Name Report For First Name RITA:


First name RITA's origin is Spanish. RITA means "pearl". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with RITA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of rita.(Brown names are of the same origin (Spanish) with RITA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with RITA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming RITA


paharita errita amrita jarita voctorita alvarita brita britani cherita clarita dolorita florita hallfrita laurita lirita lorita margarita nerrita nurita dumitrita nerita sarita

NAMES RHYMING WITH RÝTA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ita) - Names That Ends with ita:

nashita anahita sita edita kita awinita ayita mankalita tablita tadita tayanita craita luminita nikita keita mwita vita adelita alita anita awenita benita bernita birkita bonita carlita carmelita carmencita carmita charlita chiquita conshita damita danita davita dita donita elita elvita estelita estrellita evita felicita humita jafita jalita janita jenita jonita jovita juanita julita karmelita lolita lucita lupita malita mariquita melita nita olita paquita paulita pepita ranita shawnita suelita teresita yonita zanita zita amita nakita ita ghita kallita

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ta) - Names That Ends with ta:

aminata binata binta fanta ismitta leta nasheeta bixenta adsaluta bricta nantosuelta amista serenata alzbeta vlasta agneta almeta gjerta gusta alberta elberta hrothbeorhta fusberta admeta

NAMES RHYMING WITH RÝTA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (rit) - Names That Begins with rit:

ritchie ritsa ritter ritza

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ri) - Names That Begins with ri:

ria riagan rian rica ricadene ricadonna ricard ricarda ricardo ricca riccardo rice rich richael richard richardo richelle richer richere richie richlynn richman richmond rick rickard ricker rickey rickie rickman rickward ricky ricman rico ricwea ricweard rida riddhi riddoc riddock rider ridere ridge ridgeiey ridgeley ridgely ridha ridhi ridley ridpath ridwan rigby rigel rigg riggs rigmor rihana riikka rikard rikka rikkard rikward ril riley rilla rille rilletta rillette rillia rillie rilynn rim rima rimona rina rinan rinat rinc ring rinji rinna rinnah rio riobard riocard rioghbhardan rioghnach rion riona riordain riordan ripley rique risa rishim risley risteard


First Names which starts with 'r' and ends with 'a':

radella radhiya radhwa radwa raedbora raena rafa rafela raimunda raina rainaa raissa raja rakanja raluca rama ramira ramla ramona rana ranica raniesha raphaella rasha rasheeda rashida rashmika ratna rawdha rawiella rayya raziya reba rebecca rebecka rechavia reda reema reeya regina rehema reina reinha relia rena renata reta retta reva reveka reya rhaxma rhea rheanna rheda rhesa rheta rhianna rhoda rhonda riva rivka roana robena roberta robertia robina robinetta roderica roderiga roderika rodica rodika roesia roka rolanda roldana roma romana romanitza romhilda romia romilda romina rona ronia rosa rosalia rosalinda rosamaria rosana rosemaria rosemunda rosetta rowa rowena roxana roxanna roza rozalia

English Words Rhyming RITA


abirritantnoun (n.) A medicine that diminishes irritation.

abirritationnoun (n.) A pathological condition opposite to that of irritation; debility; want of strength; asthenia.

abirritativeadjective (a.) Characterized by abirritation or debility.

acritanoun (n. pl.) The lowest groups of animals, in which no nervous system has been observed.

acritannoun (n.) An individual of the Acrita.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Acrita.

amritanoun (n.) Immortality; also, the nectar conferring immortality.
 adjective (a.) Ambrosial; immortal.

authoritativeadjective (a.) Having, or proceeding from, due authority; entitled to obedience, credit, or acceptance; determinate; commanding.
 adjective (a.) Having an air of authority; positive; dictatorial; peremptory; as, an authoritative tone.

britannianoun (n.) A white-metal alloy of tin, antimony, bismuth, copper, etc. It somewhat resembles silver, and is used for table ware. Called also Britannia metal.

britannicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Great Britain; British; as, her Britannic Majesty.

