First Names Rhyming DUSTEE
English Words Rhyming DUSTEE
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DUSTEE (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ustee) - English Words That Ends with ustee:
cotrustee | noun (n.) A joint trustee. |
mustee | noun (n.) See Mestee. |
trustee | noun (n.) A person to whom property is legally committed in trust, to be applied either for the benefit of specified individuals, or for public uses; one who is intrusted with property for the benefit of another; also, a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached in a trustee process. |
| verb (v. t.) To commit (property) to the care of a trustee; as, to trustee an estate. |
| verb (v. t.) To attach (a debtor's wages, credits, or property in the hands of a third person) in the interest of the creditor. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (stee) - English Words That Ends with stee:
bhistee | noun (n.) Alt. of Bhisti |
mestee | noun (n.) The offspring of a white person and a quadroon; -- so called in the West Indies. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (tee) - English Words That Ends with tee:
absentee | noun (n.) One who absents himself from his country, office, post, or duty; especially, a landholder who lives in another country or district than that where his estate is situated; as, an Irish absentee. |
affrontee | noun (n.) One who receives an affront. |
allottee | noun (n.) One to whom anything is allotted; one to whom an allotment is made. |
ashantee | noun (n.) A native or an inhabitant of Ashantee in Western Africa. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Ashantee. |
bootee | noun (n.) A half boot or short boot. |
chariotee | noun (n.) A light, covered, four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two seats. |
coatee | noun (n.) A coat with short flaps. |
committee | noun (n.) One or more persons elected or appointed, to whom any matter or business is referred, either by a legislative body, or by a court, or by any collective body of men acting together. |
| verb (v. t.) One to whom the charge of the person or estate of another, as of a lunatic, is committed by suitable authority; a guardian. |
covenantee | noun (n.) The person in whose favor a covenant is made. |
debtee | noun (n.) One to whom a debt is due; creditor; -- correlative to debtor. |
dedicatee | noun (n.) One to whom a thing is dedicated; -- correlative to dedicator. |
devotee | noun (n.) One who is wholly devoted; esp., one given wholly to religion; one who is superstitiously given to religious duties and ceremonies; a bigot. |
deyntee | noun (n. & a.) See Dainty. |
goatee | noun (n.) A part of a man's beard on the chin or lower lip which is allowed to grow, and trimmed so as to resemble the beard of a goat. |
grantee | noun (n.) The person to whom a grant or conveyance is made. |
guarantee | noun (n.) In law and common usage: A promise to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some duty, in case of the failure of another person, who is, in the first instance, liable to such payment or performance; an engagement which secures or insures another against a contingency; a warranty; a security. Same as Guaranty. |
| noun (n.) One who binds himself to see an undertaking of another performed; a guarantor. |
| noun (n.) The person to whom a guaranty is made; -- the correlative of guarantor. |
| noun (n.) In law and common usage: to undertake or engage for the payment of (a debt) or the performance of (a duty) by another person; to undertake to secure (a possession, right, claim, etc.) to another against a specified contingency, or at all avents; to give a guarantee concerning; to engage, assure, or secure as a thing that may be depended on; to warrant; as, to guarantee the execution of a treaty. |
honestetee | noun (n.) Honesty; honorableness. |
indictee | noun (n.) A person indicted. |
interrogatee | noun (n.) One who is interrogated. |
jettee | noun (n.) See Jetty, n. |
legatee | noun (n.) One to whom a legacy is bequeathed. |
manatee | noun (n.) Any species of Trichechus, a genus of sirenians; -- called alsosea cow. |
muffetee | noun (n.) A small muff worn over the wrist. |
patee | noun (n.) See Pattee. |
patentee | noun (n.) One to whom a grant is made, or a privilege secured, by patent. |
pattee | adjective (a.) Narrow at the inner, and very broad at the other, end, or having its arms of that shape; -- said of a cross. See Illust. (8) of Cross. |
permittee | noun (n.) One to whom a permission or permit is given. |
picketee | noun (n.) See Picotee. |
picotee | noun (n.) Alt. of Picotine |
