First Names Rhyming MADELINE
English Words Rhyming MADELINE
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MADELƯNE (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (adeline) - English Words That Ends with adeline:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (deline) - English Words That Ends with deline:
maudeline | noun (n.) An aromatic composite herb, the costmary; also, the South European Achillea Ageratum, a kind of yarrow. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (eline) - English Words That Ends with eline:
cappeline | noun (n.) A hood-shaped bandage for the head, the shoulder, or the stump of an amputated limb. |
feline | adjective (a.) Catlike; of or pertaining to the genus Felis, or family Felidae; as, the feline race; feline voracity. |
| adjective (a.) Characteristic of cats; sly; stealthy; treacherous; as, a feline nature; feline manners. |
houseline | noun (n.) A small line of three strands used for seizing; -- called also housing. |
lobeline | noun (n.) A poisonous narcotic alkaloid extracted from the leaves of Indian tobacco (Lobelia inflata) as a yellow oil, having a tobaccolike taste and odor. |
marceline | noun (n.) A thin silk fabric used for linings, etc., in ladies' dresses. |
marteline | noun (n.) A small hammer used by marble workers and sculptors. |
mousseline | noun (n.) Muslin. |
musteline | adjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the family Mustelidae, or the weasels and martens. |
nepheline | noun (n.) Alt. of Nephelite |
nickeline | noun (n.) An alloy of nickel, a variety of German silver. |
| noun (n.) Niccolite. |
orpheline | noun (n.) An orphan. |
scopeline | adjective (a.) Scopeloid. |
tapeline | noun (n.) A painted tape, marked with linear dimensions, as inches, feet, etc., and often inclosed in a case, -- used for measuring. |
vaseline | noun (n.) A yellowish translucent substance, almost odorless and tasteless, obtained as a residue in the purification of crude petroleum, and consisting essentially of a mixture of several of the higher members of the paraffin series. It is used as an unguent, and for various purposes in the arts. See the Note under Petrolatum. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (line) - English Words That Ends with line:
acauline | adjective (a.) Same as Acaulescent. |
acervuline | adjective (a.) Resembling little heaps. |
alkaline | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the properties of an alkali. |
amygdaline | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, almonds. |
aniline | noun (n.) An organic base belonging to the phenylamines. It may be regarded as ammonia in which one hydrogen atom has been replaced by the radical phenyl. It is a colorless, oily liquid, originally obtained from indigo by distillation, but now largely manufactured from coal tar or nitrobenzene as a base from which many brilliant dyes are made. |
| adjective (a.) Made from, or of the nature of, aniline. |
animalculine | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, animalcules. |
antalkaline | noun (n.) Anything that neutralizes, or that counteracts an alkaline tendency in the system. |
| adjective (a.) Of power to counteract alkalies. |
aquiline | adjective (a.) Belonging to or like an eagle. |
| adjective (a.) Curving; hooked; prominent, like the beak of an eagle; -- applied particularly to the nose |
anticline | noun (n.) A structure of bedded rocks in which the beds on both sides of an axis or axial plane dip away from the axis; an anticlinal. |
baculine | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the rod or punishment with the rod. |
bandoline | noun (n.) A glutinous pomatum for the fair. |
benzoline | noun (n.) Same as Benzole. |
| noun (n.) Same as Amarine. |
berylline | adjective (a.) Like a beryl; of a light or bluish green color. |
bowline | noun (n.) A rope fastened near the middle of the leech or perpendicular edge of the square sails, by subordinate ropes, called bridles, and used to keep the weather edge of the sail tight forward, when the ship is closehauled. |
bubaline | adjective (a.) Resembling a buffalo. |
buntline | noun (n.) One of the ropes toggled to the footrope of a sail, used to haul up to the yard the body of the sail when taking it in. |
caballine | noun (n.) Caballine aloes. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a horse. |
capitoline | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Capitol in Rome. |
capreoline | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the roebuck. |
carline | noun (n.) Alt. of Caroline |
| noun (n.) Alt. of Carling |
