Name Report For First Name THALIA:


First name THALIA's origin is Greek. THALIA means "joyous (muse of comedy)". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with THALIA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of thalia.(Brown names are of the same origin (Greek) with THALIA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with THALIA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming THALIA


athalia nathalia

NAMES RHYMING WITH THALİA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (halia) - Names That Ends with halia:

halia mahalia

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (alia) - Names That Ends with alia:

adalia agalia castalia idalia rozalia alia amalia atalia coralia dalia lalia lealia liealia malia natalia tealia rosalia galia talia

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (lia) - Names That Ends with lia:

odelia abelia basilia callia eulallia filia helia lelia obelia theophilia xylia zelia melia emilia giulia camelia cecilia delia iulia relia lilia kamilia adelia ahelia ailia amelia anacelia angilia aracelia arcelia ardelia audelia aurelia azelia bidelia camellia cecelia cerelia cordelia dahlia dervilia ellia gallia gilia jamelia jamilia julia kamelia kaneilia keelia lylia marcellia maricelia nanelia nelia odilia orelia ottilia otylia rillia tahlia tallia taylia tsylia tullia weslia elia angelia lia evangelia anatolia ophelia belia magnolia ilia

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ia) - Names That Ends with ia:

afia aminia ashia efia

NAMES RHYMING WITH THALİA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (thali) - Names That Begins with thali:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (thal) - Names That Begins with thal:

thalassa thaleia

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (tha) - Names That Begins with tha:

thabit thacher thacker thackere thaddea thaddeus thaddia thaddius thadina thadine thady thai thain thais tham thamyris than thana' thanasis thanatos thane thang thanh thanos thao thaqib thara' tharen thatcher thaumas thaw thawain thaxte thaxter thay thayne

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (th) - Names That Begins with th:

the thea thearl thecla theda thegn thekla thelma thema themis thenoma thenomia theoclymenus theodora theodore theodorus theodosios theola theomund theon theone theophaneia theophania theophanie theophile theora theore theoris thera therese thermuthis theron therron thersites theseus thetis theyn thi thia thibaud thieny thierry thiery thinh thira thirza thisbe tho thom thoma thomas thomasin thomdic thomkins thompson thomsina thor thora thoraldtun thorley thorm thormond


First Names which starts with 'th' and ends with 'ia':

First Names which starts with 't' and ends with 'a':

tabatha tabetha tabia tabitha tablita tabora tadita tahra taipa taiyana taka takala takara takoda tala taletha talisha talitha talora talya talyssa tama tamanna tamara tamera tamika tamma tammara tamra tandra taneisha tanessa tangerina tania tanisha tanya tara taraka tarana tarina tasa tashia tasina tassa tatiana taura taurina tavia tavisha tawia tawnia tawnya taya tayanita tayba tayzia tea teadora teanna teaonia teca tecla tedra teela teetonka tehya teisha teka telma temima temira teodora teofila teoma terceira terentia teresa teresina teresita teriana terika terra terza tesia tessa tessema tessia teva thressa thrisha thurayya thwayya thyra tia tiahna tianna tiauna tibelda tiberia tierra

English Words Rhyming THALIA


thalianoun (n.) That one of the nine Muses who presided over comedy.
 noun (n.) One of the three Graces.
 noun (n.) One of the Nereids.

thaliaceanoun (n. pl.) A division of Tunicata comprising the free-swimming species, such as Salpa and Doliolum.

thalianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Thalia; hence, of or pertaining to comedy; comic.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH THALİA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (halia) - English Words That Ends with halia:

megalocephalianoun (n.) Alt. of Megalocephaly

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (alia) - English Words That Ends with alia:

abdominalianoun (n. pl.) A group of cirripeds having abdominal appendages.

alalianoun (n.) Inability to utter articulate sounds, due either to paralysis of the larynx or to that form of aphasia, called motor, or ataxis, aphasia, due to loss of control of the muscles of speech.

bacchanalianoun (n. pl.) A feast or an orgy in honor of Bacchus.
 noun (n. pl.) Hence: A drunken feast; drunken reveler.

battalianoun (n.) Order of battle; disposition or arrangement of troops (brigades, regiments, battalions, etc.), or of a naval force, for action.
 noun (n.) An army in battle array; also, the main battalia or body.

cerealianoun (n. pl.) Public festivals in honor of Ceres.
 noun (n. pl.) The cereals.

generalianoun (n. pl.) Generalities; general terms.

