Name Report For First Name NELSON:


First name NELSON's origin is English. NELSON means "son of neil". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with NELSON below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of nelson.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with NELSON and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with NELSON - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming NELSON



NAMES RHYMING WITH NELSON (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (elson) - Names That Ends with elson:


Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (lson) - Names That Ends with lson:

adalson alson carlson colson eorlson esrlson paulson wilson earlson

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (son) - Names That Ends with son:

harrison pierson rawson aeson iason jason hanson son addyson ailison alyson crimson ellison emerson maddison madison mattison raison addison aliceson alison anderson anson atkinson benson branson brantson brookson bryson carson charleson chayson clayson davidson davison dawson dayson demason dennison dickson eallison eason eddison edson edwardson farquharson ferguson fergusson garrson garson grayson gregson greyson henderson henson jackson jakson jameson jamieson jamison jayson johnson judson kadison kaison larson macpherson mason masson matheson matson morrison neason nickson nicson nikson ourson parkinson pearson perkinson peterson pherson randson robertson rowson ruadson sampson sanderson saunderson simson

NAMES RHYMING WITH NELSON (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (nelso) - Names That Begins with nelso:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (nels) - Names That Begins with nels:


Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (nel) - Names That Begins with nel:

nelda neleh nelek neleus nelia neliah nelida nell nella nelli nellie nellwyn nelly nelwin nelwina nelwyna

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ne) - Names That Begins with ne:

neacal neakail neal neala neale nealie neall nealon nearra neb-er-tcher nebt-het necahual necalli nechama nechemya nechtan nechten neci nectarios necuametl ned neda nedda nedelcu nediva nedivah nedra neeheeo neela neelie neely neema neese nef nefen nefertari nefertiti nefertum neff nefili nefin negash negasi negm negus nehama nehanda nehemiah neil neila neilan neill neith neiva neka nekana nekane nekhbet nemausus nemesio nemesis nemo nemos nena nenetl neno nentres neola neoma neomenia neomi neomia neorah neotolemus nephele nephthys nerea nereid nereus neria nerian nerina nerine


First Names which starts with 'ne' and ends with 'on':

neron newton

First Names which starts with 'n' and ends with 'n':

naaman nabhan nachman nachton nadeen nailynn nan nann nanon naomhan napolean napoleon narain nareen nascien nathan nathraichean naughton nessan nevan nevin nevyn newlin newlyn newman nguyen niallan nien nigan nighean nighinn nijlon nin ninon nishan nisien nixen nixon nodin nolan nolen nolyn nopaltzin noreen norman northtun nortin norton norvin norvyn norwin norwyn nu'man nuallan nun

English Words Rhyming NELSON


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NELSON (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (elson) - English Words That Ends with elson:

keelsonnoun (n.) A piece of timber in a ship laid on the middle of the floor timbers over the keel, and binding the floor timbers to the keel; in iron vessels, a structure of plates, situated like the keelson of a timber ship.

kelsonnoun (n.) See Keelson.

telsonnoun (n.) The terminal joint or movable piece at the end of the abdomen of Crustacea and other articulates. See Thoracostraca.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (lson) - English Words That Ends with lson:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (son) - English Words That Ends with son:

advowsonnoun (n.) The right of presenting to a vacant benefice or living in the church. [Originally, the relation of a patron (advocatus) or protector of a benefice, and thus privileged to nominate or present to it.]

antimasonnoun (n.) One opposed to Freemasonry.

arsonnoun (n.) The malicious burning of a dwelling house or outhouse of another man, which by the common law is felony; the malicious and voluntary firing of a building or ship.

basonnoun (n.) A basin.

bawsonnoun (n.) A badger.
 noun (n.) A large, unwieldy person.

benisonnoun (n.) Blessing; beatitude; benediction.

bisonnoun (n.) The aurochs or European bison.
 noun (n.) The American bison buffalo (Bison Americanus), a large, gregarious bovine quadruped with shaggy mane and short black horns, which formerly roamed in herds over most of the temperate portion of North America, but is now restricted to very limited districts in the region of the Rocky Mountains, and is rapidly decreasing in numbers.

bissonadjective (a.) Purblind; blinding.

bosonnoun (n.) See Boatswain.

