Name Report For First Name FEARGHUS:


First name FEARGHUS's origin is Celtic. FEARGHUS means "manly". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with FEARGHUS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of fearghus.(Brown names are of the same origin (Celtic) with FEARGHUS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with FEARGHUS - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming FEARGHUS



NAMES RHYMING WITH FEARGHUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (earghus) - Names That Ends with earghus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (arghus) - Names That Ends with arghus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (rghus) - Names That Ends with rghus:


Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (ghus) - Names That Ends with ghus:

anghus aonghus

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (hus) - Names That Ends with hus:

dryhus aegisthus antilochus ascalaphus erymanthus eurylochus eurymachus inachus pyrrhus rhadamanthus sisyphus telemachus telephus xanthus xuthus adolphus brehus dolphus josephus nerthus

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (us) - Names That Ends with us:

el-nefous enygeus caeneus cestus iasius lotus negus maccus dabbous dassous fanous abdul-quddus boulus butrus yunus thaddeus bagdemagus brademagus isdernus peredurus britomartus luxovious nemausus ondrus argus ambrosius batholomeus basilius bonifacius cecilius clementius egidius eugenius eustatius theodorus darius horus aldous brutus cassibellaunus guiderius lorineus ferragus marsilius senapus brus marcus seorus alemannus klaus abderus absyrtus acastus achelous aconteus acrisius admetus adrastus aeacus aegeus aegyptus aeolus aesculapius alcinous alcyoneus aloeus alpheus amphiaraus amycus anastasius ancaeus androgeus antaeus antinous archemorus aristaeus asopus

NAMES RHYMING WITH FEARGHUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (fearghu) - Names That Begins with fearghu:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (feargh) - Names That Begins with feargh:


Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (fearg) - Names That Begins with fearg:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (fear) - Names That Begins with fear:

fearbhirigh fearchar fearchara fearcharia fearcher fearnhamm fearnhealh fearnlea fearnleah

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (fea) - Names That Begins with fea:

fealty feandan

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (fe) - Names That Begins with fe:

fedelm federico federikke fedor fedora feenat feich feige feirefiz fel fela felabeo felabeorbt felabeorht felamaere felan felberta felda felding feldon feldtun feldun felecia feli felice felicia feliciano felicienne felicita felicitas feliciti felicity felipe felippe felis felisa felisberta felix fellah felton fembar femi fenella fenice fenton fenuku fenyang feodor feodora feodras feran ferar ferchar fercos ferda ferdiad ferehar ferenc fereng ferghuss fergus ferguson fergusson ferhan ferike ferko fermin fermina fern fernald fernand fernanda fernando ferne ferran ferrau ferrell ferrex ferris ferron ferryn


First Names which starts with 'fea' and ends with 'hus':

First Names which starts with 'fe' and ends with 'us':

First Names which starts with 'f' and ends with 's':

faras farees faris farris farrs fars firas firdaws firdoos fitzjames fitzsimmons fitzsimons flavius flordelis florus forbes francois frans

English Words Rhyming FEARGHUS


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH FEARGHUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (earghus) - English Words That Ends with earghus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (arghus) - English Words That Ends with arghus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (rghus) - English Words That Ends with rghus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ghus) - English Words That Ends with ghus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (hus) - English Words That Ends with hus:

acanthusnoun (n.) A genus of herbaceous prickly plants, found in the south of Europe, Asia Minor, and India; bear's-breech.
 noun (n.) An ornament resembling the foliage or leaves of the acanthus (Acanthus spinosus); -- used in the capitals of the Corinthian and Composite orders.

ailanthusnoun (n.) Same as Ailantus.

amaranthusnoun (n.) Alt. of Amarantus

amianthusnoun (n.) Earth flax, or mountain flax; a soft silky variety of asbestus.

anaptychusnoun (n.) One of a pair of shelly plates found in some cephalopods, as the ammonites.

aptychusnoun (n.) A shelly plate found in the terminal chambers of ammonite shells. Some authors consider them to be jaws; others, opercula.

asaphusnoun (n.) A genus of trilobites found in the Lower Silurian formation. See Illust. in Append.

aspalathusnoun (n.) A thorny shrub yielding a fragrant oil.
 noun (n.) A genus of plants of the natural order Leguminosae. The species are chiefly natives of the Cape of Good Hope.

bacchusnoun (n.) The god of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele.

bronchusnoun (n.) One of the subdivisions of the trachea or windpipe; esp. one of the two primary divisions.

canthusnoun (n.) The corner where the upper and under eyelids meet on each side of the eye.

cirrhusnoun (n.) Same as Cirrus.

compsognathusnoun (n.) A genus of Dinosauria found in the Jurassic formation, and remarkable for having several birdlike features.

