Name Report For First Name RIDERE:


First name RIDERE's origin is English. RIDERE means "knight". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with RIDERE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of ridere.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with RIDERE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with RIDERE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming RIDERE



NAMES RHYMING WITH RĘDERE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (idere) - Names That Ends with idere:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (dere) - Names That Ends with dere:


Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ere) - Names That Ends with ere:

ebiere balere magaere zere bedivere bellangere chere guenevere guinevere gwenevere pipere quinevere richere valere aegelmaere aethelmaere archere backstere baldhere beceere bemeere brewstere briggere bryggere burghere cartere coltere cupere felamaere fullere giselmaere grafere grangere hearpere maetthere palmere rapere rovere sawyere skippere spere tannere thackere toukere tuckere tuppere tylere weallere wigmaere wittahere xabiere here dechtere aethelhere baecere seamere wulfhere hweolere hwistlere sigehere devere gere

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (re) - Names That Ends with re:

deirdre hannelore aure kore pleasure terpsichore amare nyasore alexandre brangore saffire elidure moore gaothaire giollamhuire cesare isidore macaire imre gilmore baldassare petre aedre aefre allaire amalure andsware asthore audre aurore azzure baibre blaire ceire claire clare conchobarre

NAMES RHYMING WITH RĘDERE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (rider) - Names That Begins with rider:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (ride) - Names That Begins with ride:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (rid) - Names That Begins with rid:

rida riddhi riddoc riddock ridge ridgeiey ridgeley ridgely ridha ridhi ridley ridpath ridwan

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ri) - Names That Begins with ri:

ria riagan rian rica ricadene ricadonna ricard ricarda ricardo ricca riccardo rice rich richael richard richardo richelle richer richie richlynn richman richmond rick rickard ricker rickey rickie rickman rickward ricky ricman rico ricwea ricweard rigby rigel rigg riggs rigmor rihana riikka rikard rikka rikkard rikward ril riley rilla rille rilletta rillette rillia rillie rilynn rim rima rimona rina rinan rinat rinc ring rinji rinna rinnah rio riobard riocard rioghbhardan rioghnach rion riona riordain riordan ripley rique risa rishim risley risteard risto riston rita ritchie ritsa ritter


First Names which starts with 'ri' and ends with 're':

First Names which starts with 'r' and ends with 'e':

rachele rachelle radbourne radbyrne radcliffe radeliffe radite rae raedburne rafe raighne ramone randale rane ranice rayce rayhourne rayne reade reave recene reece reese reeve reggie reigne reine renae rene renee renke renne rennie reule reve rhete rhodanthe rive roane roanne robbie robinette roble robynne roche rochelle rocke roe rolande rolfe rollie romaine romhilde romilde ronce ronelle ronnie roque rorke rosalie rosalinde rosamonde rosanne roschelle roscoe rose rosemarie rosemonde rourke rousse rowe roxane roxanne royale royce royse rozene rubie rudelle ruelle ruffe rule rune rupette rushe rute ruthie rutledge ryce rydge rye ryence ryenne rylee rylie

English Words Rhyming RIDERE


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH RĘDERE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (idere) - English Words That Ends with idere:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (dere) - English Words That Ends with dere:

bayaderenoun (n.) A female dancer in the East Indies.

belvederenoun (n.) A small building, or a part of a building, more or less open, constructed in a place commanding a fine prospect.

derenoun (n.) Harm.
 verb (v. t.) To hurt; to harm; to injure.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ere) - English Words That Ends with ere:

actinomerenoun (n.) One of the radial segments composing the body of one of the Coelenterata.

adipocerenoun (n.) A soft, unctuous, or waxy substance, of a light brown color, into which the fat and muscle tissue of dead bodies sometimes are converted, by long immersion in water or by burial in moist places. It is a result of fatty degeneration.

aerospherenoun (n.) The atmosphere.

amperenoun (n.) Alt. of Ampere
 noun (n.) The unit of electric current; -- defined by the International Electrical Congress in 1893 and by U. S. Statute as, one tenth of the unit of current of the C. G. S. system of electro-magnetic units, or the practical equivalent of the unvarying current which, when passed through a standard solution of nitrate of silver in water, deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 grams per second. Called also the international ampere.

anoplotherenoun (n.) Alt. of Anoplotherium

antimerenoun (n.) One of the two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and plants.

