Name Report For First Name KARINA:


First name KARINA's origin is English. KARINA means "modern variant of katherine. pure". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with KARINA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of karina.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with KARINA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with KARINA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming KARINA



NAMES RHYMING WITH KARİNA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (arina) - Names That Ends with arina:

katharina jarina catarina marina carina katarina sarina tarina larina

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rina) - Names That Ends with rina:

jirina falerina trina sabrina corina crina dorina alastrina alejandrina alexandrina audrina brina caprina cedrina cherina corrina drina katherina kattrina lorrina maurina patrina petrina rina tangerina taurina verina victorina zabrina zavrina zorina zurina irina florina caterina sirina nerina ekaterina ecaterina erina sorina katrina

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ina) - Names That Ends with ina:

asmina crispina hasina zahina inina raina gelsomina levina jaakkina katariina armina aegina akilina alcina aretina filipina luigina kina mahina olina adamina ernesztina karolina krisztina dakshina balbina claudina rufina serafina akina shina citlalmina cha'kwaina migina catalina afina alexandreina augustina madalina fayina lukina tasina ilhicamina adelina adina aiglentina aina alaina albertina

NAMES RHYMING WITH KARİNA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (karin) - Names That Begins with karin:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (kari) - Names That Begins with kari:

kari karida karif karim karima karimah karis karisma karissa

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (kar) - Names That Begins with kar:

kara karah karalan karan karas karasel karayan karcsi kardal kardeiz kareef kareem kareema kareena karel karen karenza karl karla karlee karleen karleigh karlen karlene karlens karlesha karley karli karlie karlin karlina karline karlis karlitis karlotta karly karlyn karma karmel karmelit karmelita karmen karmia karmina karmit karney karol karola karolee karoline karoly karon karrae karren karrin karsten karuna karyn

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ka) - Names That Begins with ka:

ka'im kaage kaaria kaarl kaarle kaarlo kabaka kacee kacey kachada kachina kaci kacia kacie kacy kada kadalynn kadan kadar kade kadee kadeen kadeer kaden kaden-scott kadence kadi kadia kadian kadie kadience kadienne


First Names which starts with 'ka' and ends with 'na':

kaimana kalena kalina kana kathalina kathleena kayana kayanna kaylana

First Names which starts with 'k' and ends with 'a':

kadija kaela kaesha kafka kaga kahla kahlima kaia kaikala kaila kailasa kailea kaiolohia kaira kaisa kajika kakawangwa kakra kalama kalea kaleikaumaka kaleisha kalila kalima kaliska kalista kallita kalwa kalyca kalyssa kama kamala kamaria kambria kamea kamelia kamia kamila kamilia kamilla kaneilia kanika kanisha kanoa kapricia kaprisha kasa kasandra kashiya kashka kasia kasimira kasinda kasiya kassa kassia katinka katja katura kawindra kaya kayla kaylea kazia kea keaira keala kealeboga kealsea keana keanna keara kecia keelia keesha kefira keiana keianna keira keisha keita kekona kelsa kelsea kelula kemena kemina kendra kendria kenisha kennocha

English Words Rhyming KARINA


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH KARİNA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (arina) - English Words That Ends with arina:

acarinanoun (n. pl.) The group of Arachnida which includes the mites and ticks. Many species are parasitic, and cause diseases like the itch and mange.

carinanoun (n.) A keel
 noun (n.) That part of a papilionaceous flower, consisting of two petals, commonly united, which incloses the organs of fructification
 noun (n.) A longitudinal ridge or projection like the keel of a boat.
 noun (n.) The keel of the breastbone of birds.

casuarinanoun (n.) A genus of leafless trees or shrubs, with drooping branchlets of a rushlike appearance, mostly natives of Australia. Some of them are large, producing hard and heavy timber of excellent quality, called beefwood from its color.

czarinanoun (n.) The title of the empress of Russia.

farinanoun (n.) A fine flour or meal made from cereal grains or from the starch or fecula of vegetables, extracted by various processes, and used in cookery.
 noun (n.) Pollen.

ocarinanoun (n.) A kind of small simple wind instrument.

tsarinanoun (n.) Alt. of Tsaritsa

tzarinanoun (n.) Alt. of Tzaritza

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rina) - English Words That Ends with rina:

erythrinanoun (n.) A genus of leguminous plants growing in the tropics; coral tree; -- so called from its red flowers.

globigerinanoun (n.) A genus of small Foraminifera, which live abundantly at or near the surface of the sea. Their dead shells, falling to the bottom, make up a large part of the soft mud, generally found in depths below 3,000 feet, and called globigerina ooze. See Illust. of Foraminifera.

hydrinanoun (n. pl.) The group of hydroids to which the fresh-water hydras belong.

