Name Report For First Name DENICE:


First name DENICE's origin is French. DENICE means "feminine of denis or denys from the greek name dionysus". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with DENICE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of denice.(Brown names are of the same origin (French) with DENICE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with DENICE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming DENICE



NAMES RHYMING WITH DENİCE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (enice) - Names That Ends with enice:

fenice berenice jenice

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (nice) - Names That Ends with nice:

eunice kalonice anice annice bernice danice ganice janice jeanice lanice ranice canice

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ice) - Names That Ends with ice:

alarice dice eurydice helice prentice anstice maurice alice brandice candice caprice catrice cherice clarice darice delice derorice ellice felice galice gurice kandice kaprice katrice morice pazice urice brice curtice justice norice rice arlice beatrice dorice mertice baldlice caflice avice patrice

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ce) - Names That Ends with ce:

canace candance circe dirce glauce yohance benoyce lance eustace aleece aleyece allyce alyce ance aviance bernyce brandyce caidance candace candyce caydence clemence deniece dulce ellyce elyce essence florence france grace jahnisce janiece jayce jeniece jeyce joyce kadence kadience kaedence kaidance kandace kandyce kayce kaydance kaydence

NAMES RHYMING WITH DENİCE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (denic) - Names That Begins with denic:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (deni) - Names That Begins with deni:

denia denis denisa denisc denise denisha denissa denisse

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (den) - Names That Begins with den:

den dena denby dendera dene deneen denelle denes denley dennet denney denni dennie dennis dennise dennison denny dennys denton denver denys denyse denzel denzell denzil

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (de) - Names That Begins with de:

dea deacon deagan deaglan deagmund deakin dealbeorht dealber dealbert dean deana deanda deandra deandrea deandria deane deann deanna deanne dearbhail dearborn dearbourne deardriu dearg deasach deasmumhan deavon debbee debbie debby debora deborah debra debrah debralee dechtere dechtire decla declan dedr dedre dedric dedrick dedrik dee deeana deeandra deeann deeanna deedra deegan deems deen deena deerwa deerward defena dehaan deheune deianira deidra deidre deiene deikun deina deiphobus


First Names which starts with 'de' and ends with 'ce':


First Names which starts with 'd' and ends with 'e':

dace dae daesgesage daine daire daisie dale dalene damae damerae damiane danae dane danele danelle danette daniele danielle danise dannalee dannee dannelle dannie danrelle dantae dante daphne darce darcelle darchelle darcie darelene darelle darence darleane darlene darline darrance darrence daryle darylene daunte dave davide davidsone davie davine davite dawayne dawne dawnelle dawnette dawnielle dayle dayne deirdre deke dekle delaine delane delanie delbine delcine delmare delmore delphine demasone demissie deonne deorwine derebourne desarae desaree desirae desire desiree destanee destine destinee destinie destrie desyre dete devanie devere devine devinee devonne dewayne deydrienne dezarae dezirae deziree dhoire diamante diamonique diandre diane dianne

English Words Rhyming DENICE


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DENİCE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (enice) - English Words That Ends with enice:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (nice) - English Words That Ends with nice:

cornicenoun (n.) Any horizontal, molded or otherwise decorated projection which crowns or finishes the part to which it is affixed; as, the cornice of an order, pedestal, door, window, or house.

overniceadjective (a.) Excessively nice; fastidious.

punicenoun (n.) See Punese.
 verb (v. t.) To punish.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ice) - English Words That Ends with ice:

accomplicenoun (n.) A cooperator.
 noun (n.) An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.

addicenoun (n.) See Adze.

advicenoun (n.) An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel.
 noun (n.) Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
 noun (n.) Information or notice given; intelligence; as, late advices from France; -- commonly in the plural.
 noun (n.) Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.

allicenoun (n.) Alt. of Allis

allspicenoun (n.) The berry of the pimento (Eugenia pimenta), a tree of the West Indies; a spice of a mildly pungent taste, and agreeably aromatic; Jamaica pepper; pimento. It has been supposed to combine the flavor of cinnamon, nutmegs, and cloves; and hence the name. The name is also given to other aromatic shrubs; as, the Carolina allspice (Calycanthus floridus); wild allspice (Lindera benzoin), called also spicebush, spicewood, and feverbush.

amicenoun (n.) A square of white linen worn at first on the head, but now about the neck and shoulders, by priests of the Roman Catholic Church while saying Mass.
 noun (n.) A hood, or cape with a hood, made of lined with gray fur, formerly worn by the clergy; -- written also amess, amyss, and almuce.

