First Names Rhyming PREWITT
English Words Rhyming PREWITT
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PREWĘTT (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (rewitt) - English Words That Ends with rewitt:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ewitt) - English Words That Ends with ewitt:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (witt) - English Words That Ends with witt:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (itt) - English Words That Ends with itt:
bitt | noun (n.) See Bitts. |
| verb (v. t.) To put round the bitts; as, to bitt the cable, in order to fasten it or to slacken it gradually, which is called veering away. |
britt | noun (n.) The young of the common herring; also, a small species of herring; the sprat. |
| noun (n.) The minute marine animals (chiefly Entomostraca) upon which the right whales feed. |
ditt | noun (n.) See Dit, n., 2. |
fitt | noun (n.) See 2d Fit. |
mitt | noun (n.) A mitten; also, a covering for the wrist and hand and not for the fingers. |
plitt | noun (n.) An instrument of punishment or torture resembling the knout, used in Russia. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PREWĘTT (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (prewit) - Words That Begins with prewit:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (prewi) - Words That Begins with prewi:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (prew) - Words That Begins with prew:
prewarning | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Prewarn |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (pre) - Words That Begins with pre:
preaccusation | noun (n.) Previous accusation. |
preace | noun (v. & n.) Press. |
preaching | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Preach |
| noun (n.) The act of delivering a religious discourse; the art of sermonizing; also, a sermon; a public religious discourse; serious, earnest advice. |
preacher | noun (n.) One who preaches; one who discourses publicly on religious subjects. |
| noun (n.) One who inculcates anything with earnestness. |
preachership | noun (n.) The office of a preacher. |
preachman | noun (n.) A preacher; -- so called in contempt. |
preachment | noun (n.) A religious harangue; a sermon; -- used derogatively. |
preacquaintance | noun (n.) Previous acquaintance or knowledge. |
preaction | noun (n.) Previous action. |
preadamic | adjective (a.) Prior to Adam. |
preadamite | noun (n.) An inhabitant of the earth before Adam. |
| noun (n.) One who holds that men existed before Adam. |
preadamitic | adjective (a.) Existing or occurring before Adam; preadamic; as, preadamitic periods. |
preadjustment | noun (n.) Previous adjustment. |
preadministration | noun (n.) Previous administration. |
preadmonition | noun (n.) Previous warning or admonition; forewarning. |
preamble | noun (n.) A introductory portion; an introduction or preface, as to a book, document, etc.; specifically, the introductory part of a statute, which states the reasons and intent of the law. |
| verb (v. t. & i.) To make a preamble to; to preface; to serve as a preamble. |
preambulary | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a preamble; introductory; contained or provided for in a preamble. |
preambulation | noun (n.) A walking or going before; precedence. |
| noun (n.) A preamble. |
preambulatory | adjective (a.) Preceding; going before; introductory. |
preambulous | noun (n.) See Perambulatory. |
preantenultimate | adjective (a.) Being or indicating the fourth syllable from the end of a word, or that before the antepenult. |
preaortic | adjective (a.) In front, or on the ventral side, of the aorta. |
preappointment | noun (n.) Previous appointment. |
preapprehension | noun (n.) An apprehension or opinion formed before examination or knowledge. |
prease | noun (n.) A press; a crowd. |
| verb (v. t. & i.) To press; to crowd. |
preassurance | noun (n.) Previous assurance. |
preataxic | adjective (a.) Occurring before the symptom ataxia has developed; -- applied to the early symptoms of locomotor ataxia. |
preaudience | noun (n.) Precedence of rank at the bar among lawyers. |
preaxial | adjective (a.) Situated in front of any transverse axis in the body of an animal; anterior; cephalic; esp., in front, or on the anterior, or cephalic (that is, radial or tibial) side of the axis of a limb. |
prebend | noun (n.) A payment or stipend; esp., the stipend or maintenance granted to a prebendary out of the estate of a cathedral or collegiate church with which he is connected. See Note under Benefice. |
| noun (n.) A prebendary. |
prebendal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a prebend; holding a prebend; as, a prebendal priest or stall. |
prebendary | noun (n.) A clergyman attached to a collegiate or cathedral church who enjoys a prebend in consideration of his officiating at stated times in the church. See Note under Benefice, n., 3. |
| noun (n.) A prebendaryship. |
prebendaryship | noun (n.) The office of a prebendary. |
prebendship | noun (n.) A prebendaryship. |
prebronchial | adjective (a.) Situated in front of the bronchus; -- applied especially to an air sac on either side of the esophagus of birds. |
precant | noun (n.) One who prays. |
precarious | adjective (a.) Depending on the will or pleasure of another; held by courtesy; liable to be changed or lost at the pleasure of another; as, precarious privileges. |
| adjective (a.) Held by a doubtful tenure; depending on unknown causes or events; exposed to constant risk; not to be depended on for certainty or stability; uncertain; as, a precarious state of health; precarious fortunes. |
precation | noun (n.) The act of praying; supplication; entreaty. |
preative | adjective (a.) Alt. of Preatory |
preatory | adjective (a.) Suppliant; beseeching. |
precaution | noun (n.) Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent mischief or secure good; as, his life was saved by precaution. |
| noun (n.) A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act; as, to take precautions against accident. |
| verb (v. t.) To warn or caution beforehand. |
| verb (v. t.) To take precaution against. |
precautional | adjective (a.) Precautionary. |
precautionary | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to precaution, or precautions; as, precautionary signals. |
precautious | adjective (a.) Taking or using precaution; precautionary. |
precedaneous | adjective (a.) Preceding; antecedent; previous. |
preceding | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Precede |
| adjective (a.) Going before; -- opposed to following. |
| adjective (a.) In the direction toward which stars appear to move. See Following, 2. |
precedence | noun (n.) Alt. of Precedency |
precedency | noun (n.) The act or state of preceding or going before in order of time; priority; as, one event has precedence of another. |
| noun (n.) The act or state of going or being before in rank or dignity, or the place of honor; right to a more honorable place; superior rank; as, barons have precedence of commoners. |
precedent | noun (n.) Something done or said that may serve as an example to authorize a subsequent act of the same kind; an authoritative example. |
| noun (n.) A preceding circumstance or condition; an antecedent; hence, a prognostic; a token; a sign. |
| noun (n.) A rough draught of a writing which precedes a finished copy. |
| noun (n.) A judicial decision which serves as a rule for future determinations in similar or analogous cases; an authority to be followed in courts of justice; forms of proceeding to be followed in similar cases. |
| adjective (a.) Going before; anterior; preceding; antecedent; as, precedent services. |
precedented | adjective (a.) Having a precedent; authorized or sanctioned by an example of a like kind. |
English Words which starts with 'pre' and ends with 'itt':
English Words which starts with 'pr' and ends with 'tt':