Name Report For First Name BROOKLYNNE:


First name BROOKLYNNE's origin is English. BROOKLYNNE means "water: stream". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with BROOKLYNNE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of brooklynne.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with BROOKLYNNE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with BROOKLYNNE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming BROOKLYNNE



NAMES RHYMING WITH BROOKLYNNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 9 Letters (rooklynne) - Names That Ends with rooklynne:

Rhyming Names According to Last 8 Letters (ooklynne) - Names That Ends with ooklynne:

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (oklynne) - Names That Ends with oklynne:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (klynne) - Names That Ends with klynne:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (lynne) - Names That Ends with lynne:

ashlynne carilynne edlynne evelynne jacquelynne kailynne kaitlynne lynne tara-lynne katlynne

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (ynne) - Names That Ends with ynne:

breynne kyrstynne maddisynne robynne synne wynne

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (nne) - Names That Ends with nne:

hanne stinne jeanne julienne janne airdsgainne johanne adenne adrianne adrienne anne asianne breanne brianne brionne carolanne cheyanne cheyenne chrisanne christanne chyanne corinne deanne deonne deydrienne dianne dionne erienne evanne fabienne fontanne govanne grainne harimanne ivonne ivyanne jerianne jilienne jillanne jillianne joeanne jordanne joyceanne julianne kadienne kelly-anne kerianne kerrianne kristianne laurenne leanne leeanne leighanne linne lirienne lorianne lucienne marianne marieanne marlenne minne roanne roxanne ryenne sueanne susanne suzanne tyrianne vivianne yvonne donne etienne renne tyronne vohkinne rosanne sebastienne felicienne vivienne lausanne alisanne aubrianne brienne bryanne

NAMES RHYMING WITH BROOKLYNNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 9 Letters (brooklynn) - Names That Begins with brooklynn:


Rhyming Names According to First 8 Letters (brooklyn) - Names That Begins with brooklyn:


Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (brookly) - Names That Begins with brookly:

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (brookl) - Names That Begins with brookl:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (brook) - Names That Begins with brook:

brook brooke brookelyn brooks brookson brooksone

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (broo) - Names That Begins with broo:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (bro) - Names That Begins with bro:

broc brochan brock brockley brocl brocleah brocleigh brocly broden broderic broderick broderik brodie brodr brodric brodrick brodrig brodrik brody broehain broga brogan broi broin brok bromle bromleah bromleigh bromley bromly bron brona brone bronson bronwen bronwyn bronya brothaigh brougher broughton brown

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (br) - Names That Begins with br:

bra brachah brad bradach bradaigh bradamate bradan bradana bradbourne bradburn bradd braddock braddon brademagus braden bradene bradey bradford bradig bradleah bradlee bradley bradly bradon bradshaw bradwell brady bradyn braeden braedon braedyn braelyn braemwiella braiana braiden brain brainard brainerd brale braleah bram bramley bramwell bran brand branda brandan branddun brande brandee brandeis


First Names which starts with 'broo' and ends with 'ynne':

First Names which starts with 'bro' and ends with 'nne':

First Names which starts with 'br' and ends with 'ne':

brangaine breine brione brune bryne

First Names which starts with 'b' and ends with 'e':

babatunde babette backstere baecere baibre bailee bainbridge bainbrydge bairbre baladie baldassare baldhere baldlice balere balgaire balie ballinamore banbrigge bane bankole baptiste barbie bardene barkarne barnabe barre barrie bartle bartolome basile baste bathilde bawdewyne baylee baylie beale beatie beatrice beattie beceere bede bedegrayne bedivere beiste bekele belakane beldane beldene bellance bellangere belle beltane bemabe bemadette bembe bemeere bemelle bennie benoyce bentle beore beorhthilde berde berdine berenice bergitte berhane berke berkle bernadette bernadine berne bernelle bernette bernice bernyce beroe berthe bertie bertilde bertrade bessie bethanee bethanie betje bette bettine beverlee bibsbebe billie binge birche birde birdie birdine

English Words Rhyming BROOKLYNNE



Rhyming Words According to Last 9 Letters (rooklynne) - English Words That Ends with rooklynne:

Rhyming Words According to Last 8 Letters (ooklynne) - English Words That Ends with ooklynne:

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (oklynne) - English Words That Ends with oklynne:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (klynne) - English Words That Ends with klynne:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (lynne) - English Words That Ends with lynne:

glynnenoun (n.) A glen. See Glen. [Obs. singly, but occurring often in locative names in Ireland, as Glen does in Scotland.]