apprenticenoun (n.) One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain time, with a view to learn the art, or trade, in which his master is bound to instruct him.
 noun (n.) One not well versed in a subject; a tyro.
 noun (n.) A barrister, considered a learner of law till of sixteen years' standing, when he might be called to the rank of serjeant.
 verb (v. t.) To bind to, or put under the care of, a master, for the purpose of instruction in a trade or business.

armisticenoun (n.) A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce.

artificenoun (n.) A handicraft; a trade; art of making.
 noun (n.) Workmanship; a skillfully contrived work.
 noun (n.) Artful or skillful contrivance.
 noun (n.) Crafty device; an artful, ingenious, or elaborate trick. [Now the usual meaning.]

aruspicenoun (n.) A soothsayer of ancient Rome. Same as Aruspex.

auspiceadjective (a.) A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future.
 adjective (a.) Protection; patronage and care; guidance.

avaricenoun (n.) An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
 noun (n.) An inordinate desire for some supposed good.

beneficenoun (n.) A favor or benefit.
 noun (n.) An estate in lands; a fief.
 noun (n.) An ecclesiastical living and church preferment, as in the Church of England; a church endowed with a revenue for the maintenance of divine service. See Advowson.
 verb (v. t.) To endow with a benefice.

bicenoun (n.) Alt. of Bise

boddicenoun (n.) See Bodick.

bodicenoun (n.) A kind of under waist stiffened with whalebone, etc., worn esp. by women; a corset; stays.
 noun (n.) A close-fitting outer waist or vest forming the upper part of a woman's dress, or a portion of it.

bratticenoun (n.) A wall of separation in a shaft or gallery used for ventilation.
 noun (n.) Planking to support a roof or wall.

bretticenoun (n.) The wooden boarding used in supporting the roofs and walls of coal mines. See Brattice.

bullficenoun (n.) A kind of fungus. See Puffball.

caddicenoun (n.) Alt. of Caddis

calicenoun (n.) See Chalice.

cantatricenoun (n.) A female professional singer.

chalicenoun (n.) A cup or bowl; especially, the cup used in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

choicenoun (n.) Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from two or more things that which is preferred; the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election.
 noun (n.) The power or opportunity of choosing; option.
 noun (n.) Care in selecting; judgment or skill in distinguishing what is to be preferred, and in giving a preference; discrimination.
 noun (n.) A sufficient number to choose among.
 noun (n.) The thing or person chosen; that which is approved and selected in preference to others; selection.
 noun (n.) The best part; that which is preferable.
 superlative (superl.) Worthly of being chosen or preferred; select; superior; precious; valuable.
 superlative (superl.) Preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; -- used with of; as, to be choice of time, or of money.
 superlative (superl.) Selected with care, and due attention to preference; deliberately chosen.

cicatricenoun (n.) A cicatrix.

cilicenoun (n.) A kind of haircloth undergarment.

cockatricenoun (n.) A fabulous serpent whose breath and look were said to be fatal. See Basilisk.
 noun (n.) A representation of this serpent. It has the head, wings, and legs of a bird, and tail of a serpent.
 noun (n.) A venomous serpent which which cannot now be identified.
 noun (n.) Any venomous or deadly thing.

complicenoun (n.) An accomplice.

coppicenoun (n.) A grove of small growth; a thicket of brushwood; a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes. See Copse.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to grow in the form of a coppice; to cut back (as young timber) so as to produce shoots from stools or roots.

cowardicenoun (n.) Want of courage to face danger; extreme timidity; pusillanimity; base fear of danger or hurt; lack of spirit.

crevicenoun (n.) A narrow opening resulting from a split or crack or the separation of a junction; a cleft; a fissure; a rent.
 verb (v. t.) To crack; to flaw.

dentifricenoun (n.) A powder or other substance to be used in cleaning the teeth; tooth powder.

desertricenoun (n.) A feminine deserter.

devicenoun (n.) That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance; an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.
 noun (n.) Power of devising; invention; contrivance.
 noun (n.) An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance.
 noun (n.) Improperly, an heraldic bearing.
 noun (n.) Anything fancifully conceived.
 noun (n.) A spectacle or show.
 noun (n.) Opinion; decision.

dicenoun (n.) Small cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice. See Die, n.
 verb (v. i.) To play games with dice.
 verb (v. i.) To ornament with squares, diamonds, or cubes.
  (pl. ) of Die

disservicenoun (n.) Injury; mischief.

edificenoun (n.) A building; a structure; an architectural fabric; -- chiefly applied to elegant houses, and other large buildings; as, a palace, a church, a statehouse.

