First Names Rhyming JEANICE
English Words Rhyming JEANICE
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH JEANİCE (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (eanice) - English Words That Ends with eanice:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (anice) - English Words That Ends with anice:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (nice) - English Words That Ends with nice:
cornice | noun (n.) Any horizontal, molded or otherwise decorated projection which crowns or finishes the part to which it is affixed; as, the cornice of an order, pedestal, door, window, or house. |
overnice | adjective (a.) Excessively nice; fastidious. |
punice | noun (n.) See Punese. |
| verb (v. t.) To punish. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ice) - English Words That Ends with ice:
accomplice | noun (n.) A cooperator. |
| noun (n.) An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory. |
addice | noun (n.) See Adze. |
advice | noun (n.) An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel. |
| noun (n.) Deliberate consideration; knowledge. |
| noun (n.) Information or notice given; intelligence; as, late advices from France; -- commonly in the plural. |
| noun (n.) Counseling to perform a specific illegal act. |
allice | noun (n.) Alt. of Allis |
allspice | noun (n.) The berry of the pimento (Eugenia pimenta), a tree of the West Indies; a spice of a mildly pungent taste, and agreeably aromatic; Jamaica pepper; pimento. It has been supposed to combine the flavor of cinnamon, nutmegs, and cloves; and hence the name. The name is also given to other aromatic shrubs; as, the Carolina allspice (Calycanthus floridus); wild allspice (Lindera benzoin), called also spicebush, spicewood, and feverbush. |
amice | noun (n.) A square of white linen worn at first on the head, but now about the neck and shoulders, by priests of the Roman Catholic Church while saying Mass. |
| noun (n.) A hood, or cape with a hood, made of lined with gray fur, formerly worn by the clergy; -- written also amess, amyss, and almuce. |
apprentice | noun (n.) One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain time, with a view to learn the art, or trade, in which his master is bound to instruct him. |
| noun (n.) One not well versed in a subject; a tyro. |
| noun (n.) A barrister, considered a learner of law till of sixteen years' standing, when he might be called to the rank of serjeant. |
| verb (v. t.) To bind to, or put under the care of, a master, for the purpose of instruction in a trade or business. |
armistice | noun (n.) A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce. |
artifice | noun (n.) A handicraft; a trade; art of making. |
| noun (n.) Workmanship; a skillfully contrived work. |
| noun (n.) Artful or skillful contrivance. |
| noun (n.) Crafty device; an artful, ingenious, or elaborate trick. [Now the usual meaning.] |
aruspice | noun (n.) A soothsayer of ancient Rome. Same as Aruspex. |
auspice | adjective (a.) A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future. |
| adjective (a.) Protection; patronage and care; guidance. |
avarice | noun (n.) An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity. |
| noun (n.) An inordinate desire for some supposed good. |
benefice | noun (n.) A favor or benefit. |
| noun (n.) An estate in lands; a fief. |
| noun (n.) An ecclesiastical living and church preferment, as in the Church of England; a church endowed with a revenue for the maintenance of divine service. See Advowson. |
| verb (v. t.) To endow with a benefice. |
bice | noun (n.) Alt. of Bise |
boddice | noun (n.) See Bodick. |
bodice | noun (n.) A kind of under waist stiffened with whalebone, etc., worn esp. by women; a corset; stays. |
| noun (n.) A close-fitting outer waist or vest forming the upper part of a woman's dress, or a portion of it. |
brattice | noun (n.) A wall of separation in a shaft or gallery used for ventilation. |
| noun (n.) Planking to support a roof or wall. |
brettice | noun (n.) The wooden boarding used in supporting the roofs and walls of coal mines. See Brattice. |
bullfice | noun (n.) A kind of fungus. See Puffball. |
caddice | noun (n.) Alt. of Caddis |
calice | noun (n.) See Chalice. |
cantatrice | noun (n.) A female professional singer. |
chalice | noun (n.) A cup or bowl; especially, the cup used in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. |
choice | noun (n.) Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from two or more things that which is preferred; the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election. |
| noun (n.) The power or opportunity of choosing; option. |
| noun (n.) Care in selecting; judgment or skill in distinguishing what is to be preferred, and in giving a preference; discrimination. |
| noun (n.) A sufficient number to choose among. |
| noun (n.) The thing or person chosen; that which is approved and selected in preference to others; selection. |
| noun (n.) The best part; that which is preferable. |
| superlative (superl.) Worthly of being chosen or preferred; select; superior; precious; valuable. |
| superlative (superl.) Preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; -- used with of; as, to be choice of time, or of money. |