littorinanoun (n.) A genus of small pectinibranch mollusks, having thick spiral shells, abundant between tides on nearly all rocky seacoasts. They feed on seaweeds. The common periwinkle is a well-known example. See Periwinkle.

madrinanoun (n.) An animal (usually an old mare), wearing a bell and acting as the leader of a troop of pack mules.

meandrinanoun (n.) A genus of corals with meandering grooves and ridges, including the brain corals.

salamandrinanoun (n.) A suborder of Urodela, comprising salamanders.

signorinanoun (n.) Miss; -- a title of address among the Italians.

veratrinanoun (n.) Same as Veratrine.

viperinanoun (n. pl.) See Viperoidea.

vitrinanoun (n.) A genus of terrestrial gastropods, having transparent, very thin, and delicate shells, -- whence the name.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ina) - English Words That Ends with ina:

achatinanoun (n.) A genus of land snails, often large, common in the warm parts of America and Africa.

aluminanoun (n.) One of the earths, consisting of two parts of aluminium and three of oxygen, Al2O3.

amphirhinanoun (n. pl.) A name applied to the elasmobranch fishes, because the nasal sac is double.

anginanoun (n.) Any inflammatory affection of the throat or faces, as the quinsy, malignant sore throat, croup, etc., especially such as tends to produce suffocation, choking, or shortness of breath.

araneinanoun (n. pl.) The order of Arachnida that includes the spiders.

cavatinanoun (n.) Originally, a melody of simpler form than the aria; a song without a second part and a da capo; -- a term now variously and vaguely used.

chinanoun (n.) A country in Eastern Asia.
 noun (n.) China ware, which is the modern popular term for porcelain. See Porcelain.

concertinanoun (n.) A small musical instrument on the principle of the accordion. It is a small elastic box, or bellows, having free reeds on the inside, and keys and handles on the outside of each of the two hexagonal heads.

coquinanoun (n.) A soft, whitish, coral-like stone, formed of broken shells and corals, found in the southern United States, and used for roadbeds and for building material, as in the fort at St. Augustine, Florida.

discinanoun (n.) A genus of Branchiopoda, having a disklike shell, attached by one valve, which is perforated by the peduncle.

dominanoun (n.) Lady; a lady; -- a title formerly given to noble ladies who held a barony in their own right.

glucinanoun (n.) A white or gray tasteless powder, the oxide of the element glucinum; -- formerly called glucine.

haematophlinanoun (n. pl.) A division of Cheiroptera, including the bloodsucking bats. See Vampire.

heminanoun (n.) A measure of half a sextary.
 noun (n.) A measure equal to about ten fluid ounces.

ianthinanoun (n.) Any gastropod of the genus Ianthina, of which various species are found living in mid ocean; -- called also purple shell, and violet snail.

jainanoun (n.) One of a numerous sect in British India, holding the tenets of Jainism.

jamacinanoun (n.) Jamaicine.

janthinanoun (n.) See Ianthina.

laminanoun (n.) A thin plate or scale; a layer or coat lying over another; -- said of thin plates or platelike substances, as of bone or minerals.
 noun (n.) The blade of a leaf; the broad, expanded portion of a petal or sepal of a flower.
 noun (n.) A thin plate or scale; specif., one of the thin, flat processes composing the vane of a feather.

limacinanoun (n.) A genus of small spiral pteropods, common in the Arctic and Antarctic seas. It contributes to the food of the right whales.

linguatulinanoun (n. pl.) An order of wormlike, degraded, parasitic arachnids. They have two pairs of retractile hooks, near the mouth. Called also Pentastomida.

marikinanoun (n.) A small marmoset (Midas rosalia); the silky tamarin.

minanoun (n.) An ancient weight or denomination of money, of varying value. The Attic mina was valued at a hundred drachmas.
 noun (n.) See Myna.

monorhinanoun (n. pl.) The Marsipobranchiata.

nemertinanoun (n. pl.) An order of helminths usually having a long, slender, smooth, often bright-colored body, covered with minute vibrating cilia; -- called also Nemertea, Nemertida, and Rhynchocoela.

neritinanoun (n.) A genus including numerous species of shells resembling Nerita in form. They mostly inhabit brackish water, and are often delicately tinted.

nginanoun (n.) The gorilla.

oculinanoun (n.) A genus of tropical corals, usually branched, and having a very volid texture.

orbulinanoun (n.) A genus of minute living Foraminifera having a globular shell.

quinquinanoun (n.) Peruvian bark.
 noun (n.) Peruvian bark.

paginanoun (n.) The surface of a leaf or of a flattened thallus.

paludinanoun (n.) Any one of numerous species of freshwater pectinibranchiate mollusks, belonging to Paludina, Melantho, and allied genera. They have an operculated shell which is usually green, often with brown bands. See Illust. of Pond snail, under Pond.