glossolalianoun (n.) Alt. of Glossolaly

implacentalianoun (n. pl.) A primary division of the Mammalia, including the monotremes and marsupials, in which no placenta is formed.

larvalianoun (n. pl.) An order of Tunicata, including Appendicularia, and allied genera; -- so called because certain larval features are retained by them through life. Called also Copelata. See Appendicularia.

lupercalianoun (n. pl.) A feast of the Romans in honor of Lupercus, or Pan.

mammalianoun (n. pl.) The highest class of Vertebrata. The young are nourished for a time by milk, or an analogous fluid, secreted by the mammary glands of the mother.

marginalianoun (n. pl.) Marginal notes.

marsupialianoun (n. pl.) A subclass of Mammalia, including nearly all the mammals of Australia and the adjacent islands, together with the opossums of America. They differ from ordinary mammals in having the corpus callosum very small, in being implacental, and in having their young born while very immature. The female generally carries the young for some time after birth in an external pouch, or marsupium. Called also Marsupiata.

nebalianoun (n.) A genus of small marine Crustacea, considered the type of a distinct order (Nebaloidea, or Phyllocarida.)

quinquennalianoun (n. pl.) Public games celebrated every five years.
 noun (n. pl.) Public games celebrated every five years.

paraphernalianoun (n. pl.) Something reserved to a wife, over and above her dower, being chiefly apparel and ornaments suited to her degree.
 noun (n. pl.) Appendages; ornaments; finery; equipments.

penetralianoun (n. pl.) The recesses, or innermost parts, of any thing or place, especially of a temple or palace.
 noun (n. pl.) Hidden things or secrets; privacy; sanctuary; as, the sacred penetralia of the home.

physalianoun (n.) A genus of large oceanic Siphonophora which includes the Portuguese man-of-war.

placentalianoun (n. pl.) A division of Mammalia including those that have a placenta, or all the orders above the marsupials.

regalianoun (n. pl.) That which belongs to royalty. Specifically: (a) The rights and prerogatives of a king. (b) Royal estates and revenues. (c) Ensings, symbols, or paraphernalia of royalty.
 noun (n. pl.) Hence, decorations or insignia of an office or order, as of Freemasons, Odd Fellows,etc.
 noun (n. pl.) Sumptuous food; delicacies.
 noun (n.) A kind of cigar of large size and superior quality; also, the size in which such cigars are classed.

rosalianoun (n.) A form of melody in which a phrase or passage is successively repeated, each time a step or half step higher; a melodic sequence.

saturnalianoun (n. pl.) The festival of Saturn, celebrated in December, originally during one day, but afterward during seven days, as a period of unrestrained license and merriment for all classes, extending even to the slaves.
 noun (n. pl.) Hence: A period or occasion of general license, in which the passions or vices have riotous indulgence.

terminalianoun (n. pl.) A festival celebrated annually by the Romans on February 23 in honor of Terminus, the god of boundaries.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (lia) - English Words That Ends with lia:

acholianoun (n.) Deficiency or want of bile.

antlianoun (n.) The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects. See Lepidoptera.

aurelianoun (n.) The chrysalis, or pupa of an insect, esp. when reflecting a brilliant golden color, as that of some of the butterflies.
 noun (n.) A genus of jellyfishes. See Discophora.

camellianoun (n.) An Asiatic genus of small shrubs, often with shining leaves and showy flowers. Camellia Japonica is much cultivated for ornament, and C. Sassanqua and C. oleifera are grown in China for the oil which is pressed from their seeds. The tea plant is now referred to this genus under the name of Camellia Thea.
 noun (n.) An ornamental greenhouse shrub (Thea japonica) with glossy evergreen leaves and roselike red or white double flowers.

cilianoun (n. pl.) The eyelashes.
 noun (n. pl.) Small, generally microscopic, vibrating appendages lining certain organs, as the air passages of the higher animals, and in the lower animals often covering also the whole or a part of the exterior. They are also found on some vegetable organisms. In the Infusoria, and many larval forms, they are locomotive organs.
 noun (n. pl.) Hairlike processes, commonly marginal and forming a fringe like the eyelash.
 noun (n. pl.) Small, vibratory, swimming organs, somewhat resembling true cilia, as those of Ctenophora.

coelianoun (n.) A cavity.

crocodilianoun (n. pl.) An order of reptiles including the crocodiles, gavials, alligators, and many extinct kinds.

dahlianoun (n.) A genus of plants native to Mexico and Central America, of the order Compositae; also, any plant or flower of the genus. The numerous varieties of cultivated dahlias bear conspicuous flowers which differ in color.

