First Names Rhyming HELIA
English Words Rhyming HELIA
endothelial | adjective (a.) Of, or relating to, endothelium. |
epithelial | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to epithelium; as, epithelial cells; epithelial cancer. |
heliac | adjective (a.) Heliacal. |
heliacal | adjective (a.) Emerging from the light of the sun, or passing into it; rising or setting at the same, or nearly the same, time as the sun. |
helianthin | noun (n.) An artificial, orange dyestuff, analogous to tropaolin, and like it used as an indicator in alkalimetry; -- called also methyl orange. |
helianthoid | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Helianthoidea. |
helianthoidea | noun (n. pl.) An order of Anthozoa; the Actinaria. |
herschelian | adjective (a.) Of or relating to Sir William Herschel; as, the Herschelian telescope. |
mephistophelian | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, the devil Mephistopheles, "a crafty, scoffing, relentless fiend;" devilish; crafty. |
myoepithelial | adjective (a.) Derived from epithelial cells and destined to become a part of the muscular system; -- applied to structural elements in certain embryonic forms. |
| adjective (a.) Having the characteristics of both muscle and epithelium; as, the myoepithelial cells of the hydra. |
subepithelial | adjective (a.) Situated under the epithelium. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH HELİA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (elia) - English Words That Ends with elia:
aurelia | noun (n.) The chrysalis, or pupa of an insect, esp. when reflecting a brilliant golden color, as that of some of the butterflies. |
| noun (n.) A genus of jellyfishes. See Discophora. |
coelia | noun (n.) A cavity. |
grindelia | noun (n.) The dried stems and leaves of tarweed (Grindelia), used as a remedy in asthma and bronchitis. |
lobelia | noun (n.) A genus of plants, including a great number of species. Lobelia inflata, or Indian tobacco, is an annual plant of North America, whose leaves contain a poisonous white viscid juice, of an acrid taste. It has often been used in medicine as an emetic, expectorant, etc. L. cardinalis is the cardinal flower, remarkable for the deep and vivid red color of its flowers. |
mesocoelia | noun (n.) The cavity of the mesencephalon; the iter. |
optocoelia | noun (n.) The cavity of one of the optic lobes of the brain in many animals. |
procoelia | noun (n.) Same as Procoele. |
| noun (n. pl.) A division of Crocodilia, including the true crocodiles and alligators, in which the dorsal vertebrae are concave in front. |
prosocoelia | noun (n.) Same as Prosocoele. |
pseudocoelia | noun (n.) The fifth ventricle in the mammalian brain. See Ventricle. |
stapelia | noun (n.) An extensive and curious genus of African plants of the natural order Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family). They are succulent plants without leaves, frequently covered with dark tubercles giving them a very grotesque appearance. The odor of the blossoms is like that of carrion. |
weigelia | noun (n.) A hardy garden shrub (Diervilla Japonica) belonging to the Honeysuckle family, with white or red flowers. It was introduced from China. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (lia) - English Words That Ends with lia:
abdominalia | noun (n. pl.) A group of cirripeds having abdominal appendages. |
acholia | noun (n.) Deficiency or want of bile. |
antlia | noun (n.) The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects. See Lepidoptera. |
alalia | noun (n.) Inability to utter articulate sounds, due either to paralysis of the larynx or to that form of aphasia, called motor, or ataxis, aphasia, due to loss of control of the muscles of speech. |
bacchanalia | noun (n. pl.) A feast or an orgy in honor of Bacchus. |
| noun (n. pl.) Hence: A drunken feast; drunken reveler. |
battalia | noun (n.) Order of battle; disposition or arrangement of troops (brigades, regiments, battalions, etc.), or of a naval force, for action. |
| noun (n.) An army in battle array; also, the main battalia or body. |
camellia | noun (n.) An Asiatic genus of small shrubs, often with shining leaves and showy flowers. Camellia Japonica is much cultivated for ornament, and C. Sassanqua and C. oleifera are grown in China for the oil which is pressed from their seeds. The tea plant is now referred to this genus under the name of Camellia Thea. |
| noun (n.) An ornamental greenhouse shrub (Thea japonica) with glossy evergreen leaves and roselike red or white double flowers. |