caroline | noun (n.) A silver coin once current in some parts of Italy, worth about seven cents. |
| noun (n.) A coin. See Carline. |
cauline | adjective (a.) Growing immediately on a caulis; of or pertaining to a caulis. |
chinoline | noun (n.) See Quinoline. |
choline | noun (n.) See Neurine. |
chrysaniline | noun (n.) A yellow substance obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of rosaniline. It dyes silk a fine golden-yellow color. |
cinnoline | noun (n.) A nitrogenous organic base, C8H6N2, analogous to quinoline, obtained from certain complex diazo compounds. |
circuline | adjective (a.) Proceeding in a circle; circular. |
clothesline | noun (n.) A rope or wire on which clothes are hung to dry. |
colline | noun (n.) A small hill or mount. |
compline | noun (n.) Alt. of Complin |
contline | noun (n.) The space between the strands on the outside of a rope. |
| noun (n.) The space between the bilges of two casks stowed side by side. |
coralline | noun (n.) A submarine, semicalcareous or calcareous plant, consisting of many jointed branches. |
| noun (n.) Formerly any slender coral-like animal; -- sometimes applied more particulary to bryozoan corals. |
| adjective (a.) Composed of corallines; as, coralline limestone. |
corolline | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a corolla. |
corrovaline | noun (n.) A poisonous alkaloid extracted from corroval, and characterized by its immediate action in paralyzing the heart. |
cosmoline | noun (n.) A substance obtained from the residues of the distillation of petroleum, essentially the same as vaseline, but of somewhat stiffer consistency, and consisting of a mixture of the higher paraffines; a kind of petroleum jelly. |
covelline | noun (n.) Alt. of Covellite |
crepusculine | adjective (a.) Crepuscular. |
crinoline | noun (n.) A kind of stiff cloth, used chiefly by women, for underskirts, to expand the gown worn over it; -- so called because originally made of hair. |
| noun (n.) A lady's skirt made of any stiff material; latterly, a hoop skirt. |
crotaline | adjective (a.) Resembling, or pertaining to, the Crotalidae, or Rattlesnake family. |
cryptocrystalline | adjective (a.) Indistinctly crystalline; -- applied to rocks and minerals, whose state of aggregation is so fine that no distinct particles are visible, even under the microscope. |
crystalline | noun (n.) A crystalline substance. |
| noun (n.) See Aniline. |
| adjective (a.) Consisting, or made, of crystal. |
| adjective (a.) Formed by crystallization; like crystal in texture. |
| adjective (a.) Imperfectly crystallized; as, granite is only crystalline, while quartz crystal is perfectly crystallized. |
| adjective (a.) Fig.: Resembling crystal; pure; transparent; pellucid. |
discipline | noun (n.) The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral. |
| noun (n.) Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill. |
| noun (n.) Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; habit of obedience. |
| noun (n.) Severe training, corrective of faults; instruction by means of misfortune, suffering, punishment, etc. |
| noun (n.) Correction; chastisement; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training. |
| noun (n.) The subject matter of instruction; a branch of knowledge. |
| noun (n.) The enforcement of methods of correction against one guilty of ecclesiastical offenses; reformatory or penal action toward a church member. |
| noun (n.) Self-inflicted and voluntary corporal punishment, as penance, or otherwise; specifically, a penitential scourge. |
| noun (n.) A system of essential rules and duties; as, the Romish or Anglican discipline. |
| verb (v. t.) To educate; to develop by instruction and exercise; to train. |
| verb (v. t.) To accustom to regular and systematic action; to bring under control so as to act systematically; to train to act together under orders; to teach subordination to; to form a habit of obedience in; to drill. |
| verb (v. t.) To improve by corrective and penal methods; to chastise; to correct. |
| verb (v. t.) To inflict ecclesiastical censures and penalties upon. |
dispoline | noun (n.) One of several isomeric organic bases of the quinoline series of alkaloids. |
ecboline | noun (n.) An alkaloid constituting the active principle of ergot; -- so named from its power of producing abortion. |
figuline | noun (n.) A piece of pottery ornamented with representations of natural objects. |
| adjective (a.) Suitable for the making of pottery; fictile; -- said of clay. |
| adjective (a.) Made of clay, as by the potter; -- said of vessels, ornamental figures, or the like; as, figuline ware. |