arrierenoun (n.) "That which is behind"; the rear; -- chiefly used as an adjective in the sense of behind, rear, subordinate.

arthromerenoun (n.) One of the body segments of Arthropods. See Arthrostraca.

atmospherenoun (n.) The whole mass of aeriform fluid surrounding the earth; -- applied also to the gaseous envelope of any celestial orb, or other body; as, the atmosphere of Mars.
 noun (n.) Any gaseous envelope or medium.
 noun (n.) A supposed medium around various bodies; as, electrical atmosphere, a medium formerly supposed to surround electrical bodies.
 noun (n.) The pressure or weight of the air at the sea level, on a unit of surface, or about 14.7 Ibs. to the sq. inch.
 noun (n.) Any surrounding or pervading influence or condition.
 noun (n.) The portion of air in any locality, or affected by a special physical or sanitary condition; as, the atmosphere of the room; a moist or noxious atmosphere.

baenomerenoun (n.) One of the somites (arthromeres) that make up the thorax of Arthropods.

berenoun (n.) Barley; the six-rowed barley or the four-rowed barley, commonly the former (Hord. vulgare).
 noun (n.) See Bear, barley.
 verb (v. t.) To pierce.

beauperenoun (n.) A father.
 noun (n.) A companion.

bedfere bedpherenoun (n.) A bedfellow.

bedpherenoun (n.) See Bedfere.

beggesterenoun (n.) A beggar.

blastomerenoun (n.) One of the segments first formed by the division of the ovum.

blastospherenoun (n.) The hollow globe or sphere formed by the arrangement of the blastomeres on the periphery of an impregnated ovum.

boutonnierenoun (n.) A bouquet worn in a buttonhole.

brerenoun (n.) A brier.

baryspherenoun (n.) The heavy interior portion of the earth, within the lithosphere.

bonbonnierenoun (n.) A small fancy box or dish for bonbons.

brassierenoun (n.) A form of woman's underwaist stiffened with whalebones, or the like, and worn to support the breasts.

caloriferenoun (n.) An apparatus for conveying and distributing heat, especially by means of hot water circulating in tubes.

cantinierenoun (n.) A woman who carries a canteen for soldiers; a vivandiere.

caponierenoun (n.) A work made across or in the ditch, to protect it from the enemy, or to serve as a covered passageway.

cashmerenoun (n.) A rich stuff for shawls, scarfs, etc., originally made in Cashmere from the soft wool found beneath the hair of the goats of Cashmere, Thibet, and the Himalayas. Some cashmere, of fine quality, is richly embroidered for sale to Europeans.
 noun (n.) A dress fabric made of fine wool, or of fine wool and cotton, in imitation of the original cashmere.

cassimerenoun (n.) A thin, twilled, woolen cloth, used for men's garments.

centisterenoun (n.) The hundredth part of a stere, equal to .353 cubic feet.

cephalomerenoun (n.) One of the somites (arthromeres) which make up the head of arthropods.

cerenoun (n.) The soft naked sheath at the base of the beak of birds of prey, parrots, and some other birds. See Beak.
 verb (v. t.) To wax; to cover or close with wax.

chimerenoun (n.) The upper robe worn by a bishop, to which lawn sleeves are usually attached.

chromatospherenoun (n.) A chromosphere.

chromospherenoun (n.) An atmosphere of rare matter, composed principally of incandescent hydrogen gas, surrounding the sun and enveloping the photosphere. Portions of the chromosphere are here and there thrown up into enormous tongues of flame.

coccospherenoun (n.) A small, rounded, marine organism, capable of braking up into coccoliths.

cohereadjective (a.) To stick together; to cleave; to be united; to hold fast, as parts of the same mass.
 adjective (a.) To be united or connected together in subordination to one purpose; to follow naturally and logically, as the parts of a discourse, or as arguments in a train of reasoning; to be logically consistent.
 adjective (a.) To suit; to agree; to fit.

condottierenoun (n.) A military adventurer of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, who sold his services, and those of his followers, to any party in any contest.

confrerenoun (n.) Fellow member of a fraternity; intimate associate.

cosmospherenoun (n.) An apparatus for showing the position of the earth, at any given time, with respect to the fixed stars. It consist of a hollow glass globe, on which are depicted the stars and constellations, and within which is a terrestrial globe.