cerealia | noun (n. pl.) Public festivals in honor of Ceres. |
| noun (n. pl.) The cereals. |
cilia | noun (n. pl.) The eyelashes. |
| noun (n. pl.) Small, generally microscopic, vibrating appendages lining certain organs, as the air passages of the higher animals, and in the lower animals often covering also the whole or a part of the exterior. They are also found on some vegetable organisms. In the Infusoria, and many larval forms, they are locomotive organs. |
| noun (n. pl.) Hairlike processes, commonly marginal and forming a fringe like the eyelash. |
| noun (n. pl.) Small, vibratory, swimming organs, somewhat resembling true cilia, as those of Ctenophora. |
crocodilia | noun (n. pl.) An order of reptiles including the crocodiles, gavials, alligators, and many extinct kinds. |
dahlia | noun (n.) A genus of plants native to Mexico and Central America, of the order Compositae; also, any plant or flower of the genus. The numerous varieties of cultivated dahlias bear conspicuous flowers which differ in color. |
discodactylia | noun (n. pl.) A division of amphibians having suctorial disks on the toes, as the tree frogs. |
dulia | noun (n.) An inferior kind of veneration or worship, given to the angels and saints as the servants of God. |
generalia | noun (n. pl.) Generalities; general terms. |
glossolalia | noun (n.) Alt. of Glossolaly |
hematophilia | noun (n.) A condition characterized by a tendency to profuse and uncontrollable hemorrhage from the slightest wounds. |
hemophilia | noun (n.) See Hematophilia. |
hydrocorallia | noun (n. pl.) A division of Hydroidea, including those genera that secrete a stony coral, as Millepora and Stylaster. Two forms of zooids in life project from small pores in the coral and resemble those of other hydroids. See Millepora. |
hyperdulia | noun (n.) Veneration or worship given to the Virgin Mary as the most exalted of mere creatures; higher veneration than dulia. |
implacentalia | noun (n. pl.) A primary division of the Mammalia, including the monotremes and marsupials, in which no placenta is formed. |
lacertilia | noun (n. pl.) An order of Reptilia, which includes the lizards. |
larvalia | noun (n. pl.) An order of Tunicata, including Appendicularia, and allied genera; -- so called because certain larval features are retained by them through life. Called also Copelata. See Appendicularia. |
lupercalia | noun (n. pl.) A feast of the Romans in honor of Lupercus, or Pan. |
magnolia | noun (n.) A genus of American and Asiatic trees, with aromatic bark and large sweet-scented whitish or reddish flowers. |
mammalia | noun (n. pl.) The highest class of Vertebrata. The young are nourished for a time by milk, or an analogous fluid, secreted by the mammary glands of the mother. |
marginalia | noun (n. pl.) Marginal notes. |
marsupialia | noun (n. pl.) A subclass of Mammalia, including nearly all the mammals of Australia and the adjacent islands, together with the opossums of America. They differ from ordinary mammals in having the corpus callosum very small, in being implacental, and in having their young born while very immature. The female generally carries the young for some time after birth in an external pouch, or marsupium. Called also Marsupiata. |
melancholia | noun (n.) A kind of mental unsoundness characterized by extreme depression of spirits, ill-grounded fears, delusions, and brooding over one particular subject or train of ideas. |
memorabilia | noun (n. pl.) Things remarkable and worthy of remembrance or record; also, the record of them. |
metabolia | noun (n. pl.) A comprehensive group of insects, including those that undegro a metamorphosis. |
megalocephalia | noun (n.) Alt. of Megalocephaly |
nebalia | noun (n.) A genus of small marine Crustacea, considered the type of a distinct order (Nebaloidea, or Phyllocarida.) |
neuroglia | noun (n.) The delicate connective tissue framework which supports the nervous matter and blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord. |
notabilia | noun (n. pl.) Things worthy of notice. |
quinquennalia | noun (n. pl.) Public games celebrated every five years. |
| noun (n. pl.) Public games celebrated every five years. |
paraphernalia | noun (n. pl.) Something reserved to a wife, over and above her dower, being chiefly apparel and ornaments suited to her degree. |
| noun (n. pl.) Appendages; ornaments; finery; equipments. |
passacaglia | noun (n.) Alt. of Passacaglio |
penetralia | noun (n. pl.) The recesses, or innermost parts, of any thing or place, especially of a temple or palace. |
