First Names Rhyming DUSTIN
English Words Rhyming DUSTIN
dusting | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dust |
dustiness | noun (n.) The state of being dusty. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DUSTİN (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ustin) - English Words That Ends with ustin:
austin | adjective (a.) Augustinian; as, Austin friars. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (stin) - English Words That Ends with stin:
elastin | noun (n.) A nitrogenous substance, somewhat resembling albumin, which forms the chemical basis of elastic tissue. It is very insoluble in most fluids, but is gradually dissolved when digested with either pepsin or trypsin. |
fibrinoplastin | noun (n.) An albuminous substance, existing in the blood, which in combination with fibrinogen forms fibrin; -- called also paraglobulin. |
munjistin | noun (n.) An orange-red coloring substance resembling alizarin, found in the root of an East Indian species of madder (Rubia munjista). |
myristin | noun (n.) The myristate of glycerin, -- found as a vegetable fat in nutmeg butter, etc. |
plastin | noun (n.) A substance associated with nuclein in cell nuclei, and by some considered as the fundamental substance of the nucleus. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (tin) - English Words That Ends with tin:
abietin | noun (n.) Alt. of Abietine |
acetin | noun (n.) A combination of acetic acid with glycerin. |
achromatin | noun (n.) Tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes. |
alantin | noun (n.) See Inulin. |
alloxantin | noun (n.) A substance produced by acting upon uric with warm and very dilute nitric acid. |
ballotin | noun (n.) An officer who has charge of a ballot box. |
beltin | noun (n.) See Beltane. |
biscotin | noun (n.) A confection made of flour, sugar, marmalade, and eggs; a sweet biscuit. |
boultin | noun (n.) A molding, the convexity of which is one fourth of a circle, being a member just below the abacus in the Tuscan and Roman Doric capital; a torus; an ovolo. |
| noun (n.) One of the shafts of a clustered column. |
bouquetin | noun (n.) The ibex. |
bulletin | noun (n.) A brief statement of facts respecting some passing event, as military operations or the health of some distinguished personage, issued by authority for the information of the public. |
| noun (n.) Any public notice or announcement, especially of news recently received. |
| noun (n.) A periodical publication, especially one containing the proceeding of a society. |
bromogelatin | adjective (a.) Designating or pertaining to, a process of preparing dry plates with an emulsion of bromides and silver nitrate in gelatin. |
carotin | noun (n.) A red crystallizable tasteless substance, extracted from the carrot. |
cathartin | noun (n.) The bitter, purgative principle of senna. It is a glucoside with the properties of a weak acid; -- called also cathartic acid, and cathartina. |
cerotin | noun (n.) A white crystalline substance, C27H55.OH, obtained from Chinese wax, and regarded as an alcohol of the marsh gas series; -- called also cerotic alcohol, ceryl alcohol. |
cetin | noun (n.) A white, waxy substance, forming the essential part of spermaceti. |
chambertin | noun (n.) A red wine from Chambertin near Dijon, in Burgundy. |
chitin | noun (n.) A white amorphous horny substance forming the harder part of the outer integument of insects, crustacea, and various other invertebrates; entomolin. |
chromatin | noun (n.) Tissue which is capable of being stained by dyes. |
| noun (n.) The deeply staining substance of the nucleus and chromosomes of cells, now supposed to be the physical basis of inheritance, and generally regarded as the same substance as the hypothetical idioplasm or germ plasm. |
conglutin | noun (n.) A variety of vegetable casein, resembling legumin, and found in almonds, rye, wheat, etc. |
creatin | noun (n.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance found abundantly in muscle tissue. |
cretin | noun (n.) One afflicted with cretinism. |
crocetin | noun (n.) A dyestuff, obtained from the Chinese crocin, which produces a brilliant yellow. |
cutin | noun (n.) The substance which, added to the material of a cell wall, makes it waterproof, as in cork. |
| noun (n.) A waxy substance which, combined with cellulose, forms a substance nearly impervious to water and constituting the cuticle in plants. |
daphnetin | noun (n.) A colorless crystalline substance, C9H6O4, extracted from daphnin. |
ergotin | noun (n.) An extract made from ergot. |
excretin | noun (n.) A nonnitrogenous, crystalline body, present in small quantity in human faeces. |
fisetin | noun (n.) A yellow crystalline substance extracted from fustet, and regarded as its essential coloring principle; -- called also fisetic acid. |
fortin | noun (n.) A little fort; a fortlet. |
galactin | noun (n.) An amorphous, gelatinous substance containing nitrogen, found in milk and other animal fluids. It resembles peptone, and is variously regarded as a coagulating or emulsifying agent. |
| noun (n.) A white waxy substance found in the sap of the South American cow tree (Galactodendron). |
| noun (n.) An amorphous, gummy carbohydrate resembling gelose, found in the seeds of leguminous plants, and yielding on decomposition several sugars, including galactose. |
