Name Report For First Name AMERICUS:


First name AMERICUS's origin is Latin. AMERICUS means "royalty". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with AMERICUS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of americus.(Brown names are of the same origin (Latin) with AMERICUS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with AMERICUS - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming AMERICUS



NAMES RHYMING WITH AMERÝCUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (mericus) - Names That Ends with mericus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (ericus) - Names That Ends with ericus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ricus) - Names That Ends with ricus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (icus) - Names That Ends with icus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (cus) - Names That Ends with cus:

maccus marcus aeacus amycus autolycus demodocus glaucus ibycus rhoecus cus demarcus jamarcus meccus baccus

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (us) - Names That Ends with us:

el-nefous enygeus caeneus cestus iasius lotus negus dabbous dassous fanous abdul-quddus boulus butrus yunus dryhus thaddeus bagdemagus brademagus isdernus peredurus britomartus luxovious nemausus ondrus argus ambrosius batholomeus basilius bonifacius cecilius clementius egidius eugenius eustatius theodorus darius horus aldous brutus cassibellaunus guiderius lorineus ferragus marsilius senapus brus seorus alemannus klaus abderus absyrtus acastus achelous aconteus acrisius admetus adrastus aegeus aegisthus aegyptus aeolus aesculapius alcinous alcyoneus aloeus alpheus amphiaraus anastasius ancaeus androgeus antaeus antilochus antinous archemorus aristaeus ascalaphus asopus atreus avernus boethius briareus cadmus capaneus celeus cephalus cepheus

NAMES RHYMING WITH AMERÝCUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (americu) - Names That Begins with americu:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (americ) - Names That Begins with americ:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (ameri) - Names That Begins with ameri:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (amer) - Names That Begins with amer:

ameretat amery

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ame) - Names That Begins with ame:

ame amedee ameen ameena ameenah ameer ameera ameerah amelia amelie amell amen amen-ra amenhotep amenophis ames amet amethyst amett ametta amette amey

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (am) - Names That Begins with am:

amabella amabelle amachi amad amada amadahy amadeo amadi amado amaethon amaia amal amala amalasand amalasanda amald amalda amalea amalia amalie amall amalthea amalthia amalur amalure aman amanda amani amanishakhete amany amaor amapola amar amara amarande amaranta amarante amarantha amaravati amare amari amariah amarii amaris amarisa amarise amarissa amarri amaru amaryah amaryllis amasa amata amatullah amaud amaury amayah amayeta amazu amba amber amberlee amberley amberly amberlyn amberlynn ambi ambika amblaoibh ambra ambre ambreen ambrocio ambros ambrose ambrosi


First Names which starts with 'ame' and ends with 'cus':

First Names which starts with 'am' and ends with 'us':


First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 's':

abantiades abbas abracomas abydos acestes achaius achates achilles acis addis adkins adolphus adonis aeetes aegis aeneas aengus agamedes agestes aglauros agnes aidoios aigneis ailis aindreas aineislis airleas akins alahhaois albinus alcestis alcides alcinoos aldis aldus aldys aleris alexis alexys alis alliss almas alois alphonsus alvis alys alyss alyxis amos anais anastasios anchises anders andreas andres anghus anglides angus anis anlicnes annis annys anteros antfortas antiphates antropas anubis aonghas aonghus apis apophis apsaras aramis arcas ardys arelis ares argos aries ariss arliss arlys arlyss artemas artemes artemis artemus artus arvis asayleus asklepios athamas athanasios athangelos atlantes atlas atreides atropes attis

English Words Rhyming AMERICUS


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH AMERÝCUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (mericus) - English Words That Ends with mericus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (ericus) - English Words That Ends with ericus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ricus) - English Words That Ends with ricus:

lumbricusnoun (n.) A genus of annelids, belonging to the Oligochaeta, and including the common earthworms. See Earthworm.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (icus) - English Words That Ends with icus:

cocculus indicusnoun (n.) The fruit or berry of the Anamirta Cocculus, a climbing plant of the East Indies. It is a poisonous narcotic and stimulant.

ecclesiasticusnoun (n.) A book of the Apocrypha.

ficusnoun (n.) A genus of trees or shrubs, one species of which (F. Carica) produces the figs of commerce; the fig tree.

leviticusnoun (n.) The third canonical book of the Old Testament, containing the laws and regulations relating to the priests and Levites among the Hebrews, or the body of the ceremonial law.

opinicusnoun (n.) An imaginary animal borne as a charge, having wings, an eagle's head, and a short tail; -- sometimes represented without wings.

