First Names Rhyming ROSETTA
English Words Rhyming ROSETTA
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ROSETTA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (osetta) - English Words That Ends with osetta:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (setta) - English Words That Ends with setta:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (etta) - English Words That Ends with etta:
arietta | noun (n.) Alt. of Ariette |
beretta | noun (n.) Same as Berretta. |
berretta | noun (n.) A square cap worn by ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic Church. A cardinal's berretta is scarlet; that worn by other clerics is black, except that a bishop's is lined with green. |
biretta | noun (n.) Same as Berretta. |
bonetta | noun (n.) See Bonito. |
burletta | adjective (a.) A comic operetta; a music farce. |
chiretta | noun (n.) A plant (Agathotes Chirayta) found in Northern India, having medicinal properties to the gentian, and esteemed as a tonic and febrifuge. |
codetta | noun (n.) A short passage connecting two sections, but not forming part of either; a short coda. |
comedietta | noun (n.) A dramatic sketch; a brief comedy. |
fughetta | noun (n.) a short, condensed fugue. |
lametta | noun (n.) Foil or wire made of gold, silver, or brass. |
mozetta | noun (n.) Alt. of Mozzetta |
mozzetta | noun (n.) A cape, with a small hood; -- worn by the pope and other dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church. |
mantelletta | noun (n.) A silk or woolen vestment without sleeves worn by cardinals, bishops, abbots, and the prelates of the Roman court. It has a low collar, is fastened in front, and reaches almost to the knees. |
operetta | noun (n.) A short, light, musical drama. |
vendetta | noun (n.) A blood feud; private revenge for the murder of a kinsman. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (tta) - English Words That Ends with tta:
anotta | noun (n.) See Annotto. |
batta | noun (n.) Extra pay; esp. an extra allowance to an English officer serving in India. |
| noun (n.) Rate of exchange; also, the discount on uncurrent coins. |
cotta | noun (n.) A surplice, in England and America usually one shorter and less full than the ordinary surplice and with short sleeves, or sometimes none. |
| noun (n.) A kind of very coarse woolen blanket. |
gutta | noun (n.) A drop. |
| noun (n.) One of a series of ornaments, in the form of a frustum of a cone, attached to the lower part of the triglyphs, and also to the lower faces of the mutules, in the Doric order; -- called also campana, and drop. |
lytta | noun (n.) A fibrous and muscular band lying within the longitudinal axis of the tongue in many mammals, as the dog. |
mahratta | noun (n.) One of a numerous people inhabiting the southwestern part of India. Also, the language of the Mahrattas; Mahrati. It is closely allied to Sanskrit. |
| noun (n.) A Sanskritic language of western India, prob. descended from the Maharastri Prakrit, spoken by the Marathas and neighboring peoples. It has an abundant literature dating from the 13th century. It has a book alphabet nearly the same as Devanagari and a cursive script translation between the Devanagari and the Gujarati. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Mahrattas. |
paramatta | noun (n.) A light fabric of cotton and worsted, resembling bombazine or merino. |
pitta | noun (n.) Any one of a large group of bright-colored clamatorial birds belonging to Pitta, and allied genera of the family Pittidae. Most of the species are varied with three or more colors, such as blue, green, crimson, yellow, purple, and black. They are called also ground thrushes, and Old World ant thrushes; but they are not related to the true thrushes. |
regatta | noun (n.) Originally, a gondola race in Venice; now, a rowing or sailing race, or a series of such races. |
sagitta | noun (n.) A small constellation north of Aquila; the Arrow. |
| noun (n.) The keystone of an arch. |
| noun (n.) The distance from a point in a curve to the chord; also, the versed sine of an arc; -- so called from its resemblance to an arrow resting on the bow and string. |