dianthusnoun (n.) A genus of plants containing some of the most popular of cultivated flowers, including the pink, carnation, and Sweet William.

elenchusnoun (n.) Same as Elench.

epimachusnoun (n.) A genus of highly ornate and brilliantly colored birds of Australia, allied to the birds of Paradise.

gyracanthusnoun (n.) A genus of fossil fishes, found in Devonian and carboniferous strata; -- so named from their round, sculptured spines.

ichthusnoun (n.) In early Christian and eccesiastical art, an emblematic fish, or the Greek word for fish, which combined the initials of the Greek words /, /, / /, /, Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Savior.

jacchusnoun (n.) The common marmoset (Hapale vulgaris). Formerly, the name was also applied to other species of the same genus.

menobranchusnoun (n.) A large aquatic American salamander of the genus Necturus, having permanent external gills.

ophiuchusnoun (n.) A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere, delineated as a man holding a serpent in his hands; -- called also Serpentarius.

ornithorhynchusnoun (n.) See Duck mole, under Duck.

paragnathusnoun (n.) One of the two lobes which form the lower lip, or metastome, of Crustacea.
 noun (n.) One of the small, horny, toothlike jaws of certain annelids.

polyanthusnoun (n.) The oxlip. So called because the peduncle bears a many-flowered umbel. See Oxlip. (b) A bulbous flowering plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Tazetta, or N. polyanthus of some authors). See Illust. of Narcissus.

rhadamanthusnoun (n.) One of the three judges of the infernal regions; figuratively, a strictly just judge.

rhamphorhynchusnoun (n.) A genus of pterodactyls in which the elongated tail supported a leathery expansion at the tip.

rhonchusnoun (n.) An adventitious whistling or snoring sound heard on auscultation of the chest when the air channels are partially obstructed. By some writers the term rhonchus is used as equivalent to rale in its widest sense. See Rale.

rhusnoun (n.) A genus of shrubs and small treets. See Sumac.

schirrhusnoun (n.) See Scirrhus.

scirrhusnoun (n.) An indurated organ or part; especially, an indurated gland.
 noun (n.) A cancerous tumor which is hard, translucent, of a gray or bluish color, and emits a creaking sound when incised.

scolithusnoun (n.) A tubular structure found in Potsdam sandstone, and believed to be the fossil burrow of a marine worm.

scyphusnoun (n.) A kind of large drinking cup, -- used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk.
 noun (n.) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in other flowers.
 noun (n.) A cup-shaped stem or podetium in lichens. Also called scypha. See Illust. of Cladonia pyxidata, under Lichen.

sisyphusnoun (n.) A king of Corinth, son of Aeolus, famed for his cunning. He was killed by Theseus, and in the lower world was condemned by Pluto to roll to the top of a hill a huge stone, which constantly rolled back again, making his task incessant.

skirrhusnoun (n.) See Scirrhus.

strophanthusnoun (n.) A genus of tropical apocynaceous shrubs having singularly twisted flowers. One species (Strophanthus hispidus) is used medicinally as a cardiac sedative and stimulant.

suigothusnoun (n. pl.) The Scandinavian Goths. See the Note under Goths.

synochusnoun (n.) A continuous fever.

thusnoun (n.) The commoner kind of frankincense, or that obtained from the Norway spruce, the long-leaved pine, and other conifers.
 adverb (adv.) In this or that manner; on this wise.
 adverb (adv.) To this degree or extent; so far; so; as, thus wise; thus peaceble; thus bold.

tophusnoun (n.) One of the mineral concretions about the joints, and in other situations, occurring chiefly in gouty persons. They consist usually of urate of sodium; when occurring in the internal organs they are also composed of phosphate of calcium.
 noun (n.) Calcareous tufa.

trochusnoun (n.) Any one of numerous species of marine univalve shells belonging to Trochus and many allied genera of the family Trochidae. Some of the species are called also topshells.

typhusnoun (n.) A contagious continued fever lasting from two to three weeks, attended with great prostration and cerebral disorder, and marked by a copious eruption of red spots upon the body. Also called jail fever, famine fever, putrid fever, spottled fever, etc. See Jail fever, under Jail.

urachusnoun (n.) A cord or band of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the umbilicus.

zoanthusnoun (n.) A genus of Actinaria, including numerous species, found mostly in tropical seas. The zooids or polyps resemble small, elongated actinias united together at their bases by fleshy stolons, and thus forming extensive groups. The tentacles are small and bright colored.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH FEARGHUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (fearghu) - Words That Begins with fearghu:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (feargh) - Words That Begins with feargh:

