First Names Rhyming MACQUAID
English Words Rhyming MACQUAID
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MACQUAİD (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (acquaid) - English Words That Ends with acquaid:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (cquaid) - English Words That Ends with cquaid:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (quaid) - English Words That Ends with quaid:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (uaid) - English Words That Ends with uaid:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (aid) - English Words That Ends with aid:
abovesaid | adjective (a.) Mentioned or recited before. |
aforesaid | adjective (a.) Said before, or in a preceding part; already described or identified. |
afraid | adjective (p. a.) Impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive. |
alcaid | noun (n.) Alt. of Alcayde |
apaid | adjective (a.) Paid; pleased. |
barmaid | noun (n.) A girl or woman who attends the customers of a bar, as in a tavern or beershop. |
bondmaid | noun (n.) A female slave, or one bound to service without wages, as distinguished from a hired servant. |
braid | noun (n.) A plait, band, or narrow fabric formed by intertwining or weaving together different strands. |
| noun (n.) A narrow fabric, as of wool, silk, or linen, used for binding, trimming, or ornamenting dresses, etc. |
| noun (n.) A quick motion; a start. |
| noun (n.) A fancy; freak; caprice. |
| verb (v. t.) To weave, interlace, or entwine together, as three or more strands or threads; to form into a braid; to plait. |
| verb (v. t.) To mingle, or to bring to a uniformly soft consistence, by beating, rubbing, or straining, as in some culinary operations. |
| verb (v. t.) To reproach. [Obs.] See Upbraid. |
| verb (v. i.) To start; to awake. |
| verb (v. t.) Deceitful. |
bridemaid | noun (n.) Alt. of Brideman |
bridesmaid | noun (n.) A female friend who attends on a bride at her wedding. |
cablelaid | adjective (a.) Composed of three three-stranded ropes, or hawsers, twisted together to form a cable. |
| adjective (a.) Twisted after the manner of a cable; as, a cable-laid gold chain. |
chambermaid | noun (n.) A maidservant who has the care of chambers, making the beds, sweeping, cleaning the rooms, etc. |
| noun (n.) A lady's maid. |
cookmaid | noun (n.) A female servant or maid who dresses provisions and assists the cook. |
dairymaid | noun (n.) A female servant whose business is the care of the dairy. |
daymaid | noun (n.) A dairymaid. |
foresaid | adjective (a.) Mentioned before; aforesaid. |
handmaid | noun (n.) Alt. of Handmaiden |
housemaid | noun (n.) A female servant employed to do housework, esp. to take care of the rooms. |
kitchenmaid | noun (n.) A woman employed in the kitchen. |
lyraid | noun (n.) Same as Lyrid. |
maid | noun (n.) An unmarried woman; usually, a young unmarried woman; esp., a girl; a virgin; a maiden. |
| noun (n.) A man who has not had sexual intercourse. |
| noun (n.) A female servant. |
| noun (n.) The female of a ray or skate, esp. of the gray skate (Raia batis), and of the thornback (R. clavata). |
mermaid | noun (n.) A fabled marine creature, typically represented as having the upper part like that of a woman, and the lower like a fish; a sea nymph, sea woman, or woman fish. |
milkmaid | noun (n.) A woman who milks cows or is employed in the dairy. |
naid | noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, fresh-water, chaetopod annelids of the tribe Naidina. They belong to the Oligochaeta. |
nursemaid | noun (n.) A girl employed to attend children. |
paid | adjective (imp., p. p., & a.) Receiving pay; compensated; hired; as, a paid attorney. |
| adjective (imp., p. p., & a.) Satisfied; contented. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Pay |
plaid | noun (n.) A rectangular garment or piece of cloth, usually made of the checkered material called tartan, but sometimes of plain gray, or gray with black stripes. It is worn by both sexes in Scotland. |
| noun (n.) Goods of any quality or material of the pattern of a plaid or tartan; a checkered cloth or pattern. |
| adjective (a.) Having a pattern or colors which resemble a Scotch plaid; checkered or marked with bars or stripes at right angles to one another; as, plaid muslin. |
postpaid | adjective (a.) Having the postage prepaid, as a letter. |
