First Names Rhyming HERMAN
English Words Rhyming HERMAN
athermancy | noun (n.) Inability to transmit radiant heat; impermeability to heat. |
athermanous | adjective (a.) Not transmitting heat; -- opposed to diathermanous. |
diathermancy | noun (n.) Alt. of Diathermaneity |
diathermaneity | noun (n.) The property of transmitting radiant heat; the quality of being diathermous. |
diathermanism | noun (n.) The doctrine or the phenomena of the transmission of radiant heat. |
diathermanous | adjective (a.) Having the property of transmitting radiant heat; diathermal; -- opposed to athermanous. |
fisherman | noun (n.) One whose occupation is to catch fish. |
| noun (n.) A ship or vessel employed in the business of taking fish, as in the cod fishery. |
thermantidote | noun (n.) A device for circulating and cooling the air, consisting essentially of a kind of roasting fan fitted in a window and incased in wet tatties. |
washerman | noun (n.) A man who washes clothes, esp. for hire, or for others. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH HERMAN (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (erman) - English Words That Ends with erman:
alderman | noun (n.) A senior or superior; a person of rank or dignity. |
| noun (n.) One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may, in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and administrative functions. |
butterman | noun (n.) A man who makes or sells butter. |
counterman | noun (n.) A man who attends at the counter of a shop to sell goods. |
doggerman | noun (n.) A sailor belonging to a dogger. |
ealderman | noun (n.) Alt. of Ealdorman |
german | noun (n.) A native or one of the people of Germany. |
| noun (n.) The German language. |
| noun (n.) A round dance, often with a waltz movement, abounding in capriciosly involved figures. |
| noun (n.) A social party at which the german is danced. |
| noun (n.) Of or pertaining to Germany. |
| adjective (a.) Nearly related; closely akin. |
hammerman | noun (n.) A hammerer; a forgeman. |
lighterman | noun (n.) A person employed on, or who manages, a lighter. |
lumberman | noun (n.) One who is engaged in lumbering as a business or employment. |
lyerman | noun (n.) The cicada. |
merman | noun (n.) The male corresponding to mermaid; a sea man, or man fish. |
overman | noun (n.) One in authority over others; a chief; usually, an overseer or boss. |
| noun (n.) An arbiter. |
| noun (n.) In the philosophy of Nietzsche, a man of superior physique and powers capable of dominating others; one fitted to survive in an egoistic struggle for the mastery. |
peterman | noun (n.) A fisherman; -- so called after the apostle Peter. |
slaughterman | noun (n.) One employed in slaughtering. |
superman | noun (n.) = Overman, above. |
timberman | noun (n.) A man employed in placing supports of timber in a mine. |
trawlerman | noun (n.) A fisherman who used unlawful arts and engines to catch fish. |
waterman | noun (n.) A man who plies for hire on rivers, lakes, or canals, or in harbors, in distinction from a seaman who is engaged on the high seas; a man who manages fresh-water craft; a boatman; a ferryman. |
| noun (n.) An attendant on cab stands, etc., who supplies water to the horses. |
| noun (n.) A water demon. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rman) - English Words That Ends with rman:
airman | noun (n.) A man who ascends or flies in an aircraft; a flying machine pilot. |
burman | noun (n.) A member of the Burman family, one of the four great families Burmah; also, sometimes, any inhabitant of Burmah; a Burmese. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Burmans or to Burmah. |
carman | noun (n.) A man whose employment is to drive, or to convey goods in, a car or car. |
chairman | noun (n.) The presiding officer of a committee, or of a public or private meeting, or of any organized body. |
| noun (n.) One whose business it is to cary a chair or sedan. |
colorman | noun (n.) A vender of paints, etc. |
ealdorman | noun (n.) An alderman. |
earldorman | noun (n.) Alderman. |
firman | noun (n.) In Turkey and some other Oriental countries, a decree or mandate issued by the sovereign; a royal order or grant; -- generally given for special objects, as to a traveler to insure him protection and assistance. |
motorman | noun (n.) A man who controls a motor. |
norman | noun (n.) A wooden bar, or iron pin. |
| noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Normandy; originally, one of the Northmen or Scandinavians who conquered Normandy in the 10th century; afterwards, one of the mixed (Norman-French) race which conquered England, under William the Conqueror. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Normandy or to the Normans; as, the Norman language; the Norman conquest. |
