Name Report For First Name FANE:


First name FANE's origin is Other. FANE means "joyful". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with FANE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of fane.(Brown names are of the same origin (Other) with FANE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with FANE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming FANE


fanetta fanette

NAMES RHYMING WITH FANE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ane) - Names That Ends with ane:

berhane gayane agurtzane mafuane allyriane abarrane tzigane kimane doane beltane bane konane duane pivane adriane aintzane alane ariane assane belakane christiane damiane darleane deane diane eliane gezane gloriane gorane ilane isane ivane jane jeane jehane jilliane joelliane jordane katriane kristiane levane liane liliane louisane luane mariane maryjane megane morgane nekane nimiane odiane oihane sarajane seyane tiane viviane zoelane aeccestane ahane ane beldane blane chane coltrane dane durane dwane farlane fontane haldane jermane kane keane lane leane macfarlane maclane mane rane roane shane sloane thane yardane zane roxane gaetane maitane aelfdane orane warrane delane

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ne) - Names That Ends with ne:

ankine lucine yserone barkarne eguskine hanne jensine

NAMES RHYMING WITH FANE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (fan) - Names That Begins with fan:

fana fanceen fanchon fanchone fang fanni fannia fannie fanny fanous fanta fantina fantine fanuco

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (fa) - Names That Begins with fa:

faber fabia fabian fabiana fabien fabienne fabio fabion fachnan fadheela fadi fadil fadilah fadl fadwa fae faegan faelen faer faerrleah faerwald faeryn faethe fagan fagen fagin fahad fahd fahesh fahey fahy faiion fain fainche faine faing fairfax fairlie faisal faith faithe faizah fajer fajr fakhir fakhiri fakhry faki fakih fala falak falakee falcon falerina faline falk falke falken fallamhain fallon fallyn falon falyn faodhagan faoiltiama faolan faqueza fara farah faraj faraji faran faras fardoragh fareed fareeda fareeha fareeq farees faren farhan farhana farid faridah fariha farihah


First Names which starts with 'f' and ends with 'e':

fate fawne faye fayette fayme fayne fayre federikke feige felamaere felice felicienne felipe felippe fenice ferike ferne fiacre fidele fie fifine fifne filmore firenze fiske fitche fleurette floree florence florete florrie fonsie fontaine fontanne fontayne fonteyne fonzie forde fortune fraine france francene francie francille francine francoise frankie frayne fraynee freddie frederike freowine freyne froille fullere fyfe fyuree

English Words Rhyming FANE


fanenoun (n.) A temple; a place consecrated to religion; a church.
 noun (n.) A weathercock.

faneganoun (n.) A dry measure in Spain and Spanish America, varying from 1/ to 2/ bushels; also, a measure of land.

profaneadjective (a.) Not sacred or holy; not possessing peculiar sanctity; unconsecrated; hence, relating to matters other than sacred; secular; -- opposed to sacred, religious, or inspired; as, a profane place.
 adjective (a.) Unclean; impure; polluted; unholy.
 adjective (a.) Treating sacred things with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity; irreverent; impious.
 adjective (a.) Irreverent in language; taking the name of God in vain; given to swearing; blasphemous; as, a profane person, word, oath, or tongue.
 adjective (a.) To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt; to desecrate; to pollute; as, to profane the name of God; to profane the Scriptures, or the ordinance of God.
 adjective (a.) To put to a wrong or unworthy use; to make a base employment of; to debase; to abuse; to defile.

profanenessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being profane; especially, the use of profane language.

profanernoun (n.) One who treats sacred things with irreverence, or defiles what is holy; one who uses profane language.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH FANE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ane) - English Words That Ends with ane:

aeroplanenoun (n.) A flying machine, or a small plane for experiments on flying, which floats in the air only when propelled through it.
 noun (n.) A light rigid plane used in aerial navigation to oppose sudden upward or downward movement in the air, as in gliding machines; specif., such a plane slightly inclined and driven forward as a lifting device in some flying machines; hence, a flying machine using such a device. These machines are called monoplanes, biplanes, triplanes, or quadruplanes, according to the number of main supporting planes used in their constraction. Being heavier than air they depend for their levitation on motion imparted by one or more propellers actuated by a gasoline engine. They start from the ground by a run on small wheels or runners, and are guided by a steering apparatus consisting of horizontal and vertical movable planes. There are many varieties of form and construction, which in some cases are known by the names of their inventors.
  () One unprovided with motive power.

antemundaneadjective (a.) Being or occurring before the creation of the world.

arcaneadjective (a.) Hidden; secret.

avellaneadjective (a.) In the form of four unhusked filberts; as, an avellane cross.

banenoun (n.) That which destroys life, esp. poison of a deadly quality.
 noun (n.) Destruction; death.
 noun (n.) Any cause of ruin, or lasting injury; harm; woe.
 noun (n.) A disease in sheep, commonly termed the rot.
 verb (v. t.) To be the bane of; to ruin.

beltanenoun (n.) The first day of May (Old Style).
 noun (n.) A festival of the heathen Celts on the first day of May, in the observance of which great bonfires were kindled. It still exists in a modified form in some parts of Scotland and Ireland.