charitableadjective (a.) Full of love and good will; benevolent; kind.
 adjective (a.) Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment.
 adjective (a.) Liberal in benefactions to the poor; giving freely; generous; beneficent.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to charity; springing from, or intended for, charity; relating to almsgiving; eleemosynary; as, a charitable institution.
 adjective (a.) Dictated by kindness; favorable; lenient.

charitablenessnoun (n.) The quality of being charitable; the exercise of charity.

coinheritancenoun (n.) Joint inheritance.

counterirritantnoun (n.) Alt. of Counterirritation

counterirritationnoun (n.) See Counter irritant, etc., under Counter, a.

detritaladjective (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, detritus.

disheritancenoun (n.) The act of disinheriting or state of being disinherited; disinheritance.

disinheritancenoun (n.) The act of disinheriting, or the condition of being; disinherited; disherison.

heritabilitynoun (n.) The state of being heritable.

heritableadjective (a.) Capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance; inheritable.
 adjective (a.) Capable of inheriting or receiving by inheritance.

heritageadjective (a.) That which is inherited, or passes from heir to heir; inheritance.
 adjective (a.) A possession; the Israelites, as God's chosen people; also, a flock under pastoral charge.

heritancenoun (n.) Heritage; inheritance.

inauthoritativeadjective (a.) Without authority; not authoritative.

incharitableadjective (a.) Uncharitable; unfeeling.

inheritabilitynoun (n.) The quality of being inheritable or descendible to heirs.

inheritableadjective (a.) Capable of being inherited; transmissible or descendible; as, an inheritable estate or title.
 adjective (a.) Capable of being transmitted from parent to child; as, inheritable qualities or infirmities.
 adjective (a.) Capable of taking by inheritance, or of receiving by descent; capable of succeeding to, as an heir.

inheritancenoun (n.) The act or state of inheriting; as, the inheritance of an estate; the inheritance of mental or physical qualities.
 noun (n.) That which is or may be inherited; that which is derived by an heir from an ancestor or other person; a heritage; a possession which passes by descent.
 noun (n.) A permanent or valuable possession or blessing, esp. one received by gift or without purchase; a benefaction.
 noun (n.) Possession; ownership; acquisition.
 noun (n.) Transmission and reception by animal or plant generation.
 noun (n.) A perpetual or continuing right which a man and his heirs have to an estate; an estate which a man has by descent as heir to another, or which he may transmit to another as his heir; an estate derived from an ancestor to an heir in course of law.

inirritableadjective (a.) Not irritable; esp. (Physiol.), incapable of being stimulated to action, as a muscle.

inirritativeadjective (a.) Not accompanied with excitement; as, an inirritative fever.

irritabilitynoun (n.) The state or quality of being irritable; quick excitability; petulance; fretfulness; as, irritability of temper.
 noun (n.) A natural susceptibility, characteristic of all living organisms, tissues, and cells, to the influence of certain stimuli, response being manifested in a variety of ways, -- as that quality in plants by which they exhibit motion under suitable stimulation; esp., the property which living muscle processes, of responding either to a direct stimulus of its substance, or to the stimulating influence of its nerve fibers, the response being indicated by a change of form, or contraction; contractility.
 noun (n.) A condition of morbid excitability of an organ or part of the body; undue susceptibility to the influence of stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3.

irritableadjective (a.) Capable of being irriated.
 adjective (a.) Very susceptible of anger or passion; easily inflamed or exasperated; as, an irritable temper.
 adjective (a.) Endowed with irritability; susceptible of irritation; capable of being excited to action by the application of certain stimuli.
 adjective (a.) Susceptible of irritation; unduly sensitive to irritants or stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3.

irritablenessnoun (n.) Irritability.

irritancynoun (n.) The state or quality of being null and void; invalidity; forfeiture.
 noun (n.) The state o quality of being irritant or irritating.

irritantnoun (n.) That which irritates or excites.
 noun (n.) Any agent by which irritation is produced; as, a chemical irritant; a mechanical or electrical irritant.
 noun (n.) A poison that produces inflammation.
 adjective (a.) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating.
 adjective (a.) Irritating; producing irritation or inflammation.

irritatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irritate

irritatenoun (n.) To make morbidly excitable, or oversensitive; to fret; as, the skin is irritated by friction; to irritate a wound by a coarse bandage.
 adjective (a.) Excited; heightened.
 verb (v. t.) To render null and void.
 verb (v. t.) To increase the action or violence of; to heighten excitement in; to intensify; to stimulate.
 verb (v. t.) To excite anger or displeasure in; to provoke; to tease; to exasperate; to annoy; to vex; as, the insolence of a tyrant irritates his subjects.
 verb (v. t.) To produce irritation in; to stimulate; to cause to contract. See Irritation, n., 2.

irritationnoun (n.) The act of irritating, or exciting, or the state of being irritated; excitement; stimulation, usually of an undue and uncomfortable kind; especially, excitement of anger or passion; provocation; annoyance; anger.
 noun (n.) The act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation; -- as, the condition of an organ of sense, when its nerve is affected by some external body; esp., the act of exciting muscle fibers to contraction, by artificial stimulation; as, the irritation of a motor nerve by electricity; also, the condition of a muscle and nerve, under such stimulation.
 noun (n.) A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body; a state in which the application of ordinary stimuli produces pain or excessive or vitiated action.

irritativeadjective (a.) Serving to excite or irritate; irritating; as, an irritative agent.
 adjective (a.) Accompanied with, or produced by, increased action or irritation; as, an irritative fever.

irritatoryadjective (a.) Exciting; producing irritation; irritating.

kritarchynoun (n.) The rule of the judges over Israel.

marasritaceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, pearl; pearly.

maritatedadjective (a.) Having a husband; married.

meritableadjective (a.) Deserving of reward.

negritanoun (n.) A blackish fish (Hypoplectrus nigricans), of the Sea-bass family. It is a native of the West Indies and Florida.

neritanoun (n.) A genus of marine gastropods, mostly natives of warm climates.

quiritationnoun (n.) A crying for help.
 noun (n.) A crying for help.

puritannoun (n.) One who, in the time of Queen Elizabeth and the first two Stuarts, opposed traditional and formal usages, and advocated simpler forms of faith and worship than those established by law; -- originally, a term of reproach. The Puritans formed the bulk of the early population of New England.
 noun (n.) One who is scrupulous and strict in his religious life; -- often used reproachfully or in contempt; one who has overstrict notions.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Puritans; resembling, or characteristic of, the Puritans.

puritanicadjective (a.) Alt. of Puritanical

puritanicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice.
 adjective (a.) Precise in observance of legal or religious requirements; strict; overscrupulous; rigid; -- often used by way of reproach or contempt.

puritanismnoun (n.) The doctrines, notions, or practice of Puritans.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH RÝTA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ita) - English Words That Ends with ita:

amanitanoun (n.) A genus of poisonous fungi of the family Agaricaceae, characterized by having a volva, an annulus, and white spores. The species resemble edible mushrooms, and are frequently mistaken for them. Amanita muscaria, syn. Agaricus muscarius, is the fly amanita, or fly agaric; and A. phalloides is the death cup.

coaitanoun (n.) The native name of certain South American monkeys of the genus Ateles, esp. A. paniscus. The black-faced coaita is Ateles ater. See Illustration in Appendix.

incognitanoun (n.) A woman who is unknown or in disguise.
 noun (n.) The state of being in disguise; -- said of a woman.

koaitanoun (n.) Same as Coaita.

manzanitanoun (n.) A name given to several species of Arctostaphylos, but mostly to A. glauca and A. pungens, shrubs of California, Oregon, etc., with reddish smooth bark, ovate or oval coriaceous evergreen leaves, and bearing clusters of red berries, which are said to be a favorite food of the grizzly bear.

mezquitanoun (n.) A mosque.

parasitanoun (n. pl.) An artificial group formerly made for parasitic insects, as lice, ticks, mites, etc.
 noun (n. pl.) A division of copepod Crustacea, having a sucking mouth, as the lerneans. They are mostly parasites on fishes. Called also Siphonostomata.

partitanoun (n.) A suite; a set of variations.

pitanoun (n.) A fiber obtained from the Agave Americana and other related species, -- used for making cordage and paper. Called also pita fiber, and pita thread.
 noun (n.) The plant which yields the fiber.

