Name Report For First Name MAIBE:


First name MAIBE's origin is African. MAIBE means "grave". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with MAIBE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of maibe.(Brown names are of the same origin (African) with MAIBE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with MAIBE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming MAIBE



NAMES RHYMING WITH MAİBE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (aibe) - Names That Ends with aibe:

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ibe) - Names That Ends with ibe:

adibe dibe akibe toibe

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (be) - Names That Ends with be:

hebe niobe phoebe thisbe abebe wang'ombe idogbe estebe jakobe josebe phebe yosebe ailbe barnabe bemabe bembe cabe gabe jacobe webbe sebe bredbe zenobe albe bibsbebe jobe

NAMES RHYMING WITH MAİBE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (maib) - Names That Begins with maib:


Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (mai) - Names That Begins with mai:

mai mai-ron maia maialen maiana maichail maida maidel maidie maiele maighdlin maiju maikki maile mailhairer maille mailsi maimun mainchin maiolaine maipe maira maire mairead mairearad mairghread mairi mairia mairin mairona maisie maisy maitane maite maitea maitena maiti maitilda maitilde maitland maiya maizah

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ma) - Names That Begins with ma:

ma'isah ma'mun ma'n maahes maarouf maat mab mabbina mabel mabelle mabina mable mabon mabonagrain mabonaqain mabuz mabyn mac maca macadam macadhamh macaire macala macaladair macalister macalpin macalpine macandrew macario macartan macarthur macartur macaulay macauliffe macauslan macawi macayla macayle macbain macbean macbeth macbride maccallum macclennan maccoll maccormack maccus macdaibhidh macdhubh macdomhnall macdonald macdonell macdougal macdoughall macdubhgall macduff mace


First Names which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'be':

First Names which starts with 'm' and ends with 'e':

macee macfarlane macfie macie mackaylie mackenzie mackinzie mackynsie maclaine maclane macquarrie macrae madale madalene madalyne maddalene maddie maddisynne maddy-rose madelaine madeleine madelene madeline madge madie madntyre madre mae maelee maelwine maerewine maethelwine maetthere maeve mafuane magaere magaskawee magdalene magee maggie magnilde mahpee makaela-marie makahlie makale makawee makenzie maldue maledysaunte malene malerie malleville mallorie malmuirie malone malvine mamie mandie mane manette manneville mannie manute manville maolmuire maoltuile marce marceline marcelle marchelle mare maree margarethe margawse margerie marguerite mariamne mariane marianne maribelle marie marie-joie marieanne mariele marielle mariette marilee marise marjolaine marlaine marlayne marleene marlene marlenne marlie marline marlise marlowe marmee marque

English Words Rhyming MAIBE


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MAİBE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (aibe) - English Words That Ends with aibe:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ibe) - English Words That Ends with ibe:

bribenoun (n.) A gift begged; a present.
 noun (n.) A price, reward, gift, or favor bestowed or promised with a view to prevent the judgment or corrupt the conduct of a judge, witness, voter, or other person in a position of trust.
 noun (n.) That which seduces; seduction; allurement.
 verb (v. t.) To rob or steal.
 verb (v. t.) To give or promise a reward or consideration to (a judge, juror, legislator, voter, or other person in a position of trust) with a view to prevent the judgment or corrupt the conduct; to induce or influence by a bribe; to give a bribe to.
 verb (v. t.) To gain by a bribe; of induce as by a bribe.
 verb (v. i.) To commit robbery or theft.
 verb (v. i.) To give a bribe to a person; to pervert the judgment or corrupt the action of a person in a position of trust, by some gift or promise.

caribenoun (n.) A south American fresh water fish of the genus Serrasalmo of many species, remarkable for its voracity. When numerous they attack man or beast, often with fatal results.

cephalotribenoun (n.) An obstetrical instrument for performing cephalotripsy.

diatribenoun (n.) A prolonged or exhaustive discussion; especially, an acrimonious or invective harangue; a strain of abusive or railing language; a philippic.

gibenoun (n.) An expression of sarcastic scorn; a sarcastic jest; a scoff; a taunt; a sneer.
 verb (v. i.) To cast reproaches and sneering expressions; to rail; to utter taunting, sarcastic words; to flout; to fleer; to scoff.
 verb (v. i.) To reproach with contemptuous words; to deride; to scoff at; to mock.

kibenoun (n.) A chap or crack in the flesh occasioned by cold; an ulcerated chilblain.

ribibenoun (n.) A sort of stringed instrument; a rebec.
 noun (n.) An old woman; -- in contempt.
 noun (n.) A bawd; a prostitute.

