Name Report For First Name MORICE:


First name MORICE's origin is Hebrew. MORICE means "god teaches". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with MORICE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of morice.(Brown names are of the same origin (Hebrew) with MORICE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with MORICE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming MORICE



NAMES RHYMING WITH MORİCE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (orice) - Names That Ends with orice:

derorice norice dorice

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rice) - Names That Ends with rice:

alarice maurice caprice catrice cherice clarice darice gurice kaprice katrice urice brice rice beatrice patrice

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ice) - Names That Ends with ice:

fenice dice eunice eurydice helice kalonice prentice anstice alice anice annice berenice bernice brandice candice danice delice denice ellice felice galice ganice janice jeanice jenice kandice lanice pazice ranice canice curtice justice arlice mertice baldlice caflice avice

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ce) - Names That Ends with ce:

canace candance circe dirce glauce yohance benoyce lance eustace aleece aleyece allyce alyce ance aviance bernyce brandyce caidance candace candyce caydence clemence deniece dulce ellyce elyce essence florence france grace jahnisce janiece jayce jeniece jeyce joyce kadence kadience kaedence kaidance kandace kandyce kayce kaydance kaydence

NAMES RHYMING WITH MORİCE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (moric) - Names That Begins with moric:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (mori) - Names That Begins with mori:

mori moria moriah moriarty moriel morigan morio morisa morise morissa morit moritz

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (mor) - Names That Begins with mor:

mor mora morag morain moran moraunt morcades mordecai mordechai mordehai mordke mordrain mordrayans mordred more moreen moreland moreley morell morella morenike morfran morgan morgana morgance morgane morgawse morgayne morgen morguase morholt morland morlee morly morna morogh morold morrey morrie morrigan morrin morris morrisey morrison morrissey morse morten morton morvan morven morvyn moryn

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (mo) - Names That Begins with mo:

moana mochni modesta modeste modig modraed modred modron moerae mogens mogue mohamad mohamed mohamet mohammad mohammed moibeal moin moina moira moirai moire moireach moises mokatavatah moke moketavato moketaveto moketoveto moki mokovaoto molan molara molimo molli


First Names which starts with 'mo' and ends with 'ce':

First Names which starts with 'm' and ends with 'e':

mabelle mable macaire macalpine macauliffe macayle macbride mace macee macfarlane macfie macie mackaylie mackenzie mackinzie mackynsie maclaine maclane macquarrie macrae madale madalene madalyne maddalene maddie maddisynne maddy-rose madelaine madeleine madelene madeline madge madie madntyre madre mae maelee maelwine maerewine maethelwine maetthere maeve mafuane magaere magaskawee magdalene magee maggie magnilde mahpee maibe maible maidie maiele maile maille maiolaine maipe maire maisie maitane maite maitilde makaela-marie makahlie makale makawee makenzie maldue maledysaunte malene malerie malleville mallorie malmuirie malone malvine mamie mandie mane manette manneville mannie manute manville maolmuire maoltuile marce marceline marcelle marchelle mare maree margarethe margawse margerie marguerite mariamne mariane marianne

English Words Rhyming MORICE


moricenoun (n.) See Morisco.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MORİCE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (orice) - English Words That Ends with orice:

licoricenoun (n.) A plant of the genus Glycyrrhiza (G. glabra), the root of which abounds with a sweet juice, and is much used in demulcent compositions.
 noun (n.) The inspissated juice of licorice root, used as a confection and for medicinal purposes.

liquoricenoun (n.) See Licorice.

noricenoun (n.) Nurse.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rice) - English Words That Ends with rice:

avaricenoun (n.) An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
 noun (n.) An inordinate desire for some supposed good.

cantatricenoun (n.) A female professional singer.

cicatricenoun (n.) A cicatrix.

cockatricenoun (n.) A fabulous serpent whose breath and look were said to be fatal. See Basilisk.
 noun (n.) A representation of this serpent. It has the head, wings, and legs of a bird, and tail of a serpent.
 noun (n.) A venomous serpent which which cannot now be identified.
 noun (n.) Any venomous or deadly thing.

dentifricenoun (n.) A powder or other substance to be used in cleaning the teeth; tooth powder.

desertricenoun (n.) A feminine deserter.

empericenoun (n.) An empress.

fricatricenoun (n.) A lewd woman; a harlot.