empericenoun (n.) An empress.

eyeservicenoun (n.) Service performed only under inspection, or the eye of an employer.

ficenoun (n.) A small dog; -- written also fise, fyce, fiste, etc.

forenoticenoun (n.) Notice or information of an event before it happens; forewarning.

fortalicenoun (n.) A small outwork of a fortification; a fortilage; -- called also fortelace.

fricatricenoun (n.) A lewd woman; a harlot.

gricenoun (n.) A little pig.
 noun (n.) See Gree, a step.
  (pl. ) of Gree

haruspicenoun (n.) A diviner of ancient Rome. Same as Aruspice.

hospicenoun (n.) A convent or monastery which is also a place of refuge or entertainment for travelers on some difficult road or pass, as in the Alps; as, the Hospice of the Great St. Bernard.

icenoun (n.) Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. Its specific gravity (0.92, that of water at 4¡ C. being 1.0) being less than that of water, ice floats.
 noun (n.) Concreted sugar.
 noun (n.) Water, cream, custard, etc., sweetened, flavored, and artificially frozen.
 noun (n.) Any substance having the appearance of ice; as, camphor ice.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with ice; to convert into ice, or into something resembling ice.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To chill or cool, as with ice; to freeze.

improvisatricenoun (n.) See Improvvisatrice.

improvvisatricenoun (n.) A female improvvisatore.

indicenoun (n.) Index; indication.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DENİCE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (denic) - Words That Begins with denic:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (deni) - Words That Begins with deni:

deniableadjective (a.) Capable of being, or liable to be, denied.

denialnoun (n.) The act of gainsaying, refusing, or disowning; negation; -- the contrary of affirmation.
 noun (n.) A refusal to admit the truth of a statement, charge, imputation, etc.; assertion of the untruth of a thing stated or maintained; a contradiction.
 noun (n.) A refusal to grant; rejection of a request.
 noun (n.) A refusal to acknowledge; disclaimer of connection with; disavowal; -- the contrary of confession; as, the denial of a fault charged on one; a denial of God.

deniancenoun (n.) Denial.

deniernoun (n.) One who denies; as, a denier of a fact, or of the faith, or of Christ.
 noun (n.) A small copper coin of insignificant value.

denigrationnoun (n.) The act of making black.
 noun (n.) Fig.: A blackening; defamation.

denigratornoun (n.) One who, or that which, blackens.

denimnoun (n.) A coarse cotton drilling used for overalls, etc.

denitrationnoun (n.) A disengaging, or removal, of nitric acid.

denitrificationnoun (n.) The act or process of freeing from nitrogen; also, the condition resulting from the removal of nitrogen.

denizationnoun (n.) The act of making one a denizen or adopted citizen; naturalization.

denizennoun (n.) A dweller; an inhabitant.
 noun (n.) One who is admitted by favor to all or a part of the rights of citizenship, where he did not possess them by birth; an adopted or naturalized citizen.
 noun (n.) One admitted to residence in a foreign country.
 verb (v. t.) To constitute (one) a denizen; to admit to residence, with certain rights and privileges.
 verb (v. t.) To provide with denizens; to populate with adopted or naturalized occupants.

denizenationnoun (n.) Denization; denizening.

denizenshipnoun (n.) State of being a denizen.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (den) - Words That Begins with den:

dennoun (n.) A small cavern or hollow place in the side of a hill, or among rocks; esp., a cave used by a wild beast for shelter or concealment; as, a lion's den; a den of robbers.
 noun (n.) A squalid place of resort; a wretched dwelling place; a haunt; as, a den of vice.
 noun (n.) Any snug or close retreat where one goes to be alone.
 noun (n.) A narrow glen; a ravine; a dell.
 verb (v. i.) To live in, or as in, a den.

denariusnoun (n.) A Roman silver coin of the value of about fourteen cents; the "penny" of the New Testament; -- so called from being worth originally ten of the pieces called as.

denarynoun (n.) The number ten; a division into ten.
 noun (n.) A coin; the Anglicized form of denarius.
 adjective (a.) Containing ten; tenfold; proceeding by tens; as, the denary, or decimal, scale.

denationalizationnoun (n.) The or process of denationalizing.

denationalizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Denationalize

denaturalizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Denaturalize

denaynoun (n.) Denial; refusal.
 verb (v. t.) To deny.

dendrachatenoun (n.) Arborescent or dendritic agate.

dendriformadjective (a.) Resembling in structure a tree or shrub.