| noun (n. pl.) Hidden things or secrets; privacy; sanctuary; as, the sacred penetralia of the home. |
physalia | noun (n.) A genus of large oceanic Siphonophora which includes the Portuguese man-of-war. |
placentalia | noun (n. pl.) A division of Mammalia including those that have a placenta, or all the orders above the marsupials. |
regalia | noun (n. pl.) That which belongs to royalty. Specifically: (a) The rights and prerogatives of a king. (b) Royal estates and revenues. (c) Ensings, symbols, or paraphernalia of royalty. |
| noun (n. pl.) Hence, decorations or insignia of an office or order, as of Freemasons, Odd Fellows,etc. |
| noun (n. pl.) Sumptuous food; delicacies. |
| noun (n.) A kind of cigar of large size and superior quality; also, the size in which such cigars are classed. |
reptilia | noun (n. pl.) A class of air-breathing oviparous vertebrates, usually covered with scales or bony plates. The heart generally has two auricles and one ventricle. The development of the young is the same as that of birds. |
rosalia | noun (n.) A form of melody in which a phrase or passage is successively repeated, each time a step or half step higher; a melodic sequence. |
saturnalia | noun (n. pl.) The festival of Saturn, celebrated in December, originally during one day, but afterward during seven days, as a period of unrestrained license and merriment for all classes, extending even to the slaves. |
| noun (n. pl.) Hence: A period or occasion of general license, in which the passions or vices have riotous indulgence. |
scaglia | noun (n.) A reddish variety of limestone. |
scholia | noun (n. pl.) See Scholium. |
| (pl. ) of Scholium |
sedilia | noun (n. pl.) Seats in the chancel of a church near the altar for the officiating clergy during intervals of service. |
taglia | noun (n.) A peculiar combination of pulleys. |
terminalia | noun (n. pl.) A festival celebrated annually by the Romans on February 23 in honor of Terminus, the god of boundaries. |
thalia | noun (n.) That one of the nine Muses who presided over comedy. |
| noun (n.) One of the three Graces. |
| noun (n.) One of the Nereids. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH HELİA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (heli) - Words That Begins with heli:
helical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to, or in the form of, a helix; spiral; as, a helical staircase; a helical spring. |
helichrysum | noun (n.) A genus of composite plants, with shining, commonly white or yellow, or sometimes reddish, radiated involucres, which are often called "everlasting flowers." |
heliciform | adjective (a.) Having the form of a helix; spiral. |
helicin | noun (n.) A glucoside obtained as a white crystalline substance by partial oxidation of salicin, from a willow (Salix Helix of Linnaeus.) |
helicine | adjective (a.) Curled; spiral; helicoid; -- applied esp. to certain arteries of the penis. |
helicograph | noun (n.) An instrument for drawing spiral lines on a plane. |
helicoid | noun (n.) A warped surface which may be generated by a straight line moving in such a manner that every point of the line shall have a uniform motion in the direction of another fixed straight line, and at the same time a uniform angular motion about it. |
| adjective (a.) Spiral; curved, like the spire of a univalve shell. |
| adjective (a.) Shaped like a snail shell; pertaining to the Helicidae, or Snail family. |
helicoidal | adjective (a.) Same as Helicoid. |
helicon | noun (n.) A mountain in Boeotia, in Greece, supposed by the Greeks to be the residence of Apollo and the Muses. |
heliconia | noun (n.) One of numerous species of Heliconius, a genus of tropical American butterflies. The wings are usually black, marked with green, crimson, and white. |
heliconian | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Helicon. |
| adjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the butterflies of the genus Heliconius. |
helicotrema | noun (n.) The opening by which the two scalae communicate at the top of the cochlea of the ear. |
heliocentric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Heliocentrical |
heliocentrical | adjective (a.) pertaining to the sun's center, or appearing to be seen from it; having, or relating to, the sun as a center; -- opposed to geocentrical. |
heliochrome | noun (n.) A photograph in colors. |
heliochromic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or produced by, heliochromy. |
heliochromy | noun (n.) The art of producing photographs in color. |