gricenoun (n.) A little pig.
 noun (n.) See Gree, a step.
  (pl. ) of Gree

improvisatricenoun (n.) See Improvvisatrice.

improvvisatricenoun (n.) A female improvvisatore.

interlocutricenoun (n.) A female interlocutor.

matricenoun (n.) See Matrix.

morricenoun (n.) Same as 1st Morris.
 adjective (a.) Dancing the morrice; dancing.

nouricenoun (n.) A nurse.

pricenoun (n. & v.) The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued, or the value which a seller sets on his goods in market; that for which something is bought or sold, or offered for sale; equivalent in money or other means of exchange; current value or rate paid or demanded in market or in barter; cost.
 noun (n. & v.) Value; estimation; excellence; worth.
 noun (n. & v.) Reward; recompense; as, the price of industry.
 verb (v. t.) To pay the price of.
 verb (v. t.) To set a price on; to value. See Prize.
 verb (v. t.) To ask the price of; as, to price eggs.

ricenoun (n.) A well-known cereal grass (Oryza sativa) and its seed. This plant is extensively cultivated in warm climates, and the grain forms a large portion of the food of the inhabitants. In America it grows chiefly on low, moist land, which can be overflowed.

tricenoun (n.) A very short time; an instant; a moment; -- now used only in the phrase in a trice.
 verb (v. t.) To pull; to haul; to drag; to pull away.
 verb (v. t.) To haul and tie up by means of a rope.

victricenoun (n.) A victress.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ice) - English Words That Ends with ice:

accomplicenoun (n.) A cooperator.
 noun (n.) An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.

addicenoun (n.) See Adze.

advicenoun (n.) An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel.
 noun (n.) Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
 noun (n.) Information or notice given; intelligence; as, late advices from France; -- commonly in the plural.
 noun (n.) Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.

allicenoun (n.) Alt. of Allis

allspicenoun (n.) The berry of the pimento (Eugenia pimenta), a tree of the West Indies; a spice of a mildly pungent taste, and agreeably aromatic; Jamaica pepper; pimento. It has been supposed to combine the flavor of cinnamon, nutmegs, and cloves; and hence the name. The name is also given to other aromatic shrubs; as, the Carolina allspice (Calycanthus floridus); wild allspice (Lindera benzoin), called also spicebush, spicewood, and feverbush.

amicenoun (n.) A square of white linen worn at first on the head, but now about the neck and shoulders, by priests of the Roman Catholic Church while saying Mass.
 noun (n.) A hood, or cape with a hood, made of lined with gray fur, formerly worn by the clergy; -- written also amess, amyss, and almuce.

apprenticenoun (n.) One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain time, with a view to learn the art, or trade, in which his master is bound to instruct him.
 noun (n.) One not well versed in a subject; a tyro.
 noun (n.) A barrister, considered a learner of law till of sixteen years' standing, when he might be called to the rank of serjeant.
 verb (v. t.) To bind to, or put under the care of, a master, for the purpose of instruction in a trade or business.

armisticenoun (n.) A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce.

artificenoun (n.) A handicraft; a trade; art of making.
 noun (n.) Workmanship; a skillfully contrived work.
 noun (n.) Artful or skillful contrivance.
 noun (n.) Crafty device; an artful, ingenious, or elaborate trick. [Now the usual meaning.]

aruspicenoun (n.) A soothsayer of ancient Rome. Same as Aruspex.

auspiceadjective (a.) A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future.
 adjective (a.) Protection; patronage and care; guidance.

beneficenoun (n.) A favor or benefit.
 noun (n.) An estate in lands; a fief.
 noun (n.) An ecclesiastical living and church preferment, as in the Church of England; a church endowed with a revenue for the maintenance of divine service. See Advowson.
 verb (v. t.) To endow with a benefice.

bicenoun (n.) Alt. of Bise

boddicenoun (n.) See Bodick.

bodicenoun (n.) A kind of under waist stiffened with whalebone, etc., worn esp. by women; a corset; stays.
 noun (n.) A close-fitting outer waist or vest forming the upper part of a woman's dress, or a portion of it.

bratticenoun (n.) A wall of separation in a shaft or gallery used for ventilation.
 noun (n.) Planking to support a roof or wall.

bretticenoun (n.) The wooden boarding used in supporting the roofs and walls of coal mines. See Brattice.

bullficenoun (n.) A kind of fungus. See Puffball.

caddicenoun (n.) Alt. of Caddis

calicenoun (n.) See Chalice.