discodactylianoun (n. pl.) A division of amphibians having suctorial disks on the toes, as the tree frogs.

dulianoun (n.) An inferior kind of veneration or worship, given to the angels and saints as the servants of God.

grindelianoun (n.) The dried stems and leaves of tarweed (Grindelia), used as a remedy in asthma and bronchitis.

hematophilianoun (n.) A condition characterized by a tendency to profuse and uncontrollable hemorrhage from the slightest wounds.

hemophilianoun (n.) See Hematophilia.

hydrocorallianoun (n. pl.) A division of Hydroidea, including those genera that secrete a stony coral, as Millepora and Stylaster. Two forms of zooids in life project from small pores in the coral and resemble those of other hydroids. See Millepora.

hyperdulianoun (n.) Veneration or worship given to the Virgin Mary as the most exalted of mere creatures; higher veneration than dulia.

lacertilianoun (n. pl.) An order of Reptilia, which includes the lizards.

lobelianoun (n.) A genus of plants, including a great number of species. Lobelia inflata, or Indian tobacco, is an annual plant of North America, whose leaves contain a poisonous white viscid juice, of an acrid taste. It has often been used in medicine as an emetic, expectorant, etc. L. cardinalis is the cardinal flower, remarkable for the deep and vivid red color of its flowers.

magnolianoun (n.) A genus of American and Asiatic trees, with aromatic bark and large sweet-scented whitish or reddish flowers.

melancholianoun (n.) A kind of mental unsoundness characterized by extreme depression of spirits, ill-grounded fears, delusions, and brooding over one particular subject or train of ideas.

memorabilianoun (n. pl.) Things remarkable and worthy of remembrance or record; also, the record of them.

mesocoelianoun (n.) The cavity of the mesencephalon; the iter.

metabolianoun (n. pl.) A comprehensive group of insects, including those that undegro a metamorphosis.

neuroglianoun (n.) The delicate connective tissue framework which supports the nervous matter and blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord.

notabilianoun (n. pl.) Things worthy of notice.

optocoelianoun (n.) The cavity of one of the optic lobes of the brain in many animals.

passacaglianoun (n.) Alt. of Passacaglio

procoelianoun (n.) Same as Procoele.
 noun (n. pl.) A division of Crocodilia, including the true crocodiles and alligators, in which the dorsal vertebrae are concave in front.

prosocoelianoun (n.) Same as Prosocoele.

pseudocoelianoun (n.) The fifth ventricle in the mammalian brain. See Ventricle.

reptilianoun (n. pl.) A class of air-breathing oviparous vertebrates, usually covered with scales or bony plates. The heart generally has two auricles and one ventricle. The development of the young is the same as that of birds.

scaglianoun (n.) A reddish variety of limestone.

scholianoun (n. pl.) See Scholium.
  (pl. ) of Scholium

sedilianoun (n. pl.) Seats in the chancel of a church near the altar for the officiating clergy during intervals of service.

stapelianoun (n.) An extensive and curious genus of African plants of the natural order Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family). They are succulent plants without leaves, frequently covered with dark tubercles giving them a very grotesque appearance. The odor of the blossoms is like that of carrion.

taglianoun (n.) A peculiar combination of pulleys.

thulianoun (n.) Oxide of thulium.

tilianoun (n.) A genus of trees, the lindens, the type of the family Tiliaceae, distinguished by the winglike bract coalescent with the peduncle, and by the indehiscent fruit having one or two seeds. There are about twenty species, natives of temperate regions. Many species are planted as ornamental shade trees, and the tough fibrous inner bark is a valuable article of commerce. Also, a plant of this genus.

weigelianoun (n.) A hardy garden shrub (Diervilla Japonica) belonging to the Honeysuckle family, with white or red flowers. It was introduced from China.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH THALİA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (thali) - Words That Begins with thali:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (thal) - Words That Begins with thal:

thalamencephalonnoun (n.) The segment of the brain next in front of the midbrain, including the thalami, pineal gland, and pituitary body; the diencephalon; the interbrain.

thalamicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a thalamus or to thalami.

thalamifloraladjective (a.) Alt. of Thalamiflorous

thalamiflorousadjective (a.) Bearing the stamens directly on the receptacle; -- said of a subclass of polypetalous dicotyledonous plants in the system of De Candolle.

thalamocoelenoun (n.) The cavity or ventricle of the thalamencephalon; the third ventricle.