porpitanoun (n.) A genus of bright-colored Siphonophora found floating in the warmer parts of the ocean. The individuals are round and disk-shaped, with a large zooid in the center of the under side, surrounded by smaller nutritive and reproductive zooids, and by slender dactylozooids near the margin. The disk contains a central float, or pneumatocyst.

praecognitanoun (n. pl.) This previously known, or which should be known in order to understand something else.

sanhitanoun (n.) A collection of vedic hymns, songs, or verses, forming the first part of each Veda.

semitanoun (n.) A fasciole of a spatangoid sea urchin.

se–oritanoun (n.) A Spanish title of courtesy given to a young lady; Miss; also, a young lady.

sortitanoun (n.) The air sung by any of the principal characters in an opera on entering.
 noun (n.) A closing voluntary; a postlude.

trilobitanoun (n. pl.) An extinct order of arthropods comprising the trilobites.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH RÝTA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (rit) - Words That Begins with rit:

ritardandoadjective (a.) Retarding; -- a direction for slower time; rallentado.

ritenoun (n.) The act of performing divine or solemn service, as established by law, precept, or custom; a formal act of religion or other solemn duty; a solemn observance; a ceremony; as, the rites of freemasonry.

ritenutoadjective (a.) Held back; holding back; ritardando.

ritornellenoun (n.) Alt. of Ritornello

ritornellonoun (n.) A short return or repetition; a concluding symphony to an air, often consisting of the burden of the song.
 noun (n.) A short intermediate symphony, or instrumental passage, in the course of a vocal piece; an interlude.

ritrattonoun (n.) A picture.

ritualnoun (n.) A prescribed form of performing divine service in a particular church or communion; as, the Jewish ritual.
 noun (n.) Hence, the code of ceremonies observed by an organization; as, the ritual of the freemasons.
 noun (n.) A book containing the rites to be observed.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to rites or ritual; as, ritual service or sacrifices; the ritual law.

ritualismnoun (n.) A system founded upon a ritual or prescribed form of religious worship; adherence to, or observance of, a ritual.
 noun (n.) Specifically :(a) The principles and practices of those in the Church of England, who in the development of the Oxford movement, so-called, have insisted upon a return to the use in church services of the symbolic ornaments (altar cloths, encharistic vestments, candles, etc.) that were sanctioned in the second year of Edward VI., and never, as they maintain, forbidden by competennt authority, although generally disused. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. (b) Also, the principles and practices of those in the Protestant Episcopal Church who sympathize with this party in the Church of England.

ritualistnoun (n.) One skilled un, or attached to, a ritual; one who advocates or practices ritualism.

ritualisticadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or in accordance with, a ritual; adhering to ritualism.


English Words which starts with 'r' and ends with 'a':

racaadjective (a.) A term of reproach used by the Jews of our Savior's time, meaning "worthless."

rachialgianoun (n.) A painful affection of the spine; especially, Pott's disease; also, formerly, lead colic.

rachillanoun (n.) Same as Rhachilla.

racoondanoun (n.) The coypu.

radiatanoun (n. pl.) An extensive artificial group of invertebrates, having all the parts arranged radially around the vertical axis of the body, and the various organs repeated symmetrically in each ray or spheromere.

radiolarianoun (n. pl.) Order of rhizopods, usually having a siliceous skeleton, or shell, and sometimes radiating spicules. The pseudopodia project from the body like rays. It includes the polycystines. See Polycystina.

radulanoun (n.) The chitinous ribbon bearing the teeth of mollusks; -- called also lingual ribbon, and tongue. See Odontophore.

raffianoun (n.) A fibrous material used for tying plants, said to come from the leaves of a palm tree of the genus Raphia.

rafflesianoun (n.) A genus of stemless, leafless plants, living parasitically upon the roots and stems of grapevines in Malaysia. The flowers have a carrionlike odor, and are very large, in one species (Rafflesia Arnoldi) having a diameter of two or three feet.

raghuvansanoun (n.) A celebrated Sanskrit poem having for its subject the Raghu dynasty.