chalicenoun (n.) A cup or bowl; especially, the cup used in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

choicenoun (n.) Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from two or more things that which is preferred; the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election.
 noun (n.) The power or opportunity of choosing; option.
 noun (n.) Care in selecting; judgment or skill in distinguishing what is to be preferred, and in giving a preference; discrimination.
 noun (n.) A sufficient number to choose among.
 noun (n.) The thing or person chosen; that which is approved and selected in preference to others; selection.
 noun (n.) The best part; that which is preferable.
 superlative (superl.) Worthly of being chosen or preferred; select; superior; precious; valuable.
 superlative (superl.) Preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; -- used with of; as, to be choice of time, or of money.
 superlative (superl.) Selected with care, and due attention to preference; deliberately chosen.

cilicenoun (n.) A kind of haircloth undergarment.

complicenoun (n.) An accomplice.

coppicenoun (n.) A grove of small growth; a thicket of brushwood; a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes. See Copse.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to grow in the form of a coppice; to cut back (as young timber) so as to produce shoots from stools or roots.

cornicenoun (n.) Any horizontal, molded or otherwise decorated projection which crowns or finishes the part to which it is affixed; as, the cornice of an order, pedestal, door, window, or house.

cowardicenoun (n.) Want of courage to face danger; extreme timidity; pusillanimity; base fear of danger or hurt; lack of spirit.

crevicenoun (n.) A narrow opening resulting from a split or crack or the separation of a junction; a cleft; a fissure; a rent.
 verb (v. t.) To crack; to flaw.

devicenoun (n.) That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance; an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.
 noun (n.) Power of devising; invention; contrivance.
 noun (n.) An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance.
 noun (n.) Improperly, an heraldic bearing.
 noun (n.) Anything fancifully conceived.
 noun (n.) A spectacle or show.
 noun (n.) Opinion; decision.

dicenoun (n.) Small cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice. See Die, n.
 verb (v. i.) To play games with dice.
 verb (v. i.) To ornament with squares, diamonds, or cubes.
  (pl. ) of Die

disservicenoun (n.) Injury; mischief.

edificenoun (n.) A building; a structure; an architectural fabric; -- chiefly applied to elegant houses, and other large buildings; as, a palace, a church, a statehouse.

eyeservicenoun (n.) Service performed only under inspection, or the eye of an employer.

ficenoun (n.) A small dog; -- written also fise, fyce, fiste, etc.

forenoticenoun (n.) Notice or information of an event before it happens; forewarning.

fortalicenoun (n.) A small outwork of a fortification; a fortilage; -- called also fortelace.

haruspicenoun (n.) A diviner of ancient Rome. Same as Aruspice.

hospicenoun (n.) A convent or monastery which is also a place of refuge or entertainment for travelers on some difficult road or pass, as in the Alps; as, the Hospice of the Great St. Bernard.

icenoun (n.) Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. Its specific gravity (0.92, that of water at 4¡ C. being 1.0) being less than that of water, ice floats.
 noun (n.) Concreted sugar.
 noun (n.) Water, cream, custard, etc., sweetened, flavored, and artificially frozen.
 noun (n.) Any substance having the appearance of ice; as, camphor ice.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with ice; to convert into ice, or into something resembling ice.
 verb (v. t.) To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To chill or cool, as with ice; to freeze.

indicenoun (n.) Index; indication.

injusticenoun (n.) Want of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition.
 noun (n.) An unjust act or deed; a sin; a crime; a wrong.

intersticenoun (n.) That which intervenes between one thing and another; especially, a space between things closely set, or between the parts which compose a body; a narrow chink; a crack; a crevice; a hole; an interval; as, the interstices of a wall.
 noun (n.) An interval of time; specifically (R. C. Ch.), in the plural, the intervals which the canon law requires between the reception of the various degrees of orders.

invoicenoun (n.) A written account of the particulars of merchandise shipped or sent to a purchaser, consignee, factor, etc., with the value or prices and charges annexed.
 noun (n.) The lot or set of goods as shipped or received; as, the merchant receives a large invoice of goods.
 verb (v. t.) To make a written list or account of, as goods to be sent to a consignee; to insert in a priced list; to write or enter in an invoice.