scribenoun (n.) One who writes; a draughtsman; a writer for another; especially, an offical or public writer; an amanuensis or secretary; a notary; a copyist.
 noun (n.) A writer and doctor of the law; one skilled in the law and traditions; one who read and explained the law to the people.
 verb (v. t.) To write, engrave, or mark upon; to inscribe.
 verb (v. t.) To cut (anything) in such a way as to fit closely to a somewhat irregular surface, as a baseboard to a floor which is out of level, a board to the curves of a molding, or the like; -- so called because the workman marks, or scribe, with the compasses the line that he afterwards cuts.
 verb (v. t.) To score or mark with compasses or a scribing iron.
 verb (v. i.) To make a mark.

subtribenoun (n.) A division of a tribe; a group of genera of a little lower rank than a tribe.

tribenoun (n.) A family, race, or series of generations, descending from the same progenitor, and kept distinct, as in the case of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from the twelve sons of Jacob.
 noun (n.) A number of species or genera having certain structural characteristics in common; as, a tribe of plants; a tribe of animals.
 noun (n.) A nation of savages or uncivilized people; a body of rude people united under one leader or government; as, the tribes of the Six Nations; the Seneca tribe.
 noun (n.) A division, class, or distinct portion of a people, from whatever cause that distinction may have originated; as, the city of Athens was divided into ten tribes.
 noun (n.) A family of animals descended from some particular female progenitor, through the female line; as, the Duchess tribe of shorthorns.
 verb (v. t.) To distribute into tribes or classes.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MAİBE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (maib) - Words That Begins with maib:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (mai) - Words That Begins with mai:

maianoun (n.) A genus of spider crabs, including the common European species (Maia squinado).
 noun (n.) A beautiful American bombycid moth (Eucronia maia).

maiannoun (n.) Any spider crab of the genus Maia, or family Maiadae.

maidnoun (n.) An unmarried woman; usually, a young unmarried woman; esp., a girl; a virgin; a maiden.
 noun (n.) A man who has not had sexual intercourse.
 noun (n.) A female servant.
 noun (n.) The female of a ray or skate, esp. of the gray skate (Raia batis), and of the thornback (R. clavata).

maidennoun (n.) An unmarried woman; a girl or woman who has not experienced sexual intercourse; a virgin; a maid.
 noun (n.) A female servant.
 noun (n.) An instrument resembling the guillotine, formerly used in Scotland for beheading criminals.
 noun (n.) A machine for washing linen.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a maiden, or to maidens; suitable to, or characteristic of, a virgin; as, maiden innocence.
 adjective (a.) Never having been married; not having had sexual intercourse; virgin; -- said usually of the woman, but sometimes of the man; as, a maiden aunt.
 adjective (a.) Fresh; innocent; unpolluted; pure; hitherto unused.
 adjective (a.) Used of a fortress, signifying that it has never been captured, or violated.
 verb (v. t.) To act coyly like a maiden; -- with it as an indefinite object.

maidenhairnoun (n.) A fern of the genus Adiantum (A. pedatum), having very slender graceful stalks. It is common in the United States, and is sometimes used in medicine. The name is also applied to other species of the same genus, as to the Venus-hair.

maidenheadnoun (n.) The state of being a maiden; maidenhood; virginity.
 noun (n.) The state of being unused or uncontaminated; freshness; purity.
 noun (n.) The hymen, or virginal membrane.

maidenhoodnoun (n.) The state of being a maid or a virgin; virginity.
 noun (n.) Newness; freshness; uncontaminated state.

maidenlikeadjective (a.) Like a maiden; modest; coy.

maidenlinessnoun (n.) The quality of being maidenly; the behavior that becomes a maid; modesty; gentleness.

maidenlyadjective (a.) Like a maid; suiting a maid; maiden-like; gentle, modest, reserved.
 adverb (adv.) In a maidenlike manner.

maidenshipnoun (n.) Maidenhood.

maidhoodnoun (n.) Maidenhood.

maidmariannoun (n.) The lady of the May games; one of the characters in a morris dance; a May queen. Afterward, a grotesque character personated in sports and buffoonery by a man in woman's clothes.
 noun (n.) A kind of dance.

maidpaleadjective (a.) Pale, like a sick girl.

maidservantnoun (n.) A female servant.

maieuticadjective (a.) Alt. of Maieutical

maieuticaladjective (a.) Serving to assist childbirth.
 adjective (a.) Fig. : Aiding, or tending to, the definition and interpretation of thoughts or language.

maieuticsnoun (n.) The art of giving birth (i. e., clearness and conviction) to ideas, which are conceived as struggling for birth.

maigernoun (n.) The meagre.

maigreadjective (a.) Belonging to a fast day or fast; as, a maigre day.

maihemnoun (n.) See Maim, and Mayhem.

maikelnoun (n.) A South American carnivore of the genus Conepatus, allied to the skunk, but larger, and having a longer snout. The tail is not bushy.