bugbanenoun (n.) A perennial white-flowered herb of the order Ranunculaceae and genus Cimiciguga; bugwort. There are several species.

butanenoun (n.) An inflammable gaseous hydrocarbon, C4H10, of the marsh gas, or paraffin, series.

biplanenoun (n.) An aeroplane with two main supporting surfaces one above the other.
 adjective (a.) Having, or consisting of, two superposed planes, aerocurves, or the like; of or pertaining to a biplane; as, a biplane rudder.

canenoun (n.) A name given to several peculiar palms, species of Calamus and Daemanorops, having very long, smooth flexible stems, commonly called rattans.
 noun (n.) Any plant with long, hard, elastic stems, as reeds and bamboos of many kinds; also, the sugar cane.
 noun (n.) Stems of other plants are sometimes called canes; as, the canes of a raspberry.
 noun (n.) A walking stick; a staff; -- so called because originally made of one the species of cane.
 noun (n.) A lance or dart made of cane.
 noun (n.) A local European measure of length. See Canna.
 verb (v. t.) To beat with a cane.
 verb (v. t.) To make or furnish with cane or rattan; as, to cane chairs.

capellanenoun (n.) The curate of a chapel; a chaplain.

chicanenoun (n.) The use of artful subterfuge, designed to draw away attention from the merits of a case or question; -- specifically applied to legal proceedings; trickery; chicanery; caviling; sophistry.
 noun (n.) To use shifts, cavils, or artifices.
 noun (n.) In bridge, the holding of a hand without trumps, or the hand itself. It counts as simple honors.

chlormethanenoun (n.) A colorless gas, CH3Cl, of a sweet odor, easily condensed to a liquid; -- called also methyl chloride.

chlorophanenoun (n.) A variety of fluor spar, which, when heated, gives a beautiful emerald green light.
 noun (n.) The yellowish green pigment in the inner segment of the cones of the retina. See Chromophane.

chromophanenoun (n.) A general name for the several coloring matters, red, green, yellow, etc., present in the inner segments in the cones of the retina, held in solution by fats, and slowly decolorized by light; distinct from the photochemical pigments of the rods of the retina.

chrysophanenoun (n.) A glucoside extracted from rhubarb as a bitter, yellow, crystalline powder, and yielding chrysophanic acid on decomposition.

cismontaneadjective (a.) On this side of the mountains. See under Ultramontane.

cispadaneadjective (a.) On the hither side of the river Po with reference to Rome; that is, on the south side.

counterpanenoun (n.) A coverlet for a bed, -- originally stitched or woven in squares or figures.
 noun (n.) A duplicate part or copy of an indenture, deed, etc., corresponding with the original; -- now called counterpart.

cowbanenoun (n.) A poisonous umbelliferous plant; in England, the Cicuta virosa; in the United States, the Cicuta maculata and the Archemora rigida. See Water hemlock.

cranenoun (n.) A measure for fresh herrings, -- as many as will fill a barrel.
 noun (n.) A wading bird of the genus Grus, and allied genera, of various species, having a long, straight bill, and long legs and neck.
 noun (n.) A machine for raising and lowering heavy weights, and, while holding them suspended, transporting them through a limited lateral distance. In one form it consists of a projecting arm or jib of timber or iron, a rotating post or base, and the necessary tackle, windlass, etc.; -- so called from a fancied similarity between its arm and the neck of a crane See Illust. of Derrick.
 noun (n.) An iron arm with horizontal motion, attached to the side or back of a fireplace, for supporting kettles, etc., over a fire.
 noun (n.) A siphon, or bent pipe, for drawing liquors out of a cask.
 noun (n.) A forked post or projecting bracket to support spars, etc., -- generally used in pairs. See Crotch, 2.
 noun (n.) Any arm which swings about a vertical axis at one end, used for supporting a suspended weight.
 noun (n.) The American blue heron (Ardea herodias).
 verb (v. t.) To cause to rise; to raise or lift, as by a crane; -- with up.
 verb (v. t.) To stretch, as a crane stretches its neck; as, to crane the neck disdainfully.
 verb (v. i.) to reach forward with head and neck, in order to see better; as, a hunter cranes forward before taking a leap.

crepanenoun (n.) An injury in a horse's leg, caused by the shoe of one hind foot striking and cutting the other leg. It sometimes forms an ulcer.

cymophanenoun (n.) See Chrysoberyl.

danenoun (n.) A native, or a naturalized inhabitant, of Denmark.

decanenoun (n.) A liquid hydrocarbon, C10H22, of the paraffin series, including several isomeric modifications.

diaphanenoun (n.) A woven silk stuff with transparent and colored figures; diaper work.

dodecanenoun (n.) Any one of a group of thick oily hydrocarbons, C12H26, of the paraffin series.

dogbanenoun (n.) A small genus of perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods pods in pairs.

dogvanenoun (n.) A small vane of bunting, feathers, or any other light material, carried at the masthead to indicate the direction of the wind.

doorplanenoun (n.) A plane on a door, giving the name, and sometimes the employment, of the occupant.

douanenoun (n.) A customhouse.

