Name Report For First Name AEARY:


First name AEARY's origin is Irish. AEARY means "scholar". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with AEARY below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of aeary.(Brown names are of the same origin (Irish) with AEARY and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with AEARY - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming AEARY



NAMES RHYMING WITH AEARY (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (eary) - Names That Ends with eary:

cleary keary leary sheary geary

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ary) - Names That Ends with ary:

tamary hilary hillary mary rosemary cary conary dary gary zachary zackary zakary

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ry) - Names That Ends with ry:

kundry khairy barry jory avery emery perry salisbury thiery ambry cherry devery dory ivory kerry margery merry sherry amery amory carbry cory darry derry ellery emory farry flannery gerry gilvarry gorry gregory harry jeffery jeffry jerry larry mallory montgomery mukonry murry rorry rory sallsbury terry thierry torry tory zackery dimitry stanbury kendry fakhry cundry khoury landry roxbury amaury henry aubry corry destry devry garry

NAMES RHYMING WITH AEARY (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (aear) - Names That Begins with aear:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (aea) - Names That Begins with aea:

aeacus aeaea

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ae) - Names That Begins with ae:

aeccestane aedon aedre aeetes aefentid aefre aegelmaere aegelweard aegeus aegina aegis aegisthus aegyptus aeker aekerley aekerman aekley aeldra aelfdane aelfdene aelfraed aelfric aelfwine aelle aello aeneas aenedlea aenedleah aenescumb aengus aeolus aerlene aerwyna aescby aescfor aescford aescleah aesclin aesctun aesculapius aescwine aescwyn aeshan aesoburne aeson aeth aethe aethelbald aethelbeorht aethelbeorn aethelber aethelberht aethelbert aethelflaed aethelfrith aethelha aethelhard aethelhere aethelisdun aethelmaer aethelmaere aethelred aethelreda aethelstan aethelstun aethelthryth aethelweard aethelwine aethelwulf aethelwyne aetheston aethra aethretun aetna


First Names which starts with 'ae' and ends with 'ry':

First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 'y':

aanjay abbey abby abdul-aliyy abey abhy acey ackerley ackley adahy addney addy adjatay adley adney adny ady aghy ailey ainsley aisley aisly ajay aldercy aliyy alroy alvy amadahy amany amberley amberly amey amity amnisty amy andy anemy anevay anglesey anny ansley anthany anthony antony anzety aracely ardley ardy arley arney ashby ashley ashly atty aubrey audley audrey auley averey avrey

English Words Rhyming AEARY


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH AEARY (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (eary) - English Words That Ends with eary:

alvearynoun (n.) A beehive, or something resembling a beehive.
 noun (n.) The hollow of the external ear.

awearyadjective (a.) Weary.

balnearynoun (n.) A bathing room.

blearyadjective (a.) Somewhat blear.

cochlearyadjective (a.) Same as Cochleate.

dearynoun (n.) A dear; a darling.

interlinearynoun (n.) A book containing interlineations.
 adjective (a.) Interlinear.

laquearyadjective (a.) Using a noose, as a gladiator.

linearyadjective (a.) Linear.

smearyadjective (a.) Tending to smear or soil; adhesive; viscous.

spearyadjective (a.) Having the form of a spear.

tearyadjective (a.) Wet with tears; tearful.
 adjective (a.) Consisting of tears, or drops like tears.

trachearynoun (n.) One of the Trachearia.
 adjective (a.) Tracheal; breathing by means of tracheae.

trochlearyadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or connected with, a trochlea; trochlear; as, the trochleary, or trochlear, nerve.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ary) - English Words That Ends with ary:

abecedarynoun (n.) A primer; the first principle or rudiment of anything.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or formed by, the letters of the alphabet; alphabetic; hence, rudimentary.

ablutionaryadjective (a.) Pertaining to ablution.

accessarynoun (n.) One who, not being present, contributes as an assistant or instigator to the commission of an offense.
 adjective (a.) Accompanying, as a subordinate; additional; accessory; esp., uniting in, or contributing to, a crime, but not as chief actor. See Accessory.

accustomaryadjective (a.) Usual; customary.

acetarynoun (n.) An acid pulp in certain fruits, as the pear.

actionarynoun (n.) Alt. of Actionist

actuarynoun (n.) A registrar or clerk; -- used originally in courts of civil law jurisdiction, but in Europe used for a clerk or registrar generally.
 noun (n.) The computing official of an insurance company; one whose profession it is to calculate for insurance companies the risks and premiums for life, fire, and other insurances.

additionaryadjective (a.) Additional.

admaxillaryadjective (a.) Near to the maxilla or jawbone.

adminicularyadjective (a.) Adminicular.

adversarynoun (n.) One who is turned against another or others with a design to oppose or resist them; a member of an opposing or hostile party; an opponent; an antagonist; an enemy; a foe.
 adjective (a.) Opposed; opposite; adverse; antagonistic.
 adjective (a.) Having an opposing party; not unopposed; as, an adversary suit.

aestuarynoun (n. & a.) See Estuary.

alaryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to wings; also, wing-shaped.

alimentaryadjective (a.) Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances.

allodiarynoun (n.) One who holds an allodium.

alveolaryadjective (a.) Alveolar.

ampullaryadjective (a.) Resembling an ampulla.