pontee | noun (n.) An iron rod used by glass makers for manipulating the hot glass; -- called also, puntil, puntel, punty, and ponty. See Fascet. |
puttee | noun (n.) Same as Putty, a kind of gaiter. |
remittee | noun (n.) One to whom a remittance is sent. |
repartee | noun (n.) A smart, ready, and witty reply. |
| verb (v. i.) To make smart and witty replies. |
setee | noun (n.) See 2d Settee. |
settee | noun (n.) A long seat with a back, -- made to accommodate several persons at once. |
| noun (n.) A vessel with a very long, sharp prow, carrying two or three masts with lateen sails, -- used in the Mediterranean. |
squitee | noun (n.) The squeteague; -- called also squit. |
subcommittee | noun (n.) An under committee; a part or division of a committee. |
suttee | noun (n.) A Hindoo widow who immolates herself, or is immolated, on the funeral pile of her husband; -- so called because this act of self-immolation is regarded as envincing excellence of wifely character. |
| noun (n.) The act of burning a widow on the funeral pile of her husband. |
tee | noun (n.) The mark aimed at in curling and in quoits. |
| noun (n.) The nodule of earth from which the ball is struck in golf. |
| noun (n.) A short piece of pipe having a lateral outlet, used to connect a line of pipe with a pipe at a right angle with the line; -- so called because it resembles the letter T in shape. |
| noun (n.) The letter T, t; also, something shaped like, or resembling in form, the letter T. |
| verb (v. t.) To place (the ball) on a tee. |
teetee | noun (n.) Any one of several species of small, soft-furred South American monkeys belonging to Callithrix, Chrysothrix, and allied genera; as, the collared teetee (Callithrix torquatus), and the squirrel teetee (Chrysothrix sciurea). Called also pinche, titi, and saimiri. See Squirrel monkey, under Squirrel. |
| noun (n.) A diving petrel of Australia (Halodroma wrinatrix). |
warrantee | noun (n.) The person to whom a warrant or warranty is made. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DUSTEE (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (duste) - Words That Begins with duste:
duster | noun (n.) One who, or that which, dusts; a utensil that frees from dust. |
| noun (n.) A revolving wire-cloth cylinder which removes the dust from rags, etc. |
| noun (n.) A blowing machine for separating the flour from the bran. |
| noun (n.) A light over-garment, worn in traveling to protect the clothing from dust. |
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (dust) - Words That Begins with dust:
dust | noun (n.) Fine, dry particles of earth or other matter, so comminuted that they may be raised and wafted by the wind; that which is crumbled too minute portions; fine powder; as, clouds of dust; bone dust. |
| noun (n.) A single particle of earth or other matter. |
| noun (n.) The earth, as the resting place of the dead. |
| noun (n.) The earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body. |
| noun (n.) Figuratively, a worthless thing. |
| noun (n.) Figuratively, a low or mean condition. |
| noun (n.) Gold dust |
| noun (n.) Coined money; cash. |
| verb (v. t.) To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor. |
| verb (v. t.) To sprinkle with dust. |
| verb (v. t.) To reduce to a fine powder; to levigate. |
dusting | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dust |
dustbrush | noun (n.) A brush of feathers, bristles, or hair, for removing dust from furniture. |
dustiness | noun (n.) The state of being dusty. |
dustless | adjective (a.) Without dust; as a dustless path. |
dustpan | noun (n.) A shovel-like utensil for conveying away dust brushed from the floor. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (dus) - Words That Begins with dus:
duse | noun (n.) A demon or spirit. See Deuce. |
dusk | noun (n.) Imperfect obscurity; a middle degree between light and darkness; twilight; as, the dusk of the evening. |
| noun (n.) A darkish color. |
| adjective (a.) Tending to darkness or blackness; moderately dark or black; dusky. |
| verb (v. t.) To make dusk. |
| verb (v. i.) To grow dusk. |
duskiness | noun (n.) The state of being dusky. |
duskish | adjective (a.) Somewhat dusky. |
duskness | noun (n.) Duskiness. |
dusky | adjective (a.) Partially dark or obscure; not luminous; dusk; as, a dusky valley. |
| adjective (a.) Tending to blackness in color; partially black; dark-colored; not bright; as, a dusky brown. |
| adjective (a.) Gloomy; sad; melancholy. |
| adjective (a.) Intellectually clouded. |
English Words which starts with 'du' and ends with 'ee':
dungaree | noun (n.) A coarse kind of unbleached cotton stuff. |