eikosanenoun (n.) A solid hydrocarbon, C20H42, of the paraffine series, of artificial production, and also probably occurring in petroleum.

elecampanenoun (n.) A large, coarse herb (Inula Helenium), with composite yellow flowers. The root, which has a pungent taste, is used as a tonic, and was formerly of much repute as a stomachic.
 noun (n.) A sweetmeat made from the root of the plant.

endecanenoun (n.) One of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series, C11H24, found as a constituent of petroleum.

ethanenoun (n.) A gaseous hydrocarbon, C2H6, forming a constituent of ordinary illuminating gas. It is the second member of the paraffin series, and its most important derivatives are common alcohol, aldehyde, ether, and acetic acid. Called also dimethyl.

extramundaneadjective (a.) Beyond the material world.

filigranenoun (n.) Filigree.

fleabanenoun (n.) One of various plants, supposed to have efficacy in driving away fleas. They belong, for the most part, to the genera Conyza, Erigeron, and Pulicaria.

flybanenoun (n.) A kind of catchfly of the genus Silene; also, a poisonous mushroom (Agaricus muscarius); fly agaric.

fossanenoun (n.) A species of civet (Viverra fossa) resembling the genet.

frangipanenoun (n.) A perfume of jasmine; frangipani.
 noun (n.) A species of pastry, containing cream and almonds.

germaneadjective (a.) Literally, near akin; hence, closely allied; appropriate or fitting; relevant.

glaucophanenoun (n.) A mineral of a dark bluish color, related to amphibole. It is characteristic of certain crystalline rocks.

granenoun (v. & n.) See Groan.

hecdecanenoun (n.) A white, semisolid, spermaceti-like hydrocarbon, C16H34, of the paraffin series, found dissolved as an important ingredient of kerosene, and so called because each molecule has sixteen atoms of carbon; -- called also hexadecane.

henbanenoun (n.) A plant of the genus Hyoscyamus (H. niger). All parts of the plant are poisonous, and the leaves are used for the same purposes as belladonna. It is poisonous to domestic fowls; whence the name. Called also, stinking nightshade, from the fetid odor of the plant. See Hyoscyamus.

hendecanenoun (n.) A hydrocarbon, C11H24, of the paraffin series; -- so called because it has eleven atoms of carbon in each molecule. Called also endecane, undecane.

heptanenoun (n.) Any one of several isometric hydrocarbons, C7H16, of the paraffin series (nine are possible, four are known); -- so called because the molecule has seven carbon atoms. Specifically, a colorless liquid, found as a constituent of petroleum, in the tar oil of cannel coal, etc.

hexadecanenoun (n.) See Hecdecane.

hexanenoun (n.) Any one of five hydrocarbons, C6H14, of the paraffin series. They are colorless, volatile liquids, and are so called because the molecule has six carbon atoms.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH FANE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (fan) - Words That Begins with fan:

fannoun (n.) An instrument used for producing artificial currents of air, by the wafting or revolving motion of a broad surface
 noun (n.) An instrument for cooling the person, made of feathers, paper, silk, etc., and often mounted on sticks all turning about the same pivot, so as when opened to radiate from the center and assume the figure of a section of a circle.
 noun (n.) Any revolving vane or vanes used for producing currents of air, in winnowing grain, blowing a fire, ventilation, etc., or for checking rapid motion by the resistance of the air; a fan blower; a fan wheel.
 noun (n.) An instrument for winnowing grain, by moving which the grain is tossed and agitated, and the chaff is separated and blown away.
 noun (n.) Something in the form of a fan when spread, as a peacock's tail, a window, etc.
 noun (n.) A small vane or sail, used to keep the large sails of a smock windmill always in the direction of the wind.
 noun (n.) That which produces effects analogous to those of a fan, as in exciting a flame, etc.; that which inflames, heightens, or strengthens; as, it served as a fan to the flame of his passion.
 noun (n.) A quintain; -- from its form.
 noun (n.) To move as with a fan.
 noun (n.) To cool and refresh, by moving the air with a fan; to blow the air on the face of with a fan.
 noun (n.) To ventilate; to blow on; to affect by air put in motion.
 noun (n.) To winnow; to separate chaff from, and drive it away by a current of air; as, to fan wheat.
 noun (n.) To excite or stir up to activity, as a fan axcites a flame; to stimulate; as, this conduct fanned the excitement of the populace.

fanningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fan

fanalnoun (n.) A lighthouse, or the apparatus placed in it for giving light.

fanaticnoun (n.) A person affected by excessive enthusiasm, particularly on religious subjects; one who indulges wild and extravagant notions of religion.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or indicating, fanaticism; extravagant in opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic, especially on religious subjects; as, fanatic zeal; fanatic notions.

fanaticaladjective (a.) Characteristic of, or relating to, fanaticism; fanatic.

fanaticismnoun (n.) Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy.

fanaticizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fanaticize

fanatismnoun (n.) Fanaticism.

fanciernoun (n.) One who is governed by fancy.
 noun (n.) One who fancies or has a special liking for, or interest in, a particular object or class or objects; hence, one who breeds and keeps for sale birds and animals; as, bird fancier, dog fancier, etc.

