First Names Rhyming PEREKIN
English Words Rhyming PEREKIN
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PEREKŻN (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (erekin) - English Words That Ends with erekin:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (rekin) - English Words That Ends with rekin:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ekin) - English Words That Ends with ekin:
baudekin | noun (n.) The richest kind of stuff used in garments in the Middle Ages, the web being gold, and the woof silk, with embroidery : -- made originally at Bagdad. |
boydekin | noun (n.) A dagger; a bodkin. |
brodekin | noun (n.) A buskin or half-boot. |
mousekin | noun (n.) A little mouse. |
princekin | noun (n.) A petty prince; a princeling. |
ramekin | noun (n.) See Ramequin. |
| noun (n.) = Ramequin. |
romekin | noun (n.) A drinking cup. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (kin) - English Words That Ends with kin:
akin | adjective (a.) Of the same kin; related by blood; -- used of persons; as, the two families are near akin. |
| adjective (a.) Allied by nature; partaking of the same properties; of the same kind. |
algonkin | noun (n.) One of a widely spread family of Indians, including many distinct tribes, which formerly occupied most of the northern and eastern part of North America. The name was originally applied to a group of Indian tribes north of the River St. Lawrence. |
bearskin | noun (n.) The skin of a bear. |
| noun (n.) A coarse, shaggy, woolen cloth for overcoats. |
| noun (n.) A cap made of bearskin, esp. one worn by soldiers. |
birdikin | noun (n.) A young bird. |
bodkin | noun (n.) A dagger. |
| noun (n.) An implement of steel, bone, ivory, etc., with a sharp point, for making holes by piercing; a /tiletto; an eyeleteer. |
| noun (n.) A sharp tool, like an awl, used for picking /ut letters from a column or page in making corrections. |
| noun (n.) A kind of needle with a large eye and a blunt point, for drawing tape, ribbon, etc., through a loop or a hem; a tape needle. |
| noun (n.) A kind of pin used by women to fasten the hair. |
| noun (n.) See Baudekin. |
boomkin | noun (n.) Same as Bumkin. |
bootikin | noun (n.) A little boot, legging, or gaiter. |
| noun (n.) A covering for the foot or hand, worn as a cure for the gout. |
buckskin | noun (n.) The skin of a buck. |
| noun (n.) A soft strong leather, usually yellowish or grayish in color, made of deerskin. |
| noun (n.) A person clothed in buckskin, particularly an American soldier of the Revolutionary war. |
| noun (n.) Breeches made of buckskin. |
bumkin | noun (n.) A projecting beam or boom; as: (a) One projecting from each bow of a vessel, to haul the fore tack to, called a tack bumpkin. (b) One from each quarter, for the main-brace blocks, and called brace bumpkin. (c) A small outrigger over the stern of a boat, to extend the mizzen. |
bumpkin | noun (n.) An awkward, heavy country fellow; a clown; a country lout. |
buskin | noun (n.) A strong, protecting covering for the foot, coming some distance up the leg. |
| noun (n.) A similar covering for the foot and leg, made with very thick soles, to give an appearance of elevation to the stature; -- worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece and Rome. Used as a symbol of tragedy, or the tragic drama, as distinguished from comedy. |
calfskin | noun (n.) The hide or skin of a calf; or leather made of the skin. |
calkin | noun (n.) A calk on a shoe. See Calk, n., 1. |
canakin | noun (n.) A little can or cup. |
cannikin | noun (n.) A small can or drinking vessel. |
catkin | noun (n.) An ament; a species of inflorescence, consisting of a slender axis with many unisexual apetalous flowers along its sides, as in the willow and poplar, and (as to the staminate flowers) in the chestnut, oak, hickory, etc. -- so called from its resemblance to a cat's tail. See Illust. of Ament. |
ciderkin | noun (n.) A kind of weak cider made by steeping the refuse pomace in water. |
cuskin | noun (n.) A kind of drinking cup. |
damaskin | noun (n.) A sword of Damask steel. |
deerskin | noun (n.) The skin of a deer, or the leather which is made from it. |
devilkin | noun (n.) A little devil; a devilet. |
dodkin | noun (n.) A doit; a small coin. |
doeskin | noun (n.) The skin of the doe. |
| noun (n.) A firm woolen cloth with a smooth, soft surface like a doe's skin; -- made for men's wear. |
dogskin | noun (n.) The skin of a dog, or leather made of the skin. Also used adjectively. |
doitkin | noun (n.) A very small coin; a doit. |
elfkin | noun (n.) A little elf. |
finikin | adjective (a.) Precise in trifles; idly busy. |
finnikin | noun (n.) A variety of pigeon, with a crest somewhat resembling the mane of a horse. |
firkin | noun (n.) A varying measure of capacity, usually being the fourth part of a barrel; specifically, a measure equal to nine imperial gallons. |