caissonnoun (n.) A chest to hold ammunition.
 noun (n.) A four-wheeled carriage for conveying ammunition, consisting of two parts, a body and a limber. In light field batteries there is one caisson to each piece, having two ammunition boxes on the body, and one on the limber.
 noun (n.) A chest filled with explosive materials, to be laid in the way of an enemy and exploded on his approach.
 noun (n.) A water-tight box, of timber or iron within which work is carried on in building foundations or structures below the water level.
 noun (n.) A hollow floating box, usually of iron, which serves to close the entrances of docks and basins.
 noun (n.) A structure, usually with an air chamber, placed beneath a vessel to lift or float it.
 noun (n.) A sunk panel of ceilings or soffits.

caparisonnoun (n.) An ornamental covering or housing for a horse; the harness or trappings of a horse, taken collectively, esp. when decorative.
 noun (n.) Gay or rich clothing.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with housings, as a horse; to harness or fit out with decorative trappings, as a horse.
 verb (v. t.) To aborn with rich dress; to dress.

cargasonnoun (n.) A cargo.

cavessonnoun (n.) Alt. of Cavezon

chansonnoun (n.) A song.

comparisonnoun (n.) The act of comparing; an examination of two or more objects with the view of discovering the resemblances or differences; relative estimate.
 noun (n.) The state of being compared; a relative estimate; also, a state, quality, or relation, admitting of being compared; as, to bring a thing into comparison with another; there is no comparison between them.
 noun (n.) That to which, or with which, a thing is compared, as being equal or like; illustration; similitude.
 noun (n.) The modification, by inflection or otherwise, which the adjective and adverb undergo to denote degrees of quality or quantity; as, little, less, least, are examples of comparison.
 noun (n.) A figure by which one person or thing is compared to another, or the two are considered with regard to some property or quality, which is common to them both; e.g., the lake sparkled like a jewel.
 noun (n.) The faculty of the reflective group which is supposed to perceive resemblances and contrasts.
 verb (v. t.) To compare.

crimsonnoun (n.) A deep red color tinged with blue; also, red color in general.
 adjective (a.) Of a deep red color tinged with blue; deep red.
 verb (v. t.) To dye with crimson or deep red; to redden.
  (b. t.) To become crimson; to blush.

damsonnoun (n.) A small oval plum of a blue color, the fruit of a variety of the Prunus domestica; -- called also damask plum.

diapasonnoun (n.) The octave, or interval which includes all the tones of the diatonic scale.
 noun (n.) Concord, as of notes an octave apart; harmony.
 noun (n.) The entire compass of tones.
 noun (n.) A standard of pitch; a tuning fork; as, the French normal diapason.
 noun (n.) One of certain stops in the organ, so called because they extend through the scale of the instrument. They are of several kinds, as open diapason, stopped diapason, double diapason, and the like.

disdiapasonnoun (n.) An interval of two octaves, or a fifteenth; -- called also bisdiapason.

disherisonnoun (n.) The act of disheriting, or debarring from inheritance; disinhersion.

disputisonnoun (n.) Dispute; discussion.

dobsonnoun (n.) The aquatic larva of a large neuropterous insect (Corydalus cornutus), used as bait in angling. See Hellgamite.

dorsimesonnoun (n.) (Anat.) See Meson.

elisonnoun (n.) Division; separation.
 noun (n.) The cutting off or suppression of a vowel or syllable, for the sake of meter or euphony; esp., in poetry, the dropping of a final vowel standing before an initial vowel in the following word, when the two words are drawn together.

empoisonnoun (n.) Poison.
 verb (v. t.) To poison; to impoison.

enchesonnoun (n.) Alt. of Encheason

encheasonnoun (n.) Occasion, cause, or reason.

flotsonnoun (n.) Goods lost by shipwreck, and floating on the sea; -- in distinction from jetsam or jetson.

foisonnoun (n.) Rich harvest; plenty; abundance.

foysonnoun (n.) See Foison.

freemasonnoun (n.) One of an ancient and secret association or fraternity, said to have been at first composed of masons or builders in stone, but now consisting of persons who are united for social enjoyment and mutual assistance.

gambesonnoun (n.) Same as Gambison.

gambisonnoun (n.) A defensive garment formerly in use for the body, made of cloth stuffed and quilted.

garrisonnoun (n.) A body of troops stationed in a fort or fortified town.
 noun (n.) A fortified place, in which troops are quartered for its security.
 verb (v. t.) To place troops in, as a fortification, for its defense; to furnish with soldiers; as, to garrison a fort or town.
 verb (v. t.) To secure or defend by fortresses manned with troops; as, to garrison a conquered territory.

geasonadjective (a.) Rare; wonderful.