jaundicenoun (n.) A morbid condition, characterized by yellowness of the eyes, skin, and urine, whiteness of the faeces, constipation, uneasiness in the region of the stomach, loss of appetite, and general languor and lassitude. It is caused usually by obstruction of the biliary passages and consequent damming up, in the liver, of the bile, which is then absorbed into the blood.
 verb (v. t.) To affect with jaundice; to color by prejudice or envy; to prejudice.

juicenoun (n.) The characteristic fluid of any vegetable or animal substance; the sap or part which can be expressed from fruit, etc.; the fluid part which separates from meat in cooking.
 verb (v. t.) To moisten; to wet.

justiceadjective (a.) The quality of being just; conformity to the principles of righteousness and rectitude in all things; strict performance of moral obligations; practical conformity to human or divine law; integrity in the dealings of men with each other; rectitude; equity; uprightness.
 adjective (a.) Conformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit; honesty; fidelity; impartiality; as, the justice of a description or of a judgment; historical justice.
 adjective (a.) The rendering to every one his due or right; just treatment; requital of desert; merited reward or punishment; that which is due to one's conduct or motives.
 adjective (a.) Agreeableness to right; equity; justness; as, the justice of a claim.
 adjective (a.) A person duly commissioned to hold courts, or to try and decide controversies and administer justice.
 verb (v. t.) To administer justice to.

lanificenoun (n.) Anything made of wool.

latticenoun (n.) Any work of wood or metal, made by crossing laths, or thin strips, and forming a network; as, the lattice of a window; -- called also latticework.
 noun (n.) The representation of a piece of latticework used as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal.
 verb (v. i.) To make a lattice of; as, to lattice timbers.
 verb (v. i.) To close, as an opening, with latticework; to furnish with a lattice; as, to lattice a window.

licenoun (n.) pl. of Louse.
  (pl. ) of Louse

lunisticenoun (n.) The farthest point of the moon's northing and southing, in its monthly revolution.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MORİCE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (moric) - Words That Begins with moric:

moricadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, fustic (see Morin); as, moric acid.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (mori) - Words That Begins with mori:

morianoun (n.) Idiocy; imbecility; fatuity; foolishness.

moriannoun (n.) A Moor.

moribundnoun (n.) A dying person.
 adjective (a.) In a dying state; dying; at the point of death.

morigerateadjective (a.) Obedient.

morigerationnoun (n.) Obsequiousness; obedience.

morigerousadjective (a.) Obedient; obsequious.

morilnoun (n.) An edible fungus. Same as 1st Morel.

morinnoun (n.) A yellow crystalline substance of acid properties extracted from fustic (Maclura tinctoria, formerly called Morus tinctoria); -- called also moric acid.

morindanoun (n.) A genus of rubiaceous trees and shrubs, mostly East Indian, many species of which yield valuable red and yellow dyes. The wood is hard and beautiful, and used for gunstocks.

morindinnoun (n.) A yellow dyestuff extracted from the root bark of an East Indian plant (Morinda citrifolia).

morinelnoun (n.) The dotterel.

moringanoun (n.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species (Moringa pterygosperma) is the horse-radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of M. aptera, are known in commerce as ben or ben nuts, and yield the oil called oil of ben.

moringicadjective (a.) Designating an organic acid obtained from oil of ben. See Moringa.

morintannicadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a variety of tannic acid extracted from fustic (Maclura, formerly Morus, tinctoria) as a yellow crystalline substance; -- called also maclurin.

morionnoun (n.) A kind of open helmet, without visor or beaver, and somewhat resembling a hat.
 noun (n.) A dark variety of smoky quartz.

morioplastynoun (n.) The restoration of lost parts of the body.

morisconoun (n.) A thing of Moorish origin; as: (a) The Moorish language. (b) A Moorish dance, now called morris dance. Marston. (c) One who dances the Moorish dance. Shak. (d) Moresque decoration or architecture.
 adjective (a.) Moresque.

morisknoun (n.) Same as Morisco.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (mor) - Words That Begins with mor:

moranoun (n.) A game of guessing the number of fingers extended in a quick movement of the hand, -- much played by Italians of the lower classes.
 noun (n.) A leguminous tree of Guiana and Trinidad (Dimorphandra excelsa); also, its timber, used in shipbuilding and making furniture.
 noun (n.) Delay; esp., culpable delay; postponement.

morainenoun (n.) An accumulation of earth and stones carried forward and deposited by a glacier.

morainicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a moranie.

