Name Report For First Name NERINE:


First name NERINE's origin is Greek. NERINE means "myth name (the sea nymphs)". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with NERINE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of nerine.(Brown names are of the same origin (Greek) with NERINE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with NERINE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming NERINE



NAMES RHYMING WITH NERİNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (erine) - Names That Ends with erine:

catherine cherine katherine tangerine

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rine) - Names That Ends with rine:

larine petrine alexandrine locrine alastrine arthurine catharine corrine dorine kathrine katrine maurine peregrine catarine trine sandrine jarine victorine carine pedrine zurine gadarine sorine clarine azurine

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ine) - Names That Ends with ine:

ankine lucine eguskine jensine nielsine aceline alaine albertine ermengardine jacqueline marjolaine adeline alfonsine ambrosine celandine evangeline lexine columbine cymbeline turquine uwaine cymbelline adine aelfwine aethelwine aine alexine alhertine aline alphonsine angeline ardine arline avelaine aveline berdine bernadine bettine birdine carmeline carmine caroline cateline catline celestine celine charlaine charline charmaine charmine christine claudine clementine conradine coraline cristine darline davine delcine delphine dukine earline ediline edine egbertine elaine elbertine ellaine elvine elwine emeline

NAMES RHYMING WITH NERİNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (nerin) - Names That Begins with nerin:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (neri) - Names That Begins with neri:

neria nerian nerissa nerita

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ner) - Names That Begins with ner:

nerea nereid nereus neron nerrita nerthus

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ne) - Names That Begins with ne:

neacal neakail neal neala neale nealie neall nealon nearra neason neb-er-tcher nebt-het necahual necalli nechama nechemya nechtan nechten neci nectarios necuametl ned neda nedda nedelcu nediva nedivah nedra neeheeo neela neelie neely neema neese nef nefen nefertari nefertiti nefertum neff nefili nefin negash negasi negm negus nehama nehanda nehemiah neil neila neilan neill neith neiva neka nekana nekane nekhbet nelda neleh nelek neleus nelia neliah nelida nell nella nelli nellie nellwyn nelly nels nelson nelwin nelwina nelwyna nemausus nemesio nemesis nemo nemos nena nenetl neno nentres neola neoma neomenia


First Names which starts with 'ne' and ends with 'ne':

First Names which starts with 'n' and ends with 'e':

nabirye nadalee nadette nadie nadine naftalie nahcomence nahele naile nairne najee nancie nanelle nanette nanine nannette nannie nape nareene narolie narve natalee natalie nate nathalee nathalie natuche navarre naylise nephele neuveville neve neville niaire nichele nichole nicholette nickie nickolette nicolae nicole nicolette nicolle niece nieve nike nikkie nile nimiane nimue ninette nineve niobe nixie njemile noe noele noelene noelle noemie nolene norberte norge norice northcliffe northwode norville nourbese novalee nulte nyasore nycole nye nyke nyle nynette nyneve nyse

English Words Rhyming NERINE


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NERİNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (erine) - English Words That Ends with erine:

adulterinenoun (n.) An illegitimate child.
 adjective (a.) Proceeding from adulterous intercourse. Hence: Spurious; without the support of law; illegal.

algerinenoun (n.) A native or one of the people of Algiers or Algeria. Also, a pirate.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Algiers or Algeria.

anserineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a goose, or the skin of a goose.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Anseres.

atherinenoun (n.) A small marine fish of the family Atherinidae, having a silvery stripe along the sides. The European species (Atherina presbyter) is used as food. The American species (Menidia notata) is called silversides and sand smelt. See Silversides.

bebeerinenoun (n.) Alt. of Bebirine

berberinenoun (n.) An alkaloid obtained, as a bitter, yellow substance, from the root of the barberry, gold thread, and other plants.

butterinenoun (n.) A substance prepared from animal fat with some other ingredients intermixed, as an imitation of butter.

cholerinenoun (n.) The precursory symptoms of cholera.
 noun (n.) The first stage of epidemic cholera.
 noun (n.) A mild form of cholera.

