First Names Rhyming FEODRAS
English Words Rhyming FEODRAS
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH FEODRAS (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (eodras) - English Words That Ends with eodras:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (odras) - English Words That Ends with odras:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (dras) - English Words That Ends with dras:
madras | noun (n.) A large silk-and-cotton kerchief, usually of bright colors, such as those often used by negroes for turbans. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ras) - English Words That Ends with ras:
arras | noun (n.) Tapestry; a rich figured fabric; especially, a screen or hangings of heavy cloth with interwoven figures. |
| verb (v. t.) To furnish with an arras. |
barras | noun (n.) A resin, called also galipot. |
charras | noun (n.) The gum resin of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Same as Churrus. |
copperas | noun (n.) Green vitriol, or sulphate of iron; a green crystalline substance, of an astringent taste, used in making ink, in dyeing black, as a tonic in medicine, etc. It is made on a large scale by the oxidation of iron pyrites. Called also ferrous sulphate. |
corporas | noun (n.) The corporal, or communion cloth. |
chapareras | noun (n. pl.) Same as Chaparajos. |
chivarras | noun (n. pl.) Alt. of Chivarros |
deinoceras | noun (n.) See Dinoceras. |
dinoceras | noun (n.) A genus of large extinct Eocene mammals from Wyoming; -- called also Uintatherium. See Illustration in Appendix. |
degras | noun (n.) Alt. of Degras |
| noun (n.) A semisolid emulsion produced by the treatment of certain skins with oxidized fish oil, which extracts their soluble albuminoids. It was formerly solely a by-product of chamois leather manufacture, but is now made for its own sake, being valuable as a dressing for hides. |
hippocras | noun (n.) A cordial made of spiced wine, etc. |
ipocras | noun (n.) Hippocras. |
labras | noun (n. pl.) Lips. |
mardi gras | noun (n.) The last day of Carnival; Shrove Tuesday; -- in some cities a great day of carnival and merrymaking. |
mithras | noun (n.) The sun god of the Persians. |
orthoceras | noun (n.) An extinct genus of Paleozoic Cephalopoda, having a long, straight, conical shell. The interior is divided into numerous chambers by transverse septa. |
pteroceras | noun (n.) A genus of large marine gastropods having the outer border of the lip divided into lobes; -- called also scorpion shell. |
pucras | noun (n.) See Koklass. |
ras | noun (n.) See 2d Reis. |
sassafras | noun (n.) An American tree of the Laurel family (Sassafras officinale); also, the bark of the roots, which has an aromatic smell and taste. |
tarras | noun (n.) See Trass. |
terras | noun (n.) See /rass. |
tuscaroras | noun (n. pl.) A tribe of North American Indians formerly living on the Neuse and Tar rivers in North Carolina. They were conquered in 1713, after which the remnant of the tribe joined the Five Nations, thus forming the Six Nations. See Six Nations, under Six. |
ypocras | noun (n.) Hippocras. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH FEODRAS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (feodra) - Words That Begins with feodra:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (feodr) - Words That Begins with feodr:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (feod) - Words That Begins with feod:
feod | noun (n.) A feud. See 2d Feud. |
feodal | adjective (a.) Feudal. See Feudal. |
feodality | noun (n.) Feudal tenure; the feudal system. See Feudality. |
feodary | noun (n.) An accomplice. |
| noun (n.) An ancient officer of the court of wards. |
feodatory | noun (n.) See Feudatory. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (feo) - Words That Begins with feo:
feoffing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Feoff |
feoff | noun (n.) A fief. See Fief. |
| verb (v. t.) To invest with a fee or feud; to give or grant a corporeal hereditament to; to enfeoff. |
feoffee | noun (n.) The person to whom a feoffment is made; the person enfeoffed. |
feoffment | noun (n.) The grant of a feud or fee. |
| noun (n.) A gift or conveyance in fee of land or other corporeal hereditaments, accompanied by actual delivery of possession. |
| noun (n.) The instrument or deed by which corporeal hereditaments are conveyed. |
feofor | noun (n.) Alt. of Feoffer |
feoffer | noun (n.) One who enfeoffs or grants a fee. |
English Words which starts with 'feo' and ends with 'ras':
English Words which starts with 'fe' and ends with 'as':