| noun (n.) A small wooden vessel or cask of indeterminate size, -- used for butter, lard, etc. |
fishskin | noun (n.) The skin of a fish (dog fish, shark, etc.) |
| noun (n.) See Ichthyosis. |
foreskin | noun (n.) The fold of skin which covers the glans of the penis; the prepuce. |
gherkin | noun (n.) A kind of small, prickly cucumber, much used for pickles. |
| noun (n.) See Sea gherkin. |
girkin | noun (n.) See Gherkin. |
goatskin | noun (n.) The skin of a goat, or leather made from it. |
| adjective (a.) Made of the skin of a goat. |
grimalkin | noun (n.) An old cat, esp. a she-cat. |
griskin | noun (n.) The spine of a hog. |
hogskin | noun (n.) Leather tanned from a hog's skin. Also used adjectively. |
jerkin | noun (n.) A jacket or short coat; a close waistcoat. |
| noun (n.) A male gyrfalcon. |
kilderkin | noun (n.) A small barrel; an old liquid measure containing eighteen English beer gallons, or nearly twenty-two gallons, United States measure. |
kin | noun (n.) A primitive Chinese instrument of the cittern kind, with from five to twenty-five silken strings. |
| noun (n.) Relationship, consanguinity, or affinity; connection by birth or marriage; kindred; near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent. |
| noun (n.) Relatives; persons of the same family or race. |
| adjective (a.) Of the same nature or kind; kinder. |
| () A diminutive suffix; as, manikin; lambkin. |
| () Alt. of Kine |
kipskin | noun (n.) Leather prepared from the skin of young or small cattle, intermediate in grade between calfskin and cowhide. |
ladkin | noun (n.) A little lad. |
ladykin | noun (n.) A little lady; -- applied by the writers of Queen Elizabeth's time, in the abbreviated form Lakin, to the Virgin Mary. |
lakin | noun (n.) See Ladykin. |
lambkin | noun (n.) A small lamb. |
lambskin | noun (n.) The skin of a lamb; especially, a skin dressed with the wool on, and used as a mat. Also used adjectively. |
| noun (n.) A kind of woolen. |
latterkin | noun (n.) A pointed wooden tool used in glazing leaden lattice. |
libkin | noun (n.) A house or lodging. |
limpkin | noun (n.) Either one of two species of wading birds of the genus Aramus, intermediate between the cranes and rails. The limpkins are remarkable for the great length of the toes. One species (A. giganteus) inhabits Florida and the West Indies; the other (A. scolopaceus) is found in South America. Called also courlan, and crying bird. |
lordkin | noun (n.) A little lord. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PEREKŻN (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (pereki) - Words That Begins with pereki:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (perek) - Words That Begins with perek:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (pere) - Words That Begins with pere:
pere | noun (n.) A peer. |
| noun (n.) Father; -- often used after French proper names to distinguish a father from his son; as, Dumas pere. |
peregal | adjective (a.) Fully equal. |
peregrinate | adjective (a.) Having traveled; foreign. |
| verb (v. i.) To travel from place to place, or from one country to another; hence, to sojourn in foreign countries. |
peregrination | noun (n.) A traveling from one country to another; a wandering; sojourn in foreign countries. |
peregrinator | noun (n.) One who peregrinates; one who travels about. |
peregrine | noun (n.) The peregrine falcon. |
| adjective (a.) Foreign; not native; extrinsic or from without; exotic. |
peregrinity | noun (n.) Foreignness; strangeness. |
| noun (n.) Travel; wandering. |
peremption | noun (n.) A quashing; a defeating. |
peremptoriness | noun (n.) The quality of being peremptory; positiveness. |
peremptory | adjective (a.) Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal; positive; absolute; decisive; conclusive; final. |
| adjective (a.) Positive in opinion or judgment; decided; dictatorial; dogmatical. |
| adjective (a.) Firmly determined; unawed. |
perennial | noun (n.) A perennial plant; a plant which lives or continues more than two years, whether it retains its leaves in winter or not. |
| adjective (a.) ing or continuing through the year; as, perennial fountains. |
| adjective (a.) Continuing without cessation or intermission; perpetual; unceasing; never failing. |
| adjective (a.) Continuing more than two years; as, a perennial steam, or root, or plant. |
perennibranchiata | noun (n. pl.) Those Batrachia which retain their gills through life, as the menobranchus. |
perennibranchiate | adjective (a.) Having branchae, or gills, through life; -- said especially of certain Amphibia, like the menobranchus. Opposed to caducibranchiate. |
| adjective (a.) Belonging to the Perennibranchiata. |
perennity | noun (n.) The quality of being perennial. |