eserinenoun (n.) An alkaloid found in the Calabar bean, and the seed of Physostigma venenosum; physostigmine. It is used in ophthalmic surgery for its effect in contracting the pupil.

ethmovomerinenoun (n.) Pertaining to the region of the vomer and the base of the ethmoid in the skull.

ferinenoun (n.) A wild beast; a beast of prey.
 adjective (a.) Wild; untamed; savage; as, lions, tigers, wolves, and bears are ferine beasts.

fluocerinenoun (n.) Alt. of Fluocerite

glycerinenoun (n.) An oily, viscous liquid, C3H5(OH)3, colorless and odorless, and with a hot, sweetish taste, existing in the natural fats and oils as the base, combined with various acids, as oleic, margaric, stearic, and palmitic. It is a triatomic alcohol, and hence is also called glycerol. See Note under Gelatin.

intrauterineadjective (a.) Within the uterus or womb; as, intrauterine hemorrhage.

masseterineadjective (a.) Masseteric.

myrmotherineadjective (a.) Feeding upon ants; -- said of certain birds.

pantherineadjective (a.) Like a panther, esp. in color; as, the pantherine snake (Ptyas mucosus) of Brazil.

papaverinenoun (n.) An alkaloid found in opium. It has a weaker therapeutic action than morphine.

passerinenoun (n.) One of the Passeres.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Passeres.

pelerinenoun (n.) A woman's cape; especially, a fur cape that is longer in front than behind.

peperinenoun (n.) Alt. of Peperino

periuterineadjective (a.) Surrounding the uterus.

piperinenoun (n.) A white crystalline compound of piperidine and piperic acid. It is obtained from the black pepper (Piper nigrum) and other species.

polverinenoun (n.) Glassmaker's ashes; a kind of potash or pearlash, brought from the Levant and Syria, -- used in the manufacture of fine glass.

pulverinenoun (n.) Ashes of barilla.

serinenoun (n.) A white crystalline nitrogenous substance obtained by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on silk gelatin.

tangerinenoun (n.) A kind of orange, much like the mandarin, but of deeper color and higher flavor. It is said to have been produced in America from the mandarin.

tigerineadjective (a.) Tigerish; tigrine.

uterineadjective (a.) Of or instrument to the uterus, or womb.
 adjective (a.) Born of the same mother, but by a different father.

verinenoun (n.) An alkaloid obtained as a yellow amorphous substance by the decomposition of veratrine.

vesicouterineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the bladder and the uterus.

viperineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a viper or vipers; resembling a viper.

vomerineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the vomer.

wolverinenoun (n.) The glutton.
 noun (n.) A nickname for an inhabitant of Michigan.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rine) - English Words That Ends with rine:

acarineadjective (a.) Of or caused by acari or mites; as, acarine diseases.

accipitrineadjective (a.) Like or belonging to the Accipitres; raptorial; hawklike.

alabastrineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster; as alabastrine limbs.

alexandrinenoun (n.) A kind of verse consisting in English of twelve syllables.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to Alexandria; Alexandrian.

alpestrineadjective (a.) Pertaining to the Alps, or other high mountains; as, Alpestrine diseases, etc.
 adjective (a.) Growing on the elevated parts of mountains, but not above the timbe/ line; subalpine.

amarinenoun (n.) A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds.

antifebrinenoun (n.) Acetanilide.

antipyrinenoun (n.) An artificial alkaloid, believed to be efficient in abating fever.

aquamarinenoun (n.) A transparent, pale green variety of beryl, used as a gem. See Beryl.

austrinenoun (n.) Southern; southerly; austral.

aventurinenoun (n.) A kind of glass, containing gold-colored spangles. It was produced in the first place by the accidental (par aventure) dropping of some brass filings into a pot of melted glass.
 noun (n.) A variety of translucent quartz, spangled throughout with scales of yellow mica.

azurinenoun (n.) The blue roach of Europe (Leuciscus caeruleus); -- so called from its color.
 adjective (a.) Azure.

