Name Report For First Name BALLINDENY:


First name BALLINDENY's origin is Irish. BALLINDENY means "from the town of oak wood". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with BALLINDENY below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of ballindeny.(Brown names are of the same origin (Irish) with BALLINDENY and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with BALLINDENY - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming BALLINDENY



NAMES RHYMING WITH BALLİNDENY (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 9 Letters (allindeny) - Names That Ends with allindeny:

Rhyming Names According to Last 8 Letters (llindeny) - Names That Ends with llindeny:

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (lindeny) - Names That Ends with lindeny:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (indeny) - Names That Ends with indeny:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ndeny) - Names That Ends with ndeny:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (deny) - Names That Ends with deny:

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (eny) - Names That Ends with eny:

zeleny eny stanbeny thieny

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ny) - Names That Ends with ny:

peony czigany cerny krany silny anny bethany bonny briony brittany brittny bryony dany devany devenny devony ebony estefany fanny genny ginny harmony jenny leilany millenny nanny siany slany tawny tiffany uny adny anthany anthony benny conny danny denny donny johnny kenny kinny lanny lany lenny manny quany renny ronny shelny sonny tony voliny amany antony vollny cluny vanny penny sunny brettany destiny jinny cony evony

NAMES RHYMING WITH BALLİNDENY (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 9 Letters (ballinden) - Names That Begins with ballinden:

Rhyming Names According to First 8 Letters (ballinde) - Names That Begins with ballinde:

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (ballind) - Names That Begins with ballind:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (ballin) - Names That Begins with ballin:


Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (balli) - Names That Begins with balli:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (ball) - Names That Begins with ball:


Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (bal) - Names That Begins with bal:

baladi baladie balasi balbina baldassare baldassario baldemar balder baldhart baldhere baldlice baldric baldrik balduin baldulf baldwin baldwyn baleigh balen balere balfour balgair balgaire balie balin balinda balisarda balmoral balqis baltasar balthazar baltsaros

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ba) - Names That Begins with ba:

baal bab baba babafemi babatunde babette babu babukar bac baccaus baccus backstere bacstair badal badawi bader badi'a badr badra badriyyah badru badu baduna baecere baen baerhloew baethan bagdemagus baghel baha baheera bahir bahira bahiti bahiya baibin baibre baigh bailee bailefour bailey bailintin baillidh bailoch bain bainbridge bainbrydge bairbre baird bairrfhionn bairrfhoinn bakari baker bakkir bama bamard bambi bamey ban bana banain banaing banan banbhan banbrigge bancroft


First Names which starts with 'ball' and ends with 'deny':

First Names which starts with 'bal' and ends with 'eny':

First Names which starts with 'ba' and ends with 'ny':

First Names which starts with 'b' and ends with 'y':

barclay barday barnaby barnahy barney barry barthelemy bartley bassey bay bayley beatty becky bellamy benjy benroy bentley berdy berkeley berkley bessy betsey betsy betty beverley beverly biddy billy bily birdy birkey birley birney blacey blaeey blainey blakeley blakely blakey blaney blayney bly bobby bocley bodaway body bradey bradley bradly brady bramley brandy brantley brawley breezy brentley brently brinley britney brittaney brittney brlety brockley brocly brody bromley bromly buckley buddy bundy burley burly burney

English Words Rhyming BALLINDENY



Rhyming Words According to Last 9 Letters (allindeny) - English Words That Ends with allindeny:

Rhyming Words According to Last 8 Letters (llindeny) - English Words That Ends with llindeny:

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (lindeny) - English Words That Ends with lindeny:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (indeny) - English Words That Ends with indeny:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ndeny) - English Words That Ends with ndeny:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (deny) - English Words That Ends with deny:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (eny) - English Words That Ends with eny:

abiogenynoun (n.) Same as Abiogenesis.

anthropogenynoun (n.) The science or study of human generation, or the origin and development of man.

asthenynoun (n.) Want or loss of strength; debility; diminution of the vital forces.

astrogenynoun (n.) The creation or evolution of the stars or the heavens.

alleghenyadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Allegheny Mountains, or the region where they are situated. Also Al"le*gha`ny.

biogenynoun (n.) A doctrine that the genesis or production of living organisms can take place only through the agency of living germs or parents; -- opposed to abiogenesis.
 noun (n.) Life development generally.

coparcenynoun (n.) An equal share of an inheritance.

cormogenynoun (n.) The embryological history of groups or families of individuals.

cormophylogenynoun (n.) The phylogeny of groups or families of individuals.

crystallogenynoun (n.) The science which pertains to the production of crystals.