moralnoun (n.) The doctrine or practice of the duties of life; manner of living as regards right and wrong; conduct; behavior; -- usually in the plural.
 noun (n.) The inner meaning or significance of a fable, a narrative, an occurrence, an experience, etc.; the practical lesson which anything is designed or fitted to teach; the doctrine meant to be inculcated by a fiction; a maxim.
 noun (n.) A morality play. See Morality, 5.
 adjective (a.) Relating to duty or obligation; pertaining to those intentions and actions of which right and wrong, virtue and vice, are predicated, or to the rules by which such intentions and actions ought to be directed; relating to the practice, manners, or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, as respects right and wrong, so far as they are properly subject to rules.
 adjective (a.) Conformed to accepted rules of right; acting in conformity with such rules; virtuous; just; as, a moral man. Used sometimes in distinction from religious; as, a moral rather than a religious life.
 adjective (a.) Capable of right and wrong action or of being governed by a sense of right; subject to the law of duty.
 adjective (a.) Acting upon or through one's moral nature or sense of right, or suited to act in such a manner; as, a moral arguments; moral considerations. Sometimes opposed to material and physical; as, moral pressure or support.
 adjective (a.) Supported by reason or probability; practically sufficient; -- opposed to legal or demonstrable; as, a moral evidence; a moral certainty.
 adjective (a.) Serving to teach or convey a moral; as, a moral lesson; moral tales.
 verb (v. i.) To moralize.

moraleadjective (a.) The moral condition, or the condition in other respects, so far as it is affected by, or dependent upon, moral considerations, such as zeal, spirit, hope, and confidence; mental state, as of a body of men, an army, and the like.

moralernoun (n.) A moralizer.

moralismnoun (n.) A maxim or saying embodying a moral truth.

moralistnoun (n.) One who moralizes; one who teaches or animadverts upon the duties of life; a writer of essays intended to correct vice and inculcate moral duties.
 noun (n.) One who practices moral duties; a person who lives in conformity with moral rules; one of correct deportment and dealings with his fellow-creatures; -- sometimes used in contradistinction to one whose life is controlled by religious motives.

moralitynoun (n.) The relation of conformity or nonconformity to the moral standard or rule; quality of an intention, a character, an action, a principle, or a sentiment, when tried by the standard of right.
 noun (n.) The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the accepted standard of right.
 noun (n.) The doctrines or rules of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.
 noun (n.) The practice of the moral duties; rectitude of life; conformity to the standard of right; virtue; as, we often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.
 noun (n.) A kind of allegorical play, so termed because it consisted of discourses in praise of morality between actors representing such characters as Charity, Faith, Death, Vice, etc. Such plays were occasionally exhibited as late as the reign of Henry VIII.
 noun (n.) Intent; meaning; moral.

moralizationnoun (n.) The act of moralizing; moral reflections or discourse.
 noun (n.) Explanation in a moral sense.

moralizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Moralize

moralizernoun (n.) One who moralizes.

morassnoun (n.) A tract of soft, wet ground; a marsh; a fen.

morassyadjective (a.) Marshy; fenny.

moratenoun (n.) A salt of moric acid.

morationnoun (n.) A delaying tarrying; delay.

moraviannoun (n.) One of a religious sect called the United Brethren (an offshoot of the Hussites in Bohemia), which formed a separate church of Moravia, a northern district of Austria, about the middle of the 15th century. After being nearly extirpated by persecution, the society, under the name of The Renewed Church of the United Brethren, was reestablished in 1722-35 on the estates of Count Zinzendorf in Saxony. Called also Herrnhuter.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Moravia, or to the United Brethren. See Moravian, n.

moravianismnoun (n.) The religious system of the Moravians.

moraynoun (n.) A muraena.

morbidadjective (a.) Not sound and healthful; induced by a diseased or abnormal condition; diseased; sickly; as, morbid humors; a morbid constitution; a morbid state of the juices of a plant.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to disease or diseased parts; as, morbid anatomy.

morbidezzanoun (n.) Delicacy or softness in the representation of flesh.
 noun (n.) A term used as a direction in execution, signifying, with extreme delicacy.

morbiditynoun (n.) The quality or state of being morbid.
 noun (n.) Morbid quality; disease; sickness.
 noun (n.) Amount of disease; sick rate.

morbidnessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being morbid; morbidity.

morbificadjective (a.) Alt. of Morbifical

morbificaladjective (a.) Causing disease; generating a sickly state; as, a morbific matter.

