noun (n.) A quantity greater than any assignable quantity of the same kind. |
| noun (n.) That part of a line, or of a plane, or of space, which is infinitely distant. In modern geometry, parallel lines or planes are sometimes treated as lines or planes meeting at infinity. |
inhumanity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being inhuman; cruelty; barbarity. |
inorganity | noun (n.) Quality of being inorganic. |
insanity | noun (n.) The state of being insane; unsoundness or derangement of mind; madness; lunacy. |
| noun (n.) Such a mental condition, as, either from the existence of delusions, or from incapacity to distinguish between right and wrong, with regard to any matter under action, does away with individual responsibility. |
internity | noun (n.) State of being within; interiority. |
inurbanity | noun (n.) Want of urbanity or courtesy; unpolished manners or deportment; inurbaneness; rudeness. |
latinity | noun (n.) The Latin tongue, style, or idiom, or the use thereof; specifically, purity of Latin style or idiom. |
lenity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being lenient; mildness of temper or disposition; gentleness of treatment; softness; tenderness; clemency; -- opposed to severity and rigor. |
malignity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being malignant; disposition to do evil; virulent enmity; malignancy; malice; spite. |
| noun (n.) Virulence; deadly quality. |
| noun (n.) Extreme evilness of nature or influence; perniciousness; heinousness; as, the malignity of fraud. |
masculinity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being masculine; masculineness. |
maternity | noun (n.) The state of being a mother; the character or relation of a mother. |
modernity | noun (n.) Modernness; something modern. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ity) - English Words That Ends with ity:
ability | noun (n.) The quality or state of being able; power to perform, whether physical, moral, intellectual, conventional, or legal; capacity; skill or competence in doing; sufficiency of strength, skill, resources, etc.; -- in the plural, faculty, talent. |
abnormality | noun (n.) The state or quality of being abnormal; variation; irregularity. |
| noun (n.) Something abnormal. |
abnormity | noun (n.) Departure from the ordinary type; irregularity; monstrosity. |
aboriginality | noun (n.) The quality of being aboriginal. |
absorbability | noun (n.) The state or quality of being absorbable. |
absorptivity | noun (n.) Absorptiveness. |
abstrusity | noun (n.) Abstruseness; that which is abstruse. |
absurdity | noun (n.) The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment. |
| noun (n.) That which is absurd; an absurd action; a logical contradiction. |
accendibility | noun (n.) Capacity of being kindled, or of becoming inflamed; inflammability. |
accentuality | noun (n.) The quality of being accentual. |
acceptability | noun (n.) The quality of being acceptable; acceptableness. |
accessibility | noun (n.) The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptibility. |
accidentality | noun (n.) The quality of being accidental; accidentalness. |
acclivity | noun (n.) A slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill, considered as ascending, in opposition to declivity, or descending; an upward slope; ascent. |
accomplicity | noun (n.) The act or state of being an accomplice. |
accountability | noun (n.) The state of being accountable; liability to be called on to render an account; accountableness. |
acerbity | noun (n.) Sourness of taste, with bitterness and astringency, like that of unripe fruit. |
| noun (n.) Harshness, bitterness, or severity; as, acerbity of temper, of language, of pain. |
acetosity | noun (n.) The quality of being acetous; sourness. |
achromaticity | noun (n.) Achromatism. |
acidity | noun (n.) The quality of being sour; sourness; tartness; sharpness to the taste; as, the acidity of lemon juice. |
acquirability | noun (n.) The quality of being acquirable; attainableness. |
acridity | noun (n.) Alt. of Acridness |
acrity | noun (n.) Sharpness; keenness. |
activity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities. |
actuality | noun (n.) The state of being actual; reality; as, the actuality of God's nature. |
actuosity | noun (n.) Abundant activity. |
acuity | noun (n.) Sharpness or acuteness, as of a needle, wit, etc. |
adaptability | noun (n.) Alt. of Adaptableness |
addibility | noun (n.) The quantity of being addible; capability of addition. |
adiposity | noun (n.) The state of being fat; fatness. |
admirability | noun (n.) Admirableness. |
