Name Report For First Name ALDO:


First name ALDO's origin is Europe. ALDO means "rich". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with ALDO below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of aldo.(Brown names are of the same origin (Europe) with ALDO and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with ALDO - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming ALDO


aldous waldo arnaldo aldona aldonsa aldonza aldora archibaldo edwaldo geraldo heraldo jeraldo naldo renaldo reynaldo ronaldo waldon khaldoon

NAMES RHYMING WITH ALDO (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ldo) - Names That Ends with ldo:

amoldo leopoldo

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (do) - Names That Ends with do:

onaedo dido pemphredo pephredo addo guedado hondo rudo errando brando biaiardo corrado eduardo kado udo akando alfredo amado arlando bardo beinvenido bernardo conrado duardo edgardo edmondo edmundo edwardo enando evarado everardo fernando gerardo gherardo godfredo godofredo guido hernando horado ignado jerardo langundo leonardo nardo normando orlando patrido placido raimundo reynardo ricardo riccardo richardo segundo edoardo bertrando yehonado wido odo carrado rolando wilfredo armando orlondo raymundo reymundo

NAMES RHYMING WITH ALDO (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ald) - Names That Begins with ald:

ald alda aldan aldara alden aldene alder aldercy aldfrith aldhelm aldin aldis aldn'd aldred aldric aldrich aldrick aldrid aldrik aldrin aldt aldtun aldus aldw aldwin aldwine aldwyn aldys

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (al) - Names That Begins with al:

al-ahmar al-asfan al-ashab al-fadee al-fahl al-hadiye al-sham ala' alacoque aladdin alafin alahhaois alai alaia alain alaina alaine alair alala alalim alamea alameda alan alana alandra alane alani alanna alannah alano alanson alanza alanzo alaqua alard alaric alarica alarice alarick alarico alarik alasda alasdair alastair alaster alastor alastrina alastrine alastriona alaula alawa alayla alayna alayne alaysha alayziah alba albaric albe alberga albern albert alberta alberteen albertina albertine alberto albertyna albertyne albin albinia albinus


First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 'o':

aberto abrafo abramo adhiambo adio adofo adolfo adriano aello ahtunowhiho aiko akello akeno akiko alejandro alessandro alfonso almo alo alonso alonzo alphonso alrigo aluino alvaro alvino amadeo ambrocio ambrosio amo anastagio anastasio andreo aneko angelino angelo aniko anpaytoo anselmo antoneo antonio anyango apo apollo aquilino argo arlo armanno arno aroghetto arridano arrigo arsenio arthgallo arturo asentzio astolpho aureliano aurelio avonaco ayo azibo

English Words Rhyming ALDO


aldolnoun (n.) A colorless liquid, C4H8O2, obtained by condensation of two molecules of acetaldehyde: CH3CHO + CH3CHO = H3CH(OH)CH2CO; also, any of various derivatives of this. The same reaction has been applied, under the name of aldol condensation, to the production of many compounds.

ealdormannoun (n.) An alderman.

rascaldomnoun (n.) State of being a rascal; rascality; domain of rascals; rascals, collectively.

thraldomnoun (n.) The condition of a thrall; slavery; bondage; state of servitude.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ALDO (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ldo) - English Words That Ends with ldo:

boldonoun (n.) Alt. of Boldu

dildonoun (n.) A burden in popular songs.
 noun (n.) A columnar cactaceous plant of the West Indies (Cereus Swartzii).

soldonoun (n.) A small Italian coin worth a sou or a cent; the twentieth part of a lira.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ALDO (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ald) - Words That Begins with ald:

aldebarannoun (n.) A red star of the first magnitude, situated in the eye of Taurus; the Bull's Eye. It is the bright star in the group called the Hyades.

aldehydenoun (n.) A colorless, mobile, and very volatile liquid obtained from alcohol by certain processes of oxidation.

aldehydicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to aldehyde; as, aldehydic acid.

aldernoun (n.) A tree, usually growing in moist land, and belonging to the genus Alnus. The wood is used by turners, etc.; the bark by dyers and tanners. In the U. S. the species of alder are usually shrubs or small trees.
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Aller

aldermannoun (n.) A senior or superior; a person of rank or dignity.
 noun (n.) One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may, in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and administrative functions.

