Name Report For First Name ADAH:


First name ADAH's origin is Hebrew. ADAH means "beautiful. ornament". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with ADAH below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of adah.(Brown names are of the same origin (Hebrew) with ADAH and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with ADAH - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming ADAH


ghadah mayyadah amadahy ubadah adahy

NAMES RHYMING WITH ADAH (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (dah) - Names That Ends with dah:

faridah hamidah khalidah majidah mufidah nadidah ra'idah rawdah ruwaydah zubaidah walidah judah ubaydah wordah wardah saidah chasidah yedidah

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ah) - Names That Ends with ah:

akilah ablah afifah amatullah aminah amirah amtullah anisah areebah azizah azzah badriyyah bashirah basimah basmah faizah farihah fawziyyah fellah ghaliyah ghaniyah hadiyyah hafthah hanifah haniyyah hibah huriyyah husniyah karimah khayriyyah latifah lubabah luloah madihah ma'isah maizah mawiyah maymunah muhjah munirah mushirah muslimah nabihah nabilah nadirah nadwah nafisah nahlah najah najibah najiyah nazahah nazihah nazirah ni'mah qubilah radeyah rahimah raniyah rawiyah ruqayyah safiyyah sahlah saihah sakinah salimah samah samihah samiyah shadiyah suhailah suhaymah sumayyah sumnah takiyah wafiqah wafiyyah wahibah wajihah yafiah yakootah yasirah

NAMES RHYMING WITH ADAH (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ada) - Names That Begins with ada:

ada adair adaira adairia adal adalard adalb adalbeorht adalbert adalbrechta adalene adalgar adalgisa adalhard adalheida adali adalia adalicia adalie adaliz adalric adalrik adalson adalwen adalwin adalwine adalwolf adalwolfa adalyn adam adama adamina adamnan adamson adan adana adanech adanna adar adara adare

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ad) - Names That Begins with ad:

adda addam addaneye addergoole addie addilynn addis addisen addison addney addo addula addy addyson ade adeben adeela adeen adel adela adelaide adelajda adelbert adele adelhard adelheid adelheide adelia adelina adelinda adeline adelisa adelise adelita adella adelle adelpha adelynn adelyte aden adena adene adenne adeola aderet aderrig adetoun adette adham adhamh adharma adhiambo adi adia adianna adib adiba adibe adiella


First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 'h':

aaleyah aalijah aaliyah aarush aashish aaylah aballach abdimelech abdul-fattah abdullah abiah abijah abimelech abukcheech adilah adinah adolph aenedleah aescleah aeth aethelfrith aethelthryth aghaveagh agymah ailidh ailith ainsworth aishah alannah alayziah alchfrith aldfrith aldrich aleeyah aleezah aleiah alieah alitash alizah alvah amariah amaryah amayah amblaoibh ameenah ameerah amhlaoibh amineh amnchadh analeigh angeliyah anguysh anh annabeth anniah annorah anoush ansariah ansleigh aodh aoidh ardagh ardaleah ardath ardith ardleigh ardolph arienh arleigh arth aryeh asaph asfoureh ash ashleah ashleigh ashtaroth atarah athaleyah atworth avah avimelech avivah awarnach ayah ayalah azaryah azmariah

English Words Rhyming ADAH


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ADAH (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (dah) - English Words That Ends with dah:

houdahnoun (n.) See Howdah.

howdahnoun (n.) A seat or pavilion, generally covered, fastened on the back of an elephant, for the rider or riders.

keddahnoun (n.) An inclosure constructed to entrap wild elephants; an elephant trap.

purdahnoun (n.) A curtain or screen; also, a cotton fabric in blue and white stripes, used for curtains.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ADAH (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ada) - Words That Begins with ada:

adactyladjective (a.) Alt. of Adactylous

adactylousadjective (a.) Without fingers or without toes.
 adjective (a.) Without claws on the feet (of crustaceous animals).

adagenoun (n.) An old saying, which has obtained credit by long use; a proverb.

adagialadjective (a.) Pertaining to an adage; proverbial.

adagionoun (n.) A piece of music in adagio time; a slow movement; as, an adagio of Haydn.
 adverb (a. & adv.) Slow; slowly, leisurely, and gracefully. When repeated, adagio, adagio, it directs the movement to be very slow.

adamnoun (n.) The name given in the Bible to the first man, the progenitor of the human race.
 noun (n.) "Original sin;" human frailty.

