First name GOVIND's origin is Indian. GOVIND means "popular and powerful god". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with GOVIND below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of govind.(Brown names are of the same origin (Indian) with GOVIND and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)
First Names Rhyming GOVIND
NAMES RHYMING WITH GOVİND (According to last letters):
Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ovind) - Names That Ends with ovind:
Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (vind) - Names That Ends with vind:
Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ind) - Names That Ends with ind:
hind josalind lind rosalind cetewind heardind bofindRhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (nd) - Names That Ends with nd:
rozamond courtland garberend svend barend ryland armand garland desmond hildebrand raymond caitland diamond rozomund aldn'd arend arland behrend berend bernd bertrand brand caraidland cleveland clifland clyfland deagmund devland drummand drummond eadmund edmond edmund eorland eorlland erland esmund estmund fernand gariland garmund harland hildbrand hildehrand howland jaylend kirkland kyland lakeland lamond leeland leland lynd marchland marland moreland morland noland ordland ordmund orland ormemund ormond ormund osmund radmund raedmund rand redmond redmund rockland rygeland sigmund sutherland tedmund theomund thormund thurmond tolland wayland wegland weyland walmond normand thormond tedmond saund osmond grantland garmond esmond toland rosamundNAMES RHYMING WITH GOVİND (According to first letters):
Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (govin) - Names That Begins with govin:
Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (govi) - Names That Begins with govi:
Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (gov) - Names That Begins with gov:
govanne govannon goveniayle governayleRhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (go) - Names That Begins with go:
gobha gobinet gobnait gobnat godalupe goddard godewyn godfredo godfrey godfried godgifu godiva godofredo godric godwin godwine gofraidh gofried gogarty gogo gogu gokul gol gold golda golden goldie golding golds goldwin goldwine goldwyn goldy golligan goneril gonerilla gonzalo goodwin goodwine goodwy goodwyn goraidh gorane gorboduc gordain gordan gordana gordania gordie gordon gordy gore gorlois gormain gorman gormghlaith gormley gormly goro gorre gorrie gorry gorsedd gorvenal gosheven gothfraidh gottfr gottfried gotthard gotzon gouveniail gouvernail gow gowan gowynNAMES BOTH FIRST AND LAST LETTERS RHYMING WITH GOVİND:
First Names which starts with 'go' and ends with 'nd':
First Names which starts with 'g' and ends with 'd':
gad galahad garabed garafeld gard gared garfield garrad garrard garred garwood gaspard gearald gearoid gehard gerald gerard gerd gerhard gerold gerrald gerrard gerred gertrud gifford gifuhard gilford gillecriosd girard glad glewlwyd grimbold griswald griswold guifford gwenddyddEnglish Words Rhyming GOVIND
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GOVİND (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ovind) - English Words That Ends with ovind:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (vind) - English Words That Ends with vind:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ind) - English Words That Ends with ind:
bearbind | noun (n.) The bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). |
behind | noun (n.) The backside; the rump. |
adjective (a.) On the side opposite the front or nearest part; on the back side of; at the back of; on the other side of; as, behind a door; behind a hill. | |
adjective (a.) Left after the departure of, whether this be by removing to a distance or by death. | |
adjective (a.) Left a distance by, in progress of improvement Hence: Inferior to in dignity, rank, knowledge, or excellence, or in any achievement. | |
adverb (adv.) At the back part; in the rear. | |
adverb (adv.) Toward the back part or rear; backward; as, to look behind. | |
adverb (adv.) Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited to view; out of sight; remaining. | |
adverb (adv.) Backward in time or order of succession; past. | |
adverb (adv.) After the departure of another; as, to stay behind. |