aldermancynoun (n.) The office of an alderman.

aldermanicadjective (a.) Relating to, becoming to, or like, an alderman; characteristic of an alderman.

aldermanitynoun (n.) Aldermen collectively; the body of aldermen.
 noun (n.) The state of being an alderman.

aldermanlikeadjective (a.) Like or suited to an alderman.

aldermanlyadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, an alderman.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, an alderman.

aldermanrynoun (n.) The district or ward of an alderman.
 noun (n.) The office or rank of an alderman.

aldermanshipnoun (n.) The condition, position, or office of an alderman.

aldernadjective (a.) Made of alder.

alderneynoun (n.) One of a breed of cattle raised in Alderney, one of the Channel Islands. Alderneys are of a dun or tawny color and are often called Jersey cattle. See Jersey, 3.

aldineadjective (a.) An epithet applied to editions (chiefly of the classics) which proceeded from the press of Aldus Manitius, and his family, of Venice, for the most part in the 16th century and known by the sign of the anchor and the dolphin. The term has also been applied to certain elegant editions of English works.


English Words which starts with 'a' and ends with 'o':

accelerandoadjective (a.) Gradually accelerating the movement.

adagionoun (n.) A piece of music in adagio time; a slow movement; as, an adagio of Haydn.
 adverb (a. & adv.) Slow; slowly, leisurely, and gracefully. When repeated, adagio, adagio, it directs the movement to be very slow.

adelantadillonoun (n.) A Spanish red wine made of the first ripe grapes.

adelantadonoun (n.) A governor of a province; a commander.

adonoun (n.) To do; in doing; as, there is nothing ado.
 noun (n.) Doing; trouble; difficulty; troublesome business; fuss; bustle; as, to make a great ado about trifles.

advisonoun (n.) Advice; counsel; suggestion; also, a dispatch or advice boat.

aerugonoun (n.) The rust of any metal, esp. of brass or copper; verdigris.

agionoun (n.) The premium or percentage on a better sort of money when it is given in exchange for an inferior sort. The premium or discount on foreign bills of exchange is sometimes called agio.

agitatoadjective (a.) Sung or played in a restless, hurried, and spasmodic manner.

ainonoun (n.) One of a peculiar race inhabiting Yesso, the Kooril Islands etc., in the northern part of the empire of Japan, by some supposed to have been the progenitors of the Japanese. The Ainos are stout and short, with hairy bodies.

akimboadjective (a.) With a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward.

albedonoun (n.) Whiteness. Specifically: (Astron.) The ratio which the light reflected from an unpolished surface bears to the total light falling upon that surface.

albinonoun (n.) A person, whether negro, Indian, or white, in whom by some defect of organization the substance which gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes is deficient or in a morbid state. An albino has a skin of a milky hue, with hair of the same color, and eyes with deep red pupil and pink or blue iris. The term is also used of the lower animals, as white mice, elephants, etc.; and of plants in a whitish condition from the absence of chlorophyll.

albugonoun (n.) Same as Leucoma.

alcedonoun (n.) A genus of perching birds, including the European kingfisher (Alcedo ispida). See Halcyon.

alconoun (n.) A small South American dog, domesticated by the aborigines.

allegrettonoun (n.) A movement in this time.
 adjective (a.) Quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro.

allegronoun (n.) An allegro movement; a quick, sprightly strain or piece.
 adjective (a.) Brisk, lively.

altissimonoun (n.) The part or notes situated above F in alt.

altonoun (n.) Formerly the part sung by the highest male, or counter-tenor, voices; now the part sung by the lowest female, or contralto, voices, between in tenor and soprano. In instrumental music it now signifies the tenor.
 noun (n.) An alto singer.

ambonoun (n.) A large pulpit or reading desk, in the early Christian churches.

ambuscadonoun (n.) Ambuscade.

amidoadjective (a.) Containing, or derived from, amidogen.

amontilladonoun (n.) A dry kind of cherry, of a light color.