electrogenynoun (n.) A term sometimes applied to the effects (tetanus) produced in the muscles of the limbs, when a current of electricity is passed along the spinal cord or nerves.

embryogenynoun (n.) The production and development of an embryo.

endogenynoun (n.) Growth from within; multiplication of cells by endogenous division, as in the development of one or more cells in the interior of a parent cell.

glycogenynoun (n.) Alt. of Glycogenesis

heterogenynoun (n.) Heterogenesis.

histogenynoun (n.) Same as Histogenesis.

homogenynoun (n.) Joint nature.
 noun (n.) The correspondence of common descent; -- a term used to supersede homology by Lankester, who also used homoplasy to denote any superinduced correspondence of position and structure in parts embryonically distinct (other writers using the term homoplasmy). Thus, there is homogeny between the fore limb of a mammal and the wing of a bird; but the right and left ventricles of the heart in both are only in homoplasy with each other, these having arisen independently since the divergence of both groups from a univentricular ancestor.

hymenogenynoun (n.) The production of artificial membranes by contact of two fluids, as albumin and fat, by which the globules of the latter are surrounded by a thin film of the former.

ideogenynoun (n.) The science which treats of the origin of ideas.

ingenynoun (n.) Natural gift or talent; ability; wit; ingenuity.

larcenynoun (n.) The unlawful taking and carrying away of things personal with intent to deprive the right owner of the same; theft. Cf. Embezzlement.

monogenynoun (n.) Monogenesis.
 noun (n.) The doctrine that the members of the human race have all a common origin.

morphogenynoun (n.) History of the evolution of forms; that part of ontogeny that deals with the germ history of forms; -- distinguished from physiogeny.

odontogenynoun (n.) Generetion, or mode of development, of the teeth.

ontogenynoun (n.) The history of the individual development of an organism; the history of the evolution of the germ; the development of an individual organism, -- in distinction from phylogeny, or evolution of the tribe. Called also henogenesis, henogeny.

organogenynoun (n.) Organogenesis.

osteogenynoun (n.) The formation or growth of bone.

parthenogenynoun (n.) Same as Parthenogenesis.

pathogenynoun (n.) The generation, and method of development, of disease; as, the pathogeny of yellow fever is unsettled.
 noun (n.) That branch of pathology which treats of the generation and development of disease.

photogenynoun (n.) See Photography.

phylogenynoun (n.) The history of genealogical development; the race history of an animal or vegetable type; the historic exolution of the phylon or tribe, in distinction from ontogeny, or the development of the individual organism, and from biogenesis, or life development generally.

physiogenynoun (n.) The germ history of the functions, or the history of the development of vital activities, in the individual, being one of the branches of ontogeny. See Morphogeny.

phytogenynoun (n.) The doctrine of the generation of plants.

polygenynoun (n.) The theory that living organisms originate in cells or embryos of different kinds, instead of coming from a single cell; -- opposed to monogenesis.

progenynoun (n.) Descendants of the human kind, or offspring of other animals; children; offspring; race, lineage.

sheenyadjective (a.) Bright; shining; radiant; sheen.

spleenyadjective (a.) Irritable; peevish; fretful.
 adjective (a.) Affected with nervous complaints; melancholy.

sweenynoun (n.) An atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder in horses; also, atrophy of any muscle in horses.

teenyadjective (a.) Very small; tiny.
 adjective (a.) Fretful; peevish; pettish; cross.

teratogenynoun (n.) The formation of monsters.

zoogenynoun (n.) Alt. of Zoogony

weazenyadjective (a.) Somewhat weazen; shriveled.


Rhyming Words According to First 9 Letters (ballinden) - Words That Begins with ballinden:

Rhyming Words According to First 8 Letters (ballinde) - Words That Begins with ballinde:

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (ballind) - Words That Begins with ballind:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (ballin) - Words That Begins with ballin:

ballingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ball

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (balli) - Words That Begins with balli:

ballistanoun (n.) An ancient military engine, in the form of a crossbow, used for hurling large missiles.

ballisternoun (n.) A crossbow.

ballisticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the ballista, or to the art of hurling stones or missile weapons by means of an engine.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to projection, or to a projectile.

ballisticsnoun (n.) The science or art of hurling missile weapons by the use of an engine.

balliumnoun (n.) See Bailey.