godsonnoun (n.) A male for whom one has stood sponsor in baptism. See Godfather.

grandsonnoun (n.) A son's or daughter's son.

grisonnoun (n.) A South American animal of the family Mustelidae (Galictis vittata). It is about two feet long, exclusive of the tail. Its under parts are black. Also called South American glutton.
 noun (n.) A South American monkey (Lagothrix infumatus), said to be gluttonous.

herissonnoun (n.) A beam or bar armed with iron spikes, and turning on a pivot; -- used to block up a passage.

hysonnoun (n.) A fragrant kind of green tea.

intercomparisonnoun (n.) Mutual comparison of corresponding parts.

jetsonnoun (n.) Goods which sink when cast into the sea, and remain under water; -- distinguished from flotsam, goods which float, and ligan, goods which are sunk attached to a buoy.
 noun (n.) Jettison. See Jettison, 1.

jettisonnoun (n.) The throwing overboard of goods from necessity, in order to lighten a vessel in danger of wreck.
 noun (n.) See Jetsam, 1.

lessonnoun (n.) Anything read or recited to a teacher by a pupil or learner; something, as a portion of a book, assigned to a pupil to be studied or learned at one time.
 noun (n.) That which is learned or taught by an express effort; instruction derived from precept, experience, observation, or deduction; a precept; a doctrine; as, to take or give a lesson in drawing.
 noun (n.) A portion of Scripture read in divine service for instruction; as, here endeth the first lesson.
 noun (n.) A severe lecture; reproof; rebuke; warning.
 noun (n.) An exercise; a composition serving an educational purpose; a study.
 verb (v. t.) To teach; to instruct.

lewissonnoun (n.) An iron dovetailed tenon, made in sections, which can be fitted into a dovetail mortise; -- used in hoisting large stones, etc.
 noun (n.) A kind of shears used in cropping woolen cloth.

liaisonnoun (n.) A union, or bond of union; an intimacy; especially, an illicit intimacy between a man and a woman.

livraisonnoun (n.) A part of a book or literary composition printed and delivered by itself; a number; a part.

malisonnoun (n.) Malediction; curse; execration.

masonnoun (n.) One whose occupation is to build with stone or brick; also, one who prepares stone for building purposes.
 noun (n.) A member of the fraternity of Freemasons. See Freemason.
 verb (v. t.) To build stonework or brickwork about, under, in, over, etc.; to construct by masons; -- with a prepositional suffix; as, to mason up a well or terrace; to mason in a kettle or boiler.

mesonnoun (n.) The mesial plane dividing the body of an animal into similar right and left halves. The line in which it meets the dorsal surface has been called the dorsimeson, and the corresponding ventral edge the ventrimeson.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH NELSON (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (nelso) - Words That Begins with nelso:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (nels) - Words That Begins with nels:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (nel) - Words That Begins with nel:

nelumbonoun (n.) A genus of great water lilies. The North American species is Nelumbo lutea, the Asiatic is the sacred lotus, N. speciosa.


English Words which starts with 'ne' and ends with 'on':

nebulationnoun (n.) The condition of being nebulated; also, a clouded, or ill-defined, color mark.

nebulizationnoun (n.) The act or process of nebulizing; atomization.

necessitattionnoun (n.) The act of making necessary, or the state of being made necessary; compulsion.

neglectionnoun (n.) The state of being negligent; negligence.

negotiationnoun (n.) The act or process of negotiating; a treating with another respecting sale or purchase. etc.
 noun (n.) Hence, mercantile business; trading.
 noun (n.) The transaction of business between nations; the mutual intercourse of governments by diplomatic agents, in making treaties, composing difference, etc.; as, the negotiations at Ghent.

neologizationnoun (n.) The act or process of neologizing.

nervationnoun (n.) The arrangement of nerves and veins, especially those of leaves; neuration.

nervimotionnoun (n.) The movement caused in the sensory organs by external agents and transmitted to the muscles by the nerves.

neurationnoun (n.) The arrangement or distribution of nerves, as in the leaves of a plant or the wings of an insect; nervation.

neuronnoun (n.) The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; myelencephalon.

neuroskeletonnoun (n.) The deep-seated parts of the vertebrate skeleton which are relation with the nervous axis and locomation.

neutralizationnoun (n.) The act or process of neutralizing, or the state of being neutralized.
 noun (n.) The act or process by which an acid and a base are combined in such proportions that the resulting compound is neutral. See Neutral, a., 4.