shearman | noun (n.) One whose occupation is to shear cloth. |
spearman | noun (n.) One who is armed with a spear. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (man) - English Words That Ends with man:
ahriman | noun (n.) The Evil Principle or Being of the ancient Persians; the Prince of Darkness as opposer to Ormuzd, the King of Light. |
alman | noun (n.) A German. |
| (adj.) German. |
| (adj.) The German language. |
| (adj.) A kind of dance. See Allemande. |
almsman | noun (n.) A recipient of alms. |
| noun (n.) A giver of alms. |
alongshoreman | noun (n.) See Longshoreman. |
ariman | noun (n.) See Ahriman. |
artilleryman | noun (n.) A man who manages, or assists in managing, a large gun in firing. |
artsman | noun (n.) A man skilled in an art or in arts. |
assemblyman | noun (n.) A member of an assembly, especially of the lower branch of a state legislature. |
ataman | noun (n.) A hetman, or chief of the Cossacks. |
axman | noun (n.) One who wields an ax. |
airwoman | noun (n.) A woman who ascends or flies in an aircraft. |
atman | noun (n.) The life principle, soul, or individual essence. |
| noun (n.) The universal ego from whom all individual atmans arise. This sense is a European excrescence on the East Indian thought. |
backwoodsman | noun (n.) A man living in the forest in or beyond the new settlements, especially on the western frontiers of the older portions of the United States. |
bagman | noun (n.) A commercial traveler; one employed to solicit orders for manufacturers and tradesmen. |
bargeman | noun (n.) The man who manages a barge, or one of the crew of a barge. |
batman | noun (n.) A weight used in the East, varying according to the locality; in Turkey, the greater batman is about 157 pounds, the lesser only a fourth of this; at Aleppo and Smyrna, the batman is 17 pounds. |
| noun (n.) A man who has charge of a bathorse and his load. |
batsman | noun (n.) The one who wields the bat in cricket, baseball, etc. |
beadsman | noun (n.) Alt. of Bedesman |
bedesman | noun (n.) A poor man, supported in a beadhouse, and required to pray for the soul of its founder; an almsman. |
| noun (n.) Same as Beadsman. |
beadswoman | noun (n.) Alt. of Bedeswoman |
bedeswoman | noun (n.) Fem. of Beadsman. |
bellman | noun (n.) A man who rings a bell, especially to give notice of anything in the streets. Formerly, also, a night watchman who called the hours. |
billman | noun (n.) One who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax. |
birdman | noun (n.) A fowler or birdcatcher. |
| noun (n.) An aviator; airman. |
boatman | noun (n.) A man who manages a boat; a rower of a boat. |
| noun (n.) A boat bug. See Boat bug. |
boatsman | noun (n.) A boatman. |
boatwoman | noun (n.) A woman who manages a boat. |
bombardman | noun (n.) One who carried liquor or beer in a can or bombard. |
bondman | noun (n.) A man slave, or one bound to service without wages. |
| noun (n.) A villain, or tenant in villenage. |
bondsman | noun (n.) A slave; a villain; a serf; a bondman. |
| noun (n.) A surety; one who is bound, or who gives security, for another. |
bondswoman | noun (n.) See Bondwoman. |
bondwoman | noun (n.) A woman who is a slave, or in bondage. |
bookman | noun (n.) A studious man; a scholar. |
bordman | noun (n.) A bordar; a tenant in bordage. |
bosjesman | noun (n.) See Bushman. |
bowman | noun (n.) A man who uses a bow; an archer. |
| noun (n.) The man who rows the foremost oar in a boat; the bow oar. |
brachman | noun (n.) See Brahman. |
brahman | noun (n.) Alt. of Brahmin |
brakeman | noun (n.) A man in charge of a brake or brakes. |
| noun (n.) The man in charge of the winding (or hoisting) engine for a mine. |
breakman | noun (n.) See Brakeman. |
brideman | noun (n.) See Bridesmaid, Bridesman. |
bridesman | noun (n.) A male friend who attends upon a bridegroom and bride at their marriage; the "best man." |
briefman | noun (n.) One who makes a brief. |
| noun (n.) A copier of a manuscript. |
bushelman | noun (n.) A tailor's assistant for repairing garments; -- called also busheler. |
bushman | noun (n.) A woodsman; a settler in the bush. |
| noun (n.) One of a race of South African nomads, living principally in the deserts, and not classified as allied in race or language to any other people. |
bayman | noun (n.) In the United States navy, a sick-bay nurse; -- now officially designated as hospital apprentice. |
birdwoman | noun (n.) An airwoman; an aviatress. |
