First Names Rhyming PROINSIAS
English Words Rhyming PROINSIAS
Rhyming Words According to Last 8 Letters (roinsias) - English Words That Ends with roinsias:
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (oinsias) - English Words That Ends with oinsias:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (insias) - English Words That Ends with insias:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (nsias) - English Words That Ends with nsias:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (sias) - English Words That Ends with sias:
messias | noun (n.) The Messiah. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ias) - English Words That Ends with ias:
acontias | noun (n.) Anciently, a snake, called dart snake; now, one of a genus of reptiles closely allied to the lizards. |
alias | noun (n.) A second or further writ which is issued after a first writ has expired without effect. |
| noun (n.) Another name; an assumed name. |
| adverb (adv.) Otherwise; otherwise called; -- a term used in legal proceedings to connect the different names of any one who has gone by two or more, and whose true name is for any cause doubtful; as, Smith, alias Simpson. |
| adverb (adv.) At another time. |
asclepias | noun (n.) A genus of plants including the milkweed, swallowwort, and some other species having medicinal properties. |
asterias | noun (n.) A genus of echinoderms. |
bias | noun (n.) A weight on the side of the ball used in the game of bowls, or a tendency imparted to the ball, which turns it from a straight line. |
| noun (n.) A leaning of the mind; propensity or prepossession toward an object or view, not leaving the mind indifferent; bent; inclination. |
| noun (n.) A wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out of a garment (as the waist of a dress) to diminish its circumference. |
| noun (n.) A slant; a diagonal; as, to cut cloth on the bias. |
| adjective (a.) Inclined to one side; swelled on one side. |
| adjective (a.) Cut slanting or diagonally, as cloth. |
| adverb (adv.) In a slanting manner; crosswise; obliquely; diagonally; as, to cut cloth bias. |
| verb (v. t.) To incline to one side; to give a particular direction to; to influence; to prejudice; to prepossess. |
caecias | noun (n.) A wind from the northeast. |
capias | noun (n.) A writ or process commanding the officer to take the body of the person named in it, that is, to arrest him; -- also called writ of capias. |
epispadias | noun (n.) A deformity in which the urethra opens upon the top of the penis, instead of at its extremity. |
galimatias | noun (n.) Nonsense; gibberish; confused and unmeaning talk; confused mixture. |
hypospadias | noun (n.) A deformity of the penis, in which the urethra opens upon its under surface. |
ischias | adjective (a.) See Ischial. |
lias | noun (n.) The lowest of the three divisions of the Jurassic period; a name given in England and Europe to a series of marine limestones underlying the Oolite. See the Chart of Geology. |
mias | noun (n.) The orang-outang. |
nias | noun (n.) A young hawk; an eyas; hence, an unsophisticated person. |
paterfamilias | noun (n.) The head of a family; in a large sense, the proprietor of an estate; one who is his own master. |
peorias | noun (n. pl.) An Algonquin tribe of Indians who formerly inhabited a part of Illinois. |
tamias | noun (n.) A genus of ground squirrels, including the chipmunk. |
trias | noun (n.) The formation situated between the Permian and Lias, and so named by the Germans, because consisting of three series of strata, which are called in German the Bunter sandstein, Muschelkalk, and Keuper. |
xiphias | noun (n.) A genus of fishes comprising the common swordfish. |
| noun (n.) The constellation Dorado. |
| noun (n.) A comet shaped like a sword |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PROİNSİAS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 8 Letters (proinsia) - Words That Begins with proinsia:
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (proinsi) - Words That Begins with proinsi:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (proins) - Words That Begins with proins:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (proin) - Words That Begins with proin:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (proi) - Words That Begins with proi:
proitor | noun (n.) A traitor. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (pro) - Words That Begins with pro:
pro | adjective (a.) A Latin preposition signifying for, before, forth. |
| adverb (adv.) For, on, or in behalf of, the affirmative side; -- in contrast with con. |