raianoun (n.) A genus of rays which includes the skates. See Skate.

rajanoun (n.) Same as Rajah.

ramayananoun (n.) The more ancient of the two great epic poems in Sanskrit. The hero and heroine are Rama and his wife Sita.

ramentanoun (n. pl.) Thin brownish chaffy scales upon the leaves or young shoots of some plants, especially upon the petioles and leaves of ferns.

rananoun (n.) A genus of anurous batrachians, including the common frogs.

ranulanoun (n.) A cyst formed under the tongue by obstruction of the duct of the submaxillary gland.

ratanoun (n.) A New Zealand forest tree (Metrosideros robusta), also, its hard dark red wood, used by the Maoris for paddles and war clubs.

ratafianoun (n.) A spirituous liquor flavored with the kernels of cherries, apricots, peaches, or other fruit, spiced, and sweetened with sugar; -- a term applied to the liqueurs called noyau, cura/ao, etc.

ravenalanoun (n.) A genus of plants related to the banana.

razzianoun (n.) A plundering and destructive incursion; a foray; a raid.

reatanoun (n.) A lariat.

redianoun (n.) A kind of larva, or nurse, which is prroduced within the sporocyst of certain trematodes by asexual generation. It in turn produces, in the same way, either another generation of rediae, or else cercariae within its own body. Called also proscolex, and nurse. See Illustration in Appendix.

redowanoun (n.) A Bohemian dance of two kinds, one in triple time, like a waltz, the other in two-four time, like a polka. The former is most in use.

regalianoun (n. pl.) That which belongs to royalty. Specifically: (a) The rights and prerogatives of a king. (b) Royal estates and revenues. (c) Ensings, symbols, or paraphernalia of royalty.
 noun (n. pl.) Hence, decorations or insignia of an office or order, as of Freemasons, Odd Fellows,etc.
 noun (n. pl.) Sumptuous food; delicacies.
 noun (n.) A kind of cigar of large size and superior quality; also, the size in which such cigars are classed.

regattanoun (n.) Originally, a gondola race in Venice; now, a rowing or sailing race, or a series of such races.

regmanoun (n.) A kind of dry fruit, consisting of three or more cells, each which at length breaks open at the inner angle.

regularianoun (n. pl.) A division of Echini which includes the circular, or regular, sea urchins.

rejectamentanoun (n. pl.) Things thrown out or away; especially, things excreted by a living organism.

remoranoun (n.) Delay; obstacle; hindrance.
 noun (n.) Any one of several species of fishes belonging to Echeneis, Remora, and allied genera. Called also sucking fish.
 noun (n.) An instrument formerly in use, intended to retain parts in their places.

replicanoun (v. & n.) A copy of a work of art, as of a picture or statue, made by the maker of the original.
 noun (v. & n.) Repetition.

reptantianoun (n. pl.) A division of gastropods; the Pectinibranchiata.

reptilianoun (n. pl.) A class of air-breathing oviparous vertebrates, usually covered with scales or bony plates. The heart generally has two auricles and one ventricle. The development of the young is the same as that of birds.

resedanoun (n.) A genus of plants, the type of which is mignonette.
 noun (n.) A grayish green color, like that of the flowers of mignonette.

respondentianoun (n.) A loan upon goods laden on board a ship. It differs from bottomry, which is a loan on the ship itself.

reticularianoun (n. pl.) An extensive division of rhizopods in which the pseudopodia are more or less slender and coalesce at certain points, forming irregular meshes. It includes the shelled Foraminifera, together with some groups which lack a true shell.

reticulosanoun (n. pl.) Same as Reticularia.

retinanoun (n.) The delicate membrane by which the back part of the globe of the eye is lined, and in which the fibers of the optic nerve terminate. See Eye.

retinophoranoun (n.) One of group of two to four united cells which occupy the axial part of the ocelli, or ommatidia, of the eyes of invertebrates, and contain the terminal nerve fibrillae. See Illust. under Ommatidium.

retinulanoun (n.) One of the group of pigmented cells which surround the retinophorae of invertebrates. See Illust. under Ommatidium.