cabman | noun (n.) The driver of a cab. |
caiman | noun (n.) See Cayman. |
canoeman | noun (n.) One who uses a canoe; one who travels in a canoe. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH HERMAN (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (herma) - Words That Begins with herma:
herma | noun (n.) See Hermes, 2. |
hermaphrodeity | noun (n.) Hermaphrodism. |
hermaphrodism | noun (n.) See Hermaphroditism. |
hermaphrodite | noun (n.) An individual which has the attributes of both male and female, or which unites in itself the two sexes; an animal or plant having the parts of generation of both sexes, as when a flower contains both the stamens and pistil within the same calyx, or on the same receptacle. In some cases reproduction may take place without the union of the distinct individuals. In the animal kingdom true hermaphrodites are found only among the invertebrates. See Illust. in Appendix, under Helminths. |
| adjective (a.) Including, or being of, both sexes; as, an hermaphrodite animal or flower. |
hermaphroditic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hermaphroditical |
hermaphroditical | adjective (a.) Partaking of the characteristics of both sexes; characterized by hermaphroditism. |
hermaphroditism | noun (n.) The union of the two sexes in the same individual, or the combination of some of their characteristics or organs in one individual. |
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (herm) - Words That Begins with herm:
hermeneutic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hermeneutical |
hermeneutical | adjective (a.) Unfolding the signification; of or pertaining to interpretation; exegetical; explanatory; as, hermeneutic theology, or the art of expounding the Scriptures; a hermeneutic phrase. |
hermeneutics | noun (n.) The science of interpretation and explanation; exegesis; esp., that branch of theology which defines the laws whereby the meaning of the Scriptures is to be ascertained. |
hermes | noun (n.) See Mercury. |
| noun (n.) Originally, a boundary stone dedicated to Hermes as the god of boundaries, and therefore bearing in some cases a head, or head and shoulders, placed upon a quadrangular pillar whose height is that of the body belonging to the head, sometimes having feet or other parts of the body sculptured upon it. These figures, though often representing Hermes, were used for other divinities, and even, in later times, for portraits of human beings. Called also herma. See Terminal statue, under Terminal. |
hermetic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hermetical |
hermetical | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or taught by, Hermes Trismegistus; as, hermetic philosophy. Hence: Alchemical; chemic. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the system which explains the causes of diseases and the operations of medicine on the principles of the hermetic philosophy, and which made much use, as a remedy, of an alkali and an acid; as, hermetic medicine. |
| adjective (a.) Made perfectly close or air-tight by fusion, so that no gas or spirit can enter or escape; as, an hermetic seal. See Note under Hermetically. |
hermit | noun (n.) A person who retires from society and lives in solitude; a recluse; an anchoret; especially, one who so lives from religious motives. |
| noun (n.) A beadsman; one bound to pray for another. |
| noun (n.) A spiced molasses cooky, often containing chopped raisins and nuts. |
hermitage | noun (n.) The habitation of a hermit; a secluded residence. |
| noun (n.) A celebrated French wine, both white and red, of the Department of Drome. |
hermitary | noun (n.) A cell annexed to an abbey, for the use of a hermit. |
hermitess | noun (n.) A female hermit. |
hermitical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or suited for, a hermit. |
hermodactyl | noun (n.) A heart-shaped bulbous root, about the size of a finger, brought from Turkey, formerly used as a cathartic. |
hermogenian | noun (n.) A disciple of Hermogenes, an heretical teacher who lived in Africa near the close of the second century. He held matter to be the fountain of all evil, and that souls and spirits are formed of corrupt matter. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (her) - Words That Begins with her:
her | adjective (pron. & a.) The form of the objective and the possessive case of the personal pronoun she; as, I saw her with her purse out. |
| (pron. pl.) Alt. of Here |
heracleonite | noun (n.) A follower of Heracleon of Alexandria, a Judaizing Gnostic, in the early history of the Christian church. |