cremaillerenoun (n.) An indented or zigzaged line of intrenchment.

centrospherenoun (n.) The nucleus or central part of the earth, forming most of its mass; -- disting. from lithosphere, hydrosphere, etc.
 noun (n.) The central mass of an aster from which the rays extend and within which the centrosome lies when present; the attraction sphere. The name has been used both as excluding and including the centrosome, and also to designate a modified mass of protoplasm about a centrosome whether aster rays are developed or not.

decasterenoun (n.) A measure of capacity, equal to ten steres, or ten cubic meters.

decisterenoun (n.) The tenth part of the stere or cubic meter, equal to 3.531 cubic feet. See Stere.

dekasterenoun (n.) Same as Decastere.

dinotherenoun (n.) Alt. of Dinotherium

douceperenoun (n.) One of the twelve peers of France, companions of Charlemagne in war.

ectomerenoun (n.) The more transparent cells, which finally become external, in many segmenting ova, as those of mammals.

eglaterenoun (n.) Eglantine.

entomerenoun (n.) The more granular cells, which finally become internal, in many segmenting ova, as those of mammals.

epimerenoun (n.) One of the segments of the transverse axis, or the so called homonymous parts; as, for example, one of the several segments of the extremities in vertebrates, or one of the similar segments in plants, such as the segments of a segmented leaf.

espaulierenoun (n.) A defense for the shoulder, composed of flexible overlapping plates of metal, used in the 15th century; -- the origin of the modern epaulette.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH RĘDERE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (rider) - Words That Begins with rider:

ridernoun (n.) One who, or that which, rides.
 noun (n.) Formerly, an agent who went out with samples of goods to obtain orders; a commercial traveler.
 noun (n.) One who breaks or manages a horse.
 noun (n.) An addition or amendment to a manuscript or other document, which is attached on a separate piece of paper; in legislative practice, an additional clause annexed to a bill while in course of passage; something extra or burdensome that is imposed.
 noun (n.) A problem of more than usual difficulty added to another on an examination paper.
 noun (n.) A Dutch gold coin having the figure of a man on horseback stamped upon it.
 noun (n.) Rock material in a vein of ore, dividing it.
 noun (n.) An interior rib occasionally fixed in a ship's hold, reaching from the keelson to the beams of the lower deck, to strengthen her frame.
 noun (n.) The second tier of casks in a vessel's hold.
 noun (n.) A small forked weight which straddles the beam of a balance, along which it can be moved in the manner of the weight on a steelyard.
 noun (n.) A robber.

riderlessadjective (a.) Having no rider; as, a riderless horse.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (ride) - Words That Begins with ride:

ridenoun (n.) The act of riding; an excursion on horseback or in a vehicle.
 noun (n.) A saddle horse.
 noun (n.) A road or avenue cut in a wood, or through grounds, to be used as a place for riding; a riding.
 verb (v. i.) To be carried on the back of an animal, as a horse.
 verb (v. i.) To be borne in a carriage; as, to ride in a coach, in a car, and the like. See Synonym, below.
 verb (v. i.) To be borne or in a fluid; to float; to lie.
 verb (v. i.) To be supported in motion; to rest.
 verb (v. i.) To manage a horse, as an equestrian.
 verb (v. i.) To support a rider, as a horse; to move under the saddle; as, a horse rides easy or hard, slow or fast.
 verb (v. t.) To sit on, so as to be carried; as, to ride a horse; to ride a bicycle.
 verb (v. t.) To manage insolently at will; to domineer over.
 verb (v. t.) To convey, as by riding; to make or do by riding.
 verb (v. t.) To overlap (each other); -- said of bones or fractured fragments.

rideaunoun (n.) A small mound of earth; ground slightly elevated; a small ridge.

ridentadjective (a.) Laughing.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (rid) - Words That Begins with rid:

riddingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Rid

ridableadjective (a.) Suitable for riding; as, a ridable horse; a ridable road.

riddancenoun (n.) The act of ridding or freeing; deliverance; a cleaning up or out.
 noun (n.) The state of being rid or free; freedom; escape.

riddernoun (n.) One who, or that which, rids.