dendritenoun (n.) A stone or mineral on or in which are branching figures resembling shrubs or trees, produced by a foreign mineral, usually an oxide of manganese, as in the moss agate; also, a crystallized mineral having an arborescent form, e. g., gold or silver; an arborization.

dendriticadjective (a.) Alt. of Dendritical

dendriticaladjective (a.) Pertaining to a dendrite, or to arborescent crystallization; having a form resembling a shrub or tree; arborescent.

dendroc/lanoun (n. pl.) A division of the Turbellaria in which the digestive cavity gives off lateral branches, which are often divided into smaller branchlets.

dendroidadjective (a.) Alt. of Dendroidal

dendroidaladjective (a.) Resembling a shrub or tree in form; treelike.

dendrolitenoun (n.) A petrified or fossil shrub, plant, or part of a plant.

dendrologistnoun (n.) One versed in the natural history of trees.

dendrologousadjective (a.) Relating to dendrology.

dendrologynoun (n.) A discourse or treatise on trees; the natural history of trees.

dendrometernoun (n.) An instrument to measure the height and diameter of trees.

denegationnoun (n.) Denial.

denguenoun (n.) A specific epidemic disease attended with high fever, cutaneous eruption, and severe pains in the head and limbs, resembling those of rheumatism; -- called also breakbone fever. It occurs in India, Egypt, the West Indies, etc., is of short duration, and rarely fatal.

dennetnoun (n.) A light, open, two-wheeled carriage for one horse; a kind of gig.

denominableadjective (a.) Capable of being denominated or named.

denominatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Denominate

denominateadjective (a.) Having a specific name or denomination; specified in the concrete as opposed to abstract; thus, 7 feet is a denominate quantity, while 7 is mere abstract quantity or number. See Compound number, under Compound.
 verb (v. t.) To give a name to; to characterize by an epithet; to entitle; to name; to designate.

denominationnoun (n.) The act of naming or designating.
 noun (n.) That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title; especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a category; as, the denomination of units, or of thousands, or of fourths, or of shillings, or of tons.
 noun (n.) A class, or society of individuals, called by the same name; a sect; as, a denomination of Christians.

denominationaladjective (a.) Pertaining to a denomination, especially to a sect or society.

denominationalismnoun (n.) A denominational or class spirit or policy; devotion to the interests of a sect or denomination.

denominationalistnoun (n.) One imbued with a denominational spirit.

denominativenoun (n.) A denominative name or term; denominative verb.
 adjective (a.) Conferring a denomination or name.
 adjective (a.) Connotative; as, a denominative name.
 adjective (a.) Possessing, or capable of possessing, a distinct denomination or designation; denominable.
 adjective (a.) Derived from a substantive or an adjective; as, a denominative verb.

denominatornoun (n.) One who, or that which, gives a name; origin or source of a name.
 noun (n.) That number placed below the line in vulgar fractions which shows into how many parts the integer or unit is divided.
 noun (n.) That part of any expression under a fractional form which is situated below the horizontal line signifying division.

denotableadjective (a.) Capable of being denoted or marked.

denotationnoun (n.) The marking off or separation of anything.

denotativeadjective (a.) Having power to denote; designating or marking off.

denotingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Denote

denotementnoun (n.) Sign; indication.

denotiveadjective (a.) Serving to denote.

denouementnoun (n.) The unraveling or discovery of a plot; the catastrophe, especially of a drama or a romance.
 noun (n.) The solution of a mystery; issue; outcome.

denouncingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Denounce

denouncementnoun (n.) Solemn, official, or menacing announcement; denunciation.

denouncernoun (n.) One who denounces, or declares, as a menace.

denseadjective (a.) Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense forest; a dense fog.
 adjective (a.) Stupid; gross; crass; as, dense ignorance.

denselessnoun (n.) The quality of being dense; density.

densimeternoun (n.) An instrument for ascertaining the specific gravity or density of a substance.

densitynoun (n.) The quality of being dense, close, or thick; compactness; -- opposed to rarity.
 noun (n.) The ratio of mass, or quantity of matter, to bulk or volume, esp. as compared with the mass and volume of a portion of some substance used as a standard.
 noun (n.) Depth of shade.

dentnoun (n.) A stroke; a blow.
 noun (n.) A slight depression, or small notch or hollow, made by a blow or by pressure; an indentation.
 noun (n.) A tooth, as of a card, a gear wheel, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To make a dent upon; to indent.

dentingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dent

dentaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the teeth or to dentistry; as, dental surgery.
 adjective (a.) Formed by the aid of the teeth; -- said of certain articulations and the letters representing them; as, d t are dental letters.
 adjective (a.) An articulation or letter formed by the aid of the teeth.
 adjective (a.) A marine mollusk of the genus Dentalium, with a curved conical shell resembling a tooth. See Dentalium.

dentalismnoun (n.) The quality of being formed by the aid of the teeth.


