Name Report For First Name SYNNE:


First name SYNNE's origin is English. SYNNE means "gift of the sun". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with SYNNE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of synne.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with SYNNE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with SYNNE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming SYNNE


maddisynne synneva

NAMES RHYMING WITH SYNNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (ynne) - Names That Ends with ynne:

ashlynne breynne brooklynne carilynne edlynne evelynne jacquelynne kailynne kaitlynne kyrstynne lynne robynne tara-lynne wynne katlynne

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (nne) - Names That Ends with nne:

hanne stinne jeanne julienne janne airdsgainne johanne adenne adrianne adrienne anne asianne breanne brianne brionne carolanne cheyanne cheyenne chrisanne christanne chyanne corinne deanne deonne deydrienne dianne dionne erienne evanne fabienne fontanne govanne grainne harimanne ivonne ivyanne jerianne jilienne jillanne jillianne joeanne jordanne joyceanne julianne kadienne kelly-anne kerianne kerrianne kristianne laurenne leanne leeanne leighanne linne lirienne lorianne lucienne marianne marieanne marlenne minne roanne roxanne ryenne sueanne susanne suzanne tyrianne vivianne yvonne donne etienne renne tyronne vohkinne rosanne sebastienne felicienne vivienne lausanne alisanne aubrianne brienne bryanne corianne

NAMES RHYMING WITH SYNNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (synn) - Names That Begins with synn:

synn synnove

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (syn) - Names That Begins with syn:


Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (sy) - Names That Begins with sy:

sybil sybyl sybylla syd sydnee sydney sydnie sylvana sylvester sylvie sylvina sylvonna symaethis syman symantha symeon symer symington symon symontun syrai syrinx


First Names which starts with 'sy' and ends with 'ne':

First Names which starts with 's' and ends with 'e':

sadie sae saffire sage sahale saidie saige salbatore salhdene sallie salome salvadore salvatore sanbourne sandrine sanersone sanuye sapphire sarajane sauville saveage saville sawyere sce scirwode scolaighe scottie scoville seamere searle sebastene sebastiene sebe sebille sedge selassie selassiee sele selene selwine semele sente seoirse serafine seraphine serihilde severne seyane shace shadoe shae shaine shalene shanaye shane shantae sharlene shaundre shawe shawnette shayde shaye shaylee shayne sherborne sherbourne sherburne sherise shermarke shiye shizhe'e siddalee sidonie sifiye sigehere sigfriede sighle sigune sike sile silvestre simone sinclaire sine sive skene skete skippere skye slade slaine slainie slanie sloane smythe sofie solaine solange solonie somerville

English Words Rhyming SYNNE


synneorosisnoun (n.) Syndesmosis.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SYNNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ynne) - English Words That Ends with ynne:

glynnenoun (n.) A glen. See Glen. [Obs. singly, but occurring often in locative names in Ireland, as Glen does in Scotland.]

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (nne) - English Words That Ends with nne:

bennenoun (n.) The name of two plants (Sesamum orientale and S. indicum), originally Asiatic; -- also called oil plant. From their seeds an oil is expressed, called benne oil, used mostly for making soap. In the southern United States the seeds are used in candy.

bonnenoun (n.) A female servant charged with the care of a young child.

cayennenoun (n.) Cayenne pepper.

chaconnenoun (n.) An old Spanish dance in moderate three-four measure, like the Passacaglia, which is slower. Both are used by classical composers as themes for variations.

cloisonneadjective (a.) Inlaid between partitions: -- said of enamel when the lines which divide the different patches of fields are composed of a kind of metal wire secured to the ground; as distinguished from champleve enamel, in which the ground is engraved or scooped out to receive the enamel.

comediennenoun (n.) A women who plays in comedy.

corinnenoun (n.) The common gazelle (Gazella dorcas). See Gazelle.

cracoviennenoun (n.) A lively Polish dance, in 2-4 time.

cretonnenoun (n.) A strong white fabric with warp of hemp and weft of flax.
 noun (n.) A fabric with cotton warp and woolen weft.
 noun (n.) A kind of chintz with a glossy surface.

equestriennenoun (n.) A woman skilled in equestrianism; a horsewoman.

fonnenoun (n.) A fon.

inconcinneadjective (a.) Dissimilar; incongruous; unsuitable.

juliennenoun (n.) A kind of soup containing thin slices or shreds of carrots, onions, etc.

linnenoun (n.) Flax. See Linen.

nonnenoun (n.) A nun.

osannenoun (n.) Hosanna.

parisiennenoun (n.) A female native or resident of Paris.

pannenoun (n.) A fabric resembling velvet, but having the nap flat and less close.

persiennenoun (n.) Properly, printed calico, whether Oriental or of fanciful design with flowers, etc., in Western work. Hence, as extended in English, material of a similar character.

raisonneadjective (a.) Arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects; as, a catalogue raisonne. See under Catalogue.

siciliennenoun (n.) A kind of rich poplin.

tennenoun (n.) A tincture, rarely employed, which is considered as an orange color or bright brown. It is represented by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter, crossed by vertical lines.

tonnenoun (n.) A tun.
 noun (n.) A metric ton.

tragediennenoun (n.) A woman who plays in tragedy.

transennenoun (n.) A transom.

varsoviennenoun (n.) A kind of Polish dance.
 noun (n.) Music for such a dance or having its slow triple time characteristic strong accent beginning every second measure.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SYNNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (synn) - Words That Begins with synn:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (syn) - Words That Begins with syn:

synacmenoun (n.) Alt. of Synacmy

synacmynoun (n.) Same as Synanthesis.

synaeresisnoun (n.) Alt. of Syneresis

syneresisnoun (n.) The union, or drawing together into one syllable, of two vowels that are ordinarily separated in syllabification; synecphonesis; -- the opposite of diaeresis.
 noun (n.) Same as Synaeresis.

synagogicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a synagogue.

synagoguenoun (n.) A congregation or assembly of Jews met for the purpose of worship, or the performance of religious rites.
 noun (n.) The building or place appropriated to the religious worship of the Jews.
 noun (n.) The council of, probably, 120 members among the Jews, first appointed after the return from the Babylonish captivity; -- called also the Great Synagogue, and sometimes, though erroneously, the Sanhedrin.
 noun (n.) A congregation in the early Christian church.
 noun (n.) Any assembly of men.

synalephanoun (n.) A contraction of syllables by suppressing some vowel or diphthong at the end of a word, before another vowel or diphthong; as, th' army, for the army.

synallagmaticadjective (a.) Imposing reciprocal obligations upon the parties; as, a synallagmatic contract.

synallaxineadjective (a.) Having the outer and middle toes partially united; -- said of certain birds related to the creepers.

synaloephanoun (n.) Same as Synalepha.

synangiumnoun (n.) The divided part beyond the pylangium in the aortic trunk of the amphibian heart.

synantherousadjective (a.) Having the stamens united by their anthers; as, synantherous flowers.

synanthesisnoun (n.) The simultaneous maturity of the anthers and stigmas of a blossom.

synanthousadjective (a.) Having flowers and leaves which appear at the same time; -- said of certain plants.

synanthrosenoun (n.) A variety of sugar, isomeric with sucrose, found in the tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), in the dahlia, and other Compositae.

synaptanoun (n.) A genus of slender, transparent holothurians which have delicate calcareous anchors attached to the dermal plates. See Illustration in Appendix.

synaptasenoun (n.) A ferment resembling diastase, found in bitter almonds. Cf. Amygdalin, and Emulsin.

synapticulanoun (n.) One of numerous calcareous processes which extend between, and unite, the adjacent septa of certain corals, especially of the fungian corals.

synarchynoun (n.) Joint rule or sovereignity.

synartesisnoun (n.) A fastening or knitting together; the state of being closely jointed; close union.

synarthrodianoun (n.) Synarthrosis.

synarthrosisnoun (n.) Immovable articulation by close union, as in sutures. It sometimes includes symphysial articulations also. See the Note under Articulation, n., 1.

synastrynoun (n.) Concurrence of starry position or influence; hence, similarity of condition, fortune, etc., as prefigured by astrological calculation.

synaxisnoun (n.) A congregation; also, formerly, the Lord's Supper.

syncarpnoun (n.) A kind of aggregate fruit in which the ovaries cohere in a solid mass, with a slender receptacle, as in the magnolia; also, a similar multiple fruit, as a mulberry.

syncarpiumnoun (n.) Same as Syncarp.

syncarpousadjective (a.) Composed of several carpels consolidated into one ovary.

syncategorematicadjective (a.) Not capable of being used as a term by itself; -- said of words, as an adverb or preposition.

synchondrosisnoun (n.) An immovable articulation in which the union is formed by cartilage.

synchondrotomynoun (n.) Symphyseotomy.

synchoresisnoun (n.) A concession made for the purpose of retorting with greater force.

synchronalnoun (n.) A synchronal thing or event.
 adjective (a.) Happening at, or belonging to, the same time; synchronous; simultaneous.

synchronicaladjective (a.) Happening at the same time; synchronous.

synchronismnoun (n.) The concurrence of events in time; simultaneousness.
 noun (n.) The tabular arrangement of historical events and personages, according to their dates.
 noun (n.) A representation, in the same picture, of two or events which occured at different times.

synchronisticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to synchronism; arranged according to correspondence in time; as, synchronistic tables.

synchronizationnoun (n.) The act of synchronizing; concurrence of events in respect to time.

synchronizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Synchronize

synchronologynoun (n.) Contemporaneous chronology.

synchronousadjective (a.) Happening at the same time; simultaneous.

synchronynoun (n.) The concurrence of events in time; synchronism.

synchysisnoun (n.) A derangement or confusion of any kind, as of words in a sentence, or of humors in the eye.

synclasticadjective (a.) Curved toward the same side in all directions; -- said of surfaces which in all directions around any point bend away from a tangent plane toward the same side, as the surface of a sphere; -- opposed to anticlastic.

synclinalnoun (n.) A synclinal fold.
 adjective (a.) Inclined downward from opposite directions, so as to meet in a common point or line.
 adjective (a.) Formed by strata dipping toward a common line or plane; as, a synclinal trough or valley; a synclinal fold; -- opposed to anticlinal.

synclinenoun (n.) A synclinal fold.

synclinicaladjective (a.) Synclinal.

synclinoriumnoun (n.) A mountain range owing its origin to the progress of a geosynclinal, and ending in a catastrophe of displacement and upturning.

syncopaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to syncope; resembling syncope.

syncopatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Syncopate

syncopationnoun (n.) The act of syncopating; the contraction of a word by taking one or more letters or syllables from the middle; syncope.
 noun (n.) The act of syncopating; a peculiar figure of rhythm, or rhythmical alteration, which consists in welding into one tone the second half of one beat with the first half of the beat which follows.

syncopenoun (n.) An elision or retrenchment of one or more letters or syllables from the middle of a word; as, ne'er for never, ev'ry for every.
 noun (n.) Same as Syncopation.
 noun (n.) A fainting, or swooning. See Fainting.
 noun (n.) A pause or cessation; suspension.


English Words which starts with 'sy' and ends with 'ne':

sycaminenoun (n.) See Sycamore.

sylphineadjective (a.) Like a sylph.

sylvicolineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the family of warblers (Sylvicolidae). See Warbler.

sylvinenoun (n.) Alt. of Sylvite