First Names Rhyming KARISSA
English Words Rhyming KARISSA
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH KARÝSSA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (arissa) - English Words That Ends with arissa:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (rissa) - English Words That Ends with rissa:
vibrissa | noun (n.) One of the specialized or tactile hairs which grow about the nostrils, or on other parts of the face, in many animals, as the so-called whiskers of the cat, and the hairs of the nostrils of man. |
| noun (n.) The bristlelike feathers near the mouth of many birds. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (issa) - English Words That Ends with issa:
abscissa | noun (n.) One of the elements of reference by which a point, as of a curve, is referred to a system of fixed rectilineal coordinate axes. |
mantissa | noun (n.) The decimal part of a logarithm, as distinguished from the integral part, or characteristic. |
melissa | noun (n.) A genus of labiate herbs, including the balm, or bee balm (Melissa officinalis). |
missa | noun (n.) The service or sacrifice of the Mass. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ssa) - English Words That Ends with ssa:
babiroussa | noun (n.) Alt. of Babirussa |
babirussa | noun (n.) A large hoglike quadruped (Sus, / Porcus, babirussa) of the East Indies, sometimes domesticated; the Indian hog. Its upper canine teeth or tusks are large and recurved. |
babyroussa | noun (n.) Alt. of Babyrussa |
babyrussa | noun (n.) See Babyroussa. |
bassa | noun (n.) Alt. of Bassaw |
docoglossa | noun (n. pl.) An order of gastropods, including the true limpets, and having the teeth on the odontophore or lingual ribbon. |
fossa | noun (n.) A pit, groove, cavity, or depression, of greater or less depth; as, the temporal fossa on the side of the skull; the nasal fossae containing the nostrils in most birds. |
foussa | noun (n.) A viverrine animal of Madagascar (Cryptoprocta ferox). It resembles a cat in size and form, and has retractile claws. |
glossa | noun (n.) The tongue, or lingua, of an insect. See Hymenoptera. |
gymnoglossa | noun (n. pl.) A division of gastropods in which the odontophore is without teeth. |
lyssa | noun (n.) Hydrophobia. |
nassa | noun (n.) Any species of marine gastropods, of the genera Nassa, Tritia, and other allied genera of the family Nassidae; a dog whelk. See Illust. under Gastropoda. |
oquassa | noun (n.) A small, handsome trout (Salvelinus oquassa), found in some of the lakes in Maine; -- called also blueback trout. |
paraglossa | noun (n.) One of a pair of small appendages of the lingua or labium of certain insects. See Illust. under Hymenoptera. |
potassa | noun (n.) Potassium oxide. |
| noun (n.) Potassium hydroxide, commonly called caustic potash. |
ptenoglossa | noun (n. pl.) A division of gastropod mollusks having the teeth of the radula arranged in long transverse rows, somewhat like the barbs of a feather. |
rhachiglossa | noun (n. pl.) A division of marine gastropods having a retractile proboscis and three longitudinal rows of teeth on the radula. It includes many of the large ornamental shells, as the miters, murices, olives, purpuras, volutes, and whelks. See Illust. in Append. |
rhipidoglossa | noun (n. pl.) A division of gastropod mollusks having a large number of long, divergent, hooklike, lingual teeth in each transverse row. It includes the scutibranchs. See Illustration in Appendix. |
saccoglossa | noun (n. pl.) Same as Pellibranchiata. |
tachyglossa | noun (n. pl.) A division of monotremes which comprises the spiny ant-eaters of Australia and New Guinea. See Illust. under Echidna. |
taenioglossa | noun (n. pl.) An extensive division of gastropod mollusks in which the odontophore is long and narrow, and usually bears seven rows of teeth. It includes a large number of families both marine and fresh-water. |
toxoglossa | noun ( A division of marine gastropod mollusks in which the radula are converted into poison fangs. The cone shells (Conus), Pleurotoma, and Terebra, are examples. See Illust. of Cone, n., 4, Pleurotoma, and Terebra. |
vanessa | noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of handsomely colored butterflies belonging to Vanessa and allied genera. Many of these species have the edges of the wings irregularly scalloped. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH KARÝSSA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (kariss) - Words That Begins with kariss:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (karis) - Words That Begins with karis:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (kari) - Words That Begins with kari:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (kar) - Words That Begins with kar:
karagane | noun (n.) A species of gray fox found in Russia. |
karaism | noun (n.) Doctrines of the Karaites. |
karaite | noun (n.) A sect of Jews who adhere closely to the letter of the Scriptures, rejecting the oral law, and allowing the Talmud no binding authority; -- opposed to the Rabbinists. |
karatas | noun (n.) A West Indian plant of the Pineapple family (Nidularium Karatas). |
karma | noun (n.) One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence. (Theos.) The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect; the theory of inevitable consequence. |
karmathian | noun (n.) One of a Mohammedan sect founded in the ninth century by Karmat. |
karn | noun (n.) A pile of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock. See Cairn. |
karob | noun (n.) The twenty-fourth part of a grain; -- a weight used by goldsmiths. |
karpholite | noun (n.) A fibrous mineral occurring in tufts of a straw-yellow color. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and manganese. |
karreo | noun (n.) One of the dry table-lands of South Africa, which often rise terracelike to considerable elevations. |
karstenite | noun (n.) Same as Anhydrite. |
karvel | noun (n.) See Carvel, and Caravel. |
karyokinesis | noun (n.) The indirect division of cells in which, prior to division of the cell protoplasm, complicated changes take place in the nucleus, attended with movement of the nuclear fibrils; -- opposed to karyostenosis. The nucleus becomes enlarged and convoluted, and finally the threads are separated into two groups which ultimately become disconnected and constitute the daughter nuclei. Called also mitosis. See Cell development, under Cell. |
karyokinetic | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to karyokinesis; as, karyokinetic changes of cell division. |
karyomiton | noun (n.) The reticular network of fine fibers, of which the nucleus of a cell is in part composed; -- in opposition to kytomiton, or the network in the body of the cell. |
karyoplasma | noun (n.) The protoplasmic substance of the nucleus of a cell: nucleoplasm; -- in opposition to kytoplasma, the protoplasm of the cell. |
karyostenosis | noun (n.) Direct cell division (in which there is first a simple division of the nucleus, without any changes in its structure, followed by division of the protoplasm of the karyostenotic mode of nuclear division. |
karakul | noun (n.) Astrakhan, esp. in fine grades. Cf. Caracul. |
kaross | noun (n.) A native garment or rug of skin sewed together in the form of a square. |
English Words which starts with 'kar' and ends with 'ssa':
English Words which starts with 'ka' and ends with 'sa':