thalamophoranoun (n. pl.) Same as Foraminifera.

thalamusnoun (n.) A mass of nervous matter on either side of the third ventricle of the brain; -- called also optic thalamus.
 noun (n.) Same as Thallus.
 noun (n.) The receptacle of a flower; a torus.

thalassiannoun (n.) Any sea tortoise.

thalassicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the sea; -- sometimes applied to rocks formed from sediments deposited upon the sea bottom.

thalassiniannoun (n.) Any species of Thalaassinidae, a family of burrowing macrurous Crustacea, having a long and soft abdomen.

thalassographynoun (n.) The study or science of the life of marine organisms.

thalernoun (n.) A German silver coin worth about three shillings sterling, or about 73 cents.

thallatenoun (n.) A salt of a hypothetical thallic acid.

thallenenoun (n.) A hydrocarbon obtained from coal-tar residues, and remarkable for its intense yellowish green fluorescence.

thallicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to thallium; derived from, or containing, thallium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with the thallous compounds; as, thallic oxide.

thallinenoun (n.) An artificial alkaloid of the quinoline series, obtained as a white crystalline substance, C10H13NO, whose salts are valuable as antipyretics; -- so called from the green color produced in its solution by certain oxidizing agents.
 adjective (a.) Consisting of a thallus.

thalliousadjective (a.) See Thallous.

thalliumnoun (n.) A rare metallic element of the aluminium group found in some minerals, as certain pyrites, and also in the lead-chamber deposit in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. It is isolated as a heavy, soft, bluish white metal, easily oxidized in moist air, but preserved by keeping under water. Symbol Tl. Atomic weight 203.7.

thallogennoun (n.) One of a large class or division of the vegetable kingdom, which includes those flowerless plants, such as fungi, algae, and lichens, that consist of a thallus only, composed of cellular tissue, or of a congeries of cells, or even of separate cells, and never show a distinction into root, stem, and leaf.

thalloidadjective (a.) Resembling, or consisting of, thallus.

thallophytenoun (n.) Same as Thallogen.
 noun (n.) A plant belonging to the Thallophyta.

thallousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to thallium; derived from, or containing, thallium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with the thallic compounds.

thallusnoun (n.) A solid mass of cellular tissue, consisting of one or more layers, usually in the form of a flat stratum or expansion, but sometimes erect or pendulous, and elongated and branching, and forming the substance of the thallogens.

thallophytanoun (n. pl.) A phylum of plants of very diverse habit and structure, including the algae, fungi, and lichens. The simpler forms, as many blue-green algae, yeasts, etc., are unicellular and reproduce vegetatively or by means of asexual spores; in the higher forms the plant body is a thallus, which may be filamentous or may consist of plates of cells; it is commonly undifferentiated into stem, leaves, and roots, and shows no distinct tissue systems; the fronds of many algae, however, are modified to serve many of the functions of the above-named organs. Both asexual and sexual reproduction, often of a complex type, occur in these forms. The Thallophyta exist almost exclusively as gametophytes, the sporophyte being absent or rudimentary. By those who do not separate the Myxophyta from the Tallophyta as a distinct phylum the latter is treated as the lowermost group in the vegetable kingdom.

thalwegnoun (n.) A line following the lowest part of a valley, whether under water or not.
 noun (n.) The line of continuous maximum descent from any point on a land surface, or that cutting all contours and angles.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (tha) - Words That Begins with tha:

thammuznoun (n.) Alt. of Tammuz

thamnophilenoun (n.) A bush shrike.

thamynnoun (n.) An Asiatic deer (Rucervus Eldi) resembling the swamp deer; -- called also Eld's deer.

thanagenoun (n.) The district in which a thane anciently had jurisdiction; thanedom.

thanatoidadjective (a.) Deathlike; resembling death.

thanatologynoun (n.) A description, or the doctrine, of death.

thanatopsisnoun (n.) A view of death; a meditation on the subject of death.

thanenoun (n.) A dignitary under the Anglo-Saxons and Danes in England. Of these there were two orders, the king's thanes, who attended the kings in their courts and held lands immediately of them, and the ordinary thanes, who were lords of manors and who had particular jurisdiction within their limits. After the Conquest, this title was disused, and baron took its place.

thanedomnoun (n.) The property or jurisdiction of a thane; thanage.

thanehoodnoun (n.) The character or dignity of a thane; also, thanes, collectively.

thaneshipnoun (n.) The state or dignity of a thane; thanehood; also, the seignioralty of a thane.

