First name NAOIS's origin is Celtic. NAOIS means "myth name (a warrior)". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with NAOIS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of naois.(Brown names are of the same origin (Celtic) with NAOIS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)
First Names Rhyming NAOIS
NAMES RHYMING WITH NAOÝS (According to last letters):
Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (aois) - Names That Ends with aois:
alahhaoisRhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ois) - Names That Ends with ois:
alois rois francois vallois gorloisRhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (is) - Names That Ends with is:
garmangabis sulis bilqis lamis isis lapis memphis theoris thermuthis aldis flordelis aigneis beitris leitis alcestis aleris amaryllis artemis briseis chloris chryseis clematis coronis cypris doris eldoris eris eudosis iris lachesis lais lilis lycoris lyris metis nemesis persis symaethis thais themis thetis jyotis hausis nokomis busiris damis dassais eblis yunis anis idris rais avedis alis bleoberis maris felis kramoris joris amenophis anubis apis apophis onuris osiris serapis willis acis adonis aegis attis baucis calais charybdis cleobis daphnis halithersis iphis mimis panagiotis takis thamyris tigris vasilis yannis shaithis ailis alexis alyxis amaris anais annis arelis audrisNAMES RHYMING WITH NAOÝS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (naoi) - Names That Begins with naoi:
Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (nao) - Names That Begins with nao:
naoko naomhan naomiRhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (na) - Names That Begins with na:
na'ima na'imah naal naalnish naamah naaman naamit naava naavah nab nabeeha nabeel nabeela nabhan nabih nabihah nabil nabilah nabirye nachman nachton nacumbea nada nadalee nadav nadeeda nadeem nadeen nader nadetta nadette nadezhda nadhima nadhir nadia nadidah nadie nadif nadifa nadim nadina nadine nadir nadira nadirah nadiv nadiya nadja nadra nadwah naeem naeemah nafeesa nafiens nafisa nafisah naftali naftalie nagesa nahar nahcomence nahele nahimana nahiossi nahlah nahuatl nahum naia naiara naiaria nailah naile nailynn naim nainsi nairi nairna nairne naiyah najah najat najee najeeb najeeba naji najib najibah najiyah najja najjar najla najlaa najwa najya nakayla nakedra nakiNAMES BOTH FIRST AND LAST LETTERS RHYMING WITH NAOÝS:
First Names which starts with 'na' and ends with 'is':
narcis narkisFirst Names which starts with 'n' and ends with 's':
nantres narcissus nastas natass nauplius nectarios negus neleus nels nemausus nemos nentres neotolemus nephthys nereus nerthus ness nevins nicholas nickolas nickolaus nicolaas nicolas niels nikalus niklas nikolas nikolaus nikos niles nils nisus nitis nocholaus nodens nodons norcross noreis norris notus numees nylesEnglish Words Rhyming NAOIS
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NAOÝS (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (aois) - English Words That Ends with aois:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ois) - English Words That Ends with ois:
albigeois | noun (n. pl.) A sect of reformers opposed to the church of Rome in the 12th centuries. |
allantois | noun (n.) Alt. of Allantoid |
avoirdupois | noun (n.) Goods sold by weight. |
noun (n.) Avoirdupois weight. | |
noun (n.) Weight; heaviness; as, a woman of much avoirdupois. |
bourgeois | noun (n.) A size of type between long primer and brevier. See Type. |
noun (n.) A man of middle rank in society; one of the shopkeeping class. | |
adjective (a.) Characteristic of the middle class, as in France. |
burgeois | noun (n.) See 1st Bourgeois. |
noun (n.) A burgess; a citizen. See 2d Bourgeois. |
chamois | noun (n.) A small species of antelope (Rupicapra tragus), living on the loftiest mountain ridges of Europe, as the Alps, Pyrenees, etc. It possesses remarkable agility, and is a favorite object of chase. |
noun (n.) A soft leather made from the skin of the chamois, or from sheepskin, etc.; -- called also chamois leather, and chammy or shammy leather. See Shammy. |
crois | noun (n.) See Cross, n. |
erminois | noun (n.) See Note under Ermine, n., 4. |
illinois | noun (n.sing. & pl.) A tribe of North American Indians, which formerly occupied the region between the Wabash and Mississippi rivers. |
iroquois | noun (n. sing. & pl.) A powerful and warlike confederacy of Indian tribes, formerly inhabiting Central New York and constituting most of the Five Nations. Also, any Indian of the Iroquois tribes. |
patois | noun (n.) A dialect peculiar to the illiterate classes; a provincial form of speech. |
shamois | noun (n.) Alt. of Shamoy |
tournois | noun (n.) A former French money of account worth 20 sous, or a franc. It was thus called in distinction from the Paris livre, which contained 25 sous. |
turkois | noun (n. & a.) Turquoise. |
turquois | noun (n.) A hydrous phosphate of alumina containing a little copper; calaite. It has a blue, or bluish green, color, and usually occurs in reniform masses with a botryoidal surface. |
travois | noun (n.) A primitive vehicle, common among the North American Indians, usually two trailing poles serving as shafts and bearing a platform or net for a load. |
noun (n.) A logging sled. |
vaudois | noun (n. sing. & pl.) An inhabitant, or the inhabitants, of the Swiss canton of Vaud. |
noun (n. sing. & pl.) A modern name of the Waldenses. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NAOÝS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (naoi) - Words That Begins with naoi:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (nao) - Words That Begins with nao:
naos | noun (n.) A term used by modern archaeologists instead of cella. See Cella. |
English Words which starts with 'na' and ends with 'is':
nais | noun (n.) See Naiad. |
narcosis | noun (n.) Privation of sense or consciousness, due to a narcotic. |