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ynne) - English Words That Ends with ynne:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (nne) - English Words That Ends with nne:

bennenoun (n.) The name of two plants (Sesamum orientale and S. indicum), originally Asiatic; -- also called oil plant. From their seeds an oil is expressed, called benne oil, used mostly for making soap. In the southern United States the seeds are used in candy.

bonnenoun (n.) A female servant charged with the care of a young child.

cayennenoun (n.) Cayenne pepper.

chaconnenoun (n.) An old Spanish dance in moderate three-four measure, like the Passacaglia, which is slower. Both are used by classical composers as themes for variations.

cloisonneadjective (a.) Inlaid between partitions: -- said of enamel when the lines which divide the different patches of fields are composed of a kind of metal wire secured to the ground; as distinguished from champleve enamel, in which the ground is engraved or scooped out to receive the enamel.

comediennenoun (n.) A women who plays in comedy.

corinnenoun (n.) The common gazelle (Gazella dorcas). See Gazelle.

cracoviennenoun (n.) A lively Polish dance, in 2-4 time.

cretonnenoun (n.) A strong white fabric with warp of hemp and weft of flax.
 noun (n.) A fabric with cotton warp and woolen weft.
 noun (n.) A kind of chintz with a glossy surface.

equestriennenoun (n.) A woman skilled in equestrianism; a horsewoman.

fonnenoun (n.) A fon.

inconcinneadjective (a.) Dissimilar; incongruous; unsuitable.

juliennenoun (n.) A kind of soup containing thin slices or shreds of carrots, onions, etc.

linnenoun (n.) Flax. See Linen.

nonnenoun (n.) A nun.

osannenoun (n.) Hosanna.

parisiennenoun (n.) A female native or resident of Paris.

pannenoun (n.) A fabric resembling velvet, but having the nap flat and less close.

persiennenoun (n.) Properly, printed calico, whether Oriental or of fanciful design with flowers, etc., in Western work. Hence, as extended in English, material of a similar character.

raisonneadjective (a.) Arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects; as, a catalogue raisonne. See under Catalogue.

siciliennenoun (n.) A kind of rich poplin.

tennenoun (n.) A tincture, rarely employed, which is considered as an orange color or bright brown. It is represented by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter, crossed by vertical lines.

tonnenoun (n.) A tun.
 noun (n.) A metric ton.

tragediennenoun (n.) A woman who plays in tragedy.

transennenoun (n.) A transom.

varsoviennenoun (n.) A kind of Polish dance.
 noun (n.) Music for such a dance or having its slow triple time characteristic strong accent beginning every second measure.


Rhyming Words According to First 9 Letters (brooklynn) - Words That Begins with brooklynn:

Rhyming Words According to First 8 Letters (brooklyn) - Words That Begins with brooklyn:

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (brookly) - Words That Begins with brookly:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (brookl) - Words That Begins with brookl:

brookletnoun (n.) A small brook.

brooklimenoun (n.) A plant (Veronica Beccabunga), with flowers, usually blue, in axillary racemes. The American species is V. Americana.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (brook) - Words That Begins with brook:

brookingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Brook

brookitenoun (n.) A mineral consisting of titanic oxide, and hence identical with rutile and octahedrite in composition, but crystallizing in the orthorhombic system.

brooksidenoun (n.) The bank of a brook.

brookweednoun (n.) A small white-flowered herb (Samolus Valerandi) found usually in wet places; water pimpernel.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (broo) - Words That Begins with broo:

broochnoun (n.) An ornament, in various forms, with a tongue, pin, or loop for attaching it to a garment; now worn at the breast by women; a breastpin. Formerly worn by men on the hat.
 noun (n.) A painting all of one color, as a sepia painting, or an India painting.
  (imp. & p. p.) To adorn as with a brooch.