bebirinenoun (n.) An alkaloid got from the bark of the bebeeru, or green heart of Guiana (Nectandra Rodioei). It is a tonic, antiperiodic, and febrifuge, and is used in medicine as a substitute for quinine.

bibirinenoun (n.) See Bebeerine.

biforinenoun (n.) An oval sac or cell, found in the leaves of certain plants of the order Araceae. It has an opening at each end through which raphides, generated inside, are discharged.

brinenoun (n.) Water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; pickle; hence, any strong saline solution; also, the saline residue or strong mother liquor resulting from the evaporation of natural or artificial waters.
 noun (n.) The ocean; the water of an ocean, sea, or salt lake.
 noun (n.) Tears; -- so called from their saltness.
 verb (v. t.) To steep or saturate in brine.
 verb (v. t.) To sprinkle with salt or brine; as, to brine hay.

banjorinenoun (n.) A kind of banjo, with a short neck, tuned a fourth higher than the common banjo; -- popularly so called.

calabarinenoun (n.) An alkaloid resembling physostigmine and occurring with it in the calabar bean.

calcarineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or situated near, the calcar of the brain.

cancrineadjective (a.) Having the qualities of a crab; crablike.

caprineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a goat; as, caprine gambols.

cedrineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to cedar or the cedar tree.

chelerythrinenoun (n.) An alkaloidal principle obtained from the celandine, and named from the red color of its salts. It is a colorless crystalline substance, and acts as an acrid narcotic poison. It is identical with sanguinarine.

chlorinenoun (n.) One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable suffocating odor, and exceedingly poisonous. It is abundant in nature, the most important compound being common salt. It is powerful oxidizing, bleaching, and disinfecting agent. Symbol Cl. Atomic weight, 35.4.

cinnabarineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, cinnabar; consisting of cinnabar, or containing it; as, cinnabarine sand.

citrinenoun (n.) A yellow, pellucid variety of quartz.
 adjective (a.) Like a citron or lemon; of a lemon color; greenish yellow.

colubrineadjective (a.) like or related to snakes of the genus Coluber.
 adjective (a.) Like a snake; cunning; crafty.

conhydrinenoun (n.) A vegetable alkaloid found with conine in the poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). It is a white crystalline substance, C8H17NO, easily convertible into conine.

conyrinenoun (n.) A blue, fluorescent, oily base (regarded as a derivative of pyridine), obtained from conine.

curarinenoun (n.) A deadly alkaloid extracted from the curare poison and from the Strychnos toxifera. It is obtained in crystalline colorless salts.

cyprineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the cypress.
 adjective (a.) Cyprinoid.

dasyurineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, the dasyures.

daturinenoun (n.) Atropine; -- called also daturia and daturina.

doctrinenoun (n.) Teaching; instruction.
 noun (n.) That which is taught; what is held, put forth as true, and supported by a teacher, a school, or a sect; a principle or position, or the body of principles, in any branch of knowledge; any tenet or dogma; a principle of faith; as, the doctrine of atoms; the doctrine of chances.

electrineadjective (a.) Belonging to, or made of, amber.
 adjective (a.) Made of electrum, an alloy used by the ancients.

erythrinenoun (n.) A colorless crystalline substance, C20H22O10, extracted from certain lichens, as the various species of Rocella. It is a derivative of orsellinic acid. So called because of certain red compounds derived from it. Called also erythric acid.
 noun (n.) See Erythrite, 2.

escharineadjective (a.) Like, or pertaining to, the genus Eschara, or family Escharidae.

estuarineadjective (a.) Pertaining to an estuary; estuary.

esurinenoun (n.) A medicine which provokes appetites, or causes hunger.
 adjective (a.) Causing hunger; eating; corroding.

euchlorinenoun (n.) A yellow or greenish yellow gas, first prepared by Davy, evolved from potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid. It is supposed to consist of chlorine tetroxide with some free chlorine.

eupatorin eupatorinenoun (n.) A principle or mixture of principles extracted from various species of Eupatorium.

fibrineadjective (a.) Belonging to the fibers of plants.