bind | noun (n.) That which binds or ties. |
noun (n.) Any twining or climbing plant or stem, esp. a hop vine; a bine. | |
noun (n.) Indurated clay, when much mixed with the oxide of iron. | |
noun (n.) A ligature or tie for grouping notes. | |
verb (v. t.) To tie, or confine with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.; to fetter; to make fast; as, to bind grain in bundles; to bind a prisoner. | |
verb (v. t.) To confine, restrain, or hold by physical force or influence of any kind; as, attraction binds the planets to the sun; frost binds the earth, or the streams. | |
verb (v. t.) To cover, as with a bandage; to bandage or dress; -- sometimes with up; as, to bind up a wound. | |
verb (v. t.) To make fast ( a thing) about or upon something, as by tying; to encircle with something; as, to bind a belt about one; to bind a compress upon a part. | |
verb (v. t.) To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action; as, certain drugs bind the bowels. | |
verb (v. t.) To protect or strengthen by a band or binding, as the edge of a carpet or garment. | |
verb (v. t.) To sew or fasten together, and inclose in a cover; as, to bind a book. | |
verb (v. t.) Fig.: To oblige, restrain, or hold, by authority, law, duty, promise, vow, affection, or other moral tie; as, to bind the conscience; to bind by kindness; bound by affection; commerce binds nations to each other. | |
verb (v. t.) To bring (any one) under definite legal obligations; esp. under the obligation of a bond or covenant. | |
verb (v. t.) To place under legal obligation to serve; to indenture; as, to bind an apprentice; -- sometimes with out; as, bound out to service. | |
verb (v. i.) To tie; to confine by any ligature. | |
verb (v. i.) To contract; to grow hard or stiff; to cohere or stick together in a mass; as, clay binds by heat. | |
verb (v. i.) To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction. | |
verb (v. i.) To exert a binding or restraining influence. |
blind | noun (n.) Something to hinder sight or keep out light; a screen; a cover; esp. a hinged screen or shutter for a window; a blinder for a horse. |
noun (n.) Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge. | |
noun (n.) A blindage. See Blindage. | |
noun (n.) A halting place. | |
noun (n.) Alt. of Blinde | |
adjective (a.) Destitute of the sense of seeing, either by natural defect or by deprivation; without sight. | |
adjective (a.) Not having the faculty of discernment; destitute of intellectual light; unable or unwilling to understand or judge; as, authors are blind to their own defects. | |
adjective (a.) Undiscerning; undiscriminating; inconsiderate. | |
adjective (a.) Having such a state or condition as a thing would have to a person who is blind; not well marked or easily discernible; hidden; unseen; concealed; as, a blind path; a blind ditch. | |
adjective (a.) Involved; intricate; not easily followed or traced. | |
adjective (a.) Having no openings for light or passage; as, a blind wall; open only at one end; as, a blind alley; a blind gut. | |
adjective (a.) Unintelligible, or not easily intelligible; as, a blind passage in a book; illegible; as, blind writing. | |
adjective (a.) Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit; as, blind buds; blind flowers. | |
verb (v. t.) To make blind; to deprive of sight or discernment. | |
verb (v. t.) To deprive partially of vision; to make vision difficult for and painful to; to dazzle. | |
verb (v. t.) To darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to conceal; to deceive. | |
verb (v. t.) To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel; as a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled. |
cornbind | noun (n.) A weed that binds stalks of corn, as Convolvulus arvensis, Polygonum Convolvulus. |
driftwind | noun (n.) A driving wind; a wind that drives snow, sand, etc., into heaps. |
find | noun (n.) Anything found; a discovery of anything valuable; especially, a deposit, discovered by archaeologists, of objects of prehistoric or unknown origin. |
verb (v. t.) To meet with, or light upon, accidentally; to gain the first sight or knowledge of, as of something new, or unknown; hence, to fall in with, as a person. | |