flavaniline | noun (n.) A yellow, crystalline, organic dyestuff, C16H14N2, of artifical production. It is a strong base, and is a complex derivative of aniline and quinoline. |
fringilline | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the family Fringillidae; characteristic of finches; sparrowlike. |
gantline | noun (n.) A line rigged to a mast; -- used in hoisting rigging; a girtline. |
gasoline | noun (n.) A highly volatile mixture of fluid hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, as also by the distillation of bituminous coal. It is used in making air gas, and in giving illuminating power to water gas. See Carburetor. |
| () Alt. of Gasolene, engine |
ghibelline | noun (n.) One of a faction in Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries, which favored the German emperors, and opposed the Guelfs, or adherents of the poses. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ine) - English Words That Ends with ine:
abietine | noun (n.) A resinous obtained from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam. It is without taste or smell, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (especially at the boiling point), in strong acetic acid, and in ether. |
acacine | noun (n.) Gum arabic. |
acalycine | adjective (a.) Alt. of Acalysinous |
acanthine | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the plant acanthus. |
acarine | adjective (a.) Of or caused by acari or mites; as, acarine diseases. |
accipitrine | adjective (a.) Like or belonging to the Accipitres; raptorial; hawklike. |
acolyctine | noun (n.) An organic base, in the form of a white powder, obtained from Aconitum lycoctonum. |
aconitine | noun (n.) An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite. |
adamantine | adjective (a.) Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains. |
| adjective (a.) Like the diamond in hardness or luster. |
adulterine | noun (n.) An illegitimate child. |
| adjective (a.) Proceeding from adulterous intercourse. Hence: Spurious; without the support of law; illegal. |
agatine | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, agate. |
alabastrine | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster; as alabastrine limbs. |
alanine | noun (n.) A white crystalline base, C3H7NO2, derived from aldehyde ammonia. |
aldine | adjective (a.) An epithet applied to editions (chiefly of the classics) which proceeded from the press of Aldus Manitius, and his family, of Venice, for the most part in the 16th century and known by the sign of the anchor and the dolphin. The term has also been applied to certain elegant editions of English works. |
alexandrine | noun (n.) A kind of verse consisting in English of twelve syllables. |
| adjective (a.) Belonging to Alexandria; Alexandrian. |
algerine | noun (n.) A native or one of the people of Algiers or Algeria. Also, a pirate. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Algiers or Algeria. |
almandine | noun (n.) The common red variety of garnet. |
almondine | noun (n.) See Almandine |
alpestrine | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Alps, or other high mountains; as, Alpestrine diseases, etc. |
| adjective (a.) Growing on the elevated parts of mountains, but not above the timbe/ line; subalpine. |
alphonsine | adjective (a.) Of or relating to Alphonso X., the Wise, King of Castile (1252-1284). |
alpine | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Alps, or to any lofty mountain; as, Alpine snows; Alpine plants. |
| adjective (a.) Like the Alps; lofty. |
altheine | noun (n.) Asparagine. |
alumine | noun (n.) Alumina. |
alvine | adjective (a.) Of, from, in, or pertaining to, the belly or the intestines; as, alvine discharges; alvine concretions. |
amandine | noun (n.) The vegetable casein of almonds. |
| noun (n.) A kind of cold cream prepared from almonds, for chapped hands, etc. |
amanitine | noun (n.) The poisonous principle of some fungi. |
amaranthine | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to amaranth. |
| adjective (a.) Unfading, as the poetic amaranth; undying. |
| adjective (a.) Of a purplish color. |
amarine | noun (n.) A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds. |
amethystine | adjective (a.) Resembling amethyst, especially in color; bluish violet. |
| adjective (a.) Composed of, or containing, amethyst. |
amine | noun (n.) One of a class of strongly basic substances derived from ammonia by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by a basic atom or radical. |
anatine | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the ducks; ducklike. |