broodadjective (a.) Sitting or inclined to sit on eggs.
 adjective (a.) Kept for breeding from; as, a brood mare; brood stock; having young; as, a brood sow.
 verb (v. t.) The young birds hatched at one time; a hatch; as, a brood of chickens.
 verb (v. t.) The young from the same dam, whether produced at the same time or not; young children of the same mother, especially if nearly of the same age; offspring; progeny; as, a woman with a brood of children.
 verb (v. t.) That which is bred or produced; breed; species.
 verb (v. t.) Heavy waste in tin and copper ores.
 verb (v. i.) To sit on and cover eggs, as a fowl, for the purpose of warming them and hatching the young; or to sit over and cover young, as a hen her chickens, in order to warm and protect them; hence, to sit quietly, as if brooding.
 verb (v. i.) To have the mind dwell continuously or moodily on a subject; to think long and anxiously; to be in a state of gloomy, serious thought; -- usually followed by over or on; as, to brood over misfortunes.
 verb (v. t.) To sit over, cover, and cherish; as, a hen broods her chickens.
 verb (v. t.) To cherish with care.
 verb (v. t.) To think anxiously or moodily upon.

broodingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Brood

broodyadjective (a.) Inclined to brood.

broomnoun (n.) A plant having twigs suitable for making brooms to sweep with when bound together; esp., the Cytisus scoparius of Western Europe, which is a low shrub with long, straight, green, angular branches, minute leaves, and large yellow flowers.
 noun (n.) An implement for sweeping floors, etc., commonly made of the panicles or tops of broom corn, bound together or attached to a long wooden handle; -- so called because originally made of the twigs of the broom.
 verb (v. t.) See Bream.

broomstaffnoun (n.) A broomstick.

broomsticknoun (n.) A stick used as a handle of a broom.

broomyadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to broom; overgrowing with broom; resembling broom or a broom.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (bro) - Words That Begins with bro:

broachnoun (n.) A spit.
 noun (n.) An awl; a bodkin; also, a wooden rod or pin, sharpened at each end, used by thatchers.
 noun (n.) A tool of steel, generally tapering, and of a polygonal form, with from four to eight cutting edges, for smoothing or enlarging holes in metal; sometimes made smooth or without edges, as for burnishing pivot holes in watches; a reamer. The broach for gun barrels is commonly square and without taper.
 noun (n.) A straight tool with file teeth, made of steel, to be pressed through irregular holes in metal that cannot be dressed by revolving tools; a drift.
 noun (n.) A broad chisel for stonecutting.
 noun (n.) A spire rising from a tower.
 noun (n.) A clasp for fastening a garment. See Brooch.
 noun (n.) A spitlike start, on the head of a young stag.
 noun (n.) The stick from which candle wicks are suspended for dipping.
 noun (n.) The pin in a lock which enters the barrel of the key.
 noun (n.) To spit; to pierce as with a spit.
 noun (n.) To tap; to pierce, as a cask, in order to draw the liquor. Hence: To let out; to shed, as blood.
 noun (n.) To open for the first time, as stores.
 noun (n.) To make public; to utter; to publish first; to put forth; to introduce as a topic of conversation.
 noun (n.) To cause to begin or break out.
 noun (n.) To shape roughly, as a block of stone, by chiseling with a coarse tool.
 noun (n.) To enlarge or dress (a hole), by using a broach.

broachingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Broach

broachernoun (n.) A spit; a broach.
 noun (n.) One who broaches, opens, or utters; a first publisher or promoter.

broadnoun (n.) The broad part of anything; as, the broad of an oar.
 noun (n.) The spread of a river into a sheet of water; a flooded fen.
 noun (n.) A lathe tool for turning down the insides and bottoms of cylinders.
 superlative (superl.) Wide; extend in breadth, or from side to side; -- opposed to narrow; as, a broad street, a broad table; an inch broad.
 superlative (superl.) Extending far and wide; extensive; vast; as, the broad expanse of ocean.
 superlative (superl.) Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.
 superlative (superl.) Fig.: Having a large measure of any thing or quality; not limited; not restrained; -- applied to any subject, and retaining the literal idea more or less clearly, the precise meaning depending largely on the substantive.
 superlative (superl.) Comprehensive; liberal; enlarged.
 superlative (superl.) Plain; evident; as, a broad hint.
 superlative (superl.) Free; unrestrained; unconfined.
 superlative (superl.) Characterized by breadth. See Breadth.
 superlative (superl.) Cross; coarse; indelicate; as, a broad compliment; a broad joke; broad humor.
 superlative (superl.) Strongly marked; as, a broad Scotch accent.