| superlative (superl.) Selected with care, and due attention to preference; deliberately chosen. |
cicatrice | noun (n.) A cicatrix. |
cilice | noun (n.) A kind of haircloth undergarment. |
cockatrice | noun (n.) A fabulous serpent whose breath and look were said to be fatal. See Basilisk. |
| noun (n.) A representation of this serpent. It has the head, wings, and legs of a bird, and tail of a serpent. |
| noun (n.) A venomous serpent which which cannot now be identified. |
| noun (n.) Any venomous or deadly thing. |
complice | noun (n.) An accomplice. |
coppice | noun (n.) A grove of small growth; a thicket of brushwood; a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes. See Copse. |
| verb (v. t.) To cause to grow in the form of a coppice; to cut back (as young timber) so as to produce shoots from stools or roots. |
cowardice | noun (n.) Want of courage to face danger; extreme timidity; pusillanimity; base fear of danger or hurt; lack of spirit. |
crevice | noun (n.) A narrow opening resulting from a split or crack or the separation of a junction; a cleft; a fissure; a rent. |
| verb (v. t.) To crack; to flaw. |
dentifrice | noun (n.) A powder or other substance to be used in cleaning the teeth; tooth powder. |
desertrice | noun (n.) A feminine deserter. |
device | noun (n.) That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance; an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice. |
| noun (n.) Power of devising; invention; contrivance. |
| noun (n.) An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance. |
| noun (n.) Improperly, an heraldic bearing. |
| noun (n.) Anything fancifully conceived. |
| noun (n.) A spectacle or show. |
| noun (n.) Opinion; decision. |
dice | noun (n.) Small cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice. See Die, n. |
| verb (v. i.) To play games with dice. |
| verb (v. i.) To ornament with squares, diamonds, or cubes. |
| (pl. ) of Die |
disservice | noun (n.) Injury; mischief. |
edifice | noun (n.) A building; a structure; an architectural fabric; -- chiefly applied to elegant houses, and other large buildings; as, a palace, a church, a statehouse. |
emperice | noun (n.) An empress. |
eyeservice | noun (n.) Service performed only under inspection, or the eye of an employer. |
fice | noun (n.) A small dog; -- written also fise, fyce, fiste, etc. |
forenotice | noun (n.) Notice or information of an event before it happens; forewarning. |
fortalice | noun (n.) A small outwork of a fortification; a fortilage; -- called also fortelace. |
fricatrice | noun (n.) A lewd woman; a harlot. |
grice | noun (n.) A little pig. |
| noun (n.) See Gree, a step. |
| (pl. ) of Gree |
haruspice | noun (n.) A diviner of ancient Rome. Same as Aruspice. |
hospice | noun (n.) A convent or monastery which is also a place of refuge or entertainment for travelers on some difficult road or pass, as in the Alps; as, the Hospice of the Great St. Bernard. |
ice | noun (n.) Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. Its specific gravity (0.92, that of water at 4¡ C. being 1.0) being less than that of water, ice floats. |
| noun (n.) Concreted sugar. |
| noun (n.) Water, cream, custard, etc., sweetened, flavored, and artificially frozen. |
| noun (n.) Any substance having the appearance of ice; as, camphor ice. |
| verb (v. t.) To cover with ice; to convert into ice, or into something resembling ice. |
| verb (v. t.) To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, etc. |
| verb (v. t.) To chill or cool, as with ice; to freeze. |
improvisatrice | noun (n.) See Improvvisatrice. |
improvvisatrice | noun (n.) A female improvvisatore. |
indice | noun (n.) Index; indication. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH JEANİCE (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (jeanic) - Words That Begins with jeanic:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (jeani) - Words That Begins with jeani:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (jean) - Words That Begins with jean:
jean | noun (n.) A twilled cotton cloth. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (jea) - Words That Begins with jea:
jealous | adjective (a.) Zealous; solicitous; vigilant; anxiously watchful. |
| adjective (a.) Apprehensive; anxious; suspiciously watchful. |
| adjective (a.) Exacting exclusive devotion; intolerant of rivalry. |
| adjective (a.) Disposed to suspect rivalry in matters of interest and affection; apprehensive regarding the motives of possible rivals, or the fidelity of friends; distrustful; having morbid fear of rivalry in love or preference given to another; painfully suspicious of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover. |
jealoushood | noun (n.) Jealousy. |
jealousness | noun (n.) State or quality of being jealous. |
jealousy | noun (n.) The quality of being jealous; earnest concern or solicitude; painful apprehension of rivalship in cases nearly affecting one's happiness; painful suspicion of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover. |
jeames | noun (n.) A footman; a flunky. |
jears | noun (n. pl.) See 1st Jeer (b). |
English Words which starts with 'jea' and ends with 'ice':
English Words which starts with 'je' and ends with 'ce':