admissibility | noun (n.) The quality of being admissible; admissibleness; as, the admissibility of evidence. |
adorability | noun (n.) Adorableness. |
aduncity | noun (n.) Curvature inwards; hookedness. |
adverbiality | noun (n.) The quality of being adverbial. |
adversity | noun (n.) Opposition; contrariety. |
advisability | noun (n.) The quality of being advisable; advisableness. |
aeriality | noun (n.) The state of being aerial; unsubstantiality. |
affability | noun (n.) The quality of being affable; readiness to converse; courteousness in receiving others and in conversation; complaisant behavior. |
affectibility | noun (n.) The quality or state of being affectible. |
agility | noun (n.) The quality of being agile; the power of moving the limbs quickly and easily; nimbleness; activity; quickness of motion; as, strength and agility of body. |
| noun (n.) Activity; powerful agency. |
agreeability | noun (n.) Easiness of disposition. |
| noun (n.) The quality of being, or making one's self, agreeable; agreeableness. |
alacrity | noun (n.) A cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude; joyous activity; briskness; sprightliness; as, the soldiers advanced with alacrity to meet the enemy. |
alamodality | noun (n.) The quality of being a la mode; conformity to the mode or fashion; fashionableness. |
algidity | noun (n.) Chilliness; coldness |
| noun (n.) coldness and collapse. |
alibility | noun (n.) Quality of being alible. |
alienability | noun (n.) Capability of being alienated. |
allotropicity | noun (n.) Allotropic property or nature. |
alterability | noun (n.) The quality of being alterable; alterableness. |
alterity | noun (n.) The state or quality of being other; a being otherwise. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH UNİTY (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (unit) - Words That Begins with unit:
unit | noun (n.) A single thing or person. |
| noun (n.) The least whole number; one. |
| noun (n.) A gold coin of the reign of James I., of the value of twenty shillings. |
| noun (n.) Any determinate amount or quantity (as of length, time, heat, value) adopted as a standard of measurement for other amounts or quantities of the same kind. |
| noun (n.) A single thing, as a magnitude or number, regarded as an undivided whole. |
unitable | adjective (a.) Capable of union by growth or otherwise. |
unitarian | noun (n.) One who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person; a unipersonalist; also, one of a denomination of Christians holding this belief. |
| noun (n.) One who rejects the principle of dualism. |
| noun (n.) A monotheist. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Unitarians, or their doctrines. |
unitarianism | noun (n.) The doctrines of Unitarians. |
unitarianizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Unitarianize |
unitary | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a unit or units; relating to unity; as, the unitary method in arithmetic. |
| adjective (a.) Of the nature of a unit; not divided; united. |
uniting | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Unite |
united | adjective (a.) Combined; joined; made one. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Unite |
uniter | noun (n.) One who, or that which, unites. |
uniterable | adjective (a.) Not iterable; incapable of being repeated. |
unitive | adjective (a.) Having the power of uniting; causing, or tending to produce, union. |
unitizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Unitize |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (uni) - Words That Begins with uni:
uniat | noun (n.) Alt. of Uniate |
uniate | noun (n.) A member of the Greek Church, who nevertheless acknowledges the supremacy of the Pope of Rome; one of the United Greeks. Also used adjectively. |
uniaxal | adjective (a.) Uniaxial. |
uniaxial | adjective (a.) Having but one optic axis, or line of no double refraction. |
| adjective (a.) Having only one axis; developing along a single line or plane; -- opposed to multiaxial. |
unibranchiate | adjective (a.) Having but one gill, as certain molluscs. |
unicameral | adjective (a.) Having, or consisting of, a single chamber; -- said of a legislative assembly. |
unicarinated | adjective (a.) Having one ridge or keel. |
unicelled | adjective (a.) Unicellular. |
unicellular | adjective (a.) Having, or consisting of, but a single cell; as, a unicellular organism. |
unicentral | adjective (a.) Having a single center of growth. |
unicity | noun (n.) The condition of being united; quality of the unique; unification. |
uniclinal | adjective (a.) See Nonoclinal. |