figurinenoun (n.) A very small figure, whether human or of an animal; especially, one in terra cotta or the like; -- distinguished from statuette, which is applied to small figures in bronze, marble, etc.

fluorinenoun (n.) A non-metallic, gaseous element, strongly acid or negative, or associated with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, in the halogen group of which it is the first member. It always occurs combined, is very active chemically, and possesses such an avidity for most elements, and silicon especially, that it can neither be prepared nor kept in glass vessels. If set free it immediately attacks the containing material, so that it was not isolated until 1886. It is a pungent, corrosive, colorless gas. Symbol F. Atomic weight 19.

fumarinenoun (n.) An alkaloid extracted from fumitory, as a white crystalline substance.

furfurinenoun (n.) A white, crystalline base, obtained indirectly from furfurol.

gregarinenoun (n.) One of the Gregarinae.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Gregarinae.

gutturineadjective (a.) Pertaining to the throat.

hygrinenoun (n.) An alkaloid associated with cocaine in coca leaves (Erythroxylon coca), and extracted as a thick, yellow oil, having a pungent taste and odor.

igasurinenoun (n.) An alkaloid found in nux vomica, and extracted as a white crystalline substance.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ine) - English Words That Ends with ine:

abietinenoun (n.) A resinous obtained from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam. It is without taste or smell, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (especially at the boiling point), in strong acetic acid, and in ether.

acacinenoun (n.) Gum arabic.

acalycineadjective (a.) Alt. of Acalysinous

acanthineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the plant acanthus.

acaulineadjective (a.) Same as Acaulescent.

acervulineadjective (a.) Resembling little heaps.

acolyctinenoun (n.) An organic base, in the form of a white powder, obtained from Aconitum lycoctonum.

aconitinenoun (n.) An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite.

adamantineadjective (a.) Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains.
 adjective (a.) Like the diamond in hardness or luster.

agatineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, agate.

alaninenoun (n.) A white crystalline base, C3H7NO2, derived from aldehyde ammonia.

aldineadjective (a.) An epithet applied to editions (chiefly of the classics) which proceeded from the press of Aldus Manitius, and his family, of Venice, for the most part in the 16th century and known by the sign of the anchor and the dolphin. The term has also been applied to certain elegant editions of English works.

alkalineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the properties of an alkali.

almandinenoun (n.) The common red variety of garnet.

almondinenoun (n.) See Almandine

alphonsineadjective (a.) Of or relating to Alphonso X., the Wise, King of Castile (1252-1284).

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NERİNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (nerin) - Words That Begins with nerin:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (neri) - Words That Begins with neri:

neritanoun (n.) A genus of marine gastropods, mostly natives of warm climates.

neritenoun (n.) Any mollusk of the genus Nerita.

neritinanoun (n.) A genus including numerous species of shells resembling Nerita in form. They mostly inhabit brackish water, and are often delicately tinted.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ner) - Words That Begins with ner:

nereidnoun (n.) A sea nymph, one of the daughters of Nereus, who were attendants upon Neptune, and were represented as riding on sea horses, sometimes with the human form entire, and sometimes with the tail of a fish.
 noun (n.) Any species of Nereis. The word is sometimes used for similar annelids of other families.

nereidiannoun (n.) Any annelid resembling Nereis, or of the family Lycoridae or allied families.

nereisnoun (n.) A Nereid. See Nereid.
 noun (n.) A genus, including numerous species, of marine chaetopod annelids, having a well-formed head, with two pairs of eyes, antennae, four pairs of tentacles, and a protrusile pharynx, armed with a pair of hooked jaws.

nereitesnoun (n. pl.) Fossil tracks of annelids.

nereocystisnoun (n.) A genus of gigantic seaweeds.

nerflingnoun (n.) The id.

neronoun (n.) A Roman emperor notorius for debauchery and barbarous cruelty; hence, any profligate and cruel ruler or merciless tyrant.

nerolinoun (n.) An essential oil obtained by distillation from the flowers of the orange. It has a strong odor, and is used in perfumery, etc.

nervateadjective (a.) Nerved.

nervationnoun (n.) The arrangement of nerves and veins, especially those of leaves; neuration.