riddlenoun (n.) A sieve with coarse meshes, usually of wire, for separating coarser materials from finer, as chaff from grain, cinders from ashes, or gravel from sand.
 noun (n.) A board having a row of pins, set zigzag, between which wire is drawn to straighten it.
 noun (n.) Something proposed to be solved by guessing or conjecture; a puzzling question; an ambiguous proposition; an enigma; hence, anything ambiguous or puzzling.
 verb (v. t.) To separate, as grain from the chaff, with a riddle; to pass through a riddle; as, riddle wheat; to riddle coal or gravel.
 verb (v. t.) To perforate so as to make like a riddle; to make many holes in; as, a house riddled with shot.
 verb (v. t.) To explain; to solve; to unriddle.
 verb (v. i.) To speak ambiguously or enigmatically.

riddlingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Riddle
 adjective (a.) Speaking in a riddle or riddles; containing a riddle.

riddlernoun (n.) One who riddles (grain, sand, etc.).
 noun (n.) One who speaks in, or propounds, riddles.

ridingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ride
 noun (n.) One of the three jurisdictions into which the county of York, in England, is divided; -- formerly under the government of a reeve. They are called the North, the East, and the West, Riding.
 noun (n.) The act or state of one who rides.
 noun (n.) A festival procession.
 noun (n.) Same as Ride, n., 3.
 noun (n.) A district in charge of an excise officer.
 adjective (a.) Employed to travel; traveling; as, a riding clerk.
 adjective (a.) Used for riding on; as, a riding horse.
 adjective (a.) Used for riding, or when riding; devoted to riding; as, a riding whip; a riding habit; a riding day.

ridgenoun (n.) The back, or top of the back; a crest.
 noun (n.) A range of hills or mountains, or the upper part of such a range; any extended elevation between valleys.
 noun (n.) A raised line or strip, as of ground thrown up by a plow or left between furrows or ditches, or as on the surface of metal, cloth, or bone, etc.
 noun (n.) The intersection of two surface forming a salient angle, especially the angle at the top between the opposite slopes or sides of a roof or a vault.
 noun (n.) The highest portion of the glacis proceeding from the salient angle of the covered way.
 verb (v. t.) To form a ridge of; to furnish with a ridge or ridges; to make into a ridge or ridges.
 verb (v. t.) To form into ridges with the plow, as land.
 verb (v. t.) To wrinkle.

ridgingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ridge

ridgebandnoun (n.) The part of a harness which passes over the saddle, and supports the shafts of a cart; -- called also ridgerope, and ridger.

ridgebonenoun (n.) The backbone.

ridgelnoun (n.) Same as Ridgelling.

ridgeletnoun (n.) A little ridge.

ridgelingnoun (n.) A half-castrated male animal.

ridgepiecenoun (n.) Alt. of Ridgeplate

ridgeplatenoun (n.) See Ridgepole.

ridgepolenoun (n.) The timber forming the ridge of a roof, into which the rafters are secured.

ridgeropenoun (n.) See Life line (a), under Life.

ridgyadjective (a.) Having a ridge or ridges; rising in a ridge.

ridiclenoun (n.) Ridicule.

ridiculenoun (n.) An object of sport or laughter; a laughingstock; a laughing matter.
 noun (n.) Remarks concerning a subject or a person designed to excite laughter with a degree of contempt; wit of that species which provokes contemptuous laughter; disparagement by making a person an object of laughter; banter; -- a term lighter than derision.
 noun (n.) Quality of being ridiculous; ridiculousness.
 adjective (a.) Ridiculous.
 verb (v. t.) To laugh at mockingly or disparagingly; to awaken ridicule toward or respecting.

ridiculingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ridicule

ridiculernoun (n.) One who ridicules.

ridiculositynoun (n.) The quality or state of being ridiculous; ridiculousness; also, something ridiculous.

ridiculousadjective (a.) Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration; as, a ridiculous dress or behavior.
 adjective (a.) Involving or expressing ridicule.

ridottonoun (n.) A favorite Italian public entertainment, consisting of music and dancing, -- held generally on fast eves.
 noun (n.) An arrangement or abridgment of a piece from the full score.
 verb (v. i.) To hold ridottos.


English Words which starts with 'ri' and ends with 're':

ricturenoun (n.) A gaping.

rivierenoun (n.) A necklace of diamonds or other precious stones, esp. one of several strings.