| noun (n.) The larger of the two otoliths, or ear bones, found in most fishes. |
| noun (n.) A genus of transparent, free-swimming marine worms having lateral and caudal fins, and capable of swimming rapidly. It is the type of the class Chaetognatha. |
tatta | noun (n.) A bamboo frame or trellis hung at a door or window of a house, over which water is suffered to trickle, in order to moisten and cool the air as it enters. |
vitta | noun (n.) One of the oil tubes in the fruit of umbelliferous plants. |
| noun (n.) A band, or stripe, of color. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ROSETTA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (rosett) - Words That Begins with rosett:
rosette | noun (n.) An imitation of a rose by means of ribbon or other material, -- used as an ornament or a badge. |
| noun (n.) An ornament in the form of a rose or roundel, -much used in decoration. |
| noun (n.) A red color. See Roset. |
| noun (n.) A rose burner. See under Rose. |
| noun (n.) Any structure having a flowerlike form; especially, the group of five broad ambulacra on the upper side of the spatangoid and clypeastroid sea urchins. See Illust. of Spicule, and Sand dollar, under Sand. |
| noun (n.) A flowerlike color marking; as, the rosettes on the leopard. |
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (roset) - Words That Begins with roset:
roset | noun (n.) A red color used by painters. |
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (rose) - Words That Begins with rose:
rose | noun (n.) A flower and shrub of any species of the genus Rosa, of which there are many species, mostly found in the morthern hemispere |
| noun (n.) A knot of ribbon formed like a rose; a rose knot; a rosette, esp. one worn on a shoe. |
| noun (n.) A rose window. See Rose window, below. |
| noun (n.) A perforated nozzle, as of a pipe, spout, etc., for delivering water in fine jets; a rosehead; also, a strainer at the foot of a pump. |
| noun (n.) The erysipelas. |
| noun (n.) The card of the mariner's compass; also, a circular card with radiating lines, used in other instruments. |
| noun (n.) The color of a rose; rose-red; pink. |
| noun (n.) A diamond. See Rose diamond, below. |
| verb (v. t.) To render rose-colored; to redden; to flush. |
| verb (v. t.) To perfume, as with roses. |
| (imp.) of Rise |
| () imp. of Rise. |
roseal | adjective (a.) resembling a rose in smell or color. |
roseate | adjective (a.) Full of roses; rosy; as, roseate bowers. |
| adjective (a.) resembling a rose in color or fragrance; esp., tinged with rose color; blooming; as, roseate beauty; her roseate lips. |
rosebay | noun (n.) the oleander. |
| noun (n.) Any shrub of the genus Rhododendron. |
| noun (n.) An herb (Epilobium spicatum) with showy purple flowers, common in Europe and North America; -- called also great willow herb. |
rosebud | noun (n.) The flower of a rose before it opens, or when but partially open. |
rosebush | noun (n.) The bush or shrub which bears roses. |
rosedrop | noun (n.) A lozenge having a rose flavor. |
| noun (n.) A kind of earring. |
| noun (n.) A ruddy eruption upon the nose caused by drinking ardent spirits; a grog blossom. |
rosefinch | noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of Asiatic finches of the genera Carpodacus, and Propasser, and allied genera, in which the male is more or less colored with rose red. |
rosefish | noun (n.) A large marine scorpaenoid food fish (Sebastes marinus) found on the northern coasts of Europe and America. called also red perch, hemdurgan, Norway haddok, and also, erroneously, snapper, bream, and bergylt. |
rosehead | noun (n.) See Rose, n., 4. |
| noun (n.) A many-sided pyramidal head upon a nail; also a nail with such a head. |
roseine | noun (n.) See Magenta. |
roselite | noun (n.) A hydrous arsenite of cobalt, occuring in small red crystals, allied to erythrite. |
rosella | noun (n.) A beautiful Australian parrakeet (Platycercus eximius) often kept as a cage bird. The head and back of the neck are scarlet, the throat is white, the back dark green varied with lighter green, and the breast yellow. |