verb (v. t.) To learn by experience or trial; to perceive; to experience; to discover by the intellect or the feelings; to detect; to feel. | |
verb (v. t.) To come upon by seeking; as, to find something lost. | |
verb (v. t.) To discover by sounding; as, to find bottom. | |
verb (v. t.) To discover by study or experiment direct to an object or end; as, water is found to be a compound substance. | |
verb (v. t.) To gain, as the object of desire or effort; as, to find leisure; to find means. | |
verb (v. t.) To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire. | |
verb (v. t.) To provide for; to supply; to furnish; as, to find food for workemen; he finds his nephew in money. | |
verb (v. t.) To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish; as, to find a verdict; to find a true bill (of indictment) against an accused person. | |
verb (v. i.) To determine an issue of fact, and to declare such a determination to a court; as, the jury find for the plaintiff. |
gavelkind | noun (n.) A tenure by which land descended from the father to all his sons in equal portions, and the land of a brother, dying without issue, descended equally to his brothers. It still prevails in the county of Kent. |
gerlind | noun (n.) A salmon returning from the sea the second time. |
grind | noun (n.) The act of reducing to powder, or of sharpening, by friction. |
noun (n.) Any severe continuous work or occupation; esp., hard and uninteresting study. | |
noun (n.) A hard student; a dig. | |
verb (v. t.) To reduce to powder by friction, as in a mill, or with the teeth; to crush into small fragments; to produce as by the action of millstones. | |
verb (v. t.) To wear down, polish, or sharpen, by friction; to make smooth, sharp, or pointed; to whet, as a knife or drill; to rub against one another, as teeth, etc. | |
verb (v. t.) To oppress by severe exactions; to harass. | |
verb (v. t.) To study hard for examination. | |
verb (v. i.) To perform the operation of grinding something; to turn the millstones. | |
verb (v. i.) To become ground or pulverized by friction; as, this corn grinds well. | |
verb (v. i.) To become polished or sharpened by friction; as, glass grinds smooth; steel grinds to a sharp edge. | |
verb (v. i.) To move with much difficulty or friction; to grate. | |
verb (v. i.) To perform hard aud distasteful service; to drudge; to study hard, as for an examination. |
helmwind | noun (n.) A wind attending or presaged by the cloud called helm. |
hind | noun (n.) The female of the red deer, of which the male is the stag. |
noun (n.) A spotted food fish of the genus Epinephelus, as E. apua of Bermuda, and E. Drummond-hayi of Florida; -- called also coney, John Paw, spotted hind. | |
noun (n.) A domestic; a servant. | |
noun (n.) A peasant; a rustic; a farm servant. | |
adjective (a.) In the rear; -- opposed to front; of or pertaining to the part or end which follows or is behind, in opposition to the part which leads or is before; as, the hind legs or hind feet of a quadruped; the hind man in a procession. |
hopbind | noun (n.) The climbing stem of the hop. |
humankind | noun (n.) Mankind. |
hurlwind | noun (n.) A whirlwind. |
ind | noun (n.) India. |
kind | adjective (a.) Nature; natural instinct or disposition. |
adjective (a.) Race; genus; species; generic class; as, in mankind or humankind. | |
adjective (a.) Nature; style; character; sort; fashion; manner; variety; description; class; as, there are several kinds of eloquence, of style, and of music; many kinds of government; various kinds of soil, etc. | |
superlative (superl.) Characteristic of the species; belonging to one's nature; natural; native. | |
superlative (superl.) Having feelings befitting our common nature; congenial; sympathetic; as, a kind man; a kind heart. | |
superlative (superl.) Showing tenderness or goodness; disposed to do good and confer happiness; averse to hurting or paining; benevolent; benignant; gracious. | |
superlative (superl.) Proceeding from, or characterized by, goodness, gentleness, or benevolence; as, a kind act. | |
superlative (superl.) Gentle; tractable; easily governed; as, a horse kind in harness. | |
verb (v. t.) To beget. |
lind | noun (n.) The linden. See Linden. |
mankind | noun (n.) The human race; man, taken collectively. |
