First Names Rhyming CONSHITA
English Words Rhyming CONSHITA
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CONSHİTA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (onshita) - English Words That Ends with onshita:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (nshita) - English Words That Ends with nshita:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (shita) - English Words That Ends with shita:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (hita) - English Words That Ends with hita:
sanhita | noun (n.) A collection of vedic hymns, songs, or verses, forming the first part of each Veda. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ita) - English Words That Ends with ita:
acrita | noun (n. pl.) The lowest groups of animals, in which no nervous system has been observed. |
amrita | noun (n.) Immortality; also, the nectar conferring immortality. |
| adjective (a.) Ambrosial; immortal. |
amanita | noun (n.) A genus of poisonous fungi of the family Agaricaceae, characterized by having a volva, an annulus, and white spores. The species resemble edible mushrooms, and are frequently mistaken for them. Amanita muscaria, syn. Agaricus muscarius, is the fly amanita, or fly agaric; and A. phalloides is the death cup. |
coaita | noun (n.) The native name of certain South American monkeys of the genus Ateles, esp. A. paniscus. The black-faced coaita is Ateles ater. See Illustration in Appendix. |
incognita | noun (n.) A woman who is unknown or in disguise. |
| noun (n.) The state of being in disguise; -- said of a woman. |
koaita | noun (n.) Same as Coaita. |
manzanita | noun (n.) A name given to several species of Arctostaphylos, but mostly to A. glauca and A. pungens, shrubs of California, Oregon, etc., with reddish smooth bark, ovate or oval coriaceous evergreen leaves, and bearing clusters of red berries, which are said to be a favorite food of the grizzly bear. |
mezquita | noun (n.) A mosque. |
negrita | noun (n.) A blackish fish (Hypoplectrus nigricans), of the Sea-bass family. It is a native of the West Indies and Florida. |
nerita | noun (n.) A genus of marine gastropods, mostly natives of warm climates. |
parasita | noun (n. pl.) An artificial group formerly made for parasitic insects, as lice, ticks, mites, etc. |
| noun (n. pl.) A division of copepod Crustacea, having a sucking mouth, as the lerneans. They are mostly parasites on fishes. Called also Siphonostomata. |
partita | noun (n.) A suite; a set of variations. |
pita | noun (n.) A fiber obtained from the Agave Americana and other related species, -- used for making cordage and paper. Called also pita fiber, and pita thread. |
| noun (n.) The plant which yields the fiber. |
porpita | noun (n.) A genus of bright-colored Siphonophora found floating in the warmer parts of the ocean. The individuals are round and disk-shaped, with a large zooid in the center of the under side, surrounded by smaller nutritive and reproductive zooids, and by slender dactylozooids near the margin. The disk contains a central float, or pneumatocyst. |
praecognita | noun (n. pl.) This previously known, or which should be known in order to understand something else. |
semita | noun (n.) A fasciole of a spatangoid sea urchin. |
se–orita | noun (n.) A Spanish title of courtesy given to a young lady; Miss; also, a young lady. |
sortita | noun (n.) The air sung by any of the principal characters in an opera on entering. |
| noun (n.) A closing voluntary; a postlude. |
trilobita | noun (n. pl.) An extinct order of arthropods comprising the trilobites. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CONSHİTA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (conshit) - Words That Begins with conshit:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (conshi) - Words That Begins with conshi:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (consh) - Words That Begins with consh:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (cons) - Words That Begins with cons:
consanguineal | adjective (a.) Of the same blood; related by birth. |
consanguined | adjective (a.) Of kin blood; related. |
consanguineous | adjective (a.) Of the same blood; related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor. |
consanguinity | noun (n.) The relation of persons by blood, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage; blood relationship; as, lineal consanguinity; collateral consanguinity. |
consarcination | noun (n.) A patching together; patchwork. |
conscience | noun (n.) Knowledge of one's own thoughts or actions; consciousness. |
| noun (n.) The faculty, power, or inward principle which decides as to the character of one's own actions, purposes, and affections, warning against and condemning that which is wrong, and approving and prompting to that which is right; the moral faculty passing judgment on one's self; the moral sense. |
| noun (n.) The estimate or determination of conscience; conviction or right or duty. |
| noun (n.) Tenderness of feeling; pity. |
conscienced | adjective (a.) Having a conscience. |
conscienceless | adjective (a.) Without conscience; indifferent to conscience; unscrupulous. |
conscient | adjective (a.) Conscious. |