fancifuladjective (a.) Full of fancy; guided by fancy, rather than by reason and experience; whimsical; as, a fanciful man forms visionary projects.
 adjective (a.) Conceived in the fancy; not consistent with facts or reason; abounding in ideal qualities or figures; as, a fanciful scheme; a fanciful theory.
 adjective (a.) Curiously shaped or constructed; as, she wore a fanciful headdress.

fancilessadjective (a.) Having no fancy; without ideas or imagination.

fancynoun (n.) The faculty by which the mind forms an image or a representation of anything perceived before; the power of combining and modifying such objects into new pictures or images; the power of readily and happily creating and recalling such objects for the purpose of amusement, wit, or embellishment; imagination.
 noun (n.) An image or representation of anything formed in the mind; conception; thought; idea; conceit.
 noun (n.) An opinion or notion formed without much reflection; caprice; whim; impression.
 noun (n.) Inclination; liking, formed by caprice rather than reason; as, to strike one's fancy; hence, the object of inclination or liking.
 noun (n.) That which pleases or entertains the taste or caprice without much use or value.
 noun (n.) A sort of love song or light impromptu ballad.
 adjective (a.) Adapted to please the fancy or taste; ornamental; as, fancy goods.
 adjective (a.) Extravagant; above real value.
 verb (v. i.) To figure to one's self; to believe or imagine something without proof.
 verb (v. i.) To love.
 verb (v. t.) To form a conception of; to portray in the mind; to imagine.
 verb (v. t.) To have a fancy for; to like; to be pleased with, particularly on account of external appearance or manners.
 verb (v. t.) To believe without sufficient evidence; to imagine (something which is unreal).

fancyingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fancy

fancymongernoun (n.) A lovemonger; a whimsical lover.

fancyworknoun (n.) Ornamental work with a needle or hook, as embroidery, crocheting, netting, etc.

fandangonoun (n.) A lively dance, in 3-8 or 6-8 time, much practiced in Spain and Spanish America. Also, the tune to which it is danced.
 noun (n.) A ball or general dance, as in Mexico.

fanfarenoun (n.) A flourish of trumpets, as in coming into the lists, etc.; also, a short and lively air performed on hunting horns during the chase.

fanfaronnoun (n.) A bully; a hector; a swaggerer; an empty boaster.

fanfaronadenoun (n.) A swaggering; vain boasting; ostentation; a bluster.

fanfootnoun (n.) A species of gecko having the toes expanded into large lobes for adhesion. The Egyptian fanfoot (Phyodactylus gecko) is believed, by the natives, to have venomous toes.
 noun (n.) Any moth of the genus Polypogon.

fangadjective (a.) To catch; to seize, as with the teeth; to lay hold of; to gripe; to clutch.
 adjective (a.) To enable to catch or tear; to furnish with fangs.
 verb (v. t.) The tusk of an animal, by which the prey is seized and held or torn; a long pointed tooth; esp., one of the usually erectile, venomous teeth of serpents. Also, one of the falcers of a spider.
 verb (v. t.) Any shoot or other thing by which hold is taken.
 verb (v. t.) The root, or one of the branches of the root, of a tooth. See Tooth.
 verb (v. t.) A niche in the side of an adit or shaft, for an air course.
 verb (v. t.) A projecting tooth or prong, as in a part of a lock, or the plate of a belt clamp, or the end of a tool, as a chisel, where it enters the handle.
 verb (v. t.) The valve of a pump box.
 verb (v. t.) A bend or loop of a rope.

fangedadjective (a.) Having fangs or tusks; as, a fanged adder. Also used figuratively.

fangledadjective (a.) New made; hence, gaudy; showy; vainly decorated. [Obs., except with the prefix new.] See Newfangled.

fanglenessnoun (n.) Quality of being fangled.

fanglessadjective (a.) Destitute of fangs or tusks.

fangotnoun (n.) A quantity of wares, as raw silk, etc., from one hundred weight.

fanionnoun (n.) A small flag sometimes carried at the head of the baggage of a brigade.
 noun (n.) A small flag for marking the stations in surveying.

fanlikeadjective (a.) Resembling a fan;
 adjective (a.) folded up like a fan, as certain leaves; plicate.

fannelnoun (n.) Same as Fanon.

fannernoun (n.) One who fans.
 noun (n.) A fan wheel; a fan blower. See under Fan.

fanonnoun (n.) A term applied to various articles, as: (a) A peculiar striped scarf worn by the pope at mass, and by eastern bishops. (b) A maniple.

fantailnoun (n.) A variety of the domestic pigeon, so called from the shape of the tail.
 noun (n.) Any bird of the Australian genus Rhipidura, in which the tail is spread in the form of a fan during flight. They belong to the family of flycatchers.

fantasianoun (n.) A continuous composition, not divided into what are called movements, or governed by the ordinary rules of musical design, but in which the author's fancy roves unrestricted by set form.

fantasiedadjective (a.) Filled with fancies or imaginations.

fantasmnoun (n.) Same as Phantasm.

fantastnoun (n.) One whose manners or ideas are fantastic.