proa | noun (n.) A sailing canoe of the Ladrone Islands and Malay Archipelago, having its lee side flat and its weather side like that of an ordinary boat. The ends are alike. The canoe is long and narrow, and is kept from overturning by a cigar-shaped log attached to a frame extending several feet to windward. It has been called the flying proa, and is the swiftest sailing craft known. |
proatlas | noun (n.) A vertebral rudiment in front of the atlas in some reptiles. |
probabiliorism | noun (n.) The doctrine of the probabiliorists. |
probabiliorist | noun (n.) One who holds, in opposition to the probabilists, that a man is bound to do that which is most probably right. |
probabilism | noun (n.) The doctrine of the probabilists. |
probabilist | noun (n.) One who maintains that certainty is impossible, and that probability alone is to govern our faith and actions. |
| noun (n.) One who maintains that a man may do that which has a probability of being right, or which is inculcated by teachers of authority, although other opinions may seem to him still more probable. |
probability | noun (n.) The quality or state of being probable; appearance of reality or truth; reasonable ground of presumption; likelihood. |
| noun (n.) That which is or appears probable; anything that has the appearance of reality or truth. |
| noun (n.) Likelihood of the occurrence of any event in the doctrine of chances, or the ratio of the number of favorable chances to the whole number of chances, favorable and unfavorable. See 1st Chance, n., 5. |
probable | adjective (a.) Capable of being proved. |
| adjective (a.) Having more evidence for than against; supported by evidence which inclines the mind to believe, but leaves some room for doubt; likely. |
| adjective (a.) Rendering probable; supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating; as, probable evidence; probable presumption. |
probacy | noun (n.) Proof; trial. |
probal | adjective (a.) Approved; probable. |
probality | noun (n.) Probability. |
probang | noun (n.) A slender elastic rod, as of whalebone, with a sponge on the end, for removing obstructions from the esophagus, etc. |
probate | noun (n.) Proof. |
| noun (n.) Official proof; especially, the proof before a competent officer or tribunal that an instrument offered, purporting to be the last will and testament of a person deceased, is indeed his lawful act; the copy of a will proved, under the seal of the Court of Probate, delivered to the executors with a certificate of its having been proved. |
| noun (n.) The right or jurisdiction of proving wills. |
| adjective (a.) Of or belonging to a probate, or court of probate; as, a probate record. |
| verb (v. t.) To obtain the official approval of, as of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament; as, the executor has probated the will. |
probation | noun (n.) The act of proving; also, that which proves anything; proof. |
| noun (n.) Any proceeding designed to ascertain truth, to determine character, qualification, etc.; examination; trial; as, to engage a person on probation. |
| noun (n.) The novitiate which a person must pass in a convent, to probe his or her virtue and ability to bear the severities of the rule. |
| noun (n.) The trial of a ministerial candidate's qualifications prior to his ordination, or to his settlement as a pastor. |
| noun (n.) Moral trial; the state of man in the present life, in which he has the opportunity of proving his character, and becoming qualified for a happier state. |
probational | adjective (a.) Probationary. |
probationary | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to probation; serving for trial. |
probationer | noun (n.) One who is undergoing probation; one who is on trial; a novice. |
| noun (n.) A student in divinity, who, having received certificates of good morals and qualifications from his university, is admitted to several trials by a presbytery, and, on acquitting himself well, is licensed to preach. |
probationership | noun (n.) The state of being a probationer; novitiate. |
probationship | noun (n.) A state of probation. |
probative | adjective (a.) Serving for trial or proof; probationary; as, probative judgments; probative evidence. |
probator | noun (n.) An examiner; an approver. |
| noun (n.) One who, when indicted for crime, confessed it, and accused others, his accomplices, in order to obtain pardon; a state's evidence. |
probatory | adjective (a.) Serving for trial; probationary. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or serving for, proof. |
probing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Probe |
probe | noun (n.) An instrument for examining the depth or other circumstances of a wound, ulcer, or cavity, or the direction of a sinus, of for exploring for bullets, for stones in the bladder, etc. |
| verb (v. t.) To examine, as a wound, an ulcer, or some cavity of the body, with a probe. |