unicolorous | adjective (a.) Having the surface of a uniform color. |
unicorn | noun (n.) A fabulous animal with one horn; the monoceros; -- often represented in heraldry as a supporter. |
| noun (n.) A two-horned animal of some unknown kind, so called in the Authorized Version of the Scriptures. |
| noun (n.) Any large beetle having a hornlike prominence on the head or prothorax. |
| noun (n.) The larva of a unicorn moth. |
| noun (n.) The kamichi; -- called also unicorn bird. |
| noun (n.) A howitzer. |
unicornous | adjective (a.) Having but a single horn; -- said of certain insects. |
unicostate | adjective (a.) Having a single rib or strong nerve running upward from the base; -- said of a leaf. |
unicursal | adjective (a.) That can be passed over in a single course; -- said of a curve when the coordinates of the point on the curve can be expressed as rational algebraic functions of a single parameter /. |
unideaed | adjective (a.) Having no ideas; senseless; frivolous. |
unideal | adjective (a.) Not ideal; real; unimaginative. |
| adjective (a.) Unideaed. |
unidimensional | adjective (a.) Having but one dimension. See Dimension. |
unifacial | adjective (a.) Having but one front surface; as, some foliaceous corals are unifacial, the polyp mouths being confined to one surface. |
unific | adjective (a.) Making one or unity; unifying. |
unification | noun (n.) The act of unifying, or the state of being unified. |
unifier | noun (n.) One who, or that which, unifies; as, a natural law is a unifier of phenomena. |
unifilar | adjective (a.) Having only one thread; involving the use of only one thread, wire, fiber, or the like; as, unifilar suspension. |
uniflagellate | adjective (a.) Having but one flagellum; as, uniflagellate organisms. |
uniflorous | adjective (a.) Bearing one flower only; as, a uniflorous peduncle. |
unifolliate | adjective (a.) Having only one leaf. |
unifollilate | adjective (a.) Having only one leaflet, as the leaves of the orange tree. |
uniform | adjective (a.) Having always the same form, manner, or degree; not varying or variable; unchanging; consistent; equable; homogenous; as, the dress of the Asiatics has been uniform from early ages; the temperature is uniform; a stratum of uniform clay. |
| adjective (a.) Of the same form with others; agreeing with each other; conforming to one rule or mode; consonant. |
| adjective (a.) A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in the same service or order by means of which they have a distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of the police, of the Freemasons, etc. |
| verb (v. t.) To clothe with a uniform; as, to uniform a company of soldiers. |
| verb (v. t.) To make conformable. |
uniformal | adjective (a.) Uniform. |
uniformism | noun (n.) The doctrine of uniformity in the geological history of the earth; -- in part equivalent to uniformitarianism, but also used, more broadly, as opposed to catastrophism. |
uniformitarian | noun (n.) One who accepts uniformitarianism, or the uniformitarian doctrine. |
| adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the view or doctrine that existing causes, acting in the same manner and with essentially the same intensity as at the present time, are sufficient to account for all geological changes. |
uniformitarianism | noun (n.) The uniformitarian doctrine. |
uniformity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being uniform; freedom from variation or difference; resemblance to itself at all times; sameness of action, effect, etc., under like conditions; even tenor; as, the uniformity of design in a poem; the uniformity of nature. |
| noun (n.) Consistency; sameness; as, the uniformity of a man's opinions. |
| noun (n.) Similitude between the parts of a whole; as, the uniformity of sides in a regular figure; beauty is said to consist in uniformity with variety. |
| noun (n.) Continued or unvaried sameness or likeness. |
| noun (n.) Conformity to a pattern or rule; resemblance, consonance, or agreement; as, the uniformity of different churches in ceremonies or rites. |
unifromness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being uniform; uniformity. |
unifying | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Unify |
unigeniture | noun (n.) The state of being the only begotten. |
unigenous | adjective (a.) Being of one kind; being of the same genus. |
unijugate | adjective (a.) Having but one pair of leaflets; -- said of a pinnate leaf. |
unilabiate | adjective (a.) Having one lip only; as, a unilabiate corolla. |