amorosonoun (n.) A lover; a man enamored.
 adverb (adv.) In a soft, tender, amatory style.

anattonoun (n.) Same as Annotto.

andantinoadjective (a.) Rather quicker than andante; between that allegretto.

angwantibonoun (n.) A small lemuroid mammal (Arctocebus Calabarensis) of Africa. It has only a rudimentary tail.

anonoun (n.) A black bird of tropical America, the West Indies and Florida (Crotophaga ani), allied to the cuckoos, and remarkable for communistic nesting.

annottonoun (n.) Alt. of Arnotto

arnottonoun (n.) A red or yellowish-red dyeing material, prepared from the pulp surrounding the seeds of a tree (Bixa orellana) belonging to the tropical regions of America. It is used for coloring cheese, butter, etc.
 noun (n.) Same as Annotto.

anteporticonoun (n.) An outer porch or vestibule.

aparejonoun (n.) A kind of pack saddle used in the American military service and among the Spanish Americans. It is made of leather stuffed with hay, moss, or the like.

apollonoun (n.) A deity among the Greeks and Romans. He was the god of light and day (the "sun god"), of archery, prophecy, medicine, poetry, and music, etc., and was represented as the model of manly grace and beauty; -- called also Phebus.

araguatonoun (n.) A South American monkey, the ursine howler (Mycetes ursinus). See Howler, n., 2.

arangonoun (n.) A bead of rough carnelian. Arangoes were formerly imported from Bombay for use in the African slave trade.

archipelagonoun (n.) The Grecian Archipelago, or Aegean Sea, separating Greece from Asia Minor. It is studded with a vast number of small islands.
 noun (n.) Hence: Any sea or broad sheet of water interspersed with many islands or with a group of islands.

argonoun (n.) The name of the ship which carried Jason and his fifty-four companions to Colchis, in quest of the Golden Fleece.
 noun (n.) A large constellation in the southern hemisphere, called also Argo Navis. In modern astronomy it is replaced by its three divisions, Carina, Puppis, and Vela.

armadillonoun (n.) Any edentate animal if the family Dasypidae, peculiar to America. The body and head are incased in an armor composed of small bony plates. The armadillos burrow in the earth, seldom going abroad except at night. When attacked, they curl up into a ball, presenting the armor on all sides. Their flesh is good food. There are several species, one of which (the peba) is found as far north as Texas. See Peba, Poyou, Tatouay.
 noun (n.) A genus of small isopod Crustacea that can roll themselves into a ball.

armadonoun (n.) Armada.

arnattonoun (n.) See Annotto.

arpeggionoun (n.) The production of the tones of a chord in rapid succession, as in playing the harp, and not simultaneously; a strain thus played.

arroyonoun (n.) A water course; a rivulet.
 noun (n.) The dry bed of a small stream.

asinegonoun (n.) Alt. of Assinego

assinegonoun (n.) A stupid fellow.
 noun (n.) See Asinego.

assientonoun (n.) A contract or convention between Spain and other powers for furnishing negro slaves for the Spanish dominions in America, esp. the contract made with Great Britain in 1713.

atmonoun (n.) The standard atmospheric pressure used in certain physical measurements calculations; conventionally, that pressure under which the barometer stands at 760 millimeters, at a temperature of 0¡ Centigrade, at the level of the sea, and in the latitude of Paris.

avigatonoun (n.) See Avocado.

avisonoun (n.) Information; advice.
 noun (n.) An advice boat, or dispatch boat.

avocadonoun (n.) The pulpy fruit of Persea gratissima, a tree of tropical America. It is about the size and shape of a large pear; -- called also avocado pear, alligator pear, midshipman's butter.

ayuntamientonoun (n.) In Spain and Spanish America, a corporation or body of magistrates in cities and towns, corresponding to mayor and aldermen.

aeronoun (n.) An aeroplane, airship, or the like.

amigonoun (n.) A friend; -- a Spanish term applied in the Philippine Islands to friendly natives.

anitonoun (n.) In Guam and the Philippines, an idol, fetich, or spirit.

aviadonoun (n.) One who works a mine with means provided by another.