heliograph | noun (n.) A picture taken by heliography; a photograph. |
| noun (n.) An instrument for taking photographs of the sun. |
| noun (n.) An apparatus for telegraphing by means of the sun's rays. See Heliotrope, 3. |
| verb (v. t.) To telegraph, or signal, with a heliograph. |
| verb (v. t.) To photograph by sunlight. |
heliographic | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to heliography or a heliograph; made by heliography. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a description of the sun. |
heliography | noun (n.) Photography. |
| noun (n.) The description of the sun. |
| noun (n.) The system, art, or practice of telegraphing, or signaling, with the heliograph. |
| noun (n.) An early photographic process invented by Nicephore Niepce, and still used in photo-engraving. It consists essentially in exposing under a design or in a camera a polished metal plate coated with a preparation of asphalt, and subsequently treating the plate with a suitable solvent. The light renders insoluble those parts of the film which is strikes, and so a permanent image is formed, which can be etched upon the plate by the use of acid. |
heliogravure | noun (n.) The process of photographic engraving. |
| noun (n.) A plate or picture made by the process of heliogravure. |
heliolater | noun (n.) A worshiper of the sun. |
heliolatry | noun (n.) Sun worship. See Sabianism. |
heliolite | noun (n.) A fossil coral of the genus Heliolites, having twelve-rayed cells. It is found in the Silurian rocks. |
heliometer | noun (n.) An instrument devised originally for measuring the diameter of the sun; now employed for delicate measurements of the distance and relative direction of two stars too far apart to be easily measured in the field of view of an ordinary telescope. |
heliometric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Heliometrical |
heliometrical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the heliometer, or to heliometry. |
heliometry | noun (n.) The apart or practice of measuring the diameters of heavenly bodies, their relative distances, etc. See Heliometer. |
heliopora | noun (n.) An East Indian stony coral now known to belong to the Alcyonaria; -- called also blue coral. |
helioscope | noun (n.) A telescope or instrument for viewing the sun without injury to the eyes, as through colored glasses, or with mirrors which reflect but a small portion of light. |
heliostat | noun (n.) An instrument consisting of a mirror moved by clockwork, by which a sunbeam is made apparently stationary, by being steadily directed to one spot during the whole of its diurnal period; also, a geodetic heliotrope. |
heliotrope | noun (n.) An instrument or machine for showing when the sun arrived at the tropics and equinoctial line. |
| noun (n.) A plant of the genus Heliotropium; -- called also turnsole and girasole. H. Peruvianum is the commonly cultivated species with fragrant flowers. |
| noun (n.) An instrument for making signals to an observer at a distance, by means of the sun's rays thrown from a mirror. |
| noun (n.) See Bloodstone (a). |
heliotroper | noun (n.) The person at a geodetic station who has charge of the heliotrope. |
heliotropic | adjective (a.) Manifesting heliotropism; turning toward the sun. |
heliotropism | noun (n.) The phenomenon of turning toward the light, seen in many leaves and flowers. |
heliotype | noun (n.) A picture obtained by the process of heliotypy. |
heliotypic | adjective (a.) Relating to, or obtained by, heliotypy. |
heliotypy | noun (n.) A method of transferring pictures from photographic negatives to hardened gelatin plates from which impressions are produced on paper as by lithography. |
heliozoa | noun (n. pl.) An order of fresh-water rhizopods having a more or less globular form, with slender radiating pseudopodia; the sun animalcule. |
helispheric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Helispherical |
helispherical | adjective (a.) Spiral. |
helium | noun (n.) A gaseous element found in the atmospheres of the sun and earth and in some rare minerals. |
| noun (n.) An inert, monoatomic, gaseous element occurring in the atmosphere of the sun and stars, and in small quantities in the earth's atmosphere, in several minerals and in certain mineral waters. Symbol, He; at. wt., 4. Helium was first detected spectroscopically in the sun by Lockyer in 1868; it was first prepared by Ramsay in 1895. Helium has a density of 1.98 compared with hydrogen, and is more difficult to liquefy than the latter. Chemically, it belongs to the argon group and cannot be made to form compounds. It is a decomposition product of the radium emanation. |