raid | noun (n.) A hostile or predatory incursion; an inroad or incursion of mounted men; a sudden and rapid invasion by a cavalry force; a foray. |
| noun (n.) An attack or invasion for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering; as, a raid of the police upon a gambling house; a raid of contractors on the public treasury. |
| verb (v. t.) To make a raid upon or into; as, two regiments raided the border counties. |
said | adjective (a.) Before-mentioned; already spoken of or specified; aforesaid; -- used chiefly in legal style. |
| () imp. & p. p. of Say. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Say |
schoolmaid | noun (n.) A schoolgirl. |
shopmaid | noun (n.) A shopgirl. |
spaid | noun (n.) See 1st Spade. |
staid | adjective (a.) Sober; grave; steady; sedate; composed; regular; not wild, volatile, or fanciful. |
| () of Stay |
thebaid | noun (n.) A Latin epic poem by Statius about Thebes in Boeotia. |
underlaid | adjective (a.) Laid or placed underneath; also, having something laid or lying underneath. |
unlaid | adjective (a.) Not laid or placed; not fixed. |
| adjective (a.) Not allayed; not pacified; not laid finally to rest. |
| adjective (a.) Not laid out, as a corpse. |
upbraid | noun (n.) The act of reproaching; contumely. |
| verb (v. t.) To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to reproach; to cast something in the teeth of; -- followed by with or for, and formerly of, before the thing imputed. |
| verb (v. t.) To reprove severely; to rebuke; to chide. |
| verb (v. t.) To treat with contempt. |
| verb (v. t.) To object or urge as a matter of reproach; to cast up; -- with to before the person. |
| verb (v. i.) To utter upbraidings. |
waid | adjective (a.) Oppressed with weight; crushed; weighed down. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MACQUAİD (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (macquai) - Words That Begins with macquai:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (macqua) - Words That Begins with macqua:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (macqu) - Words That Begins with macqu:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (macq) - Words That Begins with macq:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (mac) - Words That Begins with mac:
macaco | noun (n.) Any one of several species of lemurs, as the ruffed lemur (Lemur macaco), and the ring-tailed lemur (L. catta). |
macacus | noun (n.) A genus of monkeys, found in Asia and the East Indies. They have short tails and prominent eyebrows. |
macadamization | noun (n.) The process or act of macadamizing. |
macadamizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Macadamize |
macaque | noun (n.) Any one of several species of short-tailed monkeys of the genus Macacus; as, M. maurus, the moor macaque of the East Indies. |
macaroni | noun (n.) Long slender tubes made of a paste chiefly of wheat flour, and used as an article of food; Italian or Genoese paste. |
| noun (n.) A medley; something droll or extravagant. |
| noun (n.) A sort of droll or fool. |
| noun (n.) A finical person; a fop; -- applied especially to English fops of about 1775. |
| noun (n.) The designation of a body of Maryland soldiers in the Revolutionary War, distinguished by a rich uniform. |
macaronian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Macaronic |
macaronic | noun (n.) A heap of thing confusedly mixed together; a jumble. |
| noun (n.) A kind of burlesque composition, in which the vernacular words of one or more modern languages are intermixed with genuine Latin words, and with hybrid formed by adding Latin terminations to other roots. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, macaroni (originally a dish of mixed food); hence, mixed; confused; jumbled. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the burlesque composition called macaronic; as, macaronic poetry. |
macaroon | noun (n.) A small cake, composed chiefly of the white of eggs, almonds, and sugar. |
| noun (n.) A finical fellow, or macaroni. |
macartney | noun (n.) A fire-backed pheasant. See Fireback. |
macauco | noun (n.) Any one of several species of small lemurs, as Lemur murinus, which resembles a rat in size. |
macavahu | noun (n.) A small Brazilian monkey (Callithrix torquatus), -- called also collared teetee. |
macaw | noun (n.) Any parrot of the genus Sittace, or Macrocercus. About eighteen species are known, all of them American. They are large and have a very long tail, a strong hooked bill, and a naked space around the eyes. The voice is harsh, and the colors are brilliant and strongly contrasted. |