ballistitenoun (n.) A smokeless powder containing equal parts of soluble nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (ball) - Words That Begins with ball:

ballnoun (n.) Any round or roundish body or mass; a sphere or globe; as, a ball of twine; a ball of snow.
 noun (n.) A spherical body of any substance or size used to play with, as by throwing, knocking, kicking, etc.
 noun (n.) A general name for games in which a ball is thrown, kicked, or knocked. See Baseball, and Football.
 noun (n.) Any solid spherical, cylindrical, or conical projectile of lead or iron, to be discharged from a firearm; as, a cannon ball; a rifle ball; -- often used collectively; as, powder and ball. Spherical balls for the smaller firearms are commonly called bullets.
 noun (n.) A flaming, roundish body shot into the air; a case filled with combustibles intended to burst and give light or set fire, or to produce smoke or stench; as, a fire ball; a stink ball.
 noun (n.) A leather-covered cushion, fastened to a handle called a ballstock; -- formerly used by printers for inking the form, but now superseded by the roller.
 noun (n.) A roundish protuberant portion of some part of the body; as, the ball of the thumb; the ball of the foot.
 noun (n.) A large pill, a form in which medicine is commonly given to horses; a bolus.
 noun (n.) The globe or earth.
 noun (n.) A social assembly for the purpose of dancing.
 noun (n.) A pitched ball, not struck at by the batsman, which fails to pass over the home base at a height not greater than the batsman's shoulder nor less than his knee.
 verb (v. i.) To gather balls which cling to the feet, as of damp snow or clay; to gather into balls; as, the horse balls; the snow balls.
 verb (v. t.) To heat in a furnace and form into balls for rolling.
 verb (v. t.) To form or wind into a ball; as, to ball cotton.

balladnoun (n.) A popular kind of narrative poem, adapted for recitation or singing; as, the ballad of Chevy Chase; esp., a sentimental or romantic poem in short stanzas.
 verb (v. i.) To make or sing ballads.
 verb (v. t.) To make mention of in ballads.

balladenoun (n.) A form of French versification, sometimes imitated in English, in which three or four rhymes recur through three stanzas of eight or ten lines each, the stanzas concluding with a refrain, and the whole poem with an envoy.

balladernoun (n.) A writer of ballads.

balladrynoun (n.) Ballad poems; the subject or style of ballads.

ballahoonoun (n.) Alt. of Ballahou

ballahounoun (n.) A fast-sailing schooner, used in the Bermudas and West Indies.

ballastadjective (a.) Any heavy substance, as stone, iron, etc., put into the hold to sink a vessel in the water to such a depth as to prevent capsizing.
 adjective (a.) Any heavy matter put into the car of a balloon to give it steadiness.
 adjective (a.) Gravel, broken stone, etc., laid in the bed of a railroad to make it firm and solid.
 adjective (a.) The larger solids, as broken stone or gravel, used in making concrete.
 adjective (a.) Fig.: That which gives, or helps to maintain, uprightness, steadiness, and security.
 verb (v. t.) To steady, as a vessel, by putting heavy substances in the hold.
 verb (v. t.) To fill in, as the bed of a railroad, with gravel, stone, etc., in order to make it firm and solid.
 verb (v. t.) To keep steady; to steady, morally.

ballastingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ballast
 noun (n.) That which is used for steadying anything; ballast.

ballastagenoun (n.) A toll paid for the privilege of taking up ballast in a port or harbor.

ballatrynoun (n.) See Balladry.

balletnoun (n.) An artistic dance performed as a theatrical entertainment, or an interlude, by a number of persons, usually women. Sometimes, a scene accompanied by pantomime and dancing.
 noun (n.) The company of persons who perform the ballet.
 noun (n.) A light part song, or madrigal, with a fa la burden or chorus, -- most common with the Elizabethan madrigal composers.
 noun (n.) A bearing in coats of arms, representing one or more balls, which are denominated bezants, plates, etc., according to color.

balloonnoun (n.) A bag made of silk or other light material, and filled with hydrogen gas or heated air, so as to rise and float in the atmosphere; especially, one with a car attached for aerial navigation.
 noun (n.) A ball or globe on the top of a pillar, church, etc., as at St. Paul's, in London.
 noun (n.) A round vessel, usually with a short neck, to hold or receive whatever is distilled; a glass vessel of a spherical form.
 noun (n.) A bomb or shell.
 noun (n.) A game played with a large inflated ball.
 noun (n.) The outline inclosing words represented as coming from the mouth of a pictured figure.
 verb (v. t.) To take up in, or as if in, a balloon.
 verb (v. i.) To go up or voyage in a balloon.
 verb (v. i.) To expand, or puff out, like a balloon.

balloonedadjective (a.) Swelled out like a balloon.

balloonernoun (n.) One who goes up in a balloon; an aeronaut.

ballooningnoun (n.) The art or practice of managing balloons or voyaging in them.
 noun (n.) The process of temporarily raising the value of a stock, as by fictitious sales.

