Name Report For First Name LAIBROOK:


First name LAIBROOK's origin is Other. LAIBROOK means "lives by the path by the brook". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with LAIBROOK below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of laibrook.(Brown names are of the same origin (Other) with LAIBROOK and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with LAIBROOK - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming LAIBROOK



NAMES RHYMING WITH LAİBROOK (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (aibrook) - Names That Ends with aibrook:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (ibrook) - Names That Ends with ibrook:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (brook) - Names That Ends with brook:

brook westbrook seabrook holbrook

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rook) - Names That Ends with rook:


Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ook) - Names That Ends with ook:


Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ok) - Names That Ends with ok:

kiwidinok enok pajackok adok brok stok ullok whytlok erzsok mariadok marrok tzadok zadok

NAMES RHYMING WITH LAİBROOK (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (laibroo) - Names That Begins with laibroo:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (laibro) - Names That Begins with laibro:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (laibr) - Names That Begins with laibr:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (laib) - Names That Begins with laib:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (lai) - Names That Begins with lai:

lai laidley laidly laila laili lailie lailoken laina laine lainey lainie lair laird laire lairgnen lais laius

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (la) - Names That Begins with la:

labaan laban labeeb labhaoise labhruinn labib labid labreshia lace lacee lacene lacey lach lache lachesis lachie lachlan lachlann laci laciann lacie lacina laco lacramioara lacy lacyann lad lada ladbroc ladd ladde ladislav ladon laec laefertun lael laertes laestrygones laetitia lafayette lahab laheeb lahela lahthan lajeune lajila lakeisha lakeland laken lakesha lakeshia lakiesha lakinzi lakisha lakishia lakshmi lakya lala lalage lali lalia lalima lalor lam lama lamaan lamandre lamar lamarion lamarr lamba lambart lambert lambrecht lambret lambrett lamees lameh lamia lamis lamond lamont lamorak


First Names which starts with 'lai' and ends with 'ook':

First Names which starts with 'la' and ends with 'ok':

First Names which starts with 'l' and ends with 'k':

lark link ludwik luk

English Words Rhyming LAIBROOK


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH LAİBROOK (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (aibrook) - English Words That Ends with aibrook:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (ibrook) - English Words That Ends with ibrook:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (brook) - English Words That Ends with brook:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rook) - English Words That Ends with rook:

crooknoun (n.) A bend, turn, or curve; curvature; flexure.
 noun (n.) Any implement having a bent or crooked end.
 noun (n.) The staff used by a shepherd, the hook of which serves to hold a runaway sheep.
 noun (n.) A bishop's staff of office. Cf. Pastoral staff.
 noun (n.) A pothook.
 noun (n.) An artifice; trick; tricky device; subterfuge.
 noun (n.) A small tube, usually curved, applied to a trumpet, horn, etc., to change its pitch or key.
 noun (n.) A person given to fraudulent practices; an accomplice of thieves, forgers, etc.
 noun (n.) To turn from a straight line; to bend; to curve.
 noun (n.) To turn from the path of rectitude; to pervert; to misapply; to twist.
 verb (v. i.) To bend; to curve; to wind; to have a curvature.

rooknoun (n.) Mist; fog. See Roke.
 noun (n.) One of the four pieces placed on the corner squares of the board; a castle.
 noun (n.) A European bird (Corvus frugilegus) resembling the crow, but smaller. It is black, with purple and violet reflections. The base of the beak and the region around it are covered with a rough, scabrous skin, which in old birds is whitish. It is gregarious in its habits. The name is also applied to related Asiatic species.
 noun (n.) A trickish, rapacious fellow; a cheat; a sharper.
 verb (v. i.) To squat; to ruck.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To cheat; to defraud by cheating.

strooknoun (n.) A stroke.
  () imp. of Strike.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ook) - English Words That Ends with ook:

billhooknoun (n.) A thick, heavy knife with a hooked point, used in pruning hedges, etc. When it has a short handle, it is sometimes called a hand bill; when the handle is long, a hedge bill or scimiter.

booknoun (n.) A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound together; commonly, many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing.
 noun (n.) A composition, written or printed; a treatise.
 noun (n.) A part or subdivision of a treatise or literary work; as, the tenth book of "Paradise Lost."
 noun (n.) A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures, etc.
 noun (n.) Six tricks taken by one side, in the game of whist; in certain other games, two or more corresponding cards, forming a set.
 verb (v. t.) To enter, write, or register in a book or list.
 verb (v. t.) To enter the name of (any one) in a book for the purpose of securing a passage, conveyance, or seat; as, to be booked for Southampton; to book a seat in a theater.
 verb (v. t.) To mark out for; to destine or assign for; as, he is booked for the valedictory.

breasthooknoun (n.) A thick piece of timber in the form of a knee, placed across the stem of a ship to strengthen the fore part and unite the bows on each side.

cashbooknoun (n.) A book in which is kept a register of money received or paid out.

chapbooknoun (n.) Any small book carried about for sale by chapmen or hawkers. Hence, any small book; a toy book.