rhabdocoelanoun (n. pl.) A suborder of Turbellaria including those that have a simple cylindrical, or saclike, stomach, without an intestine.

rhabdophoranoun (n. pl.) An extinct division of Hydrozoa which includes the graptolities.

rhabdopleuranoun (n.) A genus of marine Bryozoa in which the tubular cells have a centralchitinous axis and the tentacles are borne on a bilobed lophophore. It is the type of the order Pterobranchia, or Podostomata

rhachialgianoun (n.) See Rachialgia.

rhachiglossanoun (n. pl.) A division of marine gastropods having a retractile proboscis and three longitudinal rows of teeth on the radula. It includes many of the large ornamental shells, as the miters, murices, olives, purpuras, volutes, and whelks. See Illust. in Append.

rhachillanoun (n.) A branch of inflorescence; the zigzag axis on which the florets are arranged in the spikelets of grasses.

rhamphothecanoun (n.) The horny covering of the bill of birds.

rheanoun (n.) The ramie or grass-cloth plant. See Grass-cloth plant, under Grass.
 noun (n.) Any one of three species of large South American ostrichlike birds of the genera Rhea and Pterocnemia. Called also the American ostrich.

rhinoscleromanoun (n.) A rare disease of the skin, characterized by the development of very hard, more or less flattened, prominences, appearing first upon the nose and subsequently upon the neighboring parts, esp. the lips, palate, and throat.

rhinothecanoun (n.) The sheath of the upper mandible of a bird.

rhipidoglossanoun (n. pl.) A division of gastropod mollusks having a large number of long, divergent, hooklike, lingual teeth in each transverse row. It includes the scutibranchs. See Illustration in Appendix.

rhizocephalanoun (n. pl.) A division of Pectostraca including saclike parasites of Crustacea. They adhere by rootlike extensions of the head. See Illusration in Appendix.

rhizomanoun (n.) SAme as Rhizome.

rhizophaganoun (n. pl.) A division of marsupials. The wombat is the type.

rhizophoranoun (n.) A genus of trees including the mangrove. See Mangrove.

rhizopodanoun (n. pl.) An extensive class of Protozoa, including those which have pseudopodia, by means of which they move about and take their food. The principal groups are Lobosa (or Am/bea), Helizoa, Radiolaria, and Foraminifera (or Reticularia). See Protozoa.

rhizostomatanoun (n. pl.) A suborder of Medusae which includes very large species without marginal tentacles, but having large mouth lobes closely united at the edges. See Illust. in Appendix.

rhopaloceranoun (n. pl.) A division of Lepidoptera including all the butterflies. They differ from other Lepidoptera in having club-shaped antennae.

rhusmanoun (n.) A mixtire of caustic lime and orpiment, or tersulphide of arsenic, -- used in the depilation of hides.

rhynchobdelleanoun (n. pl.) A suborder of leeches including those that have a protractile proboscis, without jaws. Clepsine is the type.

rhynchocephalanoun (n. pl.) An order of reptiles having biconcave vertebrae, immovable quadrate bones, and many other peculiar osteological characters. Hatteria is the only living genus, but numerous fossil genera are known, some of which are among the earliest of reptiles. See Hatteria. Called also Rhynchocephalia.

rhynchocoelanoun (n. pl.) Same as Nemertina.

rhynchonellanoun (n.) A genus of brachiopods of which some species are still living, while many are found fossil.

rhynchophoranoun (n. pl.) A group of Coleoptera having a snoutlike head; the snout beetles, curculios, or weevils.

rhynchotanoun (n. pl.) Same as Hemiptera.

rhytinanoun (n.) See Rytina.

rimanoun (n.) A narrow and elongated aperture; a cleft; a fissure.

robinianoun (n.) A genus of leguminous trees including the common locust of North America (Robinia Pseudocacia).

rocoanoun (n.) The orange-colored pulp covering the seeds of the tropical plant Bixa Orellana, from which annotto is prepared. See Annoto.

rodentiaadjective (a.) An order of mammals having two (rarely four) large incisor teeth in each jaw, distant from the molar teeth. The rats, squirrels, rabbits, marmots, and beavers belong to this order.