balloonistnoun (n.) An aeronaut.

balloonrynoun (n.) The art or practice of ascending in a balloon; aeronautics.

ballotnoun (n.) Originally, a ball used for secret voting. Hence: Any printed or written ticket used in voting.
 noun (n.) The act of voting by balls or written or printed ballots or tickets; the system of voting secretly by balls or by tickets.
 noun (n.) The whole number of votes cast at an election, or in a given territory or electoral district.
 noun (n.) To vote or decide by ballot; as, to ballot for a candidate.
 verb (v. t.) To vote for or in opposition to.

ballotingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ballot

ballotationnoun (n.) Voting by ballot.

balloternoun (n.) One who votes by ballot.

ballotinnoun (n.) An officer who has charge of a ballot box.

ballownoun (n.) A cudgel.

ballproofadjective (a.) Incapable of being penetrated by balls from firearms.

ballroomnoun (n.) A room for balls or dancing.

ballotagenoun (n.) In France, a second ballot taken after an indecisive first ballot to decide between two or several candidates.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (bal) - Words That Begins with bal:

balaamnoun (n.) A paragraph describing something wonderful, used to fill out a newspaper column; -- an allusion to the miracle of Balaam's ass speaking.

balachongnoun (n.) A condiment formed of small fishes or shrimps, pounded up with salt and spices, and then dried. It is much esteemed in China.

balaenoideanoun (n.) A division of the Cetacea, including the right whale and all other whales having the mouth fringed with baleen. See Baleen.

balancenoun (n.) An apparatus for weighing.
 noun (n.) Act of weighing mentally; comparison; estimate.
 noun (n.) Equipoise between the weights in opposite scales.
 noun (n.) The state of being in equipoise; equilibrium; even adjustment; steadiness.
 noun (n.) An equality between the sums total of the two sides of an account; as, to bring one's accounts to a balance; -- also, the excess on either side; as, the balance of an account.
 noun (n.) A balance wheel, as of a watch, or clock. See Balance wheel (in the Vocabulary).
 noun (n.) The constellation Libra.
 noun (n.) The seventh sign in the Zodiac, called Libra, which the sun enters at the equinox in September.
 noun (n.) A movement in dancing. See Balance, v. i., S.
 noun (n.) To bring to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights; to weigh in a balance.
 noun (n.) To support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling; as, to balance a plate on the end of a cane; to balance one's self on a tight rope.
 noun (n.) To equal in number, weight, force, or proportion; to counterpoise, counterbalance, counteract, or neutralize.
 noun (n.) To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc.; to estimate.
 noun (n.) To settle and adjust, as an account; to make two accounts equal by paying the difference between them.
 noun (n.) To make the sums of the debits and credits of an account equal; -- said of an item; as, this payment, or credit, balances the account.
 noun (n.) To arrange accounts in such a way that the sum total of the debits is equal to the sum total of the credits; as, to balance a set of books.
 noun (n.) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally; as, to balance partners.
 noun (n.) To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass; as, to balance the boom mainsail.
 verb (v. i.) To have equal weight on each side; to be in equipoise; as, the scales balance.
 verb (v. i.) To fluctuate between motives which appear of equal force; to waver; to hesitate.
 verb (v. i.) To move toward a person or couple, and then back.

balancingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Balance

balanceableadjective (a.) Such as can be balanced.

balancementnoun (n.) The act or result of balancing or adjusting; equipoise; even adjustment of forces.

balancernoun (n.) One who balances, or uses a balance.
 noun (n.) In Diptera, the rudimentary posterior wing.

balancereefnoun (n.) The last reef in a fore-and-aft sail, taken to steady the ship.

balaniferousadjective (a.) Bearing or producing acorns.

balanitenoun (n.) A fossil balanoid shell.

balanoglossusnoun (n.) A peculiar marine worm. See Enteropneusta, and Tornaria.

balanoidadjective (a.) Resembling an acorn; -- applied to a group of barnacles having shells shaped like acorns. See Acornshell, and Barnacle.

balaustinenoun (n.) The pomegranate tree (Punica granatum). The bark of the root, the rind of the fruit, and the flowers are used medicinally.

balbutiesnoun (n.) The defect of stammering; also, a kind of incomplete pronunciation.

balconnoun (n.) A balcony.

balconiedadjective (a.) Having balconies.

balconynoun (n.) A platform projecting from the wall of a building, usually resting on brackets or consoles, and inclosed by a parapet; as, a balcony in front of a window. Also, a projecting gallery in places of amusement; as, the balcony in a theater.
 noun (n.) A projecting gallery once common at the stern of large ships.