pererration | noun (n.) A wandering, or rambling, through various places. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (per) - Words That Begins with per:
peracute | adjective (a.) Very sharp; very violent; as, a peracute fever. |
peradventure | noun (n.) Chance; hap; hence, doubt; question; as, proved beyond peradventure. |
| adverb (adv. & conj.) By chance; perhaps; it may be; if; supposing. |
peraeopod | noun (n.) One of the thoracic legs of a crustacean. See Illust. of Crustacea. |
peragration | noun (n.) The act or state of passing through any space; as, the peragration of the moon in her monthly revolution. |
perambulating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perambulate |
perambulation | noun (n.) The act of perambulating; traversing. |
| noun (n.) An annual survey of boundaries, as of town, a parish, a forest, etc. |
| noun (n.) A district within which one is authorized to make a tour of inspection. |
perambulator | noun (n.) One who perambulates. |
| noun (n.) A surveyor's instrument for measuring distances. It consists of a wheel arranged to roll along over the ground, with an apparatus of clockwork, and a dial plate upon which the distance traveled is shown by an index. See Odometer. |
| noun (n.) A low carriage for a child, propelled by pushing. |
perameles | noun (n.) Any marsupial of the genus Perameles, which includes numerous species found in Australia. They somewhat resemble rabbits in size and form. See Illust. under Bandicoot. |
perbend | noun (n.) See Perpender. |
perbreak | noun (n.) See Parbreak. |
perbromate | noun (n.) A salt of perbromic acid. |
perbromic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the highest oxygen acid, HBrO4, of bromine. |
perbromide | noun (n.) A bromide having a higher proportion of bromine than any other bromide of the same substance or series. |
perca | noun (n.) A genus of fishes, including the fresh-water perch. |
percale | noun (n.) A fine cotton fabric, having a linen finish, and often printed on one side, -- used for women's and children's wear. |
percaline | noun (n.) A fine kind of French cotton goods, usually of one color. |
| noun (n.) A fine kind of cotton goods, usually of one color, and with a glossy surface, -- much use for linings. |
percarbide | noun (n.) A compound containing a relatively large amount of carbon. |
percarburet | noun (n.) A percarbide. |
percarbureted | adjective (a.) Combined with a relatively large amount of carbon. |
perceivable | adjective (a.) Capable of being perceived; perceptible. |
perceivance | noun (n.) Power of perceiving. |
perceiving | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perceive |
perceiver | noun (n.) One who perceives (in any of the senses of the verb). |
percely | noun (n.) Parsley. |
percentage | noun (n.) A certain rate per cent; the allowance, duty, rate of interest, discount, or commission, on a hundred. |
percept | noun (n.) That which is perceived. |
perceptibility | noun (n.) The quality or state of being perceptible; as, the perceptibility of light or color. |
| noun (n.) Perception. |
perceptible | adjective (a.) Capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable. |
perception | noun (n.) The act of perceiving; cognizance by the senses or intellect; apperhension by the bodily organs, or by the mind, of what is presented to them; discernment; apperhension; cognition. |
| noun (n.) The faculty of perceiving; the faculty, or peculiar part, of man's constitution by which he has knowledge through the medium or instrumentality of the bodily organs; the act of apperhending material objects or qualities through the senses; -- distinguished from conception. |
| noun (n.) The quality, state, or capability, of being affected by something external; sensation; sensibility. |
| noun (n.) An idea; a notion. |
perceptive | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the act or power of perceiving; having the faculty or power of perceiving; used in perception. |
perceptivity | noun (n.) The quality or state of being perceptive; power of perception. |
percesoces | noun (n. pl.) An order of fishes including the gray mullets (Mugil), the barracudas, the silversides, and other related fishes. So called from their relation both to perches and to pikes. |
perch | noun (n.) Any fresh-water fish of the genus Perca and of several other allied genera of the family Percidae, as the common American or yellow perch (Perca flavescens, / Americana), and the European perch (P. fluviatilis). |
| noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of spiny-finned fishes belonging to the Percidae, Serranidae, and related families, and resembling, more or less, the true perches. |
| noun (n.) A pole; a long staff; a rod; esp., a pole or other support for fowls to roost on or to rest on; a roost; figuratively, any elevated resting place or seat. |