broadax broadaxenoun (n.) An ancient military weapon; a battle-ax.
 noun (n.) An ax with a broad edge, for hewing timber.

broadbillnoun (n.) A wild duck (Aythya, / Fuligula, marila), which appears in large numbers on the eastern coast of the United States, in autumn; -- called also bluebill, blackhead, raft duck, and scaup duck. See Scaup duck.
 noun (n.) The shoveler. See Shoveler.

broadbrimnoun (n.) A hat with a very broad brim, like those worn by men of the society of Friends.
 noun (n.) A member of the society of Friends; a Quaker.

broadcastnoun (n.) A casting or throwing seed in all directions, as from the hand in sowing.
 adjective (a.) Cast or dispersed in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; widely diffused.
 adjective (a.) Scattering in all directions (as a method of sowing); -- opposed to planting in hills, or rows.
 adverb (adv.) So as to scatter or be scattered in all directions; so as to spread widely, as seed from the hand in sowing, or news from the press.

broadclothnoun (n.) A fine smooth-faced woolen cloth for men's garments, usually of double width (i.e., a yard and a half); -- so called in distinction from woolens three quarters of a yard wide.

broadeningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Broaden

broadenadjective (a.) To grow broad; to become broader or wider.
 verb (v. t.) To make broad or broader; to render more broad or comprehensive.

broadishadjective (a.) Rather broad; moderately broad.

broadleafnoun (n.) A tree (Terminalia latifolia) of Jamaica, the wood of which is used for boards, scantling, shingles, etc; -- sometimes called the almond tree, from the shape of its fruit.

broadmouthnoun (n.) One of the Eurylaimidae, a family of East Indian passerine birds.

broadnessnoun (n.) The condition or quality of being broad; breadth; coarseness; grossness.

broadpiecenoun (n.) An old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, as a Carolus or Jacobus.

broadsidenoun (n.) The side of a ship above the water line, from the bow to the quarter.
 noun (n.) A discharge of or from all the guns on one side of a ship, at the same time.
 noun (n.) A volley of abuse or denunciation.
 noun (n.) A sheet of paper containing one large page, or printed on one side only; -- called also broadsheet.

broadspreadadjective (a.) Widespread.

broadspreadingadjective (a.) Spreading widely.

broadswordnoun (n.) A sword with a broad blade and a cutting edge; a claymore.

brobnoun (n.) A peculiar brad-shaped spike, to be driven alongside the end of an abutting timber to prevent its slipping.

brobdingnagiannoun (n.) A giant.
 adjective (a.) Colossal; of extraordinary height; gigantic.

brocadenoun (n.) Silk stuff, woven with gold and silver threads, or ornamented with raised flowers, foliage, etc.; -- also applied to other stuffs thus wrought and enriched.

brocadedadjective (a.) Woven or worked, as brocade, with gold and silver, or with raised flowers, etc.
 adjective (a.) Dressed in brocade.

brocagenoun (n.) See Brokkerage.

brocardnoun (n.) An elementary principle or maximum; a short, proverbial rule, in law, ethics, or metaphysics.

brocatelnoun (n.) A kind of coarse brocade, or figured fabric, used chiefly for tapestry, linings for carriages, etc.
 noun (n.) A marble, clouded and veined with white, gray, yellow, and red, in which the yellow usually prevails. It is also called Siena marble, from its locality.

brocatellonoun (n.) Same as Brocatel.

broccolinoun (n.) A plant of the Cabbage species (Brassica oleracea) of many varieties, resembling the cauliflower. The "curd," or flowering head, is the part used for food.

brochantitenoun (n.) A basic sulphate of copper, occurring in emerald-green crystals.

brochenoun (n.) See Broach, n.
 adjective (a.) Woven with a figure; as, broche goods.
 adjective (a.) Stitched; -- said of a book with no cover or only a paper one.

brocknoun (n.) A badger.
 noun (n.) A brocket.

brocketnoun (n.) A male red deer two years old; -- sometimes called brock.
 noun (n.) A small South American deer, of several species (Coassus superciliaris, C. rufus, and C. auritus).

brockishadjective (a.) Beastly; brutal.

brodekinnoun (n.) A buskin or half-boot.