morbillousadjective (a.) Pertaining to the measles; partaking of the nature of measels, or resembling the eruptions of that disease; measly.

morboseadjective (a.) Proceeding from disease; morbid; unhealthy.

morbositynoun (n.) A diseased state; unhealthiness.

morceaunoun (n.) A bit; a morsel.

mordaciousadjective (a.) Biting; given to biting; hence, figuratively, sarcastic; severe; scathing.

mordacitynoun (n.) The quality of being mordacious; biting severity, or sarcastic quality.

mordantnoun (n.) Any corroding substance used in etching.
 noun (n.) Any substance, as alum or copperas, which, having a twofold attraction for organic fibers and coloring matter, serves as a bond of union, and thus gives fixity to, or bites in, the dyes.
 noun (n.) Any sticky matter by which the gold leaf is made to adhere.
 adjective (a.) Biting; caustic; sarcastic; keen; severe.
 adjective (a.) Serving to fix colors.
 verb (v. t.) To subject to the action of, or imbue with, a mordant; as, to mordant goods for dyeing.

mordantingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mordant

mordentenoun (n.) An embellishment resembling a trill.

mordicancynoun (n.) A biting quality; corrosiveness.

mordicantadjective (a.) Biting; acrid; as, the mordicant quality of a body.

mordicationnoun (n.) The act of biting or corroding; corrosion.

mordicativeadjective (a.) Biting; corrosive.

morenoun (n.) A hill.
 noun (n.) A root.
 noun (n.) A greater quantity, amount, or number; that which exceeds or surpasses in any way what it is compared with.
 noun (n.) That which is in addition; something other and further; an additional or greater amount.
 superlative (superl.) Greater; superior; increased
 superlative (superl.) Greater in quality, amount, degree, quality, and the like; with the singular.
 superlative (superl.) Greater in number; exceeding in numbers; -- with the plural.
 superlative (superl.) Additional; other; as, he wept because there were no more words to conquer.
 adverb (adv.) In a greater quantity; in or to a greater extent or degree.
 adverb (adv.) With a verb or participle.
 adverb (adv.) With an adjective or adverb (instead of the suffix -er) to form the comparative degree; as, more durable; more active; more sweetly.
 adverb (adv.) In addition; further; besides; again.
 verb (v. t.) To make more; to increase.

moreennoun (n.) A thick woolen fabric, watered or with embossed figures; -- used in upholstery, for curtains, etc.

morelnoun (n.) An edible fungus (Morchella esculenta), the upper part of which is covered with a reticulated and pitted hymenium. It is used as food, and for flavoring sauces.
 noun (n.) Nightshade; -- so called from its blackish purple berries.
 noun (n.) A kind of cherry. See Morello.

morelandnoun (n.) Moorland.

morellenoun (n.) Nightshade. See 2d Morel.

morellonoun (n.) A kind of nearly black cherry with dark red flesh and juice, -- used chiefly for preserving.

morendonoun (a. & n.) Dying; a gradual decrescendo at the end of a strain or cadence.

morenessnoun (n.) Greatness.

moreporknoun (n.) The Australian crested goatsucker (Aegotheles Novae-Hollandiae). Also applied to other allied birds, as Podargus Cuveiri.

moresknoun (a. & n.) Moresque.

moresquenoun (n.) The Moresque style of architecture or decoration. See Moorish architecture, under Moorish.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to, or in the manner or style of, the Moors; Moorish.

morganaticadjective (a.) Pertaining to, in the manner of, or designating, a kind of marriage, called also left-handed marriage, between a man of superior rank and a woman of inferior, in which it is stipulated that neither the latter nor her children shall enjoy the rank or inherit the possessions of her husband.


English Words which starts with 'mo' and ends with 'ce':

moderancenoun (n.) Moderation.

monstrancenoun (n.) A transparent pyx, in which the consecrated host is exposed to view.

mountancenoun (n.) Amount; sum; quantity; extent.

mountenauncenoun (n.) Mountance.

mouthpiecenoun (n.) The part of a musical or other instrument to which the mouth is applied in using it; as, the mouthpiece of a bugle, or of a tobacco pipe.
 noun (n.) An appendage to an inlet or outlet opening of a pipe or vessel, to direct or facilitate the inflow or outflow of a fluid.
 noun (n.) One who delivers the opinion of others or of another; a spokesman; as, the mouthpiece of his party.