Name Report For First Name ADONIS:


First name ADONIS's origin is Greek. ADONIS means "myth name (lover of aphrodite)". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with ADONIS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of adonis.(Brown names are of the same origin (Greek) with ADONIS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with ADONIS - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming ADONIS



NAMES RHYMING WITH ADONİS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (donis) - Names That Ends with donis:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (onis) - Names That Ends with onis:

coronis dionis

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (nis) - Names That Ends with nis:

yunis anis daphnis yannis annis claennis ennis janis jannis tanis dennis inis innis tannis yanis mannis denis jennis

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (is) - Names That Ends with is:

garmangabis sulis bilqis lamis isis lapis memphis theoris thermuthis aldis flordelis aigneis beitris leitis alcestis aleris amaryllis artemis briseis chloris chryseis clematis cypris doris eldoris eris eudosis iris lachesis lais lilis lycoris lyris metis nemesis persis symaethis thais themis thetis jyotis hausis nokomis busiris damis dassais eblis idris rais avedis alis bleoberis maris naois felis kramoris joris amenophis anubis apis apophis onuris osiris serapis willis alois acis aegis attis baucis calais charybdis cleobis halithersis iphis mimis panagiotis takis thamyris tigris

NAMES RHYMING WITH ADONİS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (adoni) - Names That Begins with adoni:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (adon) - Names That Begins with adon:

adon adoncia

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ado) - Names That Begins with ado:

adofo adok adolf adolfo adolph adolpha adolphus adom adora adoracion adorjan adorlee adowa

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ad) - Names That Begins with ad:

ada adah adahy adair adaira adairia adal adalard adalb adalbeorht adalbert adalbrechta adalene adalgar adalgisa adalhard adalheida adali adalia adalicia adalie adaliz adalric adalrik adalson adalwen adalwin adalwine adalwolf adalwolfa adalyn adam adama adamina adamnan adamson adan adana adanech adanna adar adara adare adda addam addaneye addergoole addie addilynn addis addisen addison addney addo addula addy addyson ade adeben adeela adeen adel adela adelaide adelajda adelbert adele adelhard adelheid adelheide adelia adelina adelinda adeline adelisa adelise adelita adella adelle adelpha adelynn adelyte aden adena


First Names which starts with 'ad' and ends with 'is':

First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 's':

abantiades abbas abderus abdul-quddus abracomas absyrtus abydos acastus acestes achaius achates achelous achilles aconteus acrisius adkins admetus adrastus aeacus aeetes aegeus aegisthus aegyptus aeneas aengus aeolus aesculapius agamedes agestes aglauros agnes aidoios ailis aindreas aineislis airleas akins alahhaois albinus alcides alcinoos alcinous alcyoneus aldous aldus aldys alemannus alexis alexys alliss almas aloeus alpheus alphonsus alvis alys alyss alyxis amaris ambros ambrosius ambrus americus ames amos amphiaraus amycus anais anastasios anastasius ancaeus anchises anders andreas andres androgeus anghus anglides angus anlicnes annys antaeus anteros antfortas antilochus antinous antiphates antropas aonghas aonghus apsaras aramis arcas archemorus ardys arelis ares argos argus aries

English Words Rhyming ADONIS


adonisnoun (n.) A youth beloved by Venus for his beauty. He was killed in the chase by a wild boar.
 noun (n.) A preeminently beautiful young man; a dandy.
 noun (n.) A genus of plants of the family Ranunculaceae, containing the pheasant's eye (Adonis autumnalis); -- named from Adonis, whose blood was fabled to have stained the flower.

adonistnoun (n.) One who maintains that points of the Hebrew word translated "Jehovah" are really the vowel points of the word "Adonai." See Jehovist.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ADONİS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (donis) - English Words That Ends with donis:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (onis) - English Words That Ends with onis:

coronisnoun (n.) In Greek grammar, a sign ['] sometimes placed over a contracted syllable.
 noun (n.) The curved line or flourish at the end of a book or chapter; hence, the end.

phoronisnoun (n.) A remarkable genus of marine worms having tentacles around the mouth. It is usually classed with the gephyreans. Its larva (Actinotrocha) undergoes a peculiar metamorphosis.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (nis) - English Words That Ends with nis:

aepyornisnoun (n.) A gigantic bird found fossil in Madagascar.

bipennisnoun (n.) An ax with an edge or blade on each side of the handle.

calisthenisadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to calisthenics.

canisnoun (n.) A genus of carnivorous mammals, of the family Canidae, including the dogs and wolves.

deinornisnoun (n.) See Dinornis.

dinornisnoun (n.) A genus of extinct, ostrichlike birds of gigantic size, which formerly inhabited New Zealand. See Moa.

epiornisnoun (n.) One of the gigantic ostrichlike birds of the genus Aepiornis, only recently extinct. Its remains have been found in Madagascar.

finisnoun (n.) An end; conclusion. It is often placed at the end of a book.

funisnoun (n.) A cord; specifically, the umbilical cord or navel string.

gastornisnoun (n.) A genus of large eocene birds from the Paris basin.

hesperornisnoun (n.) A genus of large, extinct, wingless birds from the Cretaceous deposits of Kansas, belonging to the Odontornithes. They had teeth, and were essentially carnivorous swimming ostriches. Several species are known. See Illust. in Append.