andesine | noun (n.) A kind of triclinic feldspar found in the Andes. |
andine | adjective (a.) Andean; as, Andine flora. |
angevine | noun (n.) A native of Anjou. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Anjou in France. |
anguine | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a snake or serpent. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MADELƯNE (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (madelin) - Words That Begins with madelin:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (madeli) - Words That Begins with madeli:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (madel) - Words That Begins with madel:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (made) - Words That Begins with made:
made | noun (n.) See Mad, n. |
| adjective (a.) Artificially produced; pieced together; formed by filling in; as, made ground; a made mast, in distinction from one consisting of a single spar. |
| () imp. & p. p. of Make. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Make |
madecass | noun (n.) Alt. of Madecassee |
madecassee | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Madagascar, or Madecassee; the language of the natives of Madagascar. See Malagasy. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Madagascar or its inhabitants. |
madefaction | noun (n.) Alt. of Madefication |
madefication | noun (n.) The act of madefying, or making wet; the state of that which is made wet. |
madefying | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Madefy |
madegassy | noun (n. & a.) See Madecassee. |
madeira | noun (n.) A rich wine made on the Island of Madeira. |
mademoiselle | noun (n.) A French title of courtesy given to a girl or an unmarried lady, equivalent to the English Miss. |
| noun (n.) A marine food fish (Sciaena chrysura), of the Southern United States; -- called also yellowtail, and silver perch. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (mad) - Words That Begins with mad:
mad | noun (n.) A slattern. |
| noun (n.) The name of a female fairy, esp. the queen of the fairies; and hence, sometimes, any fairy. |
| noun (n.) An earthworm. |
| superlative (superl.) Disordered in intellect; crazy; insane. |
| superlative (superl.) Excited beyond self-control or the restraint of reason; inflamed by violent or uncontrollable desire, passion, or appetite; as, to be mad with terror, lust, or hatred; mad against political reform. |
| superlative (superl.) Proceeding from, or indicating, madness; expressing distraction; prompted by infatuation, fury, or extreme rashness. |
| superlative (superl.) Extravagant; immoderate. |
| superlative (superl.) Furious with rage, terror, or disease; -- said of the lower animals; as, a mad bull; esp., having hydrophobia; rabid; as, a mad dog. |
| superlative (superl.) Angry; out of patience; vexed; as, to get mad at a person. |
| superlative (superl.) Having impaired polarity; -- applied to a compass needle. |
| verb (v. t.) To make mad or furious; to madden. |
| verb (v. i.) To be mad; to go mad; to rave. See Madding. |
| () p. p. of Made. |
madding | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mad |
| adjective (a.) Affected with madness; raging; furious. |
madam | noun (n.) A gentlewoman; -- an appellation or courteous form of address given to a lady, especially an elderly or a married lady; -- much used in the address, at the beginning of a letter, to a woman. The corresponding word in addressing a man is Sir. |
madame | noun (n.) My lady; -- a French title formerly given to ladies of quality; now, in France, given to all married women. |
madbrain | noun (n.) A rash or hot-headed person. |
| adjective (a.) Hot-headed; rash. |
madbrained | adjective (a.) Disordered in mind; hot-headed. |
madcap | noun (n.) A person of wild behavior; an excitable, rash, violent person. |
| adjective (a.) Inclined to wild sports; delighting in rash, absurd, or dangerous amusements. |
| adjective (a.) Wild; reckless. |
maddening | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Madden |
madder | noun (n.) A plant of the Rubia (R. tinctorum). The root is much used in dyeing red, and formerly was used in medicine. It is cultivated in France and Holland. See Rubiaceous. |
madderwort | noun (n.) A name proposed for any plant of the same natural order (Rubiaceae) as the madder. |
maddish | adjective (a.) Somewhat mad. |
madge | noun (n.) The barn owl. |
| noun (n.) The magpie. |
madhouse | noun (n.) A house where insane persons are confined; an insane asylum; a bedlam. |