thanknoun (n.) A expression of gratitude; an acknowledgment expressive of a sense of favor or kindness received; obligation, claim, or desert, or gratitude; -- now generally used in the plural.
 noun (n.) To express gratitude to (anyone) for a favor; to make acknowledgments to (anyone) for kindness bestowed; -- used also ironically for blame.

thankingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Thank

thankfuladjective (a.) Obtaining or deserving thanks; thankworthy.
 adjective (a.) Impressed with a sense of kindness received, and ready to acknowledge it; grateful.

thanklessadjective (a.) Not acknowledging favors; not expressing thankfulness; unthankful; ungrateful.
 adjective (a.) Not obtaining or deserving thanks; unacceptable; as, a thankless task.

thanksgivernoun (n.) One who gives thanks, or acknowledges a kindness.

thanksgivingnoun (n.) The act of rending thanks, or expressing gratitude for favors or mercies.
 noun (n.) A public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness; also, a day set apart for religious services, specially to acknowledge the goodness of God, either in any remarkable deliverance from calamities or danger, or in the ordinary dispensation of his bounties.

thankworthinessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being thankworthy.

thankworthyadjective (a.) Deserving thanks; worthy of gratitude; mreitorious.

tharnoun (n.) A goatlike animal (Capra Jemlaica) native of the Himalayas. It has small, flattened horns, curved directly backward. The hair of the neck, shoulders, and chest of the male is very long, reaching to the knees. Called also serow, and imo.
 verb (v. impersonal, pres.) It needs; need.

tharmsnoun (n. pl.) Twisted guts.

tharosnoun (n.) A small American butterfly (Phycoides tharos) having the upper surface of the wings variegated with orange and black, the outer margins black with small white crescents; -- called also pearl crescent.

thatchnoun (n.) Straw, rushes, or the like, used for making or covering the roofs of buildings, or of stacks of hay or grain.
 noun (n.) A name in the West Indies for several kinds of palm, the leaves of which are used for thatching.
 noun (n.) To cover with, or with a roof of, straw, reeds, or some similar substance; as, to thatch a roof, a stable, or a stack of grain.

thatchingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Thatch
 noun (n.) The act or art of covering buildings with thatch; so as to keep out rain, snow, etc.
 noun (n.) The materials used for this purpose; thatch.

thatchernoun (n.) One who thatches.

thaughtnoun (n.) See Thwart.

thaumatolatrynoun (n.) Worship or undue admiration of wonderful or miraculous things.

thaumatropenoun (n.) An optical instrument or toy for showing the presistence of an impression upon the eyes after the luminous object is withdrawn.

thaumaturgenoun (n.) A magician; a wonder worker.

thaumaturgicadjective (a.) Alt. of Thaumaturgical

thaumaturgicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to thaumaturgy; magical; wonderful.

thaumaturgicsnoun (n.) Feats of legerdemain, or magical performances.

thaumaturgistnoun (n.) One who deals in wonders, or believes in them; a wonder worker.

thaumaturgusnoun (n.) A miracle worker; -- a title given by the Roman Catholics to some saints.

thaumaturgynoun (n.) The act or art of performing something wonderful; magic; legerdemain.

thavenoun (n.) Same as Theave.

thawingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Thaw

thawnoun (n.) The melting of ice, snow, or other congealed matter; the resolution of ice, or the like, into the state of a fluid; liquefaction by heat of anything congealed by frost; also, a warmth of weather sufficient to melt that which is congealed.
 verb (v. i.) To melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; -- said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws.
 verb (v. i.) To become so warm as to melt ice and snow; -- said in reference to the weather, and used impersonally.
 verb (v. i.) Fig.: To grow gentle or genial.
 verb (v. t.) To cause (frozen things, as earth, snow, ice) to melt, soften, or dissolve.

thawyadjective (a.) Liquefying by heat after having been frozen; thawing; melting.

thananoun (n.) A police station.


English Words which starts with 'th' and ends with 'ia':

thecodontianoun (n. pl.) A group of fossil saurians having biconcave vertebrae and the teeth implanted in sockets.

theriodontianoun (n. pl.) An extinct order of reptiles found in the Permian and Triassic formations in South Africa. In some respects they resembled carnivorous mammals. Called also Theromorpha.

thorianoun (n.) A rare white earthy substance, consisting of the oxide of thorium; -- formerly called also thorina.

thermoanaesthesianoun (n.) Alt. of -anesthesia