picusnoun (n.) A genus of woodpeckers, including some of the common American and European species.

umbilicusnoun (n.) The depression, or mark, in the median line of the abdomen, which indicates the point where the umbilical cord separated from the fetus; the navel.
 noun (n.) An ornamented or painted ball or boss fastened at each end of the stick on which manuscripts were rolled.
 noun (n.) The hilum.
 noun (n.) A depression or opening in the center of the base of many spiral shells.
 noun (n.) Either one of the two apertures in the calamus of a feather.
 noun (n.) One of foci of an ellipse, or other curve.
 noun (n.) A point of a surface at which the curvatures of the normal sections are all equal to each other. A sphere may be osculatory to the surface in every direction at an umbilicus. Called also umbilic.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (cus) - English Words That Ends with cus:

abaciscusnoun (n.) One of the tiles or squares of a tessellated pavement; an abaculus.

abacusnoun (n.) A table or tray strewn with sand, anciently used for drawing, calculating, etc.
 noun (n.) A calculating table or frame; an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires, or counters in grooves, the lowest line representing units, the second line, tens, etc. It is still employed in China.
 noun (n.) The uppermost member or division of the capital of a column, immediately under the architrave. See Column.
 noun (n.) A tablet, panel, or compartment in ornamented or mosaic work.
 noun (n.) A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments, for holding cups, bottles, or the like; a kind of cupboard, buffet, or sideboard.

amaracusnoun (n.) A fragrant flower.

ascococcusnoun (n.) A form of micrococcus, found in putrid meat infusions, occurring in peculiar masses, each of which is inclosed in a hyaline capsule and contains a large number of spherical micrococci.

ascusnoun (n.) A small membranous bladder or tube in which are inclosed the seedlike reproductive particles or sporules of lichens and certain fungi.

astacusnoun (n.) A genus of crustaceans, containing the crawfish of fresh-water lobster of Europe, and allied species of western North America. See Crawfish.

asteriscusnoun (n.) The smaller of the two otoliths found in the inner ear of many fishes.

bancusnoun (n.) Alt. of Bank

caucusnoun (n.) A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to select delegates to a nominating convention, or to confer regarding measures of party policy; a political primary meeting.
 verb (v. i.) To hold, or meet in, a caucus or caucuses.

cercusnoun (n.) See Cercopod.

circusnoun (n.) A level oblong space surrounded on three sides by seats of wood, earth, or stone, rising in tiers one above another, and divided lengthwise through the middle by a barrier around which the track or course was laid out. It was used for chariot races, games, and public shows.
 noun (n.) A circular inclosure for the exhibition of feats of horsemanship, acrobatic displays, etc. Also, the company of performers, with their equipage.
 noun (n.) Circuit; space; inclosure.

coccusnoun (n.) One of the separable carpels of a dry fruit.
 noun (n.) A genus of hemipterous insects, including scale insects, and the cochineal insect (Coccus cacti).
 noun (n.) A form of bacteria, shaped like a globule.

crocusnoun (n.) A genus of iridaceous plants, with pretty blossoms rising separately from the bulb or corm. C. vernus is one of the earliest of spring-blooming flowers; C. sativus produces the saffron, and blossoms in the autumn.
 noun (n.) A deep yellow powder; the oxide of some metal calcined to a red or deep yellow color; esp., the oxide of iron (Crocus of Mars or colcothar) thus produced from salts of iron, and used as a polishing powder.

cysticercusnoun (n.) The larval form of a tapeworm, having the head and neck of a tapeworm attached to a saclike body filled with fluid; -- called also bladder worm, hydatid, and measle (as, pork measle).

cytococcusnoun (n.) The nucleus of the cytula or parent cell.

cuscusnoun (n.) A soft grass (Pennisetum typhoideum) found in all tropical regions, used as food for men and cattle in Central Africa.

damascusnoun (n.) A city of Syria.

diplococcusnoun (n.) A form of micrococcus in which cocci are united in a binary manner. See Micrococcus.

discusnoun (n.) A quoit; a circular plate of some heavy material intended to be pitched or hurled as a trial of strength and skill.
 noun (n.) The exercise with the discus.
 noun (n.) A disk. See Disk.

echinococcusnoun (n.) A parasite of man and of many domestic and wild animals, forming compound cysts or tumors (called hydatid cysts) in various organs, but especially in the liver and lungs, which often cause death. It is the larval stage of the Taenia echinococcus, a small tapeworm peculiar to the dog.

floccusnoun (n.) The tuft of hair terminating the tail of mammals.
 noun (n.) A tuft of feathers on the head of young birds.
 noun (n.) A woolly filament sometimes occuring with the sporules of certain fungi.