chinooknoun (n.) One of a tribe of North American Indians now living in the state of Washington, noted for the custom of flattening their skulls. Chinooks also called Flathead Indians.
 noun (n.) A warm westerly wind from the country of the Chinooks, sometimes experienced on the slope of the Rocky Mountains, in Montana and the adjacent territory.
 noun (n.) A jargon of words from various languages (the largest proportion of which is from that of the Chinooks) generally understood by all the Indian tribes of the northwestern territories of the United States.

cooknoun (n.) One whose occupation is to prepare food for the table; one who dresses or cooks meat or vegetables for eating.
 noun (n.) A fish, the European striped wrasse.
 verb (v. i.) To make the noise of the cuckoo.
 verb (v. t.) To throw.
 verb (v. t.) To prepare, as food, by boiling, roasting, baking, broiling, etc.; to make suitable for eating, by the agency of fire or heat.
 verb (v. t.) To concoct or prepare; hence, to tamper with or alter; to garble; -- often with up; as, to cook up a story; to cook an account.
 verb (v. i.) To prepare food for the table.

cookbooknoun (n.) A book of directions and receipts for cooking; a cookery book.

daybooknoun (n.) A journal of accounts; a primary record book in which are recorded the debts and credits, or accounts of the day, in their order, and from which they are transferred to the journal.

domebooknoun (n.) A book said to have been compiled under the direction of King Alfred. It is supposed to have contained the principal maxims of the common law, the penalties for misdemeanors, and the forms of judicial proceedings. Domebook was probably a general name for book of judgments.

fishhooknoun (n.) A hook for catching fish.
 noun (n.) A hook with a pendant, to the end of which the fish-tackle is hooked.

flooknoun (n.) A fluke of an anchor.

foothooknoun (n.) See Futtock.

forehooknoun (n.) A piece of timber placed across the stem, to unite the bows and strengthen the fore part of the ship; a breast hook.

gowdnooknoun (n.) The saury pike; -- called also gofnick.

guidebooknoun (n.) A book of directions and information for travelers, tourists, etc.

handbooknoun (n.) A book of reference, to be carried in the hand; a manual; a guidebook.

herdbooknoun (n.) A book containing the list and pedigrees of one or more herds of choice breeds of cattle; -- also called herd record, or herd register.

hooknoun (n.) A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, holding, or sustaining anything; as, a hook for catching fish; a hook for fastening a gate; a boat hook, etc.
 noun (n.) That part of a hinge which is fixed to a post, and on which a door or gate hangs and turns.
 noun (n.) An implement for cutting grass or grain; a sickle; an instrument for cutting or lopping; a billhook.
 noun (n.) See Eccentric, and V-hook.
 noun (n.) A snare; a trap.
 noun (n.) A field sown two years in succession.
 noun (n.) The projecting points of the thigh bones of cattle; -- called also hook bones.
 noun (n.) A spit or narrow cape of sand or gravel turned landward at the outer end; as, Sandy Hook.
 verb (v. t.) To catch or fasten with a hook or hooks; to seize, capture, or hold, as with a hook, esp. with a disguised or baited hook; hence, to secure by allurement or artifice; to entrap; to catch; as, to hook a dress; to hook a trout.
 verb (v. t.) To seize or pierce with the points of the horns, as cattle in attacking enemies; to gore.
 verb (v. t.) To steal.
 verb (v. i.) To bend; to curve as a hook.
 verb (v. i.) To move or go with a sudden turn;
 verb (v. i.) to make off; to clear out; -- often with it.

hornbooknoun (n.) The first book for children, or that from which in former times they learned their letters and rudiments; -- so called because a sheet of horn covered the small, thin board of oak, or the slip of paper, on which the alphabet, digits, and often the Lord's Prayer, were written or printed; a primer.
 noun (n.) A book containing the rudiments of any science or branch of knowledge; a manual; a handbook.

kabooknoun (n.) A clay ironstone found in Ceylon.

kedlooknoun (n.) See Charlock.

looknoun (n.) The act of looking; a glance; a sight; a view; -- often in certain phrases; as, to have, get, take, throw, or cast, a look.
 noun (n.) Expression of the eyes and face; manner; as, a proud or defiant look.
 noun (n.) Hence; Appearance; aspect; as, the house has a gloomy look; the affair has a bad look.
 verb (v. i.) To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to observe with the eyes while keeping them directed; -- with various prepositions, often in a special or figurative sense. See Phrases below.
 verb (v. i.) To direct the attention (to something); to consider; to examine; as, to look at an action.
 verb (v. i.) To seem; to appear; to have a particular appearance; as, the patient looks better; the clouds look rainy.
 verb (v. i.) To have a particular direction or situation; to face; to front.
 verb (v. i.) In the imperative: see; behold; take notice; take care; observe; -- used to call attention.
 verb (v. i.) To show one's self in looking, as by leaning out of a window; as, look out of the window while I speak to you. Sometimes used figuratively.
 verb (v. i.) To await the appearance of anything; to expect; to anticipate.
 verb (v. t.) To look at; to turn the eyes toward.
 verb (v. t.) To seek; to search for.
 verb (v. t.) To expect.
 verb (v. t.) To influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence as, to look down opposition.
 verb (v. t.) To express or manifest by a look.