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (fearg) - Words That Begins with fearg:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (fear) - Words That Begins with fear:

fearnoun (n.) A variant of Fere, a mate, a companion.
 noun (n.) A painful emotion or passion excited by the expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger; apprehension; anxiety; solicitude; alarm; dread.
 noun (n.) Apprehension of incurring, or solicitude to avoid, God's wrath; the trembling and awful reverence felt toward the Supreme Belng.
 noun (n.) Respectful reverence for men of authority or worth.
 noun (n.) That which causes, or which is the object of, apprehension or alarm; source or occasion of terror; danger; dreadfulness.
 noun (n.) To feel a painful apprehension of; to be afraid of; to consider or expect with emotion of alarm or solicitude.
 noun (n.) To have a reverential awe of; to solicitous to avoid the displeasure of.
 noun (n.) To be anxious or solicitous for.
 noun (n.) To suspect; to doubt.
 noun (n.) To affright; to terrify; to drive away or prevent approach of by fear.
 verb (v. i.) To be in apprehension of evil; to be afraid; to feel anxiety on account of some expected evil.

fearingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fear

fearernoun (n.) One who fars.

fearfuladjective (a.) Full of fear, apprehension, or alarm; afraid; frightened.
 adjective (a.) inclined to fear; easily frightened; without courage; timid.
 adjective (a.) Indicating, or caused by, fear.
 adjective (a.) Inspiring fear or awe; exciting apprehension or terror; terrible; frightful; dreadful.

fearfulnessnoun (n.) The state of being fearful.

fearlessadjective (a.) Free from fear.

fearnaughtnoun (n.) A fearless person.
 noun (n.) A stout woolen cloth of great thickness; dreadnaught; also, a warm garment.

fearsomeadjective (a.) Frightful; causing fear.
 adjective (a.) Easily frightened; timid; timorous.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (fea) - Words That Begins with fea:

feaberrynoun (n.) A gooseberry.

fealadjective (a.) Faithful; loyal.

fealtynoun (n.) Fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord; the special oath by which this obligation was assumed; fidelity to a superior power, or to a government; loyality. It is no longer the practice to exact the performance of fealty, as a feudal obligation.
 noun (n.) Fidelity; constancy; faithfulness, as of a friend to a friend, or of a wife to her husband.

feasibilitynoun (n.) The quality of being feasible; practicability; also, that which is feasible; as, before we adopt a plan, let us consider its feasibility.

feasibleadjective (a.) Capable of being done, executed, or effected; practicable.
 adjective (a.) Fit to be used or tailed, as land.

feastnoun (n.) A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or more commonly, a joyous, anniversary.
 noun (n.) A festive or joyous meal; a grand, ceremonious, or sumptuous entertainment, of which many guests partake; a banquet characterized by tempting variety and abundance of food.
 noun (n.) That which is partaken of, or shared in, with delight; something highly agreeable; entertainment.
 noun (n.) To eat sumptuously; to dine or sup on rich provisions, particularly in large companies, and on public festivals.
 noun (n.) To be highly gratified or delighted.
 verb (v. t.) To entertain with sumptuous provisions; to treat at the table bountifully; as, he was feasted by the king.
 verb (v. t.) To delight; to gratify; as, to feast the soul.

feastingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Feast

feasternoun (n.) One who fares deliciously.
 noun (n.) One who entertains magnificently.

feastfuladjective (a.) Festive; festal; joyful; sumptuous; luxurious.

featnoun (n.) An act; a deed; an exploit.
 noun (n.) A striking act of strength, skill, or cunning; a trick; as, feats of horsemanship, or of dexterity.
 noun (n.) Dexterous in movements or service; skillful; neat; nice; pretty.
 verb (v. t.) To form; to fashion.

feateousadjective (a.) Dexterous; neat.

feathernoun (n.) One of the peculiar dermal appendages, of several kinds, belonging to birds, as contour feathers, quills, and down.
 noun (n.) Kind; nature; species; -- from the proverbial phrase, "Birds of a feather," that is, of the same species.
 noun (n.) The fringe of long hair on the legs of the setter and some other dogs.
 noun (n.) A tuft of peculiar, long, frizzly hair on a horse.
 noun (n.) One of the fins or wings on the shaft of an arrow.
 noun (n.) A longitudinal strip projecting as a fin from an object, to strengthen it, or to enter a channel in another object and thereby prevent displacement sidwise but permit motion lengthwise; a spline.
 noun (n.) A thin wedge driven between the two semicylindrical parts of a divided plug in a hole bored in a stone, to rend the stone.
 noun (n.) The angular adjustment of an oar or paddle-wheel float, with reference to a horizontal axis, as it leaves or enters the water.
 verb (v. t.) To furnish with a feather or feathers, as an arrow or a cap.
 verb (v. t.) To adorn, as with feathers; to fringe.
 verb (v. t.) To render light as a feather; to give wings to.
 verb (v. t.) To enrich; to exalt; to benefit.
 verb (v. t.) To tread, as a cock.
 verb (v. i.) To grow or form feathers; to become feathered; -- often with out; as, the birds are feathering out.
 verb (v. i.) To curdle when poured into another liquid, and float about in little flakes or "feathers;" as, the cream feathers
 verb (v. i.) To turn to a horizontal plane; -- said of oars.
 verb (v. i.) To have the appearance of a feather or of feathers; to be or to appear in feathery form.