fantasticnoun (n.) A person given to fantastic dress, manners, etc.; an eccentric person; a fop.
 adjective (a.) Existing only in imagination; fanciful; imaginary; not real; chimerical.
 adjective (a.) Having the nature of a phantom; unreal.
 adjective (a.) Indulging the vagaries of imagination; whimsical; full of absurd fancies; capricious; as, fantastic minds; a fantastic mistress.
 adjective (a.) Resembling fantasies in irregularity, caprice, or eccentricity; irregular; oddly shaped; grotesque.

fantasticaladjective (a.) Fanciful; unreal; whimsical; capricious; fantastic.

fantasticalitynoun (n.) Fantastically.

fantasticismnoun (n.) The quality of being fantastical; fancifulness; whimsicality.

fantasticnessnoun (n.) Fantasticalness.

fantasticconoun (n.) A fantastic.

fantasynoun (n.) Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor.
 noun (n.) Fantastic designs.
 verb (v. t.) To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like; to fancy.

fantoccininoun (n. pl.) Puppets caused to perform evolutions or dramatic scenes by means of machinery; also, the representations in which they are used.

fantomnoun (n.) See Phantom.

fantiguenoun (n.) Alt. of Fantique

fantiquenoun (n.) State of worry or excitment; fidget; ill humor.

fantodnoun (n.) Alt. of Fantad

fantadnoun (n.) State of worry or excitement; fidget; fuss; also, indisposition; pet; sulks.


English Words which starts with 'f' and ends with 'e':

fablenoun (n.) A Feigned story or tale, intended to instruct or amuse; a fictitious narration intended to enforce some useful truth or precept; an apologue. See the Note under Apologue.
 noun (n.) The plot, story, or connected series of events, forming the subject of an epic or dramatic poem.
 noun (n.) Any story told to excite wonder; common talk; the theme of talk.
 noun (n.) Fiction; untruth; falsehood.
 verb (v. i.) To compose fables; hence, to write or speak fiction ; to write or utter what is not true.
 verb (v. t.) To feign; to invent; to devise, and speak of, as true or real; to tell of falsely.

fabrileadjective (a.) Pertaining to a workman, or to work in stone, metal, wood etc.; as, fabrile skill.

facadenoun (n.) The front of a building; esp., the principal front, having some architectural pretensions. Thus a church is said to have its facade unfinished, though the interior may be in use.

facenoun (n.) The exterior form or appearance of anything; that part which presents itself to the view; especially, the front or upper part or surface; that which particularly offers itself to the view of a spectator.
 noun (n.) That part of a body, having several sides, which may be seen from one point, or which is presented toward a certain direction; one of the bounding planes of a solid; as, a cube has six faces.
 noun (n.) The principal dressed surface of a plate, disk, or pulley; the principal flat surface of a part or object.
 noun (n.) That part of the acting surface of a cog in a cog wheel, which projects beyond the pitch line.
 noun (n.) The width of a pulley, or the length of a cog from end to end; as, a pulley or cog wheel of ten inches face.
 noun (n.) The upper surface, or the character upon the surface, of a type, plate, etc.
 noun (n.) The style or cut of a type or font of type.
 noun (n.) Outside appearance; surface show; look; external aspect, whether natural, assumed, or acquired.
 noun (n.) That part of the head, esp. of man, in which the eyes, cheeks, nose, and mouth are situated; visage; countenance.
 noun (n.) Cast of features; expression of countenance; look; air; appearance.
 noun (n.) Ten degrees in extent of a sign of the zodiac.
 noun (n.) Maintenance of the countenance free from abashment or confusion; confidence; boldness; shamelessness; effrontery.
 noun (n.) Presence; sight; front; as in the phrases, before the face of, in the immediate presence of; in the face of, before, in, or against the front of; as, to fly in the face of danger; to the face of, directly to; from the face of, from the presence of.
 noun (n.) Mode of regard, whether favorable or unfavorable; favor or anger; mostly in Scriptural phrases.
 noun (n.) The end or wall of the tunnel, drift, or excavation, at which work is progressing or was last done.
 noun (n.) The exact amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, or other mercantile paper, without any addition for interest or reduction for discount.
 verb (v. t.) To meet in front; to oppose with firmness; to resist, or to meet for the purpose of stopping or opposing; to confront; to encounter; as, to face an enemy in the field of battle.
 verb (v. t.) To Confront impudently; to bully.
 verb (v. t.) To stand opposite to; to stand with the face or front toward; to front upon; as, the apartments of the general faced the park.
 verb (v. t.) To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc.; to put a facing upon; as, a building faced with marble.
 verb (v. t.) To line near the edge, esp. with a different material; as, to face the front of a coat, or the bottom of a dress.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with better, or better appearing, material than the mass consists of, for purpose of deception, as the surface of a box of tea, a barrel of sugar, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To make the surface of (anything) flat or smooth; to dress the face of (a stone, a casting, etc.); esp., in turning, to shape or smooth the flat surface of, as distinguished from the cylindrical surface.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to turn or present a face or front, as in a particular direction.
 verb (v. i.) To carry a false appearance; to play the hypocrite.
 verb (v. i.) To turn the face; as, to face to the right or left.
 verb (v. i.) To present a face or front.