madia | noun (n.) A genus of composite plants, of which one species (Madia sativa) is cultivated for the oil yielded from its seeds by pressure. This oil is sometimes used instead of olive oil for the table. |
madid | adjective (a.) Wet; moist; as, a madid eye. |
madisterium | noun (n.) An instrument to extract hairs. |
madjoun | noun (n.) An intoxicating confection from the hemp plant; -- used by the Turks and Hindoos. |
madly | adjective (a.) In a mad manner; without reason or understanding; wildly. |
madman | noun (n.) A man who is mad; lunatic; a crazy person. |
madnep | noun (n.) The masterwort (Peucedanum Ostruthium). |
madness | adjective (a.) The condition of being mad; insanity; lunacy. |
| adjective (a.) Frenzy; ungovernable rage; extreme folly. |
madonna | noun (n.) My lady; -- a term of address in Italian formerly used as the equivalent of Madame, but for which Signora is now substituted. Sometimes introduced into English. |
| noun (n.) A picture of the Virgin Mary (usually with the babe). |
madoqua | noun (n.) A small Abyssinian antelope (Neotragus Saltiana), about the size of a hare. |
madrague | noun (n.) A large fish pound used for the capture of the tunny in the Mediterranean; also applied to the seines used for the same purpose. |
madreperl | noun (n.) Mother-of-pearl. |
madrepora | noun (n.) A genus of reef corals abundant in tropical seas. It includes than one hundred and fifty species, most of which are elegantly branched. |
madreporaria | noun (n. pl.) An extensive division of Anthozoa, including most of the species that produce stony corals. See Illust. of Anthozoa. |
madrepore | noun (n.) Any coral of the genus Madrepora; formerly, often applied to any stony coral. |
madreporian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Madreporic |
madreporic | adjective (a.) Resembling, or pertaining to, the genus Madrepora. |
madreporiform | adjective (a.) Resembling a madreporian coral in form or structure. |
madreporite | noun (n.) A fossil coral. |
| noun (n.) The madreporic plate of echinoderms. |
madrier | noun (n.) A thick plank, used for several mechanical purposes |
| noun (n.) A plank to receive the mouth of a petard, with which it is applied to anything intended to be broken down. |
| noun (n.) A plank or beam used for supporting the earth in mines or fortifications. |
madrigal | noun (n.) A little amorous poem, sometimes called a pastoral poem, containing some tender and delicate, though simple, thought. |
| noun (n.) An unaccompanied polyphonic song, in four, five, or more parts, set to secular words, but full of counterpoint and imitation, and adhering to the old church modes. Unlike the freer glee, it is best sung with several voices on a part. See Glee. |
madrigaler | noun (n.) A madrigalist. |
madrigalist | noun (n.) A composer of madrigals. |
madrilenian | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Madrid. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Madrid in Spain, or to its inhabitants. |
madrina | noun (n.) An animal (usually an old mare), wearing a bell and acting as the leader of a troop of pack mules. |
madroöa | noun (n.) A small evergreen tree or shrub (Arbutus Menziesii), of California, having a smooth bark, thick shining leaves, and edible red berries, which are often called madroöa apples. |
madwort | noun (n.) A genus of cruciferous plants (Alyssum) with white or yellow flowers and rounded pods. A. maritimum is the commonly cultivated sweet alyssum, a fragrant white-flowered annual. |
madras | noun (n.) A large silk-and-cotton kerchief, usually of bright colors, such as those often used by negroes for turbans. |
English Words which starts with 'mad' and ends with 'ine':
English Words which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'ne':
machine | noun (n.) In general, any combination of bodies so connected that their relative motions are constrained, and by means of which force and motion may be transmitted and modified, as a screw and its nut, or a lever arranged to turn about a fulcrum or a pulley about its pivot, etc.; especially, a construction, more or less complex, consisting of a combination of moving parts, or simple mechanical elements, as wheels, levers, cams, etc., with their supports and connecting framework, calculated to constitute a prime mover, or to receive force and motion from a prime mover or from another machine, and transmit, modify, and apply them to the production of some desired mechanical effect or work, as weaving by a loom, or the excitation of electricity by an electrical machine. |
| noun (n.) Any mechanical contrivance, as the wooden horse with which the Greeks entered Troy; a coach; a bicycle. |