helix | noun (n.) A nonplane curve whose tangents are all equally inclined to a given plane. The common helix is the curve formed by the thread of the ordinary screw. It is distinguished from the spiral, all the convolutions of which are in the plane. |
| noun (n.) A caulicule or little volute under the abacus of the Corinthian capital. |
| noun (n.) The incurved margin or rim of the external ear. See Illust. of Ear. |
| noun (n.) A genus of land snails, including a large number of species. |
heliogram | noun (n.) A message transmitted by a heliograph. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (hel) - Words That Begins with hel:
helamys | noun (n.) See Jumping hare, under Hare. |
helcoplasty | noun (n.) The act or process of repairing lesions made by ulcers, especially by a plastic operation. |
hele | noun (n.) Health; welfare. |
| verb (v. t.) To hide; to cover; to roof. |
helena | noun (n.) See St. Elmo's fire, under Saint. |
helenin | noun (n.) A neutral organic substance found in the root of the elecampane (Inula helenium), and extracted as a white crystalline or oily material, with a slightly bitter taste. |
hellanodic | noun (n.) A judge or umpire in games or combats. |
hellbender | noun (n.) A large North American aquatic salamander (Protonopsis horrida or Menopoma Alleghaniensis). It is very voracious and very tenacious of life. Also called alligator, and water dog. |
hellborn | adjective (a.) Born in or of hell. |
hellbred | adjective (a.) Produced in hell. |
hellbrewed | adjective (a.) Prepared in hell. |
hellbroth | noun (n.) A composition for infernal purposes; a magical preparation. |
helldoomed | adjective (a.) Doomed to hell. |
hellebore | noun (n.) A genus of perennial herbs (Helleborus) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous qualities. H. niger is the European black hellebore, or Christmas rose, blossoming in winter or earliest spring. H. officinalis was the officinal hellebore of the ancients. |
| noun (n.) Any plant of several species of the poisonous liliaceous genus Veratrum, especially V. album and V. viride, both called white hellebore. |
helleborein | noun (n.) A poisonous glucoside accompanying helleborin in several species of hellebore, and extracted as a white crystalline substance with a bittersweet taste. It has a strong action on the heart, resembling digitalin. |
helleborin | noun (n.) A poisonous glucoside found in several species of hellebore, and extracted as a white crystalline substance with a sharp tingling taste. It possesses the essential virtues of the plant; -- called also elleborin. |
helleborism | noun (n.) The practice or theory of using hellebore as a medicine. |
hellene | noun (n.) A native of either ancient or modern Greece; a Greek. |
hellenian | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hellenes, or Greeks. |
hellenic | noun (n.) The dialect, formed with slight variations from the Attic, which prevailed among Greek writers after the time of Alexander. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hellenes, or inhabitants of Greece; Greek; Grecian. |
hellenism | noun (n.) A phrase or form of speech in accordance with genius and construction or idioms of the Greek language; a Grecism. |
| noun (n.) The type of character of the ancient Greeks, who aimed at culture, grace, and amenity, as the chief elements in human well-being and perfection. |
hellenist | noun (n.) One who affiliates with Greeks, or imitates Greek manners; esp., a person of Jewish extraction who used the Greek language as his mother tongue, as did the Jews of Asia Minor, Greece, Syria, and Egypt; distinguished from the Hebraists, or native Jews (Acts vi. 1). |
| noun (n.) One skilled in the Greek language and literature; as, the critical Hellenist. |
hellenistic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hellenistical |
hellenistical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Hellenists. |
hellenotype | noun (n.) See Ivorytype. |
hellespont | noun (n.) A narrow strait between Europe and Asia, now called the Daradanelles. It connects the Aegean Sea and the sea of Marmora. |
hellespontine | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hellespont. |
hellgamite | noun (n.) Alt. of Hellgramite |
hellgramite | noun (n.) The aquatic larva of a large American winged insect (Corydalus cornutus), much used a fish bait by anglers; the dobson. It belongs to the Neuroptera. |
hellhag | noun (n.) A hag of or fit for hell. |