focusnoun (n.) A point in which the rays of light meet, after being reflected or refrcted, and at which the image is formed; as, the focus of a lens or mirror.
 noun (n.) A point so related to a conic section and certain straight line called the directrix that the ratio of the distace between any point of the curve and the focus to the distance of the same point from the directrix is constant.
 noun (n.) A central point; a point of concentration.
 verb (v. t.) To bring to a focus; to focalize; as, to focus a camera.

fucusnoun (n.) A paint; a dye; also, false show.
 noun (n.) A genus of tough, leathery seaweeds, usually of a dull brownish green color; rockweed.

glaucusnoun (n.) A genus of nudibranchiate mollusks, found in the warmer latitudes, swimming in the open sea. These mollusks are beautifully colored with blue and silvery white.

gonococcusnoun (n.) A vegetable microorganism of the genus Micrococcus, occurring in the secretion in gonorrhea. It is believed by some to constitute the cause of this disease.

hibiscusnoun (n.) A genus of plants (herbs, shrubs, or trees), some species of which have large, showy flowers. Some species are cultivated in India for their fiber, which is used as a substitute for hemp. See Althea, Hollyhock, and Manoe.

hocusnoun (n.) One who cheats or deceives.
 noun (n.) Drugged liquor.
 verb (v. t.) To deceive or cheat.
 verb (v. t.) To adulterate; to drug; as, liquor is said to be hocused for the purpose of stupefying the drinker.
 verb (v. t.) To stupefy with drugged liquor.

hocuspocusnoun (n.) A term used by jugglers in pretended incantations.
 noun (n.) A juggler or trickster.
 noun (n.) A juggler's trick; a cheat; nonsense.
 verb (v. t.) To cheat.

incusnoun (n.) An anvil.
 noun (n.) One of the small bones in the tympanum of the ear; the anvil bone. See Ear.
 noun (n.) The central portion of the armature of the pharynx in the Rotifera.

lemniscusnoun (n.) One of two oval bodies hanging from the interior walls of the body in the Acanthocephala.

lentiscusnoun (n.) Alt. of Lentisk

locusnoun (n.) A place; a locality.
 noun (n.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface described by a point or line that moves according to a given law.

macacusnoun (n.) A genus of monkeys, found in Asia and the East Indies. They have short tails and prominent eyebrows.

mancusnoun (n.) An old Anglo Saxon coin both of gold and silver, and of variously estimated values. The silver mancus was equal to about one shilling of modern English money.

manducusnoun (n.) A grotesque mask, representing a person chewing or grimacing, worn in processions and by comic actors on the stage.

meniscusnoun (n.) A crescent.
 noun (n.) A lens convex on one side and concave on the other.
 noun (n.) An interarticular synovial cartilage or membrane; esp., one of the intervertebral synovial disks in some parts of the vertebral column of birds.

micrococcusnoun (n.) A genus of Spherobacteria, in the form of very small globular or oval cells, forming, by transverse division, filaments, or chains of cells, or in some cases single organisms shaped like dumb-bells (Diplococcus), all without the power of motion. See Illust. of Ascoccus.

mucusnoun (n.) A viscid fluid secreted by mucous membranes, which it serves to moisten and protect. It covers the lining membranes of all the cavities which open externally, such as those of the mouth, nose, lungs, intestinal canal, urinary passages, etc.
 noun (n.) Any other animal fluid of a viscid quality, as the synovial fluid, which lubricates the cavities of the joints; -- improperly so used.
 noun (n.) A gelatinous or slimy substance found in certain algae and other plants.

ovococcusnoun (n.) A germinal vesicle.

quercusnoun (n.) A genus of trees constituted by the oak. See Oak.
 noun (n.) A genus of trees constituted by the oak. See Oak.

pneumococcusnoun (n.) A form of micrococcus found in the sputum (and elsewhere) of persons suffering with pneumonia, and thought to be the cause of this disease.

propithecusnoun (n.) A genus including the long-tailed, or diadem, indris. See Indris.

protococcusnoun (n.) A genus of minute unicellular algae including the red snow plant (Protococcus nivalis).

saccusnoun (n.) A sac.

sambucusnoun (n.) A genus of shrubs and trees; the elder.

spermococcusnoun (n.) The nucleus of the sperm cell.

streptococcusnoun (n.) A long or short chain of micrococci, more or less curved.

succusnoun (n.) The expressed juice of a plant, for medicinal use.

sulcusnoun (n.) A furrow; a groove; a fissure.