| noun (n.) A person who acts mechanically or at will of another. |
| noun (n.) A combination of persons acting together for a common purpose, with the agencies which they use; as, the social machine. |
| noun (n.) A political organization arranged and controlled by one or more leaders for selfish, private or partisan ends. |
| noun (n.) Supernatural agency in a poem, or a superhuman being introduced to perform some exploit. |
| verb (v. t.) To subject to the action of machinery; to effect by aid of machinery; to print with a printing machine. |
macrotone | noun (n.) Same as Macron. |
magazine | noun (n.) A receptacle in which anything is stored, especially military stores, as ammunition, arms, provisions, etc. |
| noun (n.) The building or room in which the supply of powder is kept in a fortification or a ship. |
| noun (n.) A chamber in a gun for holding a number of cartridges to be fed automatically to the piece. |
| noun (n.) A pamphlet published periodically containing miscellaneous papers or compositions. |
| noun (n.) A country or district especially rich in natural products. |
| noun (n.) A city viewed as a marketing center. |
| noun (n.) A reservoir or supply chamber for a stove, battery, camera, typesetting machine, or other apparatus. |
| noun (n.) A store, or shop, where goods are kept for sale. |
| verb (v. t.) To store in, or as in, a magazine; to store up for use. |
mahone | noun (n.) A large Turkish ship. |
maine | noun (n.) One of the New England States. |
malacatune | noun (n.) See Melocoton. |
malamethane | noun (n.) A white crystalline substance forming the ethyl salt of malamic acid. |
malengine | noun (n.) Evil machination; guile; deceit. |
maltine | noun (n.) The fermentative principle of malt; malt diastase; also, a name given to various medicinal preparations made from or containing malt. |
mandlestone | noun (n.) Amygdaloid. |
mandoline | noun (n.) A small and beautifully shaped instrument resembling the lute. |
mane | noun (n.) The long and heavy hair growing on the upper side of, or about, the neck of some quadrupedal animals, as the horse, the lion, etc. See Illust. of Horse. |
marchpane | noun (n.) A kind of sweet bread or biscuit; a cake of pounded almonds and sugar. |
margarone | noun (n.) The ketone of margaric acid. |
margravine | noun (n.) The wife of a margrave. |
marine | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the sea; having to do with the ocean, or with navigation or naval affairs; nautical; as, marine productions or bodies; marine shells; a marine engine. |
| adjective (a.) Formed by the action of the currents or waves of the sea; as, marine deposits. |
| adjective (a.) A solider serving on shipboard; a sea soldier; one of a body of troops trained to do duty in the navy. |
| adjective (a.) The sum of naval affairs; naval economy; the department of navigation and sea forces; the collective shipping of a country; as, the mercantile marine. |
| adjective (a.) A picture representing some marine subject. |
marlstone | noun (n.) A sandy calcareous straum, containing, or impregnated with, iron, and lying between the upper and lower Lias of England. |
marone | noun (n.) See Maroon, the color. |
marrowbone | noun (n.) A bone containing marrow; pl. ludicrously, knee bones or knees; as, to get down on one's marrowbones, i. e., to kneel. |
masculine | adjective (a.) Of the male sex; not female. |
| adjective (a.) Having the qualities of a man; suitable to, or characteristic of, a man; virile; not feminine or effeminate; strong; robust. |
| adjective (a.) Belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males. |
| adjective (a.) Having the inflections of, or construed with, words pertaining especially to male beings, as distinguished from feminine and neuter. See Gender. |
masseterine | adjective (a.) Masseteric. |
matrimoine | noun (n.) Matrimony. |
matutine | adjective (a.) Matutinal. |
mauvaniline | noun (n.) See Mauve aniline, under Mauve. |
mauveine | noun (n.) An artificial organic base, obtained by oxidizing a mixture of aniline and toluidine, and valuable for the dyestuffs it forms. |
mauvine | adjective (a.) Mauve-colored. |
mazarine | noun (n.) Mazarine blue. |
| noun (n.) A forcemeat entree. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Cardinal Mazarin, prime minister of France, 1643-1661. |
macedoine | noun (n.) A kind of mixed dish, as of cooked vegetables with white sauce, sweet jelly with whole fruit, etc. Also, fig., a medley. |
margarine | noun (n.) Artificial butter; oleomargarine. |
| noun (n.) Margarin. |