herakline | noun (n.) A picrate compound, used as an explosive in blasting. |
herald | noun (n.) An officer whose business was to denounce or proclaim war, to challenge to battle, to proclaim peace, and to bear messages from the commander of an army. He was invested with a sacred and inviolable character. |
| noun (n.) In the Middle Ages, the officer charged with the above duties, and also with the care of genealogies, of the rights and privileges of noble families, and especially of armorial bearings. In modern times, some vestiges of this office remain, especially in England. See Heralds' College (below), and King-at-Arms. |
| noun (n.) A proclaimer; one who, or that which, publishes or announces; as, the herald of another's fame. |
| noun (n.) A forerunner; a a precursor; a harbinger. |
| noun (n.) Any messenger. |
| verb (v. t.) To introduce, or give tidings of, as by a herald; to proclaim; to announce; to foretell; to usher in. |
heralding | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Herald |
heraldic | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to heralds or heraldry; as, heraldic blazoning; heraldic language. |
heraldry | noun (n.) The art or office of a herald; the art, practice, or science of recording genealogies, and blazoning arms or ensigns armorial; also, of marshaling cavalcades, processions, and public ceremonies. |
heraldship | noun (n.) The office of a herald. |
herapathite | noun (n.) The sulphate of iodoquinine, a substance crystallizing in thin plates remarkable for their effects in polarizing light. |
heraud | noun (n.) A herald. |
herb | noun (n.) A plant whose stem does not become woody and permanent, but dies, at least down to the ground, after flowering. |
| noun (n.) Grass; herbage. |
herbaceous | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to herbs; having the nature, texture, or characteristics, of an herb; as, herbaceous plants; an herbaceous stem. |
herbage | noun (n.) Herbs collectively; green food beasts; grass; pasture. |
| noun (n.) The liberty or right of pasture in the forest or in the grounds of another man. |
herbaged | adjective (a.) Covered with grass. |
herbal | noun (n.) A book containing the names and descriptions of plants. |
| noun (n.) A collection of specimens of plants, dried and preserved; a hortus siccus; an herbarium. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to herbs. |
herbalism | noun (n.) The knowledge of herbs. |
herbalist | noun (n.) One skilled in the knowledge of plants; a collector of, or dealer in, herbs, especially medicinal herbs. |
herbarian | noun (n.) A herbalist. |
herbarist | noun (n.) A herbalist. |
herbarium | noun (n.) A collection of dried specimens of plants, systematically arranged. |
| noun (n.) A book or case for preserving dried plants. |
herbary | noun (n.) A garden of herbs; a cottage garden. |
herber | noun (n.) A garden; a pleasure garden. |
herbergage | noun (n.) Harborage; lodging; shelter; harbor. |
herbergeour | noun (n.) A harbinger. |
herbergh | noun (n.) Alt. of Herberwe |
herberwe | noun (n.) A harbor. |
herbescent | adjective (a.) Growing into herbs. |
herbid | adjective (a.) Covered with herbs. |
herbiferous | adjective (a.) Bearing herbs or vegetation. |
herbist | noun (n.) A herbalist. |
herbivora | noun (n. pl.) An extensive division of Mammalia. It formerly included the Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla, but by later writers it is generally restricted to the two latter groups (Ungulata). They feed almost exclusively upon vegetation. |
herbivore | noun (n.) One of the Herbivora. |
herbivorous | adjective (a.) Eating plants; of or pertaining to the Herbivora. |
herbless | adjective (a.) Destitute of herbs or of vegetation. |
herblet | noun (n.) A small herb. |
herborist | noun (n.) A herbalist. |
herborization | noun (n.) The act of herborizing. |
| noun (n.) The figure of plants in minerals or fossils. |
herborizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Herborize |
herborough | noun (n.) A harbor. |
herbose | adjective (a.) Alt. of Herbous |
herbous | adjective (a.) Abounding with herbs. |
herby | adjective (a.) Having the nature of, pertaining to, or covered with, herbs or herbage. |
hercogamous | adjective (a.) Not capable of self-fertilization; -- said of hermaphrodite flowers in which some structural obstacle forbids autogamy. |
herculean | adjective (a.) Requiring the strength of Hercules; hence, very great, difficult, or dangerous; as, an Herculean task. |
| adjective (a.) Having extraordinary strength or size; as, Herculean limbs. |