ancillaryadjective (a.) Subservient or subordinate, like a handmaid; auxiliary.

anniversarynoun (n.) The annual return of the day on which any notable event took place, or is wont to be celebrated; as, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
 noun (n.) The day on which Mass is said yearly for the soul of a deceased person; the commemoration of some sacred event, as the dedication of a church or the consecration of a pope.
 noun (n.) The celebration which takes place on an anniversary day.
 adjective (a.) Returning with the year, at a stated time; annual; yearly; as, an anniversary feast.

annuarynoun (n.) A yearbook.
 adjective (a.) Annual.

annularyadjective (a.) Having the form of a ring; annular.

antidotaryadjective (a.) Antidotal.

antiphonarynoun (n.) A book containing a collection of antiphons; the book in which the antiphons of the breviary, with their musical notes, are contained.

antiquarynoun (n.) One devoted to the study of ancient times through their relics, as inscriptions, monuments, remains of ancient habitations, statues, coins, manuscripts, etc.; one who searches for and studies the relics of antiquity.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to antiquity.

apiarynoun (n.) A place where bees are kept; a stand or shed for bees; a beehouse.

apocrisiarynoun (n.) Alt. of Apocrisiarius

apothecarynoun (n.) One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes.

arbitraryadjective (a.) Depending on will or discretion; not governed by any fixed rules; as, an arbitrary decision; an arbitrary punishment.
 adjective (a.) Exercised according to one's own will or caprice, and therefore conveying a notion of a tendency to abuse the possession of power.
 adjective (a.) Despotic; absolute in power; bound by no law; harsh and unforbearing; tyrannical; as, an arbitrary prince or government.

arboraryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to trees; arboreal.

armamentarynoun (n.) An armory; a magazine or arsenal.

armillarynoun (n.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a bracelet or ring; consisting of rings or circles.

arrectarynoun (n.) An upright beam.

articularynoun (n.) A bone in the base of the lower jaw of many birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes.

atrabiliaryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to atra bilis or black bile, a fluid formerly supposed to be produced by the kidneys.
 adjective (a.) Melancholic or hypohondriac; atrabilious; -- from the supposed predominance of black bile, to the influence of which the ancients attributed hypochondria, melancholy, and mania.

auctarynoun (n.) That which is superadded; augmentation.

auctionaryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an auction or an auctioneer.

auxiliarynoun (n.) A helper; an assistant; a confederate in some action or enterprise.
 noun (n.) Foreign troops in the service of a nation at war; (rarely in sing.), a member of the allied or subsidiary force.
 adjective (a.) Conferring aid or help; helping; aiding; assisting; subsidiary; as auxiliary troops.
  (sing.) A verb which helps to form the voices, modes, and tenses of other verbs; -- called, also, an auxiliary verb; as, have, be, may, can, do, must, shall, and will, in English; etre and avoir, in French; avere and essere, in Italian; estar and haber, in Spanish.
  (sing.) A quantity introduced for the purpose of simplifying or facilitating some operation, as in equations or trigonometrical formulae.

aviarynoun (n.) A house, inclosure, large cage, or other place, for keeping birds confined; a bird house.

axillaryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the axilla or armpit; as, axillary gland, artery, nerve.
 adjective (a.) Situated in, or rising from, an axil; of or pertaining to an axil.

bacillaryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to little rods; rod-shaped.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to bacilli; produced by, or containing, bacilli; bacillar; as, a bacillary disease.

barbarynoun (n.) The countries on the north coast of Africa from Egypt to the Atlantic. Hence: A Barbary horse; a barb. [Obs.] Also, a kind of pigeon.

basilarynoun (n.) Relating to, or situated at, the base.
 noun (n.) Lower; inferior; applied to impulses or springs of action.

beggarynoun (n.) The act of begging; the state of being a beggar; mendicancy; extreme poverty.
 noun (n.) Beggarly appearance.
 adjective (a.) Beggarly.

benedictionarynoun (n.) A collected series of benedictions.

beneficiarynoun (n.) A feudatory or vassal; hence, one who holds a benefice and uses its proceeds.
 noun (n.) One who receives anything as a gift; one who receives a benefit or advantage; esp. one who receives help or income from an educational fund or a trust estate.
 adjective (a.) Holding some office or valuable possession, in subordination to another; holding under a feudal or other superior; having a dependent and secondary possession.
 adjective (a.) Bestowed as a gratuity; as, beneficiary gifts.

bibliothecarynoun (n.) A librarian.

bicentenarynoun (n.) The two hundredth anniversary, or its celebration.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to two hundred, esp. to two hundred years; as, a bicentenary celebration.

biliaryadjective (a.) Relating or belonging to bile; conveying bile; as, biliary acids; biliary ducts.

binarynoun (n.) That which is constituted of two figures, things, or parts; two; duality.
 adjective (a.) Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things).

blomarynoun (n.) See Bloomery.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH AEARY (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (aear) - Words That Begins with aear:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (aea) - Words That Begins with aea:


English Words which starts with 'ae' and ends with 'ry':

aerometrynoun (n.) The science of measuring the air, including the doctrine of its pressure, elasticity, rarefaction, and condensation; pneumatics.

aerynoun (n.) An aerie.
 adjective (a.) Aerial; ethereal; incorporeal; visionary.