unilateral | adjective (a.) Being on one side only; affecting but one side; one-sided. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to one side; one-sided; as, a unilateral raceme, in which the flowers grow only on one side of a common axis, or are all turned to one side. |
uniliteral | adjective (a.) Consisting of one letter only; as, a uniliteral word or sign. |
unilobar | adjective (a.) Consisting of a single lobe. |
unilocular | adjective (a.) Having one cell or cavity only; as, a unilocular capsule or shell. |
unimitable | adjective (a.) Inimitable. |
unimpairable | adjective (a.) That can not be impaired. |
unimpeachable | adjective (a.) Not impeachable; not to be called in question; exempt from liability to accusation; free from stain, guilt, or fault; irreproachable; blameless; as, an unimpeachable reputation; unimpeachable testimony. |
unimplicate | adjective (a.) Not implicated. |
unimportance | noun (n.) Want of importance; triviality. |
English Words which starts with 'un' and ends with 'ty':
unability | noun (n.) Inability. |
unacceptability | noun (n.) The quality of being unacceptable; unacceptableness. |
unaccountability | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unaccountable. |
unambiguity | noun (n.) Absence of ambiguity; clearness; perspicuity. |
unamiability | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unamiable; moroseness. |
unanimity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unanimous. |
unanswerability | noun (n.) The quality of being unanswerable; unanswerableness. |
uncertainty | noun (n.) The quality or state of being uncertain. |
| noun (n.) That which is uncertain; something unknown. |
uncharity | noun (n.) Uncharitableness. |
unchastity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; incontinence. |
uncivility | noun (n.) Incivility. |
uncoformability | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unconformable; unconformableness. |
| noun (n.) Want of parallelism between one series of strata and another, especially when due to a disturbance of the position of the earlier strata before the latter were deposited. |
unconformity | noun (n.) Want of conformity; incongruity; inconsistency. |
| noun (n.) Want of parallelism between strata in contact. |
unctuosity | noun (n.) Quality or state of being unctuous. |
underfaculty | noun (n.) An inferior or subordinate faculty. |
undershrievalty | noun (n.) The office or position of an undersheriff. |
unelasticity | noun (n.) Inelasticity. |
unequity | noun (n.) Want of equity or uprightness; injustice; wickedness; iniquity. |
unfeaty | adjective (a.) Not feat; not dexterous; unskillful; clumsy. |
uniquity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unique; uniqueness. |
universality | noun (n.) The quality or state of being universal; unlimited extension or application; generality; -- distinguished from particularity; as, the unversality of a proposition; the unversality of sin; the unversality of the Deluge. |
university | noun (n.) The universe; the whole. |
| noun (n.) An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having and acquiring property. |
| noun (n.) An institution organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches of literature, science, art, etc., empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties, as in theology, law, medicine, music, etc. A university may exist without having any college connected with it, or it may consist of but one college, or it may comprise an assemblage of colleges established in any place, with professors for instructing students in the sciences and other branches of learning. |
unnecessity | noun (n.) The state of being unnecessary; something unnecessary. |
unpitousty | noun (n.) Impiety. |
unpity | noun (n.) Want of piety. |
unpossibility | noun (n.) Impossibility. |
unreality | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unreal; want of reality. |
unresty | adjective (a.) Causing unrest; disquieting; as, unresty sorrows. |
unsafety | noun (n.) The quality or state of being in peril; absence of safety; insecurity. |
unsatiability | noun (n.) Quality of being unsatiable; insatiability. |
unsimplicity | noun (n.) Absence of simplicity; artfulness. |
unsincerity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unsincere or impure; insincerity. |
unsociability | noun (n.) The quality or state of being unsociable; unsociableness. |
unsurety | noun (n.) Want of surety; uncertainty; insecurity; doubt. |
untangibility | noun (n.) Intangibility. |
unthrifty | adjective (a.) Not thrifty; profuse. |
unusuality | noun (n.) Unusualness. |
unveracity | noun (n.) Want of veracity; untruthfulness; as, unveracity of heart. |