trochiscusnoun (n.) A kind of tablet or lozenge; a troche.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH AMERÝCUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (americu) - Words That Begins with americu:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (americ) - Words That Begins with americ:

americannoun (n.) A native of America; -- originally applied to the aboriginal inhabitants, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America, and especially to the citizens of the United States.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the United States.

americanismnoun (n.) Attachment to the United States.
 noun (n.) A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea.
 noun (n.) A word or phrase peculiar to the United States.

americanizationnoun (n.) The process of Americanizing.

americanizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Americanize

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (ameri) - Words That Begins with ameri:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (amer) - Words That Begins with amer:

amercingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Amerce

amerceableadjective (a.) Liable to be amerced.

amercementnoun (n.) The infliction of a penalty at the discretion of the court; also, a mulct or penalty thus imposed. It differs from a fine,in that the latter is, or was originally, a fixed and certain sum prescribed by statue for an offense; but an amercement is arbitrary. Hence, the act or practice of affeering. [See Affeer.]

amercernoun (n.) One who amerces.

amerciamentnoun (n.) Same as Amercement.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ame) - Words That Begins with ame:

amebeanadjective (a.) See Am/bean.

ameernoun (n.) Alt. of Amir

amelcornnoun (n.) A variety of wheat from which starch is produced; -- called also French rice.

ameliorableadjective (a.) Capable of being ameliorated.

amelioratingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ameliorate

ameliorationnoun (n.) The act of ameliorating, or the state of being ameliorated; making or becoming better; improvement; melioration.

ameliorativeadjective (a.) Tending to ameliorate; producing amelioration or improvement; as, ameliorative remedies, efforts.

amelioratornoun (n.) One who ameliorates.

amennoun (interj., adv., & n.) An expression used at the end of prayers, and meaning, So be it. At the end of a creed, it is a solemn asseveration of belief. When it introduces a declaration, it is equivalent to truly, verily.
 verb (v. t.) To say Amen to; to sanction fully.

amenabilitynoun (n.) The quality of being amenable; amenableness.

amenableadjective (a.) Easy to be led; governable, as a woman by her husband.
 adjective (a.) Liable to be brought to account or punishment; answerable; responsible; accountable; as, amenable to law.
 adjective (a.) Liable to punishment, a charge, a claim, etc.
 adjective (a.) Willing to yield or submit; responsive; tractable.

amenablenessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being amenable; liability to answer charges; answerableness.

amenancenoun (n.) Behavior; bearing.

amendingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Amend

amendableadjective (a.) Capable of being amended; as, an amendable writ or error.

amendatoryadjective (a.) Supplying amendment; corrective; emendatory.

amendenoun (n.) A pecuniary punishment or fine; a reparation or recantation.

amendernoun (n.) One who amends.

amendfuladjective (a.) Much improving.

amendmentnoun (n.) An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices.
 noun (n.) In public bodies; Any alternation made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion by adding, changing, substituting, or omitting.
 noun (n.) Correction of an error in a writ or process.

amendsnoun (n. sing. & pl.) Compensation for a loss or injury; recompense; reparation.

amenitynoun (n.) The quality of being pleasant or agreeable, whether in respect to situation, climate, manners, or disposition; pleasantness; civility; suavity; gentleness.

amenorrhoeanoun (n.) Retention or suppression of the menstrual discharge.

amenorrhoealadjective (a.) Pertaining to amenorrhoea.

amentnoun (n.) A species of inflorescence; a catkin.

amentaceousadjective (a.) Resembling, or consisting of, an ament or aments; as, the chestnut has an amentaceous inflorescence.
 adjective (a.) Bearing aments; having flowers arranged in aments; as, amentaceous plants.

amentianoun (n.) Imbecility; total want of understanding.

amentiferousadjective (a.) Bearing catkins.

amentiformadjective (a.) Shaped like a catkin.

amentumnoun (n.) Same as Ament.

amessnoun (n.) Amice, a hood or cape. See 2d Amice.

ametabolanoun (n. pl.) A group of insects which do not undergo any metamorphosis.

ametabolianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to insects that do undergo any metamorphosis.

ametabolicadjective (a.) Alt. of Ametabolous

ametabolousadjective (a.) Not undergoing any metamorphosis; as, ametabolic insects.

amethodistnoun (n.) One without method; a quack.

amethystineadjective (a.) Resembling amethyst, especially in color; bluish violet.
 adjective (a.) Composed of, or containing, amethyst.

ametropianoun (n.) Any abnormal condition of the refracting powers of the eye.