adamantnoun (n.) A stone imagined by some to be of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness; but in modern mineralogy it has no technical signification. It is now a rhetorical or poetical name for the embodiment of impenetrable hardness.
 noun (n.) Lodestone; magnet.

adamanteanadjective (a.) Of adamant; hard as adamant.

adamantineadjective (a.) Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains.
 adjective (a.) Like the diamond in hardness or luster.

adambulacraladjective (a.) Next to the ambulacra; as, the adambulacral ossicles of the starfish.

adamicadjective (a.) Alt. of Adamical

adamicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Adam, or resembling him.

adamitenoun (n.) A descendant of Adam; a human being.
 noun (n.) One of a sect of visionaries, who, professing to imitate the state of Adam, discarded the use of dress in their assemblies.

adansonianoun (n.) A genus of great trees related to the Bombax. There are two species, A. digitata, the baobab or monkey-bread of Africa and India, and A. Gregorii, the sour gourd or cream-of-tartar tree of Australia. Both have a trunk of moderate height, but of enormous diameter, and a wide-spreading head. The fruit is oblong, and filled with pleasantly acid pulp. The wood is very soft, and the bark is used by the natives for making ropes and cloth.

adaptadjective (a.) Fitted; suited.
 verb (v. t.) To make suitable; to fit, or suit; to adjust; to alter so as to fit for a new use; -- sometimes followed by to or for.

adaptingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Adapt

adaptabilitynoun (n.) Alt. of Adaptableness

adaptablenessnoun (n.) The quality of being adaptable; suitableness.

adaptableadjective (a.) Capable of being adapted.

adaptationnoun (n.) The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness.
 noun (n.) The result of adapting; an adapted form.

adaptativeadjective (a.) Adaptive.

adaptednessnoun (n.) The state or quality of being adapted; suitableness; special fitness.

adapternoun (n.) One who adapts.
 noun (n.) A connecting tube; an adopter.

adaptionnoun (n.) Adaptation.

adaptiveadjective (a.) Suited, given, or tending, to adaptation; characterized by adaptation; capable of adapting.

adaptivenessnoun (n.) The quality of being adaptive; capacity to adapt.

adaptnessnoun (n.) Adaptedness.

adaptorialadjective (a.) Adaptive.

adarnoun (n.) The twelfth month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical year, and the sixth of the civil. It corresponded nearly with March.

adarcenoun (n.) A saltish concretion on reeds and grass in marshy grounds in Galatia. It is soft and porous, and was formerly used for cleansing the skin from freckles and tetters, and also in leprosy.

adatisnoun (n.) A fine cotton cloth of India.


English Words which starts with 'a' and ends with 'h':

absinthnoun (n.) Alt. of Absinthe

acalephnoun (n.) Alt. of Acalephan

acanthnoun (n.) Same as Acanthus.

accelerographnoun (n.) An apparatus for studying the combustion of powder in guns, etc.

achnoun (n.) Alt. of Ache

acolythnoun (n.) Same as Acolyte.

acrolithnoun (n.) A statue whose extremities are of stone, the trunk being generally of wood.

actinographnoun (n.) An instrument for measuring and recording the variations in the actinic or chemical force of rays of light.

aerolithnoun (n.) Same as A/rolite.

afterbirthnoun (n.) The placenta and membranes with which the fetus is connected, and which come away after delivery.

aftergrowthnoun (n.) A second growth or crop, or (metaphorically) development.

aftermathnoun (n.) A second moving; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season; rowen.

agallochnoun (n.) Alt. of Agallochum

aguishadjective (a.) Having the qualities of an ague; somewhat cold or shivering; chilly; shaky.
 adjective (a.) Productive of, or affected by, ague; as, the aguish districts of England.

aitchnoun (n.) The letter h or H.

albolithnoun (n.) A kind of plastic cement, or artificial stone, consisting chiefly of magnesia and silica; -- called also albolite.

alebenchnoun (n.) A bench in or before an alehouse.

alembrothnoun (n.) The salt of wisdom of the alchemists, a double salt composed of the chlorides of ammonium and mercury. It was formerly used as a stimulant.

algarothnoun (n.) A term used for the Powder of Algaroth, a white powder which is a compound of trichloride and trioxide of antimony. It was formerly used in medicine as an emetic, purgative, and diaphoretic.

aliothnoun (n.) A star in the tail of the Great Bear, the one next the bowl in the Dipper.

alishadjective (a.) Like ale; as, an alish taste.