conscientious | adjective (a.) Influenced by conscience; governed by a strict regard to the dictates of conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong; -- said of a person. |
| adjective (a.) Characterized by a regard to conscience; conformed to the dictates of conscience; -- said of actions. |
conscientiousness | noun (n.) The quality of being conscientious; a scrupulous regard to the dictates of conscience. |
conscionable | adjective (a.) Governed by, or according to, conscience; reasonable; just. |
conscionableness | noun (n.) The quality of being conscionable; reasonableness. |
conscious | adjective (a.) Possessing the faculty of knowing one's own thoughts or mental operations. |
| adjective (a.) Possessing knowledge, whether by internal, conscious experience or by external observation; cognizant; aware; sensible. |
| adjective (a.) Made the object of consciousness; known to one's self; as, conscious guilt. |
consciousness | noun (n.) The state of being conscious; knowledge of one's own existence, condition, sensations, mental operations, acts, etc. |
| noun (n.) Immediate knowledge or perception of the presence of any object, state, or sensation. See the Note under Attention. |
| noun (n.) Feeling, persuasion, or expectation; esp., inward sense of guilt or innocence. |
conscript | noun (n.) One taken by lot, or compulsorily enrolled, to serve as a soldier or sailor. |
| adjective (a.) Enrolled; written; registered. |
| verb (v. t.) To enroll, by compulsion, for military service. |
conscription | noun (n.) An enrolling or registering. |
| noun (n.) A compulsory enrollment of men for military or naval service; a draft. |
| adjective (a.) Belonging to, or of the nature of, a conspiration. |
consecrate | adjective (a.) Consecrated; devoted; dedicated; sacred. |
| verb (v. t.) To make, or declare to be, sacred; to appropriate to sacred uses; to set apart, dedicate, or devote, to the service or worship of God; as, to consecrate a church; to give (one's self) unreservedly, as to the service of God. |
| verb (v. t.) To set apart to a sacred office; as, to consecrate a bishop. |
| verb (v. t.) To canonize; to exalt to the rank of a saint; to enroll among the gods, as a Roman emperor. |
| verb (v. t.) To render venerable or revered; to hallow; to dignify; as, rules or principles consecrated by time. |
consecrating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Consecrate |
consecrater | noun (n.) Consecrator. |
consecration | noun (n.) The act or ceremony of consecrating; the state of being consecrated; dedication. |
consecrator | noun (n.) One who consecrates; one who performs the rites by which a person or thing is devoted or dedicated to sacred purposes. |
consecratory | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the act of consecration; dedicatory. |
consectaneous | adjective (a.) Following as a matter of course. |
consectary | noun (n.) That which follows by consequence or is logically deducible; deduction from premises; corollary. |
| adjective (a.) Following by consequence; consequent; deducible. |
consecution | noun (n.) A following, or sequel; actual or logical dependence. |
| noun (n.) A succession or series of any kind. |
consecutive | adjective (a.) Following in a train; succeeding one another in a regular order; successive; uninterrupted in course or succession; with no interval or break; as, fifty consecutive years. |
| adjective (a.) Following as a consequence or result; actually or logically dependent; consequential; succeeding. |
| adjective (a.) Having similarity of sequence; -- said of certain parallel progressions of two parts in a piece of harmony; as, consecutive fifths, or consecutive octaves, which are forbidden. |
consecutiveness | noun (n.) The state or quality of being consecutive. |
consension | noun (n.) Agreement; accord. |
consensus | noun (n.) Agreement; accord; consent. |
consent | noun (n.) Agreement in opinion or sentiment; the being of one mind; accord. |
| noun (n.) Correspondence in parts, qualities, or operations; agreement; harmony; coherence. |
| noun (n.) Voluntary accordance with, or concurrence in, what is done or proposed by another; acquiescence; compliance; approval; permission. |
| noun (n.) Capable, deliberate, and voluntary assent or agreement to, or concurrence in, some act or purpose, implying physical and mental power and free action. |
| noun (n.) Sympathy. See Sympathy, 4. |
| verb (v. i.) To agree in opinion or sentiment; to be of the same mind; to accord; to concur. |
| verb (v. i.) To indicate or express a willingness; to yield to guidance, persuasion, or necessity; to give assent or approval; to comply. |
| verb (v. t.) To grant; to allow; to assent to; to admit. |
consentaneity | noun (n.) Mutual agreement. |
consentaneous | adjective (a.) Consistent; agreeable; suitable; accordant to; harmonious; concurrent. |
consentant | adjective (a.) Consenting. |
consenter | adjective (a.) One who consents. |
consentient | adjective (a.) Agreeing in mind; accordant. |
consequence | noun (n.) That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause; a result. |
| noun (n.) A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference. |
| noun (n.) Chain of causes and effects; consecution. |
| noun (n.) Importance with respect to what comes after; power to influence or produce an effect; value; moment; rank; distinction. |