roselle | noun (n.) a malvaceous plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) cultivated in the east and West Indies for its fleshy calyxes, which are used for making tarts and jelly and an acid drink. |
rosemaloes | noun (n.) The liquid storax of the East Indian Liquidambar orientalis. |
rosemary | noun (n.) A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy. |
rosen | adjective (a.) Consisting of roses; rosy. |
roseola | noun (n.) A rose-colored efflorescence upon the skin, occurring in circumscribed patches of little or no elevation and often alternately fading and reviving; also, an acute specific disease which is characterized by an eruption of this character; -- called also rose rash. |
roser | noun (n.) A rosier; a rosebush. |
roseroot | noun (n.) A fleshy-leaved herb (Rhodiola rosea); rosewort; -- so called because the roots have the odor of roses. |
rosery | noun (n.) A place where roses are cultivated; a nursery of roses. See Rosary, 1. |
rosewood | noun (n.) A valuable cabinet wood of a dark red color, streaked and variegated with black, obtained from several tropical leguminous trees of the genera Dalbergia and Machaerium. The finest kind is from Brazil, and is said to be from the Dalbergia nigra. |
roseworm | noun (n.) The larva of any one of several species of lepidopterous insects which feed upon the leaves, buds, or blossoms of the rose, especially Cacaecia rosaceana, which rolls up the leaves for a nest, and devours both the leaves and buds. |
rosewort | noun (n.) Roseroot. |
| noun (n.) Any plant nearly related to the rose. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ros) - Words That Begins with ros:
rosaceous | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Rosaceae) of which the rose is the type. It includes also the plums and cherries, meadowsweet, brambles, the strawberry, the hawthorn, applies, pears, service trees, and quinces. |
| adjective (a.) Like a rose in shape or appearance; as, a rosaceous corolla. |
| adjective (a.) Of a pure purpish pink color. |
rosacic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (called also lithic acid) found in certain red precipitates of urine. See Uric. |
rosalgar | noun (n.) realgar. |
rosalia | noun (n.) A form of melody in which a phrase or passage is successively repeated, each time a step or half step higher; a melodic sequence. |
rosaniline | noun (n.) A complex nitrogenous base, C20H21N3O, obtained by oxidizing a mixture of aniline and toluidine, as a colorless crystalline substance which forms red salts. These salts are essential components of many of the socalled aniline dyes, as fuchsine, aniline red, etc. By extension, any one of the series of substances derived from, or related to, rosaniline proper. |
rosarian | noun (n.) A cultivator of roses. |
rosary | noun (n.) A bed of roses, or place where roses grow. |
| noun (n.) A series of prayers (see Note below) arranged to be recited in order, on beads; also, a string of beads by which the prayers are counted. |
| noun (n.) A chapelet; a garland; a series or collection, as of beautiful thoughts or of literary selections. |
| noun (n.) A coin bearing the figure of a rose, fraudulently circulated in Ireland in the 13th century for a penny. |
roscid | adjective (a.) Containing, or consisting of, dew; dewy. |
roscoelite | noun (n.) A green micaceous mineral occurring in minute scales. It is essentially a silicate of aluminia and potash containing vanadium. |
rosicrucian | noun (n.) One who, in the 17th century and the early part of the 18th, claimed to belong to a secret society of philosophers deeply versed in the secrets of nature, -- the alleged society having existed, it was stated, several hundred years. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Rosicrucians, or their arts. |
rosied | adjective (a.) Decorated with roses, or with the color of roses. |
rosier | noun (n.) A rosebush; roses, collectively. |
rosin | noun (n.) The hard, amber-colored resin left after distilling off the volatile oil of turpentine; colophony. |
| verb (v. t.) To rub with rosin, as musicians rub the bow of a violin. |
rosiness | noun (n.) The quality of being rosy. |
rosinweed | noun (n.) The compass plant. See under Compass. |