allahnoun (n.) The name of the Supreme Being, in use among the Arabs and the Mohammedans generally.

alleluiahnoun (n.) An exclamation signifying Praise ye Jehovah. Hence: A song of praise to God. See Hallelujah, the commoner form.

allmouthnoun (n.) The angler.

allographnoun (n.) A writing or signature made by some person other than any of the parties thereto; -- opposed to autograph.

allomorphnoun (n.) Any one of two or more distinct crystalline forms of the same substance; or the substance having such forms; -- as, carbonate of lime occurs in the allomorphs calcite and aragonite.
 noun (n.) A variety of pseudomorph which has undergone partial or complete change or substitution of material; -- thus limonite is frequently an allomorph after pyrite.

allopathnoun (n.) An allopathist.

almahnoun (n.) Same as Alme.

almehnoun (n.) An Egyptian dancing girl; an Alma.

altazimuthnoun (n.) An instrument for taking azimuths and altitudes simultaneously.

alumishadjective (a.) Somewhat like alum.

amaranthnoun (n.) An imaginary flower supposed never to fade.
 noun (n.) A genus of ornamental annual plants (Amaranthus) of many species, with green, purplish, or crimson flowers.
 noun (n.) A color inclining to purple.

amateurishadjective (a.) In the style of an amateur; superficial or defective like the work of an amateur.

amianthnoun (n.) See Amianthus.

amphibrachnoun (n.) A foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short (~ -- ~); as, h/b/r/. In modern prosody the accented syllable takes the place of the long and the unaccented of the short; as, pro-phet#ic.

anaglyphnoun (n.) Any sculptured, chased, or embossed ornament worked in low relief, as a cameo.

anaglyptographnoun (n.) An instrument by which a correct engraving of any embossed object, such as a medal or cameo, can be executed.

anagraphnoun (n.) An inventory; a record.

anapnographnoun (n.) A form of spirometer.

anarchnoun (n.) The author of anarchy; one who excites revolt.

anchoretishadjective (a.) Hermitlike.

anemographnoun (n.) An instrument for measuring and recording the direction and force of the wind.

anemometrographnoun (n.) An anemograph.

anguishnoun (n.) Extreme pain, either of body or mind; excruciating distress.
 verb (v. t.) To distress with extreme pain or grief.

animalishadjective (a.) Like an animal.

antestomachnoun (n.) A cavity which leads into the stomach, as in birds.

antigraphnoun (n.) A copy or transcript.

apishadjective (a.) Having the qualities of an ape; prone to imitate in a servile manner. Hence: Apelike; fantastically silly; foppish; affected; trifling.

apographnoun (n.) A copy or transcript.

archnoun (n.) Any part of a curved line.
 noun (n.) Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge-shaped solids, with the joints between them disposed in the direction of the radii of the curve; used to support the wall or other weight above an opening. In this sense arches are segmental, round (i. e., semicircular), or pointed.
 noun (n.) A flat arch is a member constructed of stones cut into wedges or other shapes so as to support each other without rising in a curve.
 noun (n.) Any place covered by an arch; an archway; as, to pass into the arch of a bridge.
 noun (n.) Any curvature in the form of an arch; as, the arch of the aorta.
 noun (n.) A chief.
 adjective (a.) Chief; eminent; greatest; principal.
 adjective (a.) Cunning or sly; sportively mischievous; roguish; as, an arch look, word, lad.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with an arch or arches.
 verb (v. t.) To form or bend into the shape of an arch.
 verb (v. i.) To form into an arch; to curve.

arcographnoun (n.) An instrument for drawing a circular arc without the use of a central point; a cyclograph.

aristarchnoun (n.) A severe critic.

arophnoun (n.) A barbarous word used by the old chemists to designate various medical remedies.

arrachnoun (n.) See Orach.

arrishnoun (n.) The stubble of wheat or grass; a stubble field; eddish.

ashnoun (n.) A genus of trees of the Olive family, having opposite pinnate leaves, many of the species furnishing valuable timber, as the European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and the white ash (F. Americana).
 noun (n.) The tough, elastic wood of the ash tree.
 noun (n.) sing. of Ashes.
 verb (v. t.) To strew or sprinkle with ashes.

ashtorethnoun (n.) The principal female divinity of the Phoenicians, as Baal was the principal male divinity.

asiarchnoun (n.) One of the chiefs or pontiffs of the Roman province of Asia, who had the superintendence of the public games and religious rites.

aspishadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, an asp.