English Words which starts with 'de' and ends with 'ce':

decadencenoun (n.) Alt. of Decadency

decencenoun (n.) Decency.

decidencenoun (n.) A falling off.

decumbencenoun (n.) Alt. of Decumbency

decurrencenoun (n.) The act of running down; a lapse.

defailancenoun (n.) Failure; miscarriage.

defeasancenoun (n.) A defeat; an overthrow.
 noun (n.) A rendering null or void.
 noun (n.) A condition, relating to a deed, which being performed, the deed is defeated or rendered void; or a collateral deed, made at the same time with a feoffment, or other conveyance, containing conditions, on the performance of which the estate then created may be defeated.

defencenoun (n. & v. t.) See Defense.
 noun (n.) The act of defending, or the state of being defended; protection, as from violence or danger.
 noun (n.) That which defends or protects; anything employed to oppose attack, ward off violence or danger, or maintain security; a guard; a protection.
 noun (n.) Protecting plea; vindication; justification.
 noun (n.) The defendant's answer or plea; an opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the plaintiff's or prosecutor's case; the method of proceeding adopted by the defendant to protect himself against the plaintiff's action.
 noun (n.) Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc.
 noun (n.) Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance.

deferencenoun (n.) A yielding of judgment or preference from respect to the wishes or opinion of another; submission in opinion; regard; respect; complaisance.

defervescencenoun (n.) Alt. of Defervescency

defiancenoun (n.) The act of defying, putting in opposition, or provoking to combat; a challenge; a provocation; a summons to combat.
 noun (n.) A state of opposition; willingness to flight; disposition to resist; contempt of opposition.
 noun (n.) A casting aside; renunciation; rejection.

deficiencenoun (n.) Same as Deficiency.

dehiscencenoun (n.) The act of gaping.
 noun (n.) A gaping or bursting open along a definite line of attachment or suture, without tearing, as in the opening of pods, or the bursting of capsules at maturity so as to emit seeds, etc.; also, the bursting open of follicles, as in the ovaries of animals, for the expulsion of their contents.

deliquescencenoun (n.) The act of deliquescing or liquefying; process by which anything deliquesces; tendency to melt.

delitescencenoun (n.) Concealment; seclusion; retirement.
 noun (n.) The sudden disappearance of inflammation.

deliverancenoun (n.) The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like; rescue; as, the deliverance of a captive.
 noun (n.) Act of bringing forth children.
 noun (n.) Act of speaking; utterance.
 noun (n.) The state of being delivered, or freed from restraint.
 noun (n.) Anything delivered or communicated; esp., an opinion or decision expressed publicly.
 noun (n.) Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness.

demeanancenoun (n.) Demeanor.

demicadencenoun (n.) An imperfect or half cadence, falling on the dominant instead of on the key note.

demilancenoun (n.) A light lance; a short spear; a half pike; also, a demilancer.

demonstrancenoun (n.) Demonstration; proof.

dependancenoun (n.) Alt. of Dependancy

dependencenoun (n.) The act or state of depending; state of being dependent; a hanging down or from; suspension from a support.
 noun (n.) The state of being influenced and determined by something; subjection (as of an effect to its cause).
 noun (n.) Mutu/// /onnection and support; concatenation; systematic ///er relation.
 noun (n.) Subjection to the direction or disposal of another; inability to help or provide for one's self.
 noun (n.) A resting with confidence; reliance; trust.
 noun (n.) That on which one depends or relies; as, he was her sole dependence.
 noun (n.) That which depends; anything dependent or suspended; anything attached a subordinate to, or contingent on, something else.
 noun (n.) A matter depending, or in suspense, and still to be determined; ground of controversy or quarrel.

desinencenoun (n.) Termination; ending.

desistancenoun (n.) The act or state of desisting; cessation.

despondencenoun (n.) Despondency.

deterrencenoun (n.) That which deters; a deterrent; a hindrance.

detumescencenoun (n.) Diminution of swelling; subsidence of anything swollen.

deucenoun (n.) Two; a card or a die with two spots; as, the deuce of hearts.
 noun (n.) A condition of the score beginning whenever each side has won three strokes in the same game (also reckoned "40 all"), and reverted to as often as a tie is made until one of the sides secures two successive strokes following a tie or deuce, which decides the game.
 noun (n.) The devil; a demon.

devergencenoun (n.) Alt. of Devergency