gelatin | noun (n.) Alt. of Gelatine |
glutin | noun (n.) Same as Gliadin. |
| noun (n.) Sometimes synonymous with Gelatin. |
granatin | noun (n.) Mannite; -- so called because found in the pomegranate. |
gratin | noun (n.) The brown crust formed upon a gratinated dish; also, dish itself, as crusts bread, game, or poultry. |
haematin | noun (n.) Same as Hematin. |
hematin | noun (n.) Hematoxylin. |
| noun (n.) A bluish black, amorphous substance containing iron and obtained from blood. It exists the red blood corpuscles united with globulin, and the form of hemoglobin or oxyhemoglobin gives to the blood its red color. |
hesperetin | noun (n.) A white, crystalline substance having a sweetish taste, obtained by the decomposition of hesperidin, and regarded as a complex derivative of caffeic acid. |
hifalutin | noun (n.) See Highfaluting. |
histohaematin | noun (n.) One of a class of respiratory pigments, widely distributed in the animal kingdom, capable of ready oxidation and reduction. |
imesatin | noun (n.) A dark yellow, crystalline substance, obtained by the action of ammonia on isatin. |
indigotin | noun (n.) See Indigo blue, under Indigo. |
indiretin | noun (n.) A dark brown resinous substance obtained from indican. |
invertin | noun (n.) An unorganized ferment which causes cane sugar to take up a molecule of water and be converted into invert sugar. |
isatin | noun (n.) An orange-red crystalline substance, C8H5NO2, obtained by the oxidation of indigo blue. It is also produced from certain derivatives of benzoic acid, and is one important source of artificial indigo. |
keratin | noun (n.) A nitrogenous substance, or mixture of substances, containing sulphur in a loose state of combination, and forming the chemical basis of epidermal tissues, such as horn, hair, feathers, and the like. It is an insoluble substance, and, unlike elastin, is not dissolved even by gastric or pancreatic juice. By decomposition with sulphuric acid it yields leucin and tyrosin, as does albumin. Called also epidermose. |
kreatin | noun (n.) See Creatin. |
lactin | noun (n.) See Lactose. |
lamantin | noun (n.) The manatee. |
lamentin | noun (n.) See Lamantin. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DUSTİN (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (dusti) - Words That Begins with dusti:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (dust) - Words That Begins with dust:
dust | noun (n.) Fine, dry particles of earth or other matter, so comminuted that they may be raised and wafted by the wind; that which is crumbled too minute portions; fine powder; as, clouds of dust; bone dust. |
| noun (n.) A single particle of earth or other matter. |
| noun (n.) The earth, as the resting place of the dead. |
| noun (n.) The earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body. |
| noun (n.) Figuratively, a worthless thing. |
| noun (n.) Figuratively, a low or mean condition. |
| noun (n.) Gold dust |
| noun (n.) Coined money; cash. |
| verb (v. t.) To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor. |
| verb (v. t.) To sprinkle with dust. |
| verb (v. t.) To reduce to a fine powder; to levigate. |
dustbrush | noun (n.) A brush of feathers, bristles, or hair, for removing dust from furniture. |
duster | noun (n.) One who, or that which, dusts; a utensil that frees from dust. |
| noun (n.) A revolving wire-cloth cylinder which removes the dust from rags, etc. |
| noun (n.) A blowing machine for separating the flour from the bran. |
| noun (n.) A light over-garment, worn in traveling to protect the clothing from dust. |
dustless | adjective (a.) Without dust; as a dustless path. |
dustpan | noun (n.) A shovel-like utensil for conveying away dust brushed from the floor. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (dus) - Words That Begins with dus:
duse | noun (n.) A demon or spirit. See Deuce. |
dusk | noun (n.) Imperfect obscurity; a middle degree between light and darkness; twilight; as, the dusk of the evening. |
| noun (n.) A darkish color. |
| adjective (a.) Tending to darkness or blackness; moderately dark or black; dusky. |
| verb (v. t.) To make dusk. |
| verb (v. i.) To grow dusk. |
duskiness | noun (n.) The state of being dusky. |
duskish | adjective (a.) Somewhat dusky. |
duskness | noun (n.) Duskiness. |
dusky | adjective (a.) Partially dark or obscure; not luminous; dusk; as, a dusky valley. |
| adjective (a.) Tending to blackness in color; partially black; dark-colored; not bright; as, a dusky brown. |
| adjective (a.) Gloomy; sad; melancholy. |
| adjective (a.) Intellectually clouded. |
English Words which starts with 'du' and ends with 'in':
dualin | noun (n.) An explosive substance consisting essentially of sawdust or wood pulp, saturated with nitroglycerin and other similar nitro compounds. It is inferior to dynamite, and is more liable to explosion. |
dulcamarin | noun (n.) A glucoside extracted from the bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara), as a yellow amorphous substance. It probably occasions the compound taste. See Bittersweet, 3(a). |
dunlin | noun (n.) A species of sandpiper (Tringa alpina); -- called also churr, dorbie, grass bird, and red-backed sandpiper. It is found both in Europe and America. |