First Names Rhyming THEMA
English Words Rhyming THEMA
anathema | noun (n.) A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed. |
| noun (n.) An imprecation; a curse; a malediction. |
| noun (n.) Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority. |
anathematic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Anathematical |
anathematical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema. |
anathematism | noun (n.) Anathematization. |
anathematization | noun (n.) The act of anathematizing, or denouncing as accursed; imprecation. |
anathematizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Anathematize |
anathematizer | noun (n.) One who pronounces an anathema. |
epithema | noun (n.) A horny excrescence upon the beak of birds. |
erythema | noun (n.) A disease of the skin, in which a diffused inflammation forms rose-colored patches of variable size. |
erythematic | adjective (a.) Characterized by, or causing, a morbid redness of the skin; relating to erythema. |
erythematous | adjective (a.) Relating to, or causing, erythema. |
exanthema | noun (n.) An efflorescence or discoloration of the skin; an eruption or breaking out, as in measles, smallpox, scarlatina, and the like diseases; -- sometimes limited to eruptions attended with fever. |
exanthematic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Exanthematous |
exanthematous | adjective (a.) Of, relating to, or characterized by, exanthema; efflorescent; as, an exanthematous eruption. |
iatromathematical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to iatromathematicians or their doctrine. |
iatromathematician | noun (n.) One of a school of physicians in Italy, about the middle of the 17th century, who tried to apply the laws of mechanics and mathematics to the human body, and hence were eager student of anatomy; -- opposed to the iatrochemists. |
mathematic | adjective (a.) See Mathematical. |
mathematical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to mathematics; according to mathematics; hence, theoretically precise; accurate; as, mathematical geography; mathematical instruments; mathematical exactness. |
mathematician | noun (n.) One versed in mathematics. |
mathematics | noun (n.) That science, or class of sciences, which treats of the exact relations existing between quantities or magnitudes, and of the methods by which, in accordance with these relations, quantities sought are deducible from other quantities known or supposed; the science of spatial and quantitative relations. |
pathematic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, emotion or suffering. |
philomathematic | noun (n.) A philomath. |
scytheman | noun (n.) One who uses a scythe; a mower. |
sitheman | noun (n.) A mower. |
thematic | noun (n.) Of or pertaining to a theme, or subject. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the theme of a word. See Theme, n., 4. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH THEMA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (hema) - English Words That Ends with hema:
schema | noun (n.) An outline or image universally applicable to a general conception, under which it is likely to be presented to the mind; as, five dots in a line are a schema of the number five; a preceding and succeeding event are a schema of cause and effect. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ema) - English Words That Ends with ema:
bema | noun (n.) A platform from which speakers addressed an assembly. |
| noun (n.) That part of an early Christian church which was reserved for the higher clergy; the inner or eastern part of the chancel. |
| noun (n.) Erroneously: A pulpit. |
blastema | noun (n.) The structureless, protoplasmic tissue of the embryo; the primitive basis of an organ yet unformed, from which it grows. |
cytoblastema | noun (n.) See Protoplasm. |
diastema | noun (n.) A vacant space, or gap, esp. between teeth in a jaw. |
ecphonema | noun (n.) A breaking out with some interjectional particle. |
eczema | noun (n.) An inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by the presence of redness and itching, an eruption of small vesicles, and the discharge of a watery exudation, which often dries up, leaving the skin covered with crusts; -- called also tetter, milk crust, and salt rheum. |
edema | noun (n.) Same as oedema. |
emphysema | noun (n.) A swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue. |
empyema | noun (n.) A collection of blood, pus, or other fluid, in some cavity of the body, especially that of the pleura. |
enema | noun (n.) An injection, or clyster, thrown into the rectum as a medicine, or to impart nourishment. |
epiblema | noun (n.) The epidermal cells of rootlets, specially adapted to absorb liquids. |
epichirema | noun (n.) A syllogism in which the proof of the major or minor premise, or both, is introduced with the premises themselves, and the conclusion is derived in the ordinary manner. |