faceteadjective (a.) Facetious; witty; humorous.

facetiaenoun (n. pl.) Witty or humorous writings or saying; witticisms; merry conceits.

facettenoun (n.) See Facet, n.

facileadjective (a.) Easy to be done or performed: not difficult; performable or attainable with little labor.
 adjective (a.) Easy to be surmounted or removed; easily conquerable; readily mastered.
 adjective (a.) Easy of access or converse; mild; courteous; not haughty, austere, or distant; affable; complaisant.
 adjective (a.) Easily persuaded to good or bad; yielding; ductile to a fault; pliant; flexible.
 adjective (a.) Ready; quick; expert; as, he is facile in expedients; he wields a facile pen.

facsimilenoun (n.) A copy of anything made, either so as to be deceptive or so as to give every part and detail of the original; an exact copy or likeness.
 verb (v. t.) To make a facsimile of.

factitiveadjective (a.) Causing; causative.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to that relation which is proper when the act, as of a transitive verb, is not merely received by an object, but produces some change in the object, as when we say, He made the water wine.

factiveadjective (a.) Making; having power to make.

factoragenoun (n.) The allowance given to a factor, as a compensation for his services; -- called also a commission.

facturenoun (n.) The act or manner of making or doing anything; -- now used of a literary, musical, or pictorial production.
 noun (n.) An invoice or bill of parcels.

faculaenoun (n. pl.) Groups of small shining spots on the surface of the sun which are brighter than the other parts of the photosphere. They are generally seen in the neighborhood of the dark spots, and are supposed to be elevated portions of the photosphere.

fadeadjective (a.) Weak; insipid; tasteless; commonplace.
 adjective (a.) To become fade; to grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant.
 adjective (a.) To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color.
 adjective (a.) To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to wither; to deprive of freshness or vigor; to wear away.

fadgenoun (n.) A small flat loaf or thick cake; also, a fagot.
 adjective (a.) To fit; to suit; to agree.

fadmenoun (n.) A fathom.

fahlunitenoun (n.) A hydration of iolite.

faiencenoun (n.) Glazed earthenware; esp., that which is decorated in color.

failancenoun (n.) Fault; failure; omission.

faillenoun (n.) A soft silk, heavier than a foulard and not glossy.

failurenoun (n.) Cessation of supply, or total defect; a failing; deficiency; as, failure of rain; failure of crops.
 noun (n.) Omission; nonperformance; as, the failure to keep a promise.
 noun (n.) Want of success; the state of having failed.
 noun (n.) Decay, or defect from decay; deterioration; as, the failure of memory or of sight.
 noun (n.) A becoming insolvent; bankruptcy; suspension of payment; as, failure in business.
 noun (n.) A failing; a slight fault.

fairylikeadjective (a.) Resembling a fairy, or what is made or done be fairies; as, fairylike music.

fakenoun (n.) One of the circles or windings of a cable or hawser, as it lies in a coil; a single turn or coil.
 noun (n.) A trick; a swindle.
 verb (v. t.) To coil (a rope, line, or hawser), by winding alternately in opposite directions, in layers usually of zigzag or figure of eight form,, to prevent twisting when running out.
 verb (v. t.) To cheat; to swindle; to steal; to rob.
 verb (v. t.) To make; to construct; to do.
 verb (v. t.) To manipulate fraudulently, so as to make an object appear better or other than it really is; as, to fake a bulldog, by burning his upper lip and thus artificially shortening it.

falcadenoun (n.) The action of a horse, when he throws himself on his haunches two or three times, bending himself, as it were, in very quick curvets.

falcateadjective (a.) Alt. of Falcated

falconineadjective (a.) Like a falcon or hawk; belonging to the Falconidae

falculateadjective (a.) Curved and sharppointed, like a falcula, or claw of a falcon.

faldagenoun (n.) A privilege of setting up, and moving about, folds for sheep, in any fields within manors, in order to manure them; -- often reserved to himself by the lord of the manor.

faldfeenoun (n.) A fee or rent paid by a tenant for the privilege of faldage on his own ground.

fallibleadjective (a.) Liable to fail, mistake, or err; liable to deceive or to be deceived; as, all men are fallible; our opinions and hopes are fallible.

falseadjective (a.) To report falsely; to falsify.
 adjective (a.) To betray; to falsify.
 adjective (a.) To mislead by want of truth; to deceive.
 adjective (a.) To feign; to pretend to make.
 superlative (superl.) Uttering falsehood; unveracious; given to deceit; dishnest; as, a false witness.
 superlative (superl.) Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous; perfidious; as, a false friend, lover, or subject; false to promises.
 superlative (superl.) Not according with truth or reality; not true; fitted or likely to deceive or disappoint; as, a false statement.
 superlative (superl.) Not genuine or real; assumed or designed to deceive; counterfeit; hypocritical; as, false tears; false modesty; false colors; false jewelry.
 superlative (superl.) Not well founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous; as, a false claim; a false conclusion; a false construction in grammar.
 superlative (superl.) Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
 superlative (superl.) Not in tune.
 adverb (adv.) Not truly; not honestly; falsely.