noun (n.) Men, as distinguished from women; the male portion of human race. | |
noun (n.) Human feelings; humanity. | |
adjective (a.) Manlike; not womanly; masculine; bold; cruel. |
millrind | noun (n.) Alt. of Millrynd |
mind | noun (n.) To fix the mind or thoughts on; to regard with attention; to treat as of consequence; to consider; to heed; to mark; to note. |
noun (n.) To occupy one's self with; to employ one's self about; to attend to; as, to mind one's business. | |
noun (n.) To obey; as, to mind parents; the dog minds his master. | |
noun (n.) To have in mind; to purpose. | |
noun (n.) To put in mind; to remind. | |
verb (v.) The intellectual or rational faculty in man; the understanding; the intellect; the power that conceives, judges, or reasons; also, the entire spiritual nature; the soul; -- often in distinction from the body. | |
verb (v.) The state, at any given time, of the faculties of thinking, willing, choosing, and the like; psychical activity or state; as: (a) Opinion; judgment; belief. | |
verb (v.) Choice; inclination; liking; intent; will. | |
verb (v.) Courage; spirit. | |
verb (v.) Memory; remembrance; recollection; as, to have or keep in mind, to call to mind, to put in mind, etc. | |
verb (v. i.) To give attention or heed; to obey; as, the dog minds well. |
moonblind | adjective (a.) Dim-sighted; purblind. |
poreblind | adjective (a.) Nearsighted; shortsighted; purblind. |
purblind | adjective (a.) Wholly blind. |
adjective (a.) Nearsighted, or dim-sighted; seeing obscurely; as, a purblind eye; a purblind mole. |
rind | noun (n.) The external covering or coat, as of flesh, fruit, trees, etc.; skin; hide; bark; peel; shell. |
verb (v. t.) To remove the rind of; to bark. |
stormwind | noun (n.) A heavy wind; a wind that brings a storm; the blast of a storm. |
tamarind | noun (n.) A leguminous tree (Tamarindus Indica) cultivated both the Indies, and the other tropical countries, for the sake of its shade, and for its fruit. The trunk of the tree is lofty and large, with wide-spreading branches; the flowers are in racemes at the ends of the branches. The leaves are small and finely pinnated. |
noun (n.) One of the preserved seed pods of the tamarind, which contain an acid pulp, and are used medicinally and for preparing a pleasant drink. |
teind | noun (n.) A tithe. |
underkind | noun (n.) An inferior kind. |
unkind | adjective (a.) Having no race or kindred; childless. |
adjective (a.) Not kind; contrary to nature, or the law of kind or kindred; unnatural. | |
adjective (a.) Wanting in kindness, sympathy, benevolence, gratitude, or the like; cruel; harsh; unjust; ungrateful. |
whirlwind | noun (n.) A violent windstorm of limited extent, as the tornado, characterized by an inward spiral motion of the air with an upward current in the center; a vortex of air. It usually has a rapid progressive motion. |
noun (n.) Fig.: A body of objects sweeping violently onward. |
wind | noun (n.) The act of winding or turning; a turn; a bend; a twist; a winding. |
noun (n.) Air naturally in motion with any degree of velocity; a current of air. | |
noun (n.) Air artificially put in motion by any force or action; as, the wind of a cannon ball; the wind of a bellows. | |
noun (n.) Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or by an instrument. | |
noun (n.) Power of respiration; breath. | |
noun (n.) Air or gas generated in the stomach or bowels; flatulence; as, to be troubled with wind. | |
noun (n.) Air impregnated with an odor or scent. | |
noun (n.) A direction from which the wind may blow; a point of the compass; especially, one of the cardinal points, which are often called the four winds. | |
noun (n.) A disease of sheep, in which the intestines are distended with air, or rather affected with a violent inflammation. It occurs immediately after shearing. | |
noun (n.) Mere breath or talk; empty effort; idle words. | |
noun (n.) The dotterel. | |
noun (n.) The region of the pit of the stomach, where a blow may paralyze the diaphragm and cause temporary loss of breath or other injury; the mark. | |
verb (v. t.) To turn completely, or with repeated turns; especially, to turn about something fixed; to cause to form convolutions about anything; to coil; to twine; to twist; to wreathe; as, to wind thread on a spool or into a ball. | |