baldadjective (a.) Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak.
 adjective (a.) Destitute of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal.
 adjective (a.) Undisguised.
 adjective (a.) Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean.
 adjective (a.) Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat.
 adjective (a.) Destitute of the natural covering.
 adjective (a.) Marked with a white spot on the head; bald-faced.

baldachinnoun (n.) A rich brocade; baudekin.
 noun (n.) A structure in form of a canopy, sometimes supported by columns, and sometimes suspended from the roof or projecting from the wall; generally placed over an altar; as, the baldachin in St. Peter's.
 noun (n.) A portable canopy borne over shrines, etc., in procession.

baldernoun (n.) The most beautiful and beloved of the gods; the god of peace; the son of Odin and Freya.

balderdashnoun (n.) A worthless mixture, especially of liquors.
 noun (n.) Senseless jargon; ribaldry; nonsense; trash.
 verb (v. t.) To mix or adulterate, as liquors.

baldheadnoun (n.) A person whose head is bald.
 noun (n.) A white-headed variety of pigeon.

baldheadedadjective (a.) Having a bald head.

baldnessnoun (n.) The state or condition of being bald; as, baldness of the head; baldness of style.

baldpatenoun (n.) A baldheaded person.
 noun (n.) The American widgeon (Anas Americana).
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Baldpated

baldpatedadjective (a.) Destitute of hair on the head; baldheaded.

baldribnoun (n.) A piece of pork cut lower down than the sparerib, and destitute of fat.

baldricnoun (n.) A broad belt, sometimes richly ornamented, worn over one shoulder, across the breast, and under the opposite arm; less properly, any belt.

baldwinnoun (n.) A kind of reddish, moderately acid, winter apple.

balenoun (n.) A bundle or package of goods in a cloth cover, and corded for storage or transportation; also, a bundle of straw / hay, etc., put up compactly for transportation.
 noun (n.) Misery; calamity; misfortune; sorrow.
 noun (n.) Evil; an evil, pernicious influence; something causing great injury.
 verb (v. t.) To make up in a bale.
 verb (v. t.) See Bail, v. t., to lade.

balingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bale

balearicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the isles of Majorca, Minorca, Ivica, etc., in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Valencia.

baleennoun (n.) Plates or blades of "whalebone," from two to twelve feet long, and sometimes a foot wide, which in certain whales (Balaenoidea) are attached side by side along the upper jaw, and form a fringelike sieve by which the food is retained in the mouth.

balefirenoun (n.) A signal fire; an alarm fire.

balefuladjective (a.) Full of deadly or pernicious influence; destructive.
 adjective (a.) Full of grief or sorrow; woeful; sad.

balefulnessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being baleful.

balisaurnoun (n.) A badgerlike animal of India (Arcionyx collaris).

balisternoun (n.) A crossbow.

balistoidadjective (a.) Like a fish of the genus Balistes; of the family Balistidae. See Filefish.

balistrarianoun (n.) A narrow opening, often cruciform, through which arrows might be discharged.

balizenoun (n.) A pole or a frame raised as a sea beacon or a landmark.

balkingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Balk

balkernoun (n.) One who, or that which balks.
 noun (n.) A person who stands on a rock or eminence to espy the shoals of herring, etc., and to give notice to the men in boats which way they pass; a conder; a huer.

balkishadjective (a.) Uneven; ridgy.

balkyadjective (a.) Apt to balk; as, a balky horse.

balmnoun (n.) An aromatic plant of the genus Melissa.
 noun (n.) The resinous and aromatic exudation of certain trees or shrubs.
 noun (n.) Any fragrant ointment.
 noun (n.) Anything that heals or that mitigates pain.
 verb (v. i.) To anoint with balm, or with anything medicinal. Hence: To soothe; to mitigate.

balmoralnoun (n.) A long woolen petticoat, worn immediately under the dress.
 noun (n.) A kind of stout walking shoe, laced in front.

balmyadjective (a.) Having the qualities of balm; odoriferous; aromatic; assuaging; soothing; refreshing; mild.
 adjective (a.) Producing balm.
 adjective (a.) Full of barm or froth; in a ferment.

balnealadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a bath.


English Words which starts with 'ball' and ends with 'deny':

English Words which starts with 'bal' and ends with 'eny':

English Words which starts with 'ba' and ends with 'ny':

baronynoun (n.) The fee or domain of a baron; the lordship, dignity, or rank of a baron.
 noun (n.) In Ireland, a territorial division, corresponding nearly to the English hundred, and supposed to have been originally the district of a native chief. There are 252 of these baronies. In Scotland, an extensive freehold. It may be held by a commoner.

baryphonynoun (n.) Difficulty of speech.