maikongnoun (n.) A South American wild dog (Canis cancrivorus); the crab-eating dog.

mailnoun (n.) A spot.
 noun (n.) A small piece of money; especially, an English silver half-penny of the time of Henry V.
 noun (n.) Rent; tribute.
 noun (n.) A flexible fabric made of metal rings interlinked. It was used especially for defensive armor.
 noun (n.) Hence generally, armor, or any defensive covering.
 noun (n.) A contrivance of interlinked rings, for rubbing off the loose hemp on lines and white cordage.
 noun (n.) Any hard protective covering of an animal, as the scales and plates of reptiles, shell of a lobster, etc.
 noun (n.) A bag; a wallet.
 noun (n.) The bag or bags with the letters, papers, papers, or other matter contained therein, conveyed under public authority from one post office to another; the whole system of appliances used by government in the conveyance and delivery of mail matter.
 noun (n.) That which comes in the mail; letters, etc., received through the post office.
 noun (n.) A trunk, box, or bag, in which clothing, etc., may be carried.
 verb (v. t.) To arm with mail.
 verb (v. t.) To pinion.
 verb (v. t.) To deliver into the custody of the postoffice officials, or place in a government letter box, for transmission by mail; to post; as, to mail a letter.

mailingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mail
 noun (n.) A farm.

mailableadjective (a.) Admissible lawfully into the mail.

mailcladadjective (a.) Protected by a coat of mail; clad in armor.

mailedadjective (a.) Protected by an external coat, or covering, of scales or plates.
 adjective (a.) Spotted; speckled.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Mail

maimingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Maim

maimednessnoun (n.) State of being maimed.

mainnoun (n.) A hand or match at dice.
 noun (n.) A stake played for at dice.
 noun (n.) The largest throw in a match at dice; a throw at dice within given limits, as in the game of hazard.
 noun (n.) A match at cockfighting.
 noun (n.) A main-hamper.
 noun (v.) principal duct or pipe, as distinguished from lesser ones; esp. (Engin.), a principal pipe leading to or from a reservoir; as, a fire main.
 adjective (a.) Very or extremely strong.
 adjective (a.) Vast; huge.
 adjective (a.) Unqualified; absolute; entire; sheer.
 adjective (a.) Principal; chief; first in size, rank, importance, etc.
 adjective (a.) Important; necessary.
 adjective (a.) Very; extremely; as, main heavy.
 verb (v.) Strength; force; might; violent effort.
 verb (v.) The chief or principal part; the main or most important thing.
 verb (v.) The great sea, as distinguished from an arm, bay, etc. ; the high sea; the ocean.
 verb (v.) The continent, as distinguished from an island; the mainland.

mainenoun (n.) One of the New England States.

mainlandnoun (n.) The continent; the principal land; -- opposed to island, or peninsula.

mainmastnoun (n.) The principal mast in a ship or other vessel.

mainornoun (n.) A thing stolen found on the person of the thief.

mainpernableadjective (a.) Capable of being admitted to give surety by mainpernors; able to be mainprised.

mainpernornoun (n.) A surety, under the old writ of mainprise, for a prisoner's appearance in court at a day.

mainpinnoun (n.) A kingbolt.

mainprisenoun (n.) A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties, called mainpernors, for the prisoner's appearance, and to let him go at large. This writ is now obsolete.
 noun (n.) Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance at a day.
 verb (v. t.) To suffer to go at large, on his finding sureties, or mainpernors, for his appearance at a day; -- said of a prisoner.

mainprisingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mainprise

mainsnoun (n.) The farm attached to a mansion house.

mainsailnoun (n.) The principal sail in a ship or other vessel.

mainsheetnoun (n.) One of the ropes by which the mainsail is hauled aft and trimmed.

mainspringnoun (n.) The principal or most important spring in a piece of mechanism, especially the moving spring of a watch or clock or the spring in a gunlock which impels the hammer. Hence: The chief or most powerful motive; the efficient cause of action.

mainstaynoun (n.) The stay extending from the foot of the foremast to the maintop.
 noun (n.) Main support; principal dependence.

maintainingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Maintain

maintainableadjective (a.) That maybe maintained.

maintainernoun (n.) One who maintains.

maintainornoun (n.) One who, not being interested, maintains a cause depending between others, by furnishing money, etc., to either party.

maintenancenoun (n.) The act of maintaining; sustenance; support; defense; vindication.
 noun (n.) That which maintains or supports; means of sustenance; supply of necessaries and conveniences.
 noun (n.) An officious or unlawful intermeddling in a cause depending between others, by assisting either party with money or means to carry it on. See Champerty.


English Words which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'be':

maybenoun (n.) Possibility; uncertainty.
 adjective (a.) Possible; probable, but not sure.
 adverb (adv.) Perhaps; possibly; peradventure.