nervenoun (n.) One of the whitish and elastic bundles of fibers, with the accompanying tissues, which transmit nervous impulses between nerve centers and various parts of the animal body.
 noun (n.) A sinew or a tendon.
 noun (n.) Physical force or steadiness; muscular power and control; constitutional vigor.
 noun (n.) Steadiness and firmness of mind; self-command in personal danger, or under suffering; unshaken courage and endurance; coolness; pluck; resolution.
 noun (n.) Audacity; assurance.
 noun (n.) One of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs of a leaf, especially when these extend straight from the base or the midrib of the leaf.
 noun (n.) One of the nervures, or veins, in the wings of insects.
 verb (v. t.) To give strength or vigor to; to supply with force; as, fear nerved his arm.

nervingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nerve

nervedadjective (a.) Having nerves of a special character; as, weak-nerved.
 adjective (a.) Having nerves, or simple and parallel ribs or veins.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Nerve

nervelessadjective (a.) Destitute of nerves.
 adjective (a.) Destitute of strength or of courage; wanting vigor; weak; powerless.

nervelessnessnoun (n.) The state of being nerveless.

nervimotionnoun (n.) The movement caused in the sensory organs by external agents and transmitted to the muscles by the nerves.

nervimotornoun (n.) Any agent capable of causing nervimotion.

nervinenoun (n.) A nervine agent.
 adjective (a.) Having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement.

nervomuscularadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to both nerves and muscles; of the nature of nerves and muscles; as, nervomuscular energy.

nervoseadjective (a.) Same as Nerved.

nervositynoun (n.) Nervousness.

nervousadjective (a.) possessing nerve; sinewy; strong; vigorous.
 adjective (a.) Possessing or manifesting vigor of mind; characterized by strength in sentiment or style; forcible; spirited; as, a nervous writer.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the nerves; seated in the nerves; as, nervous excitement; a nervous fever.
 adjective (a.) Having the nerves weak, diseased, or easily excited; subject to, or suffering from, undue excitement of the nerves; easily agitated or annoyed.
 adjective (a.) Sensitive; excitable; timid.

nervousnessnoun (n.) State or quality of being nervous.

nervurenoun (n.) One of the nerves of leaves.
 noun (n.) One of the chitinous supports, or veins, in the wings of incests.

neropteraladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Neuroptera.

nerkanoun (n.) The most important salmon of Alaska (Oncorhinchus nerka), ascending in spring most rivers and lakes from Alaska to Oregon, Washington, and Idaho; -- called also red salmon, redfish, blueback, and sawqui.


English Words which starts with 'ne' and ends with 'ne':

neynenoun (n.) Same as Meine.

nectarinenoun (n.) A smooth-skinned variety of peach.
 adjective (a.) Nectareous.

needlestonenoun (n.) Natrolite; -- called also needle zeolite.

nemalineadjective (a.) Having the form of threads; fibrous.

nematogenenoun (n.) One of the dimorphic forms of the species of Dicyemata, which produced vermiform embryos; -- opposed to rhombogene.

neoceneadjective (a.) More recent than the Eocene, that is, including both the Miocene and Pliocene divisions of the Tertiary.

neossinenoun (n.) The substance constituting the edible bird's nest.

nephelinenoun (n.) Alt. of Nephelite

neptunenoun (n.) The son of Saturn and Ops, the god of the waters, especially of the sea. He is represented as bearing a trident for a scepter.
 noun (n.) The remotest known planet of our system, discovered -- as a result of the computations of Leverrier, of Paris -- by Galle, of Berlin, September 23, 1846. Its mean distance from the sun is about 2,775,000,000 miles, and its period of revolution is about 164,78 years.

neurinenoun (n.) A poisonous organic base (a ptomaine) formed in the decomposition of protagon with boiling baryta water, and in the putrefraction of proteid matter. It was for a long time considered identical with choline, a crystalline body originally obtained from bile. Chemically, however, choline is oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium hydroxide, while neurine is vinyl-trimethyl-ammonium hydroxide.