English Words which starts with 'ame' and ends with 'cus':

English Words which starts with 'am' and ends with 'us':

amarantaceousadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the amaranth is the type.

amaranthusnoun (n.) Alt. of Amarantus

amarantusnoun (n.) Same as Amaranth.

amaryllidaceousadjective (a.) Alt. of Amaryllideous

amaryllideousadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, an order of plants differing from the lily family chiefly in having the ovary below the /etals. The narcissus and daffodil are members of this family.

amatoriousadjective (a.) Amatory.

ambaginousadjective (a.) Ambagious.

ambagiousadjective (a.) Circumlocutory; circuitous.

ambidextrousadjective (a.) Having the faculty of using both hands with equal ease.
 adjective (a.) Practicing or siding with both parties.

ambigenousadjective (a.) Of two kinds.
 adjective (a.) Partaking of two natures, as the perianth of some endogenous plants, where the outer surface is calycine, and the inner petaloid.

ambiguousadjective (a.) Doubtful or uncertain, particularly in respect to signification; capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses; equivocal; as, an ambiguous course; an ambiguous expression.

ambilevousadjective (a.) Left-handed on both sides; clumsy; -- opposed to ambidexter.

ambiparousadjective (a.) Characterized by containing the rudiments of both flowers and leaves; -- applied to a bud.

ambitiousadjective (a.) Possessing, or controlled by, ambition; greatly or inordinately desirous of power, honor, office, superiority, or distinction.
 adjective (a.) Strongly desirous; -- followed by of or the infinitive; as, ambitious to be or to do something.
 adjective (a.) Springing from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition; showy; aspiring; as, an ambitious style.

ambitusnoun (n.) The exterior edge or border of a thing, as the border of a leaf, or the outline of a bivalve shell.
 noun (n.) A canvassing for votes.

amianthusnoun (n.) Earth flax, or mountain flax; a soft silky variety of asbestus.

ammonitiferousadjective (a.) Containing fossil ammonites.

amnigenousadjective (a.) Born or bred in, of, or near a river.

amoebousadjective (a.) Like an amoeba in structure.

amorousadjective (a.) Inclined to love; having a propensity to love, or to sexual enjoyment; loving; fond; affectionate; as, an amorous disposition.
 adjective (a.) Affected with love; in love; enamored; -- usually with of; formerly with on.
 adjective (a.) Of or relating to, or produced by, love.

amorphousadjective (a.) Having no determinate form; of irregular; shapeless.
 adjective (a.) Without crystallization in the ultimate texture of a solid substance; uncrystallized.
 adjective (a.) Of no particular kind or character; anomalous.

amotusadjective (a.) Elevated, -- as a toe, when raised so high that the tip does not touch the ground.

amphibiousadjective (a.) Having the ability to live both on land and in water, as frogs, crocodiles, beavers, and some plants.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, adapted for, or connected with, both land and water.
 adjective (a.) Of a mixed nature; partaking of two natures.

amphibolousadjective (a.) Ambiguous; doubtful.
 adjective (a.) Capable of two meanings.

amphicarpousadjective (a.) Producing fruit of two kinds, either as to form or time of ripening.

amphicoelousadjective (a.) Having both ends concave; biconcave; -- said of vertebrae.

amphigamousadjective (a.) Having a structure entirely cellular, and no distinct sexual organs; -- a term applied by De Candolle to the lowest order of plants.

amphigenousadjective (a.) Increasing in size by growth on all sides, as the lichens.

amphigonousadjective (a.) Relating to both parents.

amphioxusnoun (n.) A fishlike creature (Amphioxus lanceolatus), two or three inches long, found in temperature seas; -- also called the lancelet. Its body is pointed at both ends. It is the lowest and most generalized of the vertebrates, having neither brain, skull, vertebrae, nor red blood. It forms the type of the group Acrania, Leptocardia, etc.

amphipodousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Amphipoda.

amphistomousadjective (a.) Having a sucker at each extremity, as certain entozoa, by means of which they adhere.

amphitropousadjective (a.) Having the ovule inverted, but with the attachment near the middle of one side; half anatropous.

ampullaceousadjective (a.) Like a bottle or inflated bladder; bottle-shaped; swelling.

amurcousadjective (a.) Full off dregs; foul.

amyelousadjective (a.) Wanting the spinal cord.

amygdalaceousadjective (a.) Akin to, or derived from, the almond.

amygdaliferousadjective (a.) Almond-bearing.

amylaceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to starch; of the nature of starch; starchy.

amyousadjective (a.) Wanting in muscle; without flesh.