| noun (n.) A measure of length containing five and a half yards; a rod, or pole. |
| noun (n.) In land or square measure: A square rod; the 160th part of an acre. |
| noun (n.) In solid measure: A mass 16/ feet long, 1 foot in height, and 1/ feet in breadth, or 24/ cubic feet (in local use, from 22 to 25 cubic feet); -- used in measuring stonework. |
| noun (n.) A pole connecting the fore gear and hind gear of a spring carriage; a reach. |
| verb (v. i.) To alight or settle, as a bird; to sit or roost. |
| verb (v. t.) To place or to set on, or as on, a perch. |
| verb (v. t.) To occupy as a perch. |
perching | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perch |
perchant | noun (n.) A bird tied by the foot, to serve as decoy to other birds by its fluttering. |
percheron | noun (n.) One of a breed of draught horses originating in Perche, an old district of France; -- called also Percheron-Norman. |
perchlorate | noun (n.) A salt of perchloric acid. |
perchloric | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the highest oxygen acid (HClO4), of chlorine; -- called also hyperchloric. |
perchloride | noun (n.) A chloride having a higher proportion of chlorine than any other chloride of the same substance or series. |
perchromic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a certain one of the highly oxidized compounds of chromium, which has a deep blue color, and is produced by the action of hydrogen peroxide. |
perciform | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Perciformes. |
perciformes | noun (n. pl.) An extensive tribe or suborder of fishes, including the true perches (Percidae); the pondfishes (Centrarchidae); the sciaenoids (Sciaenidae); the sparoids (Sparidae); the serranoids (Serranidae), and some other related families. |
percipience | noun (n.) Alt. of Percipiency |
percipiency | noun (n.) The faculty, act or power of perceiving; perception. |
percipient | noun (n.) One who, or that which, is percipient. |
| adjective (a.) Having the faculty of perception; perceiving; as, a percipient being. |
perclose | noun (n.) Same as Parclose. |
| noun (n.) Conclusion; end. |
percoid | noun (n.) Any fish of the genus Perca, or allied genera of the family Percidae. |
| adjective (a.) Belonging to, or resembling, the perches, or family Percidae. |
percoidea | noun (n. pl.) Same as Perciformes. |
percolating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Percolate |
percolation | noun (n.) The act or process of percolating, or filtering; filtration; straining. Specifically (Pharm.), the process of exhausting the virtues of a powdered drug by letting a liquid filter slowly through it. |
English Words which starts with 'per' and ends with 'kin':
perkin | noun (n.) A kind of weak perry. |
English Words which starts with 'pe' and ends with 'in':
pearmain | noun (n.) The name of several kinds of apples; as, the blue pearmain, winter pearmain, and red pearmain. |
pectin | noun (n.) One of a series of carbohydrates, commonly called vegetable jelly, found very widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, especially in ripe fleshy fruits, as apples, cranberries, etc. It is extracted as variously colored, translucent substances, which are soluble in hot water but become viscous on cooling. |
pellagrin | noun (n.) One who is afficted with pellagra. |
pengolin | noun (n.) The pangolin. |
penguin | noun (n.) Any bird of the order Impennes, or Ptilopteri. They are covered with short, thick feathers, almost scalelike on the wings, which are without true quills. They are unable to fly, but use their wings to aid in diving, in which they are very expert. See King penguin, under Jackass. |
| noun (n.) The egg-shaped fleshy fruit of a West Indian plant (Bromelia Pinguin) of the Pineapple family; also, the plant itself, which has rigid, pointed, and spiny-toothed leaves, and is used for hedges. |
pentacrinin | noun (n.) A red and purple pigment found in certain crinoids of the genus Pentacrinus. |
pepsin | noun (n.) An unorganized proteolytic ferment or enzyme contained in the secretory glands of the stomach. In the gastric juice it is united with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.2 per cent, approximately) and the two together constitute the active portion of the digestive fluid. It is the active agent in the gastric juice of all animals. |
pettywhin | noun (n.) The needle furze. See under Needle. |
peucedanin | noun (n.) A tasteless white crystalline substance, extracted from the roots of the sulphurwort (Peucedanum), masterwort (Imperatoria), and other related plants; -- called also imperatorin. |
peneplain | noun (n.) A land surface reduced by erosion to the general condition of a plain, but not wholly devoid of hills; a base-level plain. |