verb (v. t.) To entwist; to infold; to encircle. | |
verb (v. t.) To have complete control over; to turn and bend at one's pleasure; to vary or alter or will; to regulate; to govern. | |
verb (v. t.) To introduce by insinuation; to insinuate. | |
verb (v. t.) To cover or surround with something coiled about; as, to wind a rope with twine. | |
verb (v. i.) To turn completely or repeatedly; to become coiled about anything; to assume a convolved or spiral form; as, vines wind round a pole. | |
verb (v. i.) To have a circular course or direction; to crook; to bend; to meander; as, to wind in and out among trees. | |
verb (v. i.) To go to the one side or the other; to move this way and that; to double on one's course; as, a hare pursued turns and winds. | |
verb (v. t.) To expose to the wind; to winnow; to ventilate. | |
verb (v. t.) To perceive or follow by the scent; to scent; to nose; as, the hounds winded the game. | |
verb (v. t.) To drive hard, or force to violent exertion, as a horse, so as to render scant of wind; to put out of breath. | |
verb (v. t.) To rest, as a horse, in order to allow the breath to be recovered; to breathe. | |
verb (v. t.) To blow; to sound by blowing; esp., to sound with prolonged and mutually involved notes. |
withwind | noun (n.) A kind of bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). |
womankind | noun (n.) The females of the human race; women, collectively. |
woodbind | noun (n.) Woodbine. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GOVİND (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (govin) - Words That Begins with govin:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (govi) - Words That Begins with govi:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (gov) - Words That Begins with gov:
gove | noun (n.) A mow; a rick for hay. |
governing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Govern |
adjective (a.) Holding the superiority; prevalent; controlling; as, a governing wind; a governing party in a state. | |
adjective (a.) Requiring a particular case. |
governability | noun (n.) Governableness. |
governable | adjective (a.) Capable of being governed, or subjected to authority; controllable; manageable; obedient. |
governableness | noun (n.) The quality of being governable; manageableness. |
governal | noun (n.) Alt. of Governail |
governail | noun (n.) Management; mastery. |
governance | noun (n.) Exercise of authority; control; government; arrangement. |
governante | noun (n.) A governess. |
governess | noun (n.) A female governor; a woman invested with authority to control and direct; especially, one intrusted with the care and instruction of children, -- usually in their homes. |
government | noun (n.) The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government. |
noun (n.) The mode of governing; the system of polity in a state; the established form of law. | |
noun (n.) The right or power of governing; authority. | |
noun (n.) The person or persons authorized to administer the laws; the ruling power; the administration. | |
noun (n.) The body politic governed by one authority; a state; as, the governments of Europe. | |
noun (n.) Management of the limbs or body. | |
noun (n.) The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case. |
governmental | adjective (a.) Pertaining to government; made by government; as, governmental duties. |
governor | noun (n.) One who governs; especially, one who is invested with the supreme executive authority in a State; a chief ruler or magistrate; as, the governor of Pennsylvania. |
noun (n.) One who has the care or guardianship of a young man; a tutor; a guardian. | |
noun (n.) A pilot; a steersman. | |
noun (n.) A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable. |
governorship | noun (n.) The office of a governor. |
English Words which starts with 'go' and ends with 'nd':
godsend | noun (n.) Something sent by God; an unexpected acquisiton or piece of good fortune. |
goeland | noun (n.) A white tropical tern (Cygis candida). |
gormand | noun (n.) A greedy or ravenous eater; a luxurious feeder; a gourmand. |
adjective (a.) Gluttonous; voracious. |
gouland | noun (n.) See Golding. |
gourmand | noun (n.) A greedy or ravenous eater; a glutton. See Gormand. |