falsifiableadjective (a.) Capable of being falsified, counterfeited, or corrupted.

falwenoun (a. & n.) Fallow.

famenoun (n.) Public report or rumor.
 noun (n.) Report or opinion generally diffused; renown; public estimation; celebrity, either favorable or unfavorable; as, the fame of Washington.
 verb (v. t.) To report widely or honorably.
 verb (v. t.) To make famous or renowned.

faminenoun (n.) General scarcity of food; dearth; a want of provisions; destitution.

farcilitenoun (n.) Pudding stone.

fardagenoun (n.) See Dunnage.

fardingdalenoun (n.) A farthingale.

farenoun (n.) To go; to pass; to journey; to travel.
 noun (n.) To be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad; to be attended with any circummstances or train of events, fortunate or unfortunate; as, he fared well, or ill.
 noun (n.) To be treated or entertained at table, or with bodily or social comforts; to live.
 noun (n.) To happen well, or ill; -- used impersonally; as, we shall see how it will fare with him.
 noun (n.) To behave; to conduct one's self.
 verb (v.) A journey; a passage.
 verb (v.) The price of passage or going; the sum paid or due for conveying a person by land or water; as, the fare for crossing a river; the fare in a coach or by railway.
 verb (v.) Ado; bustle; business.
 verb (v.) Condition or state of things; fortune; hap; cheer.
 verb (v.) Food; provisions for the table; entertainment; as, coarse fare; delicious fare.
 verb (v.) The person or persons conveyed in a vehicle; as, a full fare of passengers.
 verb (v.) The catch of fish on a fishing vessel.

farinoseadjective (a.) Yielding farinaa; as, farinose substances.
 adjective (a.) Civered with a sort of white, mealy powder, as the leaves of some poplars, and the body of certain insects; mealy.

farlienoun (n.) An unusual or unexpected thing; a wonder. See Fearly.

farmableadjective (a.) Capable of being farmed.

farmhousenoun (n.) A dwelling house on a farm; a farmer's residence.

faroesenoun (n. sing. & pl.) An inhabitant, or, collectively, inhabitants, of the Faroe islands.

farsenoun (n.) An addition to, or a paraphrase of, some part of the Latin service in the vernacular; -- common in English before the Reformation.

fartherancenoun (n.) See Furtherance.

farthingalenoun (n.) A hoop skirt or hoop petticoat, or other light, elastic material, used to extend the petticoat.

fasciateadjective (a.) Alt. of Fasciated

fasciclenoun (n.) A small bundle or collection; a compact cluster; as, a fascicle of fibers; a fascicle of flowers or roots.
 noun (n.) One of the divisions of a book published in parts; fasciculus.

fasciculateadjective (a.) Alt. of Fasciculated

fascinenoun (n.) A cylindrical bundle of small sticks of wood, bound together, used in raising batteries, filling ditches, strengthening ramparts, and making parapets; also in revetments for river banks, and in mats for dams, jetties, etc.

fasciolenoun (n.) A band of minute tubercles, bearing modified spines, on the shells of spatangoid sea urchins. See Spatangoidea.

fashionablenoun (n.) A person who conforms to the fashions; -- used chiefly in the plural.
 adjective (a.) Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style; as, a fashionable dress.
 adjective (a.) Established or favored by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time; as, the fashionable philosophy; fashionable opinions.
 adjective (a.) Observant of the fashion or customary mode; dressing or behaving according to the prevailing fashion; as, a fashionable man.
 adjective (a.) Genteel; well-bred; as, fashionable society.

fassaitenoun (n.) A variety of pyroxene, from the valley of Fassa, in the Tyrol.

fastigiateadjective (a.) Alt. of Fastigiated

fatenoun (n.) A fixed decree by which the order of things is prescribed; the immutable law of the universe; inevitable necessity; the force by which all existence is determined and conditioned.
 noun (n.) Appointed lot; allotted life; arranged or predetermined event; destiny; especially, the final lot; doom; ruin; death.
 noun (n.) The element of chance in the affairs of life; the unforeseen and unestimated conitions considered as a force shaping events; fortune; esp., opposing circumstances against which it is useless to struggle; as, fate was, or the fates were, against him.
 noun (n.) The three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, sometimes called the Destinies, or Parcaewho were supposed to determine the course of human life. They are represented, one as holding the distaff, a second as spinning, and the third as cutting off the thread.

fathomableadjective (a.) Capable of being fathomed.

fatigableadjective (a.) Easily tired.

fatigateadjective (a.) Wearied; tired; fatigued.
 verb (v. t.) To weary; to tire; to fatigue.

fatiguenoun (n.) Weariness from bodily labor or mental exertion; lassitude or exhaustion of strength.
 noun (n.) The cause of weariness; labor; toil; as, the fatigues of war.
 noun (n.) The weakening of a metal when subjected to repeated vibrations or strains.
 noun (n.) To weary with labor or any bodily or mental exertion; to harass with toil; to exhaust the strength or endurance of; to tire.

fatimiteadjective (a.) Alt. of Fatimide

fatimidenoun (n.) A descendant of Fatima.
 adjective (a.) Descended from Fatima, the daughter and only child of Mohammed.

