Name Report For First Name YAMUNA:


First name YAMUNA's origin is Indian. YAMUNA means "from the yamuna river". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with YAMUNA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of yamuna.(Brown names are of the same origin (Indian) with YAMUNA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with YAMUNA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming YAMUNA



NAMES RHYMING WITH YAMUNA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (amuna) - Names That Ends with amuna:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (muna) - Names That Ends with muna:


Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (una) - Names That Ends with una:

karuna mituna pakuna wauna baduna ayriauna fauna fortuna gudruna juliauna kiauna luna nituna nuna shauna tiauna una bruna

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (na) - Names That Ends with na:

abena adanna asmina ayana crispina fana hasana hasina makena tarana uchenna urenna zahina zena zwena alhena hana rihana sana' thana' aitana epona agana inina nena raina bozena jana jirina abellona gelsomina fukayna levina jaakkina jaana katariina durandana falerina methena nanna cairistiona catriona ghleanna kyna armina johanna katharina luana aegina aetna akilina alcina aretina athena celena corinna desmona echidna filipina ilona irena ivanna jarina luigina philana philomena polyxena pyrena rena stephana syna trina yalena iolana kaimana kalena kekona keona kina kona mahina

NAMES RHYMING WITH YAMUNA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (yamun) - Names That Begins with yamun:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (yamu) - Names That Begins with yamu:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (yam) - Names That Begins with yam:

yaman yameen yamha yaminah yamka

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ya) - Names That Begins with ya:

ya'qub ya-akove ya-allah ya-el yaakov yabiss yachne yacoub yadra yaduvir yaelis yafeu yaffa yaffit yafiah yagil yago yahoash yahto yahya yahyah yair yakootah yakout yakov yale yalene yalissa yanamari yanamaria yanamarie yancy yanis yanisin yankel yannic yannis yao yaotl yaphet yardane yardenah yardley yardly yarema yaremka yarima yarkona yaron yas yasar yaseen yash yashvir yasiman yasin yasir yasirah yasm yasmeen yasmia yasmin yasmina yasmine yasser yasuo yateem yates yavin yavu yayauhqui yazeed yazhi yazid yazmin


First Names which starts with 'ya' and ends with 'na':

First Names which starts with 'y' and ends with 'a':

yedda yehoshua yehuda yelysaveta yepa yera yesenia yeshaya yessenia yetta yeva yiska ylenia yoana yolanda yolonda yona yonina yonita yoora yordana yoseba yosepha yosephina youra yovela yuma yura yushua yusra yuta yvettia yvonna

English Words Rhyming YAMUNA


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH YAMUNA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (amuna) - English Words That Ends with amuna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (muna) - English Words That Ends with muna:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (una) - English Words That Ends with una:

abunanoun (n.) The Patriarch, or head of the Abyssinian Church.

avifaunanoun (n.) The birds, or all the kinds of birds, inhabiting a region.

becunanoun (n.) A fish of the Mediterranean (Sphyraena spet). See Barracuda.

faunanoun (n.) The animals of any given area or epoch; as, the fauna of America; fossil fauna; recent fauna.

gunanoun (n.) In Sanskrit grammar, a lengthening of the simple vowels a, i, e, by prefixing an a element. The term is sometimes used to denote the same vowel change in other languages.

lacunanoun (n.) A small opening; a small pit or depression; a small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus.
 noun (n.) A small opening; a small depression or cavity; a space, as a vacant space between the cells of plants, or one of the spaces left among the tissues of the lower animals, which serve in place of vessels for the circulation of the body fluids, or the cavity or sac, usually of very small size, in a mucous membrane.

lunanoun (n.) The moon.
 noun (n.) Silver.

medialunanoun (n.) See Half-moon.

punanoun (n.) A cold arid table-land, as in the Andes of Peru.

tunanoun (n.) The Opuntia Tuna. See Prickly pear, under Prickly.
 noun (n.) The tunny.
 noun (n.) The bonito, 2.

vacunanoun (n.) The goddess of rural leisure, to whom the husbandmen sacrificed at the close of the harvest. She was especially honored by the Sabines.

varunanoun (n.) The god of the waters; the Indian Neptune. He is regarded as regent of the west, and lord of punishment, and is represented as riding on a sea monster, holding in his hand a snaky cord or noose with which to bind offenders, under water.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH YAMUNA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (yamun) - Words That Begins with yamun:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (yamu) - Words That Begins with yamu:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (yam) - Words That Begins with yam:

yamnoun (n.) A large, esculent, farinaceous tuber of various climbing plants of the genus Dioscorea; also, the plants themselves. Mostly natives of warm climates. The plants have netted-veined, petioled leaves, and pods with three broad wings. The commonest species is D. sativa, but several others are cultivated.
 noun (n.) Any one of several cultural varieties of the sweet potato.
 noun (n.) Any one of several cultural varieties of the sweet potato.

yamanoun (n.) The king of the infernal regions, corresponding to the Greek Pluto, and also the judge of departed souls. In later times he is more exclusively considered the dire judge of all, and the tormentor of the wicked. He is represented as of a green color, with red garments, having a crown on his head, his eyes inflamed, and sitting on a buffalo, with a club and noose in his hands.

yammanoun (n.) The llama.

yampnoun (n.) An umbelliferous plant (Carum Gairdneri); also, its small fleshy roots, which are eaten by the Indians from Idaho to California.

yamennoun (n.) In China, the official headquarters or residence of a mandarin, including court rooms, offices, gardens, prisons, etc.; the place where the business of any public department is transcated.
 noun (n.) In China, the official headquarters or residence of a mandarin, including court rooms, offices, gardens, prisons, etc.; the place where the business of any public department is transcated.


English Words which starts with 'ya' and ends with 'na':