| verb (v. t.) Fig.: to search to the bottom; to scrutinize or examine thoroughly. |
probeagle | noun (n.) See Porbeagle. |
probity | noun (n.) Tried virtue or integrity; approved moral excellence; honesty; rectitude; uprightness. |
problem | noun (n.) A question proposed for solution; a matter stated for examination or proof; hence, a matter difficult of solution or settlement; a doubtful case; a question involving doubt. |
| noun (n.) Anything which is required to be done; as, in geometry, to bisect a line, to draw a perpendicular; or, in algebra, to find an unknown quantity. |
problematic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Problematical |
problematical | adjective (a.) Having the nature of a problem; not shown in fact; questionable; uncertain; unsettled; doubtful. |
problematist | noun (n.) One who proposes problems. |
proboscidate | adjective (a.) Having a proboscis; proboscidial. |
proboscidea | noun (n. pl.) An order of large mammals including the elephants and mastodons. |
proboscidean | adjective (a.) Proboscidian. |
proboscidial | adjective (a.) Proboscidate. |
proboscidian | noun (n.) One of the Proboscidea. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Proboscidea. |
proboscidifera | noun (n. pl.) An extensive division of pectinibranchiate gastropods, including those that have a long retractile proboscis, with the mouth at the end, as the cones, whelks, tritons, and cowries. See Illust. of Gastropoda, and of Winkle. |
| noun (n. pl.) A subdivision of the taenioglossate gastropods, including the fig-shells (Pyrula), the helmet shells (Cassis), the tritons, and allied genera. |
proboscidiform | adjective (a.) Having the form or uses of a proboscis; as, a proboscidiform mouth. |
proboscis | noun (n.) A hollow organ or tube attached to the head, or connected with the mouth, of various animals, and generally used in taking food or drink; a snout; a trunk. |
| noun (n.) By extension, applied to various tubelike mouth organs of the lower animals that can be everted or protruded. |
| noun (n.) The nose. |
procacious | adjective (a.) Pert; petulant; forward; saucy. |
procacity | noun (n.) Forwardness; pertness; petulance. |
procambium | noun (n.) The young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated. |
procatarctic | adjective (a.) Beginning; predisposing; exciting; initial. |
procatarxis | noun (n.) The kindling of a disease into action; also, the procatarctic cause. |
procedendo | noun (n.) A writ by which a cause which has been removed on insufficient grounds from an inferior to a superior court by certiorari, or otherwise, is sent down again to the same court, to be proceeded in there. |
| noun (n.) In English practice, a writ issuing out of chancery in cases where the judges of subordinate courts delay giving judgment, commanding them to proceed to judgment. |
| noun (n.) A writ by which the commission of the justice of the peace is revived, after having been suspended. |
procedure | noun (n.) The act or manner of proceeding or moving forward; progress; process; operation; conduct. |
| noun (n.) A step taken; an act performed; a proceeding; the steps taken in an action or other legal proceeding. |
| noun (n.) That which results; issue; product. |
proceeding | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Proceed |
| noun (n.) The act of one who proceeds, or who prosecutes a design or transaction; progress or movement from one thing to another; a measure or step taken in a course of business; a transaction; as, an illegal proceeding; a cautious or a violent proceeding. |
| noun (n.) The course of procedure in the prosecution of an action at law. |
proceed | noun (n.) See Proceeds. |
| verb (v. i.) To move, pass, or go forward or onward; to advance; to continue or renew motion begun; as, to proceed on a journey. |
| verb (v. i.) To pass from one point, topic, or stage, to another; as, to proceed with a story or argument. |
| verb (v. i.) To issue or come forth as from a source or origin; to come from; as, light proceeds from the sun. |
| verb (v. i.) To go on in an orderly or regulated manner; to begin and carry on a series of acts or measures; to act by method; to prosecute a design. |
| verb (v. i.) To be transacted; to take place; to occur. |
| verb (v. i.) To have application or effect; to operate. |
| verb (v. i.) To begin and carry on a legal process. |
proceeder | noun (n.) One who proceeds. |
proceeds | noun (n. pl.) That which comes forth or results; effect; yield; issue; product; sum accruing from a sale, etc. |
English Words which starts with 'proi' and ends with 'sias':
English Words which starts with 'pro' and ends with 'ias':
English Words which starts with 'pr' and ends with 'as':
protopapas | noun (n.) A protopope. |