fatiscencenoun (n.) A gaping or opening; state of being chinky, or having apertures.

faulenoun (n.) A fall or falling band.

fauvettenoun (n.) A small singing bird, as the nightingale and warblers.

faveolateadjective (a.) Honeycomb; having cavities or cells, somewhat resembling those of a honeycomb; alveolate; favose.

favorablenoun (n.) Full of favor; favoring; manifesting partiality; kind; propitious; friendly.
 noun (n.) Conducive; contributing; tending to promote or facilitate; advantageous; convenient.
 noun (n.) Beautiful; well-favored.

favoritenoun (n.) A person or thing regarded with peculiar favor; one treated with partiality; one preferred above others; especially, one unduly loved, trusted, and enriched with favors by a person of high rank or authority.
 noun (n.) Short curls dangling over the temples; -- fashionable in the reign of Charles II.
 noun (n.) The competitor (as a horse in a race) that is judged most likely to win; the competitor standing highest in the betting.
 adjective (a.) Regarded with particular affection, esteem, or preference; as, a favorite walk; a favorite child.

favoseadjective (a.) Honeycombed. See Faveolate.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the disease called favus.

favositeadjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the genus Favosites.

faweadjective (a.) Fain; glad; delighted.

fayalitenoun (n.) A black, greenish, or brownish mineral of the chrysolite group. It is a silicate of iron.

fayencenoun (n.) See Fa/ence.

fearsomeadjective (a.) Frightful; causing fear.
 adjective (a.) Easily frightened; timid; timorous.

feasibleadjective (a.) Capable of being done, executed, or effected; practicable.
 adjective (a.) Fit to be used or tailed, as land.

featurenoun (n.) The make, form, or outward appearance of a person; the whole turn or style of the body; esp., good appearance.
 noun (n.) The make, cast, or appearance of the human face, and especially of any single part of the face; a lineament. (pl.) The face, the countenance.
 noun (n.) The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay; any marked peculiarity or characteristic; as, one of the features of the landscape.
 noun (n.) A form; a shape.

feazenoun (n.) A state of anxious or fretful excitement; worry; vexation.
 verb (v. t.) To untwist; to unravel, as the end of a rope.
 verb (v. t.) To beat; to chastise; also, to humble; to harass; to worry.

febriculoseadjective (a.) Somewhat feverish.

febrifugenoun (n.) A medicine serving to mitigate or remove fever.
 adjective (a.) Antifebrile.

febrileadjective (a.) Pertaining to fever; indicating fever, or derived from it; as, febrile symptoms; febrile action.

feculencenoun (n.) The state or quality of being feculent; muddiness; foulness.
 noun (n.) That which is feculent; sediment; lees; dregs.

federateadjective (a.) United by compact, as sovereignties, states, or nations; joined in confederacy; leagued; confederate; as, federate nations.

federativeadjective (a.) Uniting in a league; forming a confederacy; federal.

feenoun (n.) property; possession; tenure.
 noun (n.) Reward or compensation for services rendered or to be rendered; especially, payment for professional services, of optional amount, or fixed by custom or laws; charge; pay; perquisite; as, the fees of lawyers and physicians; the fees of office; clerk's fees; sheriff's fees; marriage fees, etc.
 noun (n.) A right to the use of a superior's land, as a stipend for services to be performed; also, the land so held; a fief.
 noun (n.) An estate of inheritance supposed to be held either mediately or immediately from the sovereign, and absolutely vested in the owner.
 noun (n.) An estate of inheritance belonging to the owner, and transmissible to his heirs, absolutely and simply, without condition attached to the tenure.
 verb (v. t.) To reward for services performed, or to be performed; to recompense; to hire or keep in hire; hence, to bribe.

feejeenoun (a. & n.) See Fijian.

feerenoun (n.) A consort, husband or wife; a companion; a fere.

feesenoun (n.) the short run before a leap.

feezenoun (n.) Fretful excitement. [Obs.] See Feaze.
 verb (v. t.) To turn, as a screw.
 verb (v. t.) To beat; to chastise; to humble; to worry.

feldspathoseadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or consisting of, feldspar.

feleadjective (a.) Many.

felicitateadjective (a.) Made very happy.
 verb (v. t.) To make very happy; to delight.
 verb (v. t.) To express joy or pleasure to; to wish felicity to; to call or consider (one's self) happy; to congratulate.

felineadjective (a.) Catlike; of or pertaining to the genus Felis, or family Felidae; as, the feline race; feline voracity.
 adjective (a.) Characteristic of cats; sly; stealthy; treacherous; as, a feline nature; feline manners.

fellableadjective (a.) Fit to be felled.

felltarenoun (n.) The fieldfare.

felloenoun (n.) See Felly.

fellowlikeadjective (a.) Like a companion; companionable; on equal terms; sympathetic.

felsitenoun (n.) A finegrained rock, flintlike in fracture, consisting essentially of orthoclase feldspar with occasional grains of quartz.

felstonenoun (n.) See Felsite.

femalenoun (n.) An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova.
 noun (n.) A plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organs which are capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate plant.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to an individual of the female sex; characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness.
 adjective (a.) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.