consequencing | noun (n.) Drawing inference. |
consequent | noun (n.) That which follows, or results from, a cause; a result or natural effect. |
| noun (n.) That which follows from propositions by rational deduction; that which is deduced from reasoning or argumentation; a conclusion, or inference. |
| noun (n.) The second term of a ratio, as the term b in the ratio a:b, the first a, being the antecedent. |
| adjective (a.) Following as a result, inference, or natural effect. |
| adjective (a.) Following by necessary inference or rational deduction; as, a proposition consequent to other propositions. |
consequential | adjective (a.) Following as a consequence, result, or logical inference; consequent. |
| adjective (a.) Assuming or exhibiting an air of consequence; pretending to importance; pompous; self-important; as, a consequential man. See Consequence, n., 4. |
consequentialness | noun (n.) The quality of being consequential. |
consertion | noun (n.) Junction; adaptation |
conservable | adjective (a.) Capable of being preserved from decay or injury. |
conservancy | noun (n.) Conservation, as from injury, defilement, or irregular use. |
conservant | adjective (a.) Having the power or quality of conservation. |
conservation | noun (n.) The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; preservation. |
conservational | adjective (a.) Tending to conserve; preservative. |
conservatism | noun (n.) The disposition and tendency to preserve what is established; opposition to change; the habit of mind; or conduct, of a conservative. |
conservative | noun (n.) One who, or that which, preserves from ruin, injury, innovation, or radical change; a preserver; a conserver. |
| noun (n.) One who desires to maintain existing institutions and customs; also, one who holds moderate opinions in politics; -- opposed to revolutionary or radical. |
| noun (n.) A member of the Conservative party. |
| adjective (a.) Having power to preserve in a safe of entire state, or from loss, waste, or injury; preservative. |
| adjective (a.) Tending or disposed to maintain existing institutions; opposed to change or innovation. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a political party which favors the conservation of existing institutions and forms of government, as the Conservative party in England; -- contradistinguished from Liberal and Radical. |
conservativeness | adjective (a.) The quality of being conservative. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (con) - Words That Begins with con:
conning | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Con |
conacre | noun (n.) A system of letting a portion of a farm for a single crop. |
| noun (n.) Also used adjectively; as, the conacre system or principle. |
| verb (v. t.) To underlet a portion of, for a single crop; -- said of a farm. |
conarium | noun (n.) The pineal gland. |
conation | noun (n.) The power or act which directs or impels to effort of any kind, whether muscular or psychical. |
conative | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to conation. |
conatus | noun (n.) A natural tendency inherent in a body to develop itself; an attempt; an effort. |
concameration | noun (n.) An arch or vault. |
| noun (n.) A chamber of a multilocular shell. |
concatenating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Concatenate |
concatenation | noun (n.) A series of links united; a series or order of things depending on each other, as if linked together; a chain, a succession. |
concause | noun (n.) A joint cause. |
concavation | noun (n.) The act of making concave. |
concave | noun (n.) A hollow; an arched vault; a cavity; a recess. |
| noun (n.) A curved sheath or breasting for a revolving cylinder or roll. |
| adjective (a.) Hollow and curved or rounded; vaulted; -- said of the interior of a curved surface or line, as of the curve of the of the inner surface of an eggshell, in opposition to convex; as, a concave mirror; the concave arch of the sky. |
| adjective (a.) Hollow; void of contents. |
| verb (v. t.) To make hollow or concave. |
concaving | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Concave |
concaved | adjective (a.) Bowed in the form of an arch; -- called also arched. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Concave |
concaveness | noun (n.) Hollowness; concavity. |
concavity | noun (n.) A concave surface, or the space bounded by it; the state of being concave. |
concavous | adjective (a.) Concave. |
concealing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Conceal |
concealable | adjective (a.) Capable of being concealed. |
concealed | adjective (a.) Hidden; kept from sight; secreted. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Conceal |
concealer | noun (n.) One who conceals. |
concealment | noun (n.) The act of concealing; the state of being concealed. |
| noun (n.) A place of hiding; a secret place; a retreat frem observation. |
| noun (n.) A secret; out of the way knowledge. |
| noun (n.) Suppression of such facts and circumstances as in justice ought to be made known. |
conceding | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Concede |
conceit | noun (n.) That which is conceived, imagined, or formed in the mind; idea; thought; image; conception. |