hellhound | noun (n.) A dog of hell; an agent of hell. |
hellish | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to hell; like hell; infernal; malignant; wicked; detestable; diabolical. |
hellkite | noun (n.) A kite of infernal breed. |
hello | noun (interj. & n.) See Halloo. |
helly | adjective (a.) Hellish. |
helm | noun (n.) See Haulm, straw. |
| noun (n.) The apparatus by which a ship is steered, comprising rudder, tiller, wheel, etc.; -- commonly used of the tiller or wheel alone. |
| noun (n.) The place or office of direction or administration. |
| noun (n.) One at the place of direction or control; a steersman; hence, a guide; a director. |
| noun (n.) A helve. |
| noun (n.) A helmet. |
| noun (n.) A heavy cloud lying on the brow of a mountain. |
| verb (v. t.) To steer; to guide; to direct. |
| verb (v. t.) To cover or furnish with a helm or helmet. |
helming | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Helm |
helmage | noun (n.) Guidance; direction. |
helmed | adjective (a.) Covered with a helmet. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Helm |
helmet | noun (n.) A defensive covering for the head. See Casque, Headpiece, Morion, Sallet, and Illust. of Beaver. |
| noun (n.) The representation of a helmet over shields or coats of arms, denoting gradations of rank by modifications of form. |
| noun (n.) A helmet-shaped hat, made of cork, felt, metal, or other suitable material, worn as part of the uniform of soldiers, firemen, etc., also worn in hot countries as a protection from the heat of the sun. |
| noun (n.) That which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc. |
| noun (n.) The upper part of a retort. |
| noun (n.) The hood-formed upper sepal or petal of some flowers, as of the monkshood or the snapdragon. |
| noun (n.) A naked shield or protuberance on the top or fore part of the head of a bird. |
helmeted | adjective (a.) Wearing a helmet; furnished with or having a helmet or helmet-shaped part; galeate. |
helminth | noun (n.) An intestinal worm, or wormlike intestinal parasite; one of the Helminthes. |
helminthagogue | noun (n.) A vermifuge. |
helminthes | noun (n. pl.) One of the grand divisions or branches of the animal kingdom. It is a large group including a vast number of species, most of which are parasitic. Called also Enthelminthes, Enthelmintha. |
helminthiasis | noun (n.) A disease in which worms are present in some part of the body. |
helminthic | noun (n.) A vermifuge; an anthelmintic. |
| adjective (a.) Of or relating to worms, or Helminthes; expelling worms. |
helminthite | noun (n.) One of the sinuous tracks on the surfaces of many stones, and popularly considered as worm trails. |
helminthoid | adjective (a.) Wormlike; vermiform. |
helminthologic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Helminthological |
helminthological | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to helminthology. |
helminthologist | noun (n.) One versed in helminthology. |
English Words which starts with 'he' and ends with 'ia':
hematuria | noun (n.) Passage of urine mingled with blood. |
hemeralopia | noun (n.) A disease of the eyes, in consequence of which a person can see clearly or without pain only by daylight or a strong artificial light; day sight. |
hemianaesthesia | noun (n.) Anaesthesia upon one side of the body. |
hemicardia | noun (n.) A lateral half of the heart, either the right or left. |
hemicrania | noun (n.) A pain that affects only one side of the head. |
hemiopia | noun (n.) Alt. of Hemiopsia |
hemiopsia | noun (n.) A defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at. |
hemiplegia | noun (n.) A palsy that affects one side only of the body. |
heptagynia | noun (n. pl.) A Linnaean order of plants having seven pistils. |
heptandria | noun (n. pl.) A Linnaean class of plants having seven stamens. |
hernia | noun (n.) A protrusion, consisting of an organ or part which has escaped from its natural cavity, and projects through some natural or accidental opening in the walls of the latter; as, hernia of the brain, of the lung, or of the bowels. Hernia of the abdominal viscera in most common. Called also rupture. |
heteromyaria | noun (n. pl.) A division of bivalve shells, including the marine mussels, in which the two adductor muscles are very unequal. See Dreissena, and Illust. under Byssus. |
hexactinia | noun (n. pl.) The Anthozoa. |
hexagynia | noun (n. pl.) A Linnaean order of plants having six pistils. |
hexandria | noun (n. pl.) A Linnaean class of plants having six stamens. |