First name MANNUSS's origin is Irish. MANNUSS means "great". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with MANNUSS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of mannuss.(Brown names are of the same origin (Irish) with MANNUSS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)
First Names Rhyming MANNUSS
NAMES RHYMING WITH MANNUSS (According to last letters):
Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (annuss) - Names That Ends with annuss:
Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (nnuss) - Names That Ends with nnuss:
Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (nuss) - Names That Ends with nuss:
Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (uss) - Names That Ends with uss:
ferghuss russRhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ss) - Names That Ends with ss:
ariss yabiss devoss alliss alyss arliss berniss bess bliss blyss candiss caress corliss countess jenalyss lsss marliss tess welss arlyss cass chess daileass douglass iniss inness jess joss moss ness norcross prentiss ross terriss burgess hovhaness natass ioness lass kandiss curtissNAMES RHYMING WITH MANNUSS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (mannus) - Names That Begins with mannus:
Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (mannu) - Names That Begins with mannu:
Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (mann) - Names That Begins with mann:
mann manneville mannie manning mannis mannix mannleah mannyRhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (man) - Names That Begins with man:
mana manaar manaba manal manar manara manasses manauia manawanui manda mandalyn mandar mandel mandi mandie mandisa mandy mane maneet manette manfred manfri manfrid manfried manfrit mani manikah manisha maniya mankalita manley manly mano manoela manolito manolo manon mansfield mansi mansur mantel manton mantotohpa manu manuel manuela manuelo manus manute manville manya manzoRhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ma) - Names That Begins with ma:
ma'isah ma'mun ma'n maahes maarouf maat mab mabbina mabel mabelle mabina mable mabon mabonagrain mabonaqain mabuz mabyn mac maca macadam macadhamh macaire macala macaladair macalister macalpin macalpine macandrew macario macartan macarthur macartur macaulay macauliffe macauslan macawi macayla macayle macbain macbeanNAMES BOTH FIRST AND LAST LETTERS RHYMING WITH MANNUSS:
First Names which starts with 'man' and ends with 'uss':
First Names which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'ss':
First Names which starts with 'm' and ends with 's':
maccus macinnes mads magnus maheloas makis maponus marcas marcellus marcelus marcos marcus maris marius markos markus marlis marlys marquis mars marsilius marsyas mathers mathews mathias matias matthias mattias matyas maurits mavis maximus meccus medus melampus melanippus melanthius melecertes meletios meliadus meliodas melwas memphis menelaus menes menoeceus menzies mercedes mertys metis mezentius midas mikhalis mikhos mikolas mikolaus milagritos milagros miles mimis minos mirias miruts mogens moises momus montes mopsus morcades mordrayans morris moses mounafes mozes mylesEnglish Words Rhyming MANNUSS
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MANNUSS (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (annuss) - English Words That Ends with annuss:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (nnuss) - English Words That Ends with nnuss:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (nuss) - English Words That Ends with nuss:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (uss) - English Words That Ends with uss:
blunderbuss | noun (n.) A short gun or firearm, with a large bore, capable of holding a number of balls, and intended to do execution without exact aim. |
noun (n.) A stupid, blundering fellow. |
buss | noun (n.) A kiss; a rude or playful kiss; a smack. |
noun (n.) A small strong vessel with two masts and two cabins; -- used in the herring fishery. | |
verb (v. t.) To kiss; esp. to kiss with a smack, or rudely. |
corneouss | adjective (a.) Of a texture resembling horn; horny; hard. |
fuss | noun (n.) A tumult; a bustle; unnecessary or annoying ado about trifles. |
noun (n.) One who is unduly anxious about trifles. | |
verb (v. i.) To be overbusy or unduly anxious about trifles; to make a bustle or ado. |
gauss | noun (n.) The C.G.S. unit of density of magnetic field, equal to a field of one line of force per square centimeter, being thus adopted as an international unit at Paris in 1900; sometimes used as a unit of intensity of magnetic field. It was previously suggested as a unit of magnetomotive force. |
hackbuss | noun (n.) Same as Hagbut. |
houss | noun (n.) A saddlecloth; a housing. |
kutauss | noun (n.) The India civet (Viverra zibetha). |
muss | noun (n.) A scramble, as when small objects are thrown down, to be taken by those who can seize them; a confused struggle. |
noun (n.) A state of confusion or disorder; -- prob. variant of mess, but influenced by muss, a scramble. | |
noun (n.) A term of endearment. | |
verb (v. t.) To disarrange, as clothing; to rumple. |
puss | noun (n.) A cat; -- a fondling appellation. |
noun (n.) A hare; -- so called by sportsmen. |
russ | noun (n. sing. & pl.) A Russian, or the Russians. |
noun (n. sing. & pl.) The language of the Russians. | |
adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Russians. |
truss | noun (n.) A bundle; a package; as, a truss of grass. |
noun (n.) A padded jacket or dress worn under armor, to protect the body from the effects of friction; also, a part of a woman's dress; a stomacher. | |
noun (n.) A bandage or apparatus used in cases of hernia, to keep up the reduced parts and hinder further protrusion, and for other purposes. | |