| noun (n.) A name given in California to various composite plants which secrete resins or have a resinous smell. |
rosiny | adjective (a.) like rosin, or having its qualities. |
rosland | noun (n.) heathy land; land full of heather; moorish or watery land. |
rosmarine | noun (n.) Dew from the sea; sea dew. |
| noun (n.) Rosemary. |
| noun (n.) A fabulous sea animal which was reported to climb by means of its teeth to the tops of rocks to feed upon the dew. |
rosolic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a complex red dyestuff (called rosolic acid) which is analogous to rosaniline and aurin. It is produced by oxidizing a mixture of phenol and cresol, as a dark red amorphous mass, C20H16O3, which forms weak salts with bases, and stable ones with acids. Called also methyl aurin, and, formerly, corallin. |
ross | noun (n.) The rough, scaly matter on the surface of the bark of trees. |
| verb (v. t.) To divest of the ross, or rough, scaly surface; as, to ross bark. |
rossel | noun (n.) Light land; rosland. |
rosselly | adjective (a.) Loose; light. |
rostel | noun (n.) same as Rostellum. |
rostellar | adjective (a.) Pertaining to a rostellum. |
rostellate | adjective (a.) Having a rostellum, or small beak; terminating in a beak. |
rostelliform | adjective (a.) Having the form of a rostellum, or small beak. |
rostellum | noun (n.) A small beaklike process or extension of some part; a small rostrum; as, the rostellum of the stigma of violets, or of the operculum of many mosses; the rostellum on the head of a tapeworm. |
roster | noun (n.) A register or roll showing the order in which officers, enlisted men, companies, or regiments are called on to serve. |
rostra | noun (n. pl.) See Rostrum, 2. |
| (pl. ) of Rostrum |
rostral | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the beak or snout of an animal, or the beak of a ship; resembling a rostrum, esp., the rostra at Rome, or their decorations. |
rostrate | adjective (a.) Alt. of Rostrated |
rostrated | adjective (a.) Having a process resembling the beak of a bird; beaked; rostellate. |
| adjective (a.) Furnished or adorned with beaks; as, rostrated galleys. |
rostrifera | noun (n. pl.) A division of pectinibranchiate gastropods, having the head prolonged into a snout which is not retractile. |
rostriform | adjective (a.) Having the form of a beak. |
rostrulum | noun (n.) A little rostrum, or beak, as of an insect. |
rostrum | noun (n.) The beak or head of a ship. |
| noun (n.) The Beaks; the stage or platform in the forum where orations, pleadings, funeral harangues, etc., were delivered; -- so called because after the Latin war, it was adorned with the beaks of captured vessels; later, applied also to other platforms erected in Rome for the use of public orators. |
| noun (n.) Hence, a stage for public speaking; the pulpit or platform occupied by an orator or public speaker. |
| noun (n.) Any beaklike prolongation, esp. of the head of an animal, as the beak of birds. |
| noun (n.) The beak, or sucking mouth parts, of Hemiptera. |
| noun (n.) The snout of a gastropod mollusk. See Illust. of Littorina. |
| noun (n.) The anterior, often spinelike, prolongation of the carapace of a crustacean, as in the lobster and the prawn. |
| noun (n.) Same as Rostellum. |
| noun (n.) The pipe to convey the distilling liquor into its receiver in the common alembic. |
| noun (n.) A pair of forceps of various kinds, having a beaklike form. |
rosulate | adjective (a.) Arranged in little roselike clusters; -- said of leaves and bracts. |
English Words which starts with 'ros' and ends with 'tta':
English Words which starts with 'ro' and ends with 'ta':
rota | noun (n.) An ecclesiastical court of Rome, called also Rota Romana, that takes cognizance of suits by appeal. It consists of twelve members. |
| noun (n.) A short-lived political club established in 1659 by J.Harrington to inculcate the democratic doctrine of election of the principal officers of the state by ballot, and the annual retirement of a portion of Parliament. |
| noun (n.) A species of zither, played like a guitar, used in the Middle Ages in church music; -- written also rotta. |