nainsooknoun (n.) A thick sort of jaconet muslin, plain or striped, formerly made in India.

needlebooknoun (n.) A book-shaped needlecase, having leaves of cloth into which the needles are stuck.

nooknoun (n.) A narrow place formed by an angle in bodies or between bodies; a corner; a recess; a secluded retreat.

notebooknoun (n.) A book in which notes or memorandums are written.
 noun (n.) A book in which notes of hand are registered.

nuthooknoun (n.) A hook at the end of a pole to pull down boughs for gathering the nuts.
 noun (n.) A thief who steals by means of a hook; also, a bailiff who hooks or seizes malefactors.

ooknoun (n.) Oak.

outlooknoun (n.) The act of looking out; watch.
 noun (n.) One who looks out; also, the place from which one looks out; a watchower.
 noun (n.) The view obtained by one looking out; scope of vision; prospect; sight; appearance.
 verb (v. t.) To face down; to outstare.
 verb (v. t.) To inspect throughly; to select.

playbooknoun (n.) A book of dramatic compositions; a book of the play.

pocketbooknoun (n.) A small book or case for carrying papers, money, etc., in the pocket; also, a notebook for the pocket.

porthooknoun (n.) One of the iron hooks to which the port hinges are attached.

pothooknoun (n.) An S-shaped hook on which pots and kettles are hung over an open fire.
 noun (n.) A written character curved like a pothook; (pl.) a scrawled writing.

ravehooknoun (n.) A tool, hooked at the end, for enlarging or clearing seams for the reception of oakum.

schoolbooknoun (n.) A book used in schools for learning lessons.

scrapbooknoun (n.) A blank book in which extracts cut from books and papers may be pasted and kept.

sheephooknoun (n.) A hook fastened to pole, by which shepherds lay hold on the legs or necks of their sheep; a shepherd's crook.

shooknoun (n.) A set of staves and headings sufficient in number for one hogshead, cask, barrel, or the like, trimmed, and bound together in compact form.
 noun (n.) A set of boards for a sugar box.
 noun (n.) The parts of a piece of house furniture, as a bedstead, packed together.
 verb (v. t.) To pack, as staves, in a shook.
  (imp.) of Shake
  () of Shake
  () imp. & obs. or poet. p. p. of Shake.

shopbooknoun (n.) A book in which a tradesman keeps his accounts.

shredcooknoun (n.) The fieldfare; -- so called from its harsh cry before rain.

sketchbooknoun (n.) A book of sketches or for sketches.

snooknoun (n.) A large perchlike marine food fish (Centropomus undecimalis) found both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of tropical America; -- called also ravallia, and robalo.
 noun (n.) The cobia.
 noun (n.) The garfish.
 verb (v. i.) To lurk; to lie in ambush.

spooknoun (n.) A spirit; a ghost; an apparition; a hobgoblin.
 noun (n.) The chimaera.

stooknoun (n.) A small collection of sheaves set up in the field; a shock; in England, twelve sheaves.
 verb (v. t.) To set up, as sheaves of grain, in stooks.

storybooknoun (n.) A book containing stories, or short narratives, either true or false.

studbooknoun (n.) A genealogical register of a particular breed or stud of horses, esp. thoroughbreds.

tablebooknoun (n.) A tablet; a notebook.

talooknoun (n.) Alt. of Taluk

yearbooknoun (n.) A book published yearly; any annual report or summary of the statistics or facts of a year, designed to be used as a reference book; as, the Congregational Yearbook.
 noun (n.) A book containing annual reports of cases adjudged in the courts of England.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH LAİBROOK (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (laibroo) - Words That Begins with laibroo:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (laibro) - Words That Begins with laibro:

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (laibr) - Words That Begins with laibr:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (laib) - Words That Begins with laib:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (lai) - Words That Begins with lai:

laicnoun (n.) A layman.
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Laical

laicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a layman or the laity.

laicalitynoun (n.) The state or quality of being laic; the state or condition of a layman.

laidlyadjective (a.) Ugly; loathsome.

lainerenoun (n.) See Lanier.

lairnoun (n.) A place in which to lie or rest; especially, the bed or couch of a wild beast.
 noun (n.) A burying place.
 noun (n.) A pasture; sometimes, food.

lairdnoun (n.) A lord; a landholder, esp. one who holds land directly of the crown.

lairdshipnoun (n.) The state of being a laird; an estate; landed property.

laismnoun (n.) See Lamaism.

laityadjective (a.) The people, as distinguished from the clergy; the body of the people not in orders.
 adjective (a.) The state of a layman.
 adjective (a.) Those who are not of a certain profession, as law or medicine, in distinction from those belonging to it.


English Words which starts with 'lai' and ends with 'ook':

English Words which starts with 'la' and ends with 'ok':