epiphonema | noun (n.) An exclamatory sentence, or striking reflection, which sums up or concludes a discourse. |
gymnolaema | noun (n. pl.) Alt. of Gymnolaemata |
helicotrema | noun (n.) The opening by which the two scalae communicate at the top of the cochlea of the ear. |
hyalonema | noun (n.) A genus of hexactinelline sponges, having a long stem composed of very long, slender, transparent, siliceous fibres twisted together like the strands of a color. The stem of the Japanese species (H. Sieboldii), called glass-rope, has long been in use as an ornament. See Glass-rope. |
myxoedema | noun (n.) A disease producing a peculiar cretinoid appearance of the face, slow speech, and dullness of intellect, and due to failure of the functions of the thyroid gland. |
nototrema | noun (n.) The pouched, or marsupial, frog of South America. |
oedema | noun (n.) A swelling from effusion of watery fluid in the cellular tissue beneath the skin or mucous membrance; dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue. |
phylactolaema | noun (n. pl.) Alt. of Phylactolaemata |
phylactolema | noun (n. pl.) Alt. of Phylactolemata |
protonema | noun (n.) The primary growth from the spore of a moss, usually consisting of branching confervoid filaments, on any part of which stem and leaf buds may be developed. |
sclerema | noun (n.) Induration of the cellular tissue. |
seriema | noun (n.) A large South American bird (Dicholophus, / Cariama cristata) related to the cranes. It is often domesticated. Called also cariama. |
sorema | noun (n.) A heap of carpels belonging to one flower. |
ulema | noun (n.) A college or corporation in Turkey composed of the hierarchy, namely, the imams, or ministers of religion, the muftis, or doctors of law, and the cadis, or administrators of justice. |
| noun (n.) A college or body composed of the hierarchy (the imams, muftis, and cadis). That of Turkey alone now has political power; its head is the sheik ul Islam. |
uzema | noun (n.) A Burman measure of twelve miles. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH THEMA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (them) - Words That Begins with them:
them | noun (pron.) The objective case of they. See They. |
theme | noun (n.) A subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks; a proposition for discussion or argument; a text. |
| noun (n.) Discourse on a certain subject. |
| noun (n.) A composition or essay required of a pupil. |
| noun (n.) A noun or verb, not modified by inflections; also, that part of a noun or verb which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) in declension or conjugation; stem. |
| noun (n.) That by means of which a thing is done; means; instrument. |
| noun (n.) The leading subject of a composition or a movement. |
themis | noun (n.) The goddess of law and order; the patroness of existing rights. |
themselves | noun (pron.) The plural of himself, herself, and itself. See Himself, Herself, Itself. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (the) - Words That Begins with the:
thea | noun (n.) A genus of plants found in China and Japan; the tea plant. |
theandric | adjective (a.) Relating to, or existing by, the union of divine and human operation in Christ, or the joint agency of the divine and human nature. |
theanthropic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Theanthropical |
theanthropical | adjective (a.) Partaking of, or combining, both divinity and humanity. |
theanthropism | noun (n.) A state of being God and man. |
| noun (n.) The ascription of human atributes to the Deity, or to a polytheistic deity; anthropomorphism. |
theanthropist | noun (n.) One who advocates, or believes in, theanthropism. |
theanthropy | noun (n.) Theanthropism. |
thearchic | adjective (a.) Divinely sovereign or supreme. |
thearchy | noun (n.) Government by God; divine sovereignty; theocracy. |
theater | noun (n.) Alt. of Theatre |
theatre | noun (n.) An edifice in which dramatic performances or spectacles are exhibited for the amusement of spectators; anciently uncovered, except the stage, but in modern times roofed. |
| noun (n.) Any room adapted to the exhibition of any performances before an assembly, as public lectures, scholastic exercises, anatomical demonstrations, surgical operations, etc. |
| noun (n.) That which resembles a theater in form, use, or the like; a place rising by steps or gradations, like the seats of a theater. |
| noun (n.) A sphere or scheme of operation. |
| noun (n.) A place or region where great events are enacted; as, the theater of war. |
theatin | noun (n.) Alt. of Theatine |
theatine | noun (n.) One of an order of Italian monks, established in 1524, expressly to oppose Reformation, and to raise the tone of piety among Roman Catholics. They hold no property, nor do they beg, but depend on what Providence sends. Their chief employment is preaching and giving religious instruction. |
| noun (n.) One of an order of nuns founded by Ursula Benincasa, who died in 1618. |