brognoun (n.) A pointed instrument, as a joiner's awl, a brad awl, a needle, or a small sharp stick.
 verb (v. t.) To prod with a pointed instrument, as a lance; also, to broggle.

brogannoun (n.) A stout, coarse shoe; a brogue.

brogglenoun (n.) To sniggle, or fish with a brog.

broguenoun (n.) A stout, coarse shoe; a brogan.
 verb (v. t.) A dialectic pronunciation; esp. the Irish manner of pronouncing English.

broguesnoun (n. pl.) Breeches.

broiderernoun (n.) One who embroiders.

broiderynoun (n.) Embroidery.

broilnoun (n.) A tumult; a noisy quarrel; a disturbance; a brawl; contention; discord, either between individuals or in the state.
 verb (v. t.) To cook by direct exposure to heat over a fire, esp. upon a gridiron over coals.
 verb (v. t.) To subject to great (commonly direct) heat.
 verb (v. i.) To be subjected to the action of heat, as meat over the fire; to be greatly heated, or to be made uncomfortable with heat.

broilingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Broil
 noun (n.) The act of causing anything to broil.
 adjective (a.) Excessively hot; as, a broiling sun.

broilernoun (n.) One who excites broils; one who engages in or promotes noisy quarrels.
 noun (n.) One who broils, or cooks by broiling.
 noun (n.) A gridiron or other utensil used in broiling.
 noun (n.) A chicken or other bird fit for broiling.

brokagenoun (n.) See Brokerage.

brokennessnoun (n.) The state or quality of being broken; unevenness.
 noun (n.) Contrition; as, brokenness of heart.

brokeragenoun (n.) The business or employment of a broker.
 noun (n.) The fee, reward, or commission, given or changed for transacting business as a broker.

brokerlyadjective (a.) Mean; servile.

brokerynoun (n.) The business of a broker.


English Words which starts with 'broo' and ends with 'ynne':

English Words which starts with 'bro' and ends with 'nne':

English Words which starts with 'br' and ends with 'ne':

brabantineadjective (a.) Pertaining to Brabant, an ancient province of the Netherlands.

brachystochronenoun (n.) A curve, in which a body, starting from a given point, and descending solely by the force of gravity, will reach another given point in a shorter time than it could by any other path. This curve of quickest descent, as it is sometimes called, is, in a vacuum, the same as the cycloid.

brandywinenoun (n.) Brandy.

brankursinenoun (n.) Bear's-breech, or Acanthus.

breastbonenoun (n.) The bone of the breast; the sternum.

brigandinenoun (n.) A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal, and sewed to linen or other material. It was worn in the Middle Ages.

brigantinenoun (n.) A practical vessel.
 noun (n.) A two-masted, square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig in that she does not carry a square mainsail.
 noun (n.) See Brigandine.

brimstoneadjective (a.) Made of, or pertaining to, brimstone; as, brimstone matches.
 verb (v. t.) Sulphur; See Sulphur.

brinenoun (n.) Water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; pickle; hence, any strong saline solution; also, the saline residue or strong mother liquor resulting from the evaporation of natural or artificial waters.
 noun (n.) The ocean; the water of an ocean, sea, or salt lake.
 noun (n.) Tears; -- so called from their saltness.
 verb (v. t.) To steep or saturate in brine.
 verb (v. t.) To sprinkle with salt or brine; as, to brine hay.

brominenoun (n.) One of the elements, related in its chemical qualities to chlorine and iodine. Atomic weight 79.8. Symbol Br. It is a deep reddish brown liquid of a very disagreeable odor, emitting a brownish vapor at the ordinary temperature. In combination it is found in minute quantities in sea water, and in many saline springs. It occurs also in the mineral bromyrite.

bronzinenoun (n.) A metal so prepared as to have the appearance of bronze.
 adjective (a.) Made of bronzine; resembling bronze; bronzelike.

brownstonenoun (n.) A dark variety of sandstone, much used for building purposes.

brucinenoun (n.) A powerful vegetable alkaloid, found, associated with strychnine, in the seeds of different species of Strychnos, especially in the Nux vomica. It is less powerful than strychnine. Called also brucia and brucina.

brilliantinenoun (n.) An oily composition used to make the hair glossy.
 noun (n.) A dress fabric having a glossy finish on both sides, resembling alpaca but of superior quality.