patinanoun (n.) A dish or plate of metal or earthenware; a patella.
 noun (n.) The color or incrustation which age gives to works of art; especially, the green rust which covers ancient bronzes, coins, and medals.

pedicellinanoun (n.) A genus of Bryozoa, of the order Entoprocta, having a bell-shaped body supported on a slender pedicel. See Illust. under Entoprocta.

pediculinanoun (n. pl.) A division of parasitic hemipterous insects, including the true lice. See Illust. in Appendix.

piscinanoun (n.) A niche near the altar in a church, containing a small basin for rinsing altar vessels.

platinanoun (n.) Platinum.

polycystinanoun (n. pl.) A division of Radiolaria including numerous minute marine species. The skeleton is composed of silica, and is often very elegant in form and sculpture. Many have been found in the fossil state.

retinanoun (n.) The delicate membrane by which the back part of the globe of the eye is lined, and in which the fibers of the optic nerve terminate. See Eye.

rhytinanoun (n.) See Rytina.

rytinanoun (n.) A genus of large edentulous sirenians, allied to the dugong and manatee, including but one species (R. Stelleri); -- called also Steller's sea cow.

salinaadjective (a.) A salt marsh, or salt pond, inclosed from the sea.
 adjective (a.) Salt works.

sarcinanoun (n.) A genus of bacteria found in various organic fluids, especially in those those of the stomach, associated with certain diseases. The individual organisms undergo division along two perpendicular partitions, so that multiplication takes place in two directions, giving groups of four cubical cells. Also used adjectively; as, a sarcina micrococcus; a sarcina group.

scarlatinanoun (n.) Scarlet fever.

semolinanoun (n.) The fine, hard parts of wheat, rounded by the attrition of the millstones, -- used in cookery.

seraphinanoun (n.) A seraphine.

sonatinanoun (n.) A short and simple sonata.

staminanoun (n. pl.) See Stamen.
 noun (n. pl.) The fixed, firm part of a body, which supports it or gives it strength and solidity; as, the bones are the stamina of animal bodies; the ligneous parts of trees are the stamina which constitute their strength.
 noun (n. pl.) Whatever constitutes the principal strength or support of anything; power of endurance; backbone; vigor; as, the stamina of a constitution or of life; the stamina of a State.
  (pl. ) of Stamen

strepsorhinanoun (n. pl.) Same as Lemuroidea.

sudaminanoun (n. pl) Minute vesicles surrounded by an area of reddened skin, produced by excessive sweating.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH KARİNA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (karin) - Words That Begins with karin:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (kari) - Words That Begins with kari:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (kar) - Words That Begins with kar:

karaganenoun (n.) A species of gray fox found in Russia.

karaismnoun (n.) Doctrines of the Karaites.

karaitenoun (n.) A sect of Jews who adhere closely to the letter of the Scriptures, rejecting the oral law, and allowing the Talmud no binding authority; -- opposed to the Rabbinists.

karatasnoun (n.) A West Indian plant of the Pineapple family (Nidularium Karatas).

karmanoun (n.) One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence. (Theos.) The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect; the theory of inevitable consequence.

karmathiannoun (n.) One of a Mohammedan sect founded in the ninth century by Karmat.

karnnoun (n.) A pile of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock. See Cairn.

karobnoun (n.) The twenty-fourth part of a grain; -- a weight used by goldsmiths.

karpholitenoun (n.) A fibrous mineral occurring in tufts of a straw-yellow color. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and manganese.

karreonoun (n.) One of the dry table-lands of South Africa, which often rise terracelike to considerable elevations.

karstenitenoun (n.) Same as Anhydrite.

karvelnoun (n.) See Carvel, and Caravel.

karyokinesisnoun (n.) The indirect division of cells in which, prior to division of the cell protoplasm, complicated changes take place in the nucleus, attended with movement of the nuclear fibrils; -- opposed to karyostenosis. The nucleus becomes enlarged and convoluted, and finally the threads are separated into two groups which ultimately become disconnected and constitute the daughter nuclei. Called also mitosis. See Cell development, under Cell.

karyokineticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to karyokinesis; as, karyokinetic changes of cell division.

karyomitonnoun (n.) The reticular network of fine fibers, of which the nucleus of a cell is in part composed; -- in opposition to kytomiton, or the network in the body of the cell.

karyoplasmanoun (n.) The protoplasmic substance of the nucleus of a cell: nucleoplasm; -- in opposition to kytoplasma, the protoplasm of the cell.

karyostenosisnoun (n.) Direct cell division (in which there is first a simple division of the nucleus, without any changes in its structure, followed by division of the protoplasm of the karyostenotic mode of nuclear division.

karakulnoun (n.) Astrakhan, esp. in fine grades. Cf. Caracul.

karossnoun (n.) A native garment or rug of skin sewed together in the form of a square.


English Words which starts with 'ka' and ends with 'na':