maccabean | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Judas Maccabeus or to the Maccabees; as, the Maccabean princes; Maccabean times. |
maccabees | noun (n. pl.) The name given later times to the Asmonaeans, a family of Jewish patriots, who headed a religious revolt in the reign of Antiochus IV., 168-161 B. C., which led to a period of freedom for Israel. |
| noun (n. pl.) The name of two ancient historical books, which give accounts of Jewish affairs in or about the time of the Maccabean princes, and which are received as canonical books in the Roman Catholic Church, but are included in the Apocrypha by Protestants. Also applied to three books, two of which are found in some MSS. of the Septuagint. |
maccaboy | noun (n.) Alt. of Maccoboy |
maccoboy | noun (n.) A kind of snuff. |
macco | noun (n.) A gambling game in vogue in the eighteenth century. |
mace | noun (n.) A money of account in China equal to one tenth of a tael; also, a weight of 57.98 grains. |
| noun (n.) A kind of spice; the aril which partly covers nutmegs. See Nutmeg. |
| noun (n.) A heavy staff or club of metal; a spiked club; -- used as weapon in war before the general use of firearms, especially in the Middle Ages, for breaking metal armor. |
| noun (n.) A staff borne by, or carried before, a magistrate as an ensign of his authority. |
| noun (n.) An officer who carries a mace as an emblem of authority. |
| noun (n.) A knobbed mallet used by curriers in dressing leather to make it supple. |
| noun (n.) A rod for playing billiards, having one end suited to resting on the table and pushed with one hand. |
macedonian | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Macedonia. |
| noun (n.) One of a certain religious sect, followers of Macedonius, Bishop of Constantinople, in the fourth century, who held that the Holy Ghost was a creature, like the angels, and a servant of the Father and the Son. |
| adjective (a.) Belonging, or relating, to Macedonia. |
macedonianism | noun (n.) The doctrines of Macedonius. |
macer | noun (n.) A mace bearer; an officer of a court. |
macerating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Macerate |
macerater | noun (n.) One who, or that which, macerates; an apparatus for converting paper or fibrous matter into pulp. |
maceration | noun (n.) The act or process of macerating. |
machaerodus | noun (n.) Alt. of Machairodus |
machairodus | noun (n.) A genus of extinct mammals allied to the cats, and having in the upper jaw canine teeth of remarkable size and strength; -- hence called saber-toothed tigers. |
machete | noun (n.) A large heavy knife resembling a broadsword, often two or three feet in length, -- used by the inhabitants of Spanish America as a hatchet to cut their way through thickets, and for various other purposes. |
machiavelian | noun (n.) One who adopts the principles of Machiavel; a cunning and unprincipled politician. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Machiavel, or to his supposed principles; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity or bad faith; crafty. |
machiavelism | noun (n.) Alt. of Machiavelianism |
machiavelianism | noun (n.) The supposed principles of Machiavel, or practice in conformity to them; political artifice, intended to favor arbitrary power. |
machicolated | adjective (a.) Having machicolations. |
machicolation | noun (n.) An opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, shooting or dropping missiles upen assailants attacking the base of the walls. Also, the construction of such defenses, in general, when of this character. See Illusts. of Battlement and Castle. |
| noun (n.) The act of discharging missiles or pouring burning or melted substances upon assailants through such apertures. |
machicoulis | noun (n.) Same as Machicolation. |
machinal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to machines. |
machinating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Machinate |
machination | noun (n.) The act of machinating. |
| noun (n.) That which is devised; a device; a hostile or treacherous scheme; an artful design or plot. |
machinator | noun (n.) One who machinates, or forms a scheme with evil designs; a plotter or artful schemer. |