romanzanoun (n.) See Romance, 5.

rondeletianoun (n.) A tropical genus of rubiaceous shrubs which often have brilliant flowers.

rosalianoun (n.) A form of melody in which a phrase or passage is successively repeated, each time a step or half step higher; a melodic sequence.

rosellanoun (n.) A beautiful Australian parrakeet (Platycercus eximius) often kept as a cage bird. The head and back of the neck are scarlet, the throat is white, the back dark green varied with lighter green, and the breast yellow.

roseolanoun (n.) A rose-colored efflorescence upon the skin, occurring in circumscribed patches of little or no elevation and often alternately fading and reviving; also, an acute specific disease which is characterized by an eruption of this character; -- called also rose rash.

rostranoun (n. pl.) See Rostrum, 2.
  (pl. ) of Rostrum

rostriferanoun (n. pl.) A division of pectinibranchiate gastropods, having the head prolonged into a snout which is not retractile.

rotanoun (n.) An ecclesiastical court of Rome, called also Rota Romana, that takes cognizance of suits by appeal. It consists of twelve members.
 noun (n.) A short-lived political club established in 1659 by J.Harrington to inculcate the democratic doctrine of election of the principal officers of the state by ballot, and the annual retirement of a portion of Parliament.
 noun (n.) A species of zither, played like a guitar, used in the Middle Ages in church music; -- written also rotta.

rotatorianoun (n. pl.) Same as Rotifera.

rotellanoun (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, polished, brightcolored gastropods of the genus Rotella, native of tropical seas.

rotiferanoun (n.) An order of minute worms which usually have one or two groups of vibrating cilia on the head, which, when in motion, often give an appearance of rapidly revolving wheels. The species are very numerous in fresh waters, and are very diversified in form and habits.

rottanoun (n.) See Rota.

rotulanoun (n.) The patella, or kneepan.

rotundaadjective (a.) A round building; especially, one that is round both on the outside and inside, like the Pantheon at Rome. Less properly, but very commonly, used for a large round room; as, the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington.

rubellanoun (n.) An acute specific disease with a dusky red cutaneous eruption resembling that of measles, but unattended by catarrhal symptoms; -- called also German measles.

rubeolanoun (n.) the measles.
 noun (n.) Rubella.

ruganoun (n.) A wrinkle; a fold; as, the rugae of the stomach.

rugosanoun (n. pl.) An extinct tribe of fossil corals, including numerous species, many of them of large size. They are characteristic of the Paleozoic formations. The radiating septs, when present, are usually in multiples of four. See Cyathophylloid.

ruminantianoun (n. pl.) A division of Artiodactyla having four stomachs. This division includes the camels, deer, antelopes, goats, sheep, neat cattle, and allies.

rupianoun (n.) An eruption upon the skin, consisting of vesicles with inflamed base and filled with serous, purulent, or bloody fluid, which dries up, forming a blackish crust.

rupicolanoun (n.) A genus of beautiful South American passerine birds, including the cock of the rock.

rusmanoun (n.) A depilatory made of orpiment and quicklime, and used by the Turks. See Rhusma.

russianoun (n.) A country of Europe and Asia.

russophobianoun (n.) Morbid dread of Russia or of Russian influence.

rytinanoun (n.) A genus of large edentulous sirenians, allied to the dugong and manatee, including but one species (R. Stelleri); -- called also Steller's sea cow.

rancherianoun (n.) A dwelling place of a ranchero.
 noun (n.) A small settlement or collection of ranchos, or rude huts, esp. for Indians.
 noun (n.) Formerly, in the Philippines, a political division of the pagan tribes.

residencianoun (n.) In Spanish countries, a court or trial held, sometimes as long as six months, by a newly elected official, as the governor of a province, to examine into the conduct of a predecessor.

rudbeckianoun (n.) A genus of composite plants, the coneflowers, consisting of perennial herbs with showy pedunculate heads, having a hemispherical involucre, sterile ray flowers, and a conical chaffy receptacle. There are about thirty species, exclusively North American. Rudbeckia hirta, the black-eyed Susan, is a common weed in meadows.