assishadjective (a.) Resembling an ass; asinine; stupid or obstinate.

attachnoun (n.) An attachment.
 verb (v. t.) To bind, fasten, tie, or connect; to make fast or join; as, to attach one thing to another by a string, by glue, or the like.
 verb (v. t.) To connect; to place so as to belong; to assign by authority; to appoint; as, an officer is attached to a certain regiment, company, or ship.
 verb (v. t.) To win the heart of; to connect by ties of love or self-interest; to attract; to fasten or bind by moral influence; -- with to; as, attached to a friend; attaching others to us by wealth or flattery.
 verb (v. t.) To connect, in a figurative sense; to ascribe or attribute; to affix; -- with to; as, to attach great importance to a particular circumstance.
 verb (v. t.) To take, seize, or lay hold of.
 verb (v. t.) To take by legal authority: (a) To arrest by writ, and bring before a court, as to answer for a debt, or a contempt; -- applied to a taking of the person by a civil process; being now rarely used for the arrest of a criminal. (b) To seize or take (goods or real estate) by virtue of a writ or precept to hold the same to satisfy a judgment which may be rendered in the suit. See Attachment, 4.
 verb (v. i.) To adhere; to be attached.
 verb (v. i.) To come into legal operation in connection with anything; to vest; as, dower will attach.

autochronographnoun (n.) An instrument for the instantaneous self-recording or printing of time.

autographnoun (n.) That which is written with one's own hand; an original manuscript; a person's own signature or handwriting.
 adjective (a.) In one's own handwriting; as, an autograph letter; an autograph will.

automathnoun (n.) One who is self-taught.

avouchnoun (n.) Evidence; declaration.
 verb (v. t.) To appeal to; to cite or claim as authority.
 verb (v. t.) To maintain a just or true; to vouch for.
 verb (v. t.) To declare or assert positively and as matter of fact; to affirm openly.
 verb (v. t.) To acknowledge deliberately; to admit; to confess; to sanction.

awashadjective (a.) Washed by the waves or tide; -- said of a rock or strip of shore, or (Naut.) of an anchor, etc., when flush with the surface of the water, so that the waves break over it.

ayahnoun (n.) A native nurse for children; also, a lady's maid.

azedarachnoun (n.) A handsome Asiatic tree (Melia azedarach), common in the southern United States; -- called also, Pride of India, Pride of China, and Bead tree.
 noun (n.) The bark of the roots of the azedarach, used as a cathartic and emetic.

azimuthnoun (n.) The quadrant of an azimuth circle.
 noun (n.) An arc of the horizon intercepted between the meridian of the place and a vertical circle passing through the center of any object; as, the azimuth of a star; the azimuth or bearing of a line surveying.

azothnoun (n.) The first principle of metals, i. e., mercury, which was formerly supposed to exist in all metals, and to be extractable from them.
 noun (n.) The universal remedy of Paracelsus.

allelomorphnoun (n.) One of the pure unit characters commonly existing singly or in pairs in the germ cells of Mendelian hybrids, and exhibited in varying proportion among the organisms themselves. Allelomorphs which under certain circumstances are themselves compound are called hypallelomorphs. See Mendel's law.

amishnoun (n. pl.) The Amish Mennonites.
 adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the followers of Jacob Amman, a strict Mennonite of the 17th century, who even proscribed the use of buttons and shaving as "worldly conformity". There are several branches of Amish Mennonites in the United States.

anabranchnoun (n.) A branch of a river that reenters, or anastomoses with, the main stream; also, less properly, a branch which loses itself in sandy soil.

ankhnoun (n.) A tau cross with a loop at the top, used as an attribute or sacred emblem, symbolizing generation or enduring life. Called also crux ansata.

antipaschnoun (n.) The Sunday after Easter; Low Sunday.

approachnoun (n.) A stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting green. It is made with an iron club.
 verb (v. i.) To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer.
 verb (v. i.) To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate; as, he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.
 verb (v. t.) To bring near; to cause to draw near; to advance.
 verb (v. t.) To come near to in place, time, or character; to draw nearer to; as, to approach the city; to approach my cabin; he approached the age of manhood.
 verb (v. t.) To take approaches to.
 verb (v. i.) The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near.
 verb (v. i.) A access, or opportunity of drawing near.
 verb (v. i.) Movements to gain favor; advances.
 verb (v. i.) A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access.
 verb (v. i.) The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post.
 verb (v. i.) See Approaching.