First Names Rhyming NICKOLAS
English Words Rhyming NICKOLAS
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NİCKOLAS (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (ickolas) - English Words That Ends with ickolas:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (ckolas) - English Words That Ends with ckolas:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (kolas) - English Words That Ends with kolas:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (olas) - English Words That Ends with olas:
bolas | noun (n. sing. & pl.) A kind of missile weapon consisting of one, two, or more balls of stone, iron, or other material, attached to the ends of a leather cord; -- used by the Gauchos of South America, and others, for hurling at and entangling an animal. |
cocobolas | noun (n.) A very beautiful and hard wood, obtained in the West India Islands. It is used in cabinetmaking, for the handles of tools, and for various fancy articles. |
pholas | noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve mollusks of the genus Pholas, or family Pholadidae. They bore holes for themselves in clay, peat, and soft rocks. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (las) - English Words That Ends with las:
atlas | noun (n.) One who sustains a great burden. |
| noun (n.) The first vertebra of the neck, articulating immediately with the skull, thus sustaining the globe of the head, whence the name. |
| noun (n.) A collection of maps in a volume |
| noun (n.) A volume of plates illustrating any subject. |
| noun (n.) A work in which subjects are exhibited in a tabular from or arrangement; as, an historical atlas. |
| noun (n.) A large, square folio, resembling a volume of maps; -- called also atlas folio. |
| noun (n.) A drawing paper of large size. See under Paper, n. |
| noun (n.) A rich kind of satin manufactured in India. |
chasselas | noun (n.) A white grape, esteemed for the table. |
cyclas | noun (n.) A long gown or surcoat (cut off in front), worn in the Middle Ages. It was sometimes embroidered or interwoven with gold. Also, a rich stuff from which the gown was made. |
dowlas | noun (n.) A coarse linen cloth made in the north of England and in Scotland, now nearly replaced by calico. |
erysipelas | noun (n.) St. Anthony's fire; a febrile disease accompanied with a diffused inflammation of the skin, which, starting usually from a single point, spreads gradually over its surface. It is usually regarded as contagious, and often occurs epidemically. |
las | noun (n.) A lace. See Lace. |
| adverb (a. & adv.) Less. |
pallas | noun (n.) Pallas Athene, the Grecian goddess of wisdom, called also Athene, and identified, at a later period, with the Roman Minerva. |
proatlas | noun (n.) A vertebral rudiment in front of the atlas in some reptiles. |
pulas | noun (n.) The East Indian leguminous tree Butea frondosa. See Gum Butea, under Gum. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NİCKOLAS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (nickola) - Words That Begins with nickola:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (nickol) - Words That Begins with nickol:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (nicko) - Words That Begins with nicko:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (nick) - Words That Begins with nick:
nick | noun (n.) An evil spirit of the waters. |
| noun (n.) A notch cut into something |
| noun (n.) A score for keeping an account; a reckoning. |
| noun (n.) A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in distribution. |
| noun (n.) A broken or indented place in any edge or surface; nicks in china. |
| noun (n.) A particular point or place considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment. |
| verb (v. t.) To make a nick or nicks in; to notch; to keep count of or upon by nicks; as, to nick a stick, tally, etc. |
| verb (v. t.) To mar; to deface; to make ragged, as by cutting nicks or notches in. |
| verb (v. t.) To suit or fit into, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with. |
| verb (v. t.) To hit at, or in, the nick; to touch rightly; to strike at the precise point or time. |
| verb (v. t.) To make a cross cut or cuts on the under side of (the tail of a horse, in order to make him carry ir higher). |
| verb (v. t.) To nickname; to style. |
nicking | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nick |
| verb (v. t.) The cutting made by the hewer at the side of the face. |
| verb (v. t.) Small coal produced in making the nicking. |
nickel | noun (n.) A bright silver-white metallic element. It is of the iron group, and is hard, malleable, and ductile. It occurs combined with sulphur in millerite, with arsenic in the mineral niccolite, and with arsenic and sulphur in nickel glance. Symbol Ni. Atomic weight 58.6. |
| noun (n.) A small coin made of or containing nickel; esp., a five-cent piece. |
nickelic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, nickel; specifically, designating compounds in which, as contrasted with the nickelous compounds, the metal has a higher valence; as nickelic oxide. |
nickeliferous | adjective (a.) Containing nickel; as, nickelferous iron. |
nickeline | noun (n.) An alloy of nickel, a variety of German silver. |
| noun (n.) Niccolite. |
nickelous | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, those compounds of nickel in which, as contrasted with the nickelic compounds, the metal has a lower valence; as, nickelous oxide. |
nickle | noun (n.) The European woodpecker, or yaffle; -- called also nicker pecker. |
nicknack | noun (n.) See Knickknack. |
nicknackery | noun (n.) See Knickknackery. |
nickname | noun (n.) A name given in contempt, derision, or sportive familiarity; a familiar or an opprobrious appellation. |
| verb (v. t.) To give a nickname to; to call by a nickname. |
nicknaming | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nickname |
nickelodeon | noun (n.) A place of entertainment, as for moving picture exhibition, charging a fee or admission price of five cents. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (nic) - Words That Begins with nic:
nicagua | noun (n.) The laughing falcon. See under laughing. |
niccolite | noun (n.) A mineral of a copper-red color and metallic luster; an arsenide of nickel; -- called also coppernickel, kupfernickel. |
nicene | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Nice, a town of Asia Minor, or to the ecumenial council held there A. D. 325. |
niceness | noun (n.) Quality or state of being nice. |
nicety | noun (n.) The quality or state of being nice (in any of the senses of that word.). |
| noun (n.) Delicacy or exactness of perception; minuteness of observation or of discrimination; precision. |
| noun (n.) A delicate expression, act, mode of treatment, distinction, or the like; a minute distinction. |
niche | noun (n.) A cavity, hollow, or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall, for a statue, bust, or other erect ornament. hence, any similar position, literal or figurative. |
niched | adjective (a.) Placed in a niche. |
nicolaitan | noun (n.) One of certain corrupt persons in the early church at Ephesus, who are censured in rev. ii. 6, 15. |
nicotian | noun (n.) Tobacco. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, tobacco. |
nicotiana | noun (n.) A genus of American and Asiatic solanaceous herbs, with viscid foliage and funnel-shaped blossoms. Several species yield tobacco. See Tobacco. |
nicotianine | noun (n.) A white waxy substance having a hot, bitter taste, extracted from tobacco leaves and called also tobacco camphor. |
nicotic | adjective (a.) Nicotinic. |
nicotidine | noun (n.) A complex, oily, nitrogenous base, isomeric with nicotine, and obtained by the reduction of certain derivatives of the pyridine group. |
nicotine | noun (n.) An alkaloid which is the active principle of tobacco. It is a colorless, transparent, oily liquid, having an acrid odor, and an acrid burning taste. It is intensely poisonous. |
nicotinic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, nicotine; nicotic; -- used specifically to designate an acid related to pyridine, obtained by the oxidation of nicotine, and called nicotinic acid. |
nictation | noun (n.) the act of winking; nictitation. |
nictitation | noun (n.) The act of winking. |
nicotinism | noun (n.) The morbid condition produced by the excessive use of tobacco. |
English Words which starts with 'nic' and ends with 'las':
English Words which starts with 'ni' and ends with 'as':
nias | noun (n.) A young hawk; an eyas; hence, an unsophisticated person. |