feathering.noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Feather

featheredadjective (a.) Clothed, covered, or fitted with (or as with) feathers or wings; as, a feathered animal; a feathered arrow.
 adjective (a.) Furnished with anything featherlike; ornamented; fringed; as, land feathered with trees.
 adjective (a.) Having a fringe of feathers, as the legs of certian birds; or of hairs, as the legs of a setter dog.
 adjective (a.) Having feathers; -- said of an arrow, when the feathers are of a tincture different from that of the shaft.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Feather

feathernessnoun (n.) The state or condition of being feathery.

featheringnoun (n.) Same as Foliation.
 noun (n.) The act of turning the blade of the oar, as it rises from the water in rowing, from a vertical to a horizontal position. See To feather an oar, under Feather, v. t.
 verb (v. t.) A covering of feathers.

featherlessadjective (a.) Destitute of feathers.

featherlyadjective (a.) Like feathers.

featheryadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, feathers; covered with, or as with, feathers; as, feathery spray or snow.

featlyadjective (a.) Neatly; dexterously; nimbly.

featnessnoun (n.) Skill; adroitness.

featurenoun (n.) The make, form, or outward appearance of a person; the whole turn or style of the body; esp., good appearance.
 noun (n.) The make, cast, or appearance of the human face, and especially of any single part of the face; a lineament. (pl.) The face, the countenance.
 noun (n.) The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay; any marked peculiarity or characteristic; as, one of the features of the landscape.
 noun (n.) A form; a shape.

featuredadjective (a.) Shaped; fashioned.
 adjective (a.) Having features; formed into features.

featurelessadjective (a.) Having no distinct or distinctive features.

featurelyadjective (a.) Having features; showing marked peculiarities; handsome.

feazingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Feaze

feazenoun (n.) A state of anxious or fretful excitement; worry; vexation.
 verb (v. t.) To untwist; to unravel, as the end of a rope.
 verb (v. t.) To beat; to chastise; also, to humble; to harass; to worry.

featherbonenoun (n.) A substitute for whalebone, made from the quills of geese and turkeys.

featherstitchnoun (n.) A kind of embroidery stitch producing a branching zigzag line.


English Words which starts with 'fea' and ends with 'hus':

English Words which starts with 'fe' and ends with 'us':

febriferousadjective (a.) Causing fever; as, a febriferous locality.

felicitousadjective (a.) Characterized by felicity; happy; prosperous; delightful; skilful; successful; happily applied or expressed; appropriate.

feloniousadjective (a.) Having the quality of felony; malignant; malicious; villainous; traitorous; perfidious; in a legal sense, done with intent to commit a crime; as, felonious homicide.

felonousadjective (a.) Wicked; felonious.

feraciousadjective (a.) Fruitful; producing abundantly.

ferociousadjective (a.) Fierce; savage; wild; indicating cruelty; ravenous; rapacious; as, ferocious look or features; a ferocious lion.

ferousadjective (a.) Wild; savage.

ferreousadjective (a.) Partaking of, made of, or pertaining to, iron; like iron.

ferriferousadjective (a.) Producing or yielding iron.

ferrousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, iron; -- especially used of compounds of iron in which the iron has its lower valence; as, ferrous sulphate.

ferrugineousadjective (a.) Ferruginous.

ferruginousadjective (a.) Partaking of iron; containing particles of iron.
 adjective (a.) Resembling iron rust in appearance or color; brownish red, or yellowish red.

ferulaceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to reeds and canes; having a stalk like a reed; as, ferulaceous plants.

festivousadjective (a.) Pertaining to a feast; festive.

festucousadjective (a.) Formed or consisting of straw.

fetiferousadjective (a.) Producing young, as animals.

fetuousadjective (a.) Neat; feat.

fetusnoun (n.) The young or embryo of an animal in the womb, or in the egg; often restricted to the later stages in the development of viviparous and oviparous animals, embryo being applied to the earlier stages.

feverousadjective (a.) Affected with fever or ague; feverish.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or having the nature of, fever; as, a feverous pulse.
 adjective (a.) Having the tendency to produce fever; as, a feverous disposition of the year.