machine | noun (n.) In general, any combination of bodies so connected that their relative motions are constrained, and by means of which force and motion may be transmitted and modified, as a screw and its nut, or a lever arranged to turn about a fulcrum or a pulley about its pivot, etc.; especially, a construction, more or less complex, consisting of a combination of moving parts, or simple mechanical elements, as wheels, levers, cams, etc., with their supports and connecting framework, calculated to constitute a prime mover, or to receive force and motion from a prime mover or from another machine, and transmit, modify, and apply them to the production of some desired mechanical effect or work, as weaving by a loom, or the excitation of electricity by an electrical machine. |
| noun (n.) Any mechanical contrivance, as the wooden horse with which the Greeks entered Troy; a coach; a bicycle. |
| noun (n.) A person who acts mechanically or at will of another. |
| noun (n.) A combination of persons acting together for a common purpose, with the agencies which they use; as, the social machine. |
| noun (n.) A political organization arranged and controlled by one or more leaders for selfish, private or partisan ends. |
| noun (n.) Supernatural agency in a poem, or a superhuman being introduced to perform some exploit. |
| verb (v. t.) To subject to the action of machinery; to effect by aid of machinery; to print with a printing machine. |
machining | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Machine |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the machinery of a poem; acting or used as a machine. |
machiner | noun (n.) One who or operates a machine; a machinist. |
machinery | noun (n.) Machines, in general, or collectively. |
| noun (n.) The working parts of a machine, engine, or instrument; as, the machinery of a watch. |
| noun (n.) The supernatural means by which the action of a poetic or fictitious work is carried on and brought to a catastrophe; in an extended sense, the contrivances by which the crises and conclusion of a fictitious narrative, in prose or verse, are effected. |
| noun (n.) The means and appliances by which anything is kept in action or a desired result is obtained; a complex system of parts adapted to a purpose. |
machinist | noun (n.) A constrictor of machines and engines; one versed in the principles of machines. |
| noun (n.) One skilled in the use of machine tools. |
| noun (n.) A person employed to shift scenery in a theater. |
macho | noun (n.) The striped mullet of California (Mugil cephalus, / Mexicanus). |
macilency | noun (n.) Leanness. |
macilent | adjective (a.) Lean; thin. |
macintosh | noun (n.) Same as Mackintosh. |
mackerel | noun (n.) A pimp; also, a bawd. |
| noun (n.) Any species of the genus Scomber, and of several related genera. They are finely formed and very active oceanic fishes. Most of them are highly prized for food. |
mackintosh | noun (n.) A waterproof outer garment; -- so called from the name of the inventor. |
English Words which starts with 'mac' and ends with 'aid':
English Words which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'id':
macropinacoid | noun (n.) One of the two planes of an orthorhombic crystal which are parallel to the vertical and longer lateral (macrodiagonal) axes. |
macropyramid | noun (n.) See Macroprism. |
macruroid | adjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the Macrura. |
madid | adjective (a.) Wet; moist; as, a madid eye. |
maioid | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the genus Maia, or family Maiadeae. |
mammilloid | adjective (a.) Like a mammilla or nipple; mammilliform. |
mandibulohyoid | adjective (a.) Pertaining both to the mandibular and the hyoid arch, or situated between them. |
manid | noun (n.) Any species of the genus Manis, or family Manidae. |
mantispid | noun (n.) Any neuropterous insect of the genus Mantispa, and allied genera. The larvae feed on plant lice. Also used adjectively. See Illust. under Neuroptera. |
marcid | adjective (a.) Pining; lean; withered. |
| adjective (a.) Characterized by emaciation, as a fever. |
mastoid | adjective (a.) Resembling the nipple or the breast; -- applied specifically to a process of the temporal bone behind the ear. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or in the region of, the mastoid process; mastoidal. |
mattoid | noun (n.) A person of congenitally abnormal mind bordering on insanity or degeneracy. |