ichthyornisnoun (n.) An extinct genus of toothed birds found in the American Cretaceous formation. It is remarkable for having biconcave vertebrae, and sharp, conical teeth set in sockets. Its wings were well developed. It is the type of the order Odontotormae.

lychnisnoun (n.) A genus of Old World plants belonging to the Pink family (Caryophyllaceae). Most of the species have brilliantly colored flowers and cottony leaves, which may have anciently answered as wicks for lamps. The botanical name is in common use for the garden species. The corn cockle (Lychnis Githago) is a common weed in wheat fields.

manisnoun (n.) A genus of edentates, covered with large, hard, triangular scales, with sharp edges that overlap each other like tiles on a roof. They inhabit the warmest parts of Asia and Africa, and feed on ants. Called also Scaly anteater. See Pangolin.

notornisnoun (n.) A genus of birds allied to the gallinules, but having rudimentary wings and incapable of flight. Notornis Mantelli was first known as a fossil bird of New Zealand, but subsequently a few individuals were found living on the southern island. It is supposed to be now nearly or quite extinct.

penisnoun (n.) The male member, or organ of generation.

prytanisnoun (n.) A member of one of the ten sections into which the Athenian senate of five hundred was divided, and to each of which belonged the presidency of the senate for about one tenth of the year.

taranisnoun (n.) A Celtic divinity, regarded as the evil principle, but confounded by the Romans with Jupiter.

tennisnoun (n.) A play in which a ball is driven to and fro, or kept in motion by striking it with a racket or with the open hand.
 verb (v. t.) To drive backward and forward, as a ball in playing tennis.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ADONİS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (adoni) - Words That Begins with adoni:

adonicnoun (n.) An Adonic verse.
 adjective (a.) Relating to Adonis, famed for his beauty.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (adon) - Words That Begins with adon:

adoneanadjective (a.) Pertaining to Adonis; Adonic.

adonainoun (n.) A Hebrew name for God, usually translated in the Old Testament by the word "Lord".

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ado) - Words That Begins with ado:

adonoun (n.) To do; in doing; as, there is nothing ado.
 noun (n.) Doing; trouble; difficulty; troublesome business; fuss; bustle; as, to make a great ado about trifles.

adobenoun (n.) An unburnt brick dried in the sun; also used as an adjective, as, an adobe house, in Texas or New Mexico.
 noun (n.) Earth from which unburnt bricks are made.
 noun (n.) Alluvial and playa clays of desert and arid regions, differing from ordinary clays of humid regions in containing carbonates and other soluble minerals.

adolescencenoun (n.) The state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; youth, or the period of life between puberty and maturity, generally considered to be, in the male sex, from fourteen to twenty-one. Sometimes used with reference to the lower animals.

adolescencynoun (n.) The quality of being adolescent; youthfulness.

adolescentnoun (n.) A youth.
 adjective (a.) Growing; advancing from childhood to maturity.

adoptingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Adopt

adoptableadjective (a.) Capable of being adopted.

adoptedadjective (a.) Taken by adoption; taken up as one's own; as, an adopted son, citizen, country, word.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Adopt

adopternoun (n.) One who adopts.
 noun (n.) A receiver, with two necks, opposite to each other, one of which admits the neck of a retort, and the other is joined to another receiver. It is used in distillations, to give more space to elastic vapors, to increase the length of the neck of a retort, or to unite two vessels whose openings have different diameters.

adoptionnoun (n.) The act of adopting, or state of being adopted; voluntary acceptance of a child of other parents to be the same as one's own child.
 noun (n.) Admission to a more intimate relation; reception; as, the adoption of persons into hospitals or monasteries, or of one society into another.
 noun (n.) The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance; as, the adoption of opinions.

adoptionistnoun (n.) One of a sect which maintained that Christ was the Son of God not by nature but by adoption.

adoptiousadjective (a.) Adopted.

adoptiveadjective (a.) Pertaining to adoption; made or acquired by adoption; fitted to adopt; as, an adoptive father, an child; an adoptive language.

adorabilitynoun (n.) Adorableness.

adorableadjective (a.) Deserving to be adored; worthy of divine honors.
 adjective (a.) Worthy of the utmost love or respect.

adorablenessnoun (n.) The quality of being adorable, or worthy of adoration.

adorationnoun (n.) The act of playing honor to a divine being; the worship paid to God; the act of addressing as a god.
 noun (n.) Homage paid to one in high esteem; profound veneration; intense regard and love; fervent devotion.
 noun (n.) A method of electing a pope by the expression of homage from two thirds of the conclave.

adoringnoun (imp. & p. p. Adored (/); p. pr. & vb. n.) of Adore

adorementnoun (n.) The act of adoring; adoration.

adorernoun (n.) One who adores; a worshiper; one who admires or loves greatly; an ardent admirer.

adorningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Adorn

adornnoun (n.) Adornment.
 adjective (a.) Adorned; decorated.
 verb (v. t.) To deck or dress with ornaments; to embellish; to set off to advantage; to render pleasing or attractive.

adornationnoun (n.) Adornment.

adornernoun (n.) He who, or that which, adorns; a beautifier.

adornmentnoun (n.) An adorning; an ornament; a decoration.

adosculationnoun (n.) Impregnation by external contact, without intromission.


English Words which starts with 'ad' and ends with 'is':

adatisnoun (n.) A fine cotton cloth of India.

adenitisnoun (n.) Glandular inflammation.

adenosclerosisnoun (n.) The hardening of a gland.

adipolysisnoun (n.) The digestion of fats.