hercules | noun (n.) A hero, fabled to have been the son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and celebrated for great strength, esp. for the accomplishment of his twelve great tasks or "labors." |
| noun (n.) A constellation in the northern hemisphere, near Lyra. |
hercynian | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an extensive forest in Germany, of which there are still portions in Swabia and the Hartz mountains. |
herd | noun (n.) A number of beasts assembled together; as, a herd of horses, oxen, cattle, camels, elephants, deer, or swine; a particular stock or family of cattle. |
| noun (n.) A crowd of low people; a rabble. |
| noun (n.) One who herds or assembles domestic animals; a herdsman; -- much used in composition; as, a shepherd; a goatherd, and the like. |
| adjective (a.) Haired. |
| verb (v. i.) To unite or associate in a herd; to feed or run together, or in company; as, sheep herd on many hills. |
| verb (v. i.) To associate; to ally one's self with, or place one's self among, a group or company. |
| verb (v. i.) To act as a herdsman or a shepherd. |
| verb (v. t.) To form or put into a herd. |
herding | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Herd |
herdbook | noun (n.) A book containing the list and pedigrees of one or more herds of choice breeds of cattle; -- also called herd record, or herd register. |
English Words which starts with 'he' and ends with 'an':
headman | noun (n.) A head or leading man, especially of a village community. |
headpan | noun (n.) The brainpan. |
headsman | noun (n.) An executioner who cuts off heads. |
hebrician | noun (n.) A Hebraist. |
hebridean | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hebridian |
hebridian | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of the Hebrides. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the islands called Hebrides, west of Scotland. |
hegelian | noun (n.) A follower of Hegel. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to Hegelianism. |
heliconian | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Helicon. |
| adjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the butterflies of the genus Heliconius. |
hellenian | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hellenes, or Greeks. |
helmsman | noun (n.) The man at the helm; a steersman. |
helvetian | noun (n.) A Swiss; a Switzer. |
| adjective (a.) Same as Helvetic. |
hemerobian | noun (n.) A neuropterous insect of the genus Hemerobius, and allied genera. |
hemipteran | noun (n.) One of the Hemiptera; an hemipter. |
henchman | noun (n.) An attendant; a servant; a follower. Now chiefly used as a political cant term. |
henxman | noun (n.) Henchman. |
heptagynian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Heptagynous |
heptandrian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Heptandrous |
herdman | noun (n.) Alt. of Herdsman |
herdsman | noun (n.) The owner or keeper of a herd or of herds; one employed in tending a herd of cattle. |
herdswoman | noun (n.) A woman who tends a herd. |
herodian | noun (n.) One of a party among the Jews, composed of partisans of Herod of Galilee. They joined with the Pharisees against Christ. |
herschelian | adjective (a.) Of or relating to Sir William Herschel; as, the Herschelian telescope. |
hesperian | noun (n.) A native or an inhabitant of a western country. |
| noun (n.) Any one of the numerous species of Hesperidae; a skipper. |
| adjective (a.) Western; being in the west; occidental. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a family of butterflies called Hesperidae, or skippers. |
hessian | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Hesse. |
| noun (n.) A mercenary or venal person. |
| noun (n.) See Hessian boots and cloth, under Hessian, a. |
| adjective (a.) Of or relating to Hesse, in Germany, or to the Hessians. |
heteroousian | noun (n.) One of those Arians who held that the Son was of a different substance from the Father. |
| adjective (a.) Having different essential qualities; of a different nature. |
heteroscian | noun (n.) One who lives either north or south of the tropics, as contrasted with one who lives on the other side of them; -- so called because at noon the shadows always fall in opposite directions (the one northward, the other southward). |
hetman | noun (n.) A Cossack headman or general. The title of chief hetman is now held by the heir to the throne of Russia. |
hexagynian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hexagynous |
hexandrian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Hex-androus |
hertzian | adjective (a.) Of or pert. to the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. |