| noun (n.) Faculty of conceiving ideas; mental faculty; apprehension; as, a man of quick conceit. |
| noun (n.) Quickness of apprehension; active imagination; lively fancy. |
| noun (n.) A fanciful, odd, or extravagant notion; a quant fancy; an unnatural or affected conception; a witty thought or turn of expression; a fanciful device; a whim; a quip. |
| noun (n.) An overweening idea of one's self; vanity. |
| noun (n.) Design; pattern. |
| verb (v. t.) To conceive; to imagine. |
| verb (v. i.) To form an idea; to think. |
conceited | adjective (a.) Endowed with fancy or imagination. |
| adjective (a.) Entertaining a flattering opinion of one's self; vain. |
| adjective (a.) Curiously contrived or designed; fanciful. |
conceitedness | noun (n.) The state of being conceited; conceit; vanity. |
conceitless | adjective (a.) Without wit; stupid. |
conceivable | adjective (a.) Capable of being conceived, imagined, or understood. |
conceiving | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Conceive |
conceiver | noun (n.) One who conceives. |
concent | noun (n.) Concert of voices; concord of sounds; harmony; as, a concent of notes. |
| noun (n.) Consistency; accordance. |
concentering | noun (p. pr & vb. n.) of Concentre |
concentrating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Concentrate |
concentration | noun (n.) The act or process of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated; concentration. |
| noun (n.) The act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid, as by evaporation. |
| noun (n.) The act or process of removing the dress of ore and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as by currents of air or water. |
concentrative | adjective (a.) Serving or tending to concentrate; characterized by concentration. |
concentrativeness | noun (n.) The quality of concentrating. |
| noun (n.) The faculty or propensity which has to do with concentrating the intellectual the intellectual powers. |
concentrator | noun (n.) An apparatus for the separation of dry comminuted ore, by exposing it to intermittent puffs of air. |
| noun (n.) A frame or ring of wire or hard paper fitting into the cartridge case used in some shotguns, and holding the shot together when discharged, to secure close shooting; also, a device for slightly narrowing the bore at the muzzle for the same purpose. |
concentric | noun (n.) That which has a common center with something else. |
| adjective (a.) Alt. of Concentrical |
concentrical | adjective (a.) Having a common center, as circles of different size, one within another. |
concentricity | noun (n.) The state of being concentric. |
concentual | adjective (a.) Possessing harmony; accordant. |
concept | noun (n.) An abstract general conception; a notion; a universal. |
conceptacle | noun (n.) That in which anything is contained; a vessel; a receiver or receptacle. |
| noun (n.) A pericarp, opening longitudinally on one side and having the seeds loose in it; a follicle; a double follicle or pair of follicles. |
| noun (n.) One of the cases containing the spores, etc., of flowerless plants, especially of algae. |
conceptibility | noun (n.) The quality of being conceivable; conceivableness. |
conceptible | adjective (a.) Capable of being conceived; conceivable. |
conception | noun (n.) The act of conceiving in the womb; the initiation of an embryonic animal life. |
| noun (n.) The state of being conceived; beginning. |
| noun (n.) The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception. |
| noun (n.) The formation in the mind of an image, idea, or notion, apprehension. |
| noun (n.) The image, idea, or notion of any action or thing which is formed in the mind; a concept; a notion; a universal; the product of a rational belief or judgment. See Concept. |
| noun (n.) Idea; purpose; design. |
| noun (n.) Conceit; affected sentiment or thought. |
conceptional | adjective (a.) Pertaining to conception. |
conceptionalist | noun (n.) A conceptualist. |
conceptious | adjective (a.) Apt to conceive; fruitful. |
conceptive | adjective (a.) Capable of conceiving. |
English Words which starts with 'con' and ends with 'ita':
English Words which starts with 'co' and ends with 'ta':
codetta | noun (n.) A short passage connecting two sections, but not forming part of either; a short coda. |
coelenterata | noun (n. pl.) A comprehensive group of Invertebrata, mostly marine, comprising the Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, and Ctenophora. The name implies that the stomach and body cavities are one. The group is sometimes enlarged so as to include the sponges. |
comedietta | noun (n.) A dramatic sketch; a brief comedy. |
copelata | noun (n. pl.) See Larvalla. |
cormophyta | noun (n. pl.) A term proposed by Endlicher to include all plants with an axis containing vascular tissue and with foliage. |
costa | noun (n.) A rib of an animal or a human being. |
| noun (n.) A rib or vein of a leaf, especially the midrib. |
| noun (n.) The anterior rib in the wing of an insect. |
| noun (n.) One of the riblike longitudinal ridges on the exterior of many corals. |
cotta | noun (n.) A surplice, in England and America usually one shorter and less full than the ordinary surplice and with short sleeves, or sometimes none. |
| noun (n.) A kind of very coarse woolen blanket. |