theatral | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a theater; theatrical. |
theatric | adjective (a.) Theatrical. |
theatrical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a theater, or to the scenic representations; resembling the manner of dramatic performers; histrionic; hence, artificial; as, theatrical performances; theatrical gestures. |
theatricals | noun (n. pl.) Dramatic performances; especially, those produced by amateurs. |
theave | noun (n.) A ewe lamb of the first year; also, a sheep three years old. |
thebaic | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Thebes in Egypt; specifically, designating a version of the Bible preserved by the Copts, and esteemed of great value by biblical scholars. This version is also called the Sahidic version. |
thebaid | noun (n.) A Latin epic poem by Statius about Thebes in Boeotia. |
thebaine | noun (n.) A poisonous alkaloid, C19H21NO3, found in opium in small quantities, having a sharp, astringent taste, and a tetanic action resembling that of strychnine. |
theban | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Thebes; also, a wise man. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Thebes. |
theca | noun (n.) A sheath; a case; as, the theca, or cell, of an anther; the theca, or spore case, of a fungus; the theca of the spinal cord. |
| noun (n.) The chitinous cup which protects the hydranths of certain hydroids. |
| noun (n.) The more or less cuplike calicle of a coral. |
| noun (n.) The wall forming a calicle of a coral. |
thecal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a theca; as, a thecal abscess. |
thecaphore | noun (n.) A surface or organ bearing a theca, or covered with thecae. |
| noun (n.) See Basigynium. |
thecasporous | adjective (a.) Having the spores in thecae, or cases. |
thecata | noun (n. pl.) Same as Thecophora. |
thecla | noun (n.) Any one of many species of small delicately colored butterflies belonging to Thecla and allied genera; -- called also hairstreak, and elfin. |
thecodactyl | noun (n.) Any one of a group of lizards of the Gecko tribe, having the toes broad, and furnished with a groove in which the claws can be concealed. |
thecodont | noun (n.) One of the Thecodontia. |
| adjective (a.) Having the teeth inserted in sockets in the alveoli of the jaws. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the thecodonts. |
thecodontia | noun (n. pl.) A group of fossil saurians having biconcave vertebrae and the teeth implanted in sockets. |
thecophora | noun (n. pl.) A division of hydroids comprising those which have the hydranths in thecae and the gonophores in capsules. The campanularians and sertularians are examples. Called also Thecata. See Illust. under Hydroidea. |
thecosomata | noun (n. pl.) An order of Pteropoda comprising those species which have a shell. See Pteropoda. |
thedom | noun (n.) Success; fortune; luck; chance. |
thee | noun (pron.) The objective case of thou. See Thou. |
| adjective (a.) To thrive; to prosper. |
theft | noun (n.) The act of stealing; specifically, the felonious taking and removing of personal property, with an intent to deprive the rightful owner of the same; larceny. |
| noun (n.) The thing stolen. |
theftbote | noun (n.) The receiving of a man's goods again from a thief, or a compensation for them, by way of composition, with the intent that the thief shall escape punishment. |
thegn | noun (n.) Thane. See Thane. |
thegnhood | noun (n.) Thanehood. |
theiform | adjective (a.) Having the form of tea. |
theine | noun (n.) See Caffeine. Called also theina. |
their | adjective (pron. & a.) The possessive case of the personal pronoun they; as, their houses; their country. |
theism | noun (n.) The belief or acknowledgment of the existence of a God, as opposed to atheism, pantheism, or polytheism. |
| noun (n.) The morbid condition resulting from the excessive use of tea. |
theist | noun (n.) One who believes in the existence of a God; especially, one who believes in a personal God; -- opposed to atheist. |
theistic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Theistical |
theistical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to theism, or a theist; according to the doctrine of theists. |
thelphusian | noun (n.) One of a tribe of fresh-water crabs which live in or on the banks of rivers in tropical countries. |
thelytokous | adjective (a.) Producing females only; -- said of certain female insects. |
thenal | adjective (a.) Alt. of Thenar |
thenar | noun (n.) The palm of the hand. |
| noun (n.) The prominence of the palm above the base of the thumb; the thenar eminence; the ball of the thumb. Sometimes applied to the corresponding part of the foot. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the thenar; corresponding to thenar; palmar. |
English Words which starts with 'th' and ends with 'ma':
theobroma | noun (n.) A genus of small trees. See Cacao. |