noun (n.) A tuft of flowers formed at the top of the main stalk, or stem, of certain plants. | |
noun (n.) The rope or iron used to keep the center of a yard to the mast. | |
noun (n.) An assemblage of members of wood or metal, supported at two points, and arranged to transmit pressure vertically to those points, with the least possible strain across the length of any member. Architectural trusses when left visible, as in open timber roofs, often contain members not needed for construction, or are built with greater massiveness than is requisite, or are composed in unscientific ways in accordance with the exigencies of style. | |
noun (n.) To bind or pack close; to make into a truss. | |
noun (n.) To take fast hold of; to seize and hold firmly; to pounce upon. | |
noun (n.) To strengthen or stiffen, as a beam or girder, by means of a brace or braces. | |
noun (n.) To skewer; to make fast, as the wings of a fowl to the body in cooking it. | |
noun (n.) To execute by hanging; to hang; -- usually with up. |
untruss | noun (n.) Alt. of Untrusser |
verb (v. t.) To loose from a truss, or as from a truss; to untie or unfasten; to let out; to undress. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MANNUSS (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (mannus) - Words That Begins with mannus:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (mannu) - Words That Begins with mannu:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (mann) - Words That Begins with mann:
manning | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Man |
manna | noun (n.) The food supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness of Arabia; hence, divinely supplied food. |
noun (n.) A name given to lichens of the genus Lecanora, sometimes blown into heaps in the deserts of Arabia and Africa, and gathered and used as food. | |
noun (n.) A sweetish exudation in the form of pale yellow friable flakes, coming from several trees and shrubs and used in medicine as a gentle laxative, as the secretion of Fraxinus Ornus, and F. rotundifolia, the manna ashes of Southern Europe. |
manner | noun (n.) Mode of action; way of performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion. |
noun (n.) Characteristic mode of acting, conducting, carrying one's self, or the like; bearing; habitual style. | |
noun (n.) Customary method of acting; habit. | |
noun (n.) Carriage; behavior; deportment; also, becoming behavior; well-bred carriage and address. | |
noun (n.) The style of writing or thought of an author; characteristic peculiarity of an artist. | |
noun (n.) Certain degree or measure; as, it is in a manner done already. | |
noun (n.) Sort; kind; style; -- in this application sometimes having the sense of a plural, sorts or kinds. |
mannered | adjective (a.) Having a certain way, esp. a polite way, of carrying and conducting one's self. |
adjective (a.) Affected with mannerism; marked by excess of some characteristic peculiarity. |
mannerism | noun (n.) Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art. |
mannerist | noun (n.) One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under Mannerism. |
mannerliness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being mannerly; civility; complaisance. |
mannerly | adjective (a.) Showing good manners; civil; respectful; complaisant. |
adverb (adv.) With good manners. |
mannide | noun (n.) A white amorphous or crystalline substance, obtained by dehydration of mannite, and distinct from, but convertible into, mannitan. |
mannish | adjective (a.) Resembling a human being in form or nature; human. |
adjective (a.) Resembling, suitable to, or characteristic of, a man, manlike, masculine. | |
adjective (a.) Fond of men; -- said of a woman. |
mannitan | noun (n.) A white amorphous or crystalline substance obtained by the partial dehydration of mannite. |
mannitate | noun (n.) A salt of mannitic acid. |
mannite | noun (n.) A white crystalline substance of a sweet taste obtained from a so-called manna, the dried sap of the flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus); -- called also mannitol, and hydroxy hexane. Cf. Dulcite. |
noun (n.) A sweet white efflorescence from dried fronds of kelp, especially from those of the Laminaria saccharina, or devil's apron. |
mannitic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, resembling, or derived from, mannite. |
mannitol | noun (n.) The technical name of mannite. See Mannite. |
mannitose | noun (n.) A variety of sugar obtained by the partial oxidation of mannite, and closely resembling levulose. |
mannerchor | noun (n.) A German men's chorus or singing club. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (man) - Words That Begins with man:
maneticness | noun (n.) Magneticalness. |
man | noun (n.) A human being; -- opposed tobeast. |
noun (n.) Especially: An adult male person; a grown-up male person, as distinguished from a woman or a child. | |
noun (n.) The human race; mankind. | |
noun (n.) The male portion of the human race. | |
noun (n.) One possessing in a high degree the distinctive qualities of manhood; one having manly excellence of any kind. | |
noun (n.) An adult male servant; also, a vassal; a subject. | |
noun (n.) A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste; as, Come, man, we 've no time to lose! | |
noun (n.) A married man; a husband; -- correlative to wife. | |
noun (n.) One, or any one, indefinitely; -- a modified survival of the Saxon use of man, or mon, as an indefinite pronoun. | |
noun (n.) One of the piece with which certain games, as chess or draughts, are played. | |
verb (v. t.) To supply with men; to furnish with a sufficient force or complement of men, as for management, service, defense, or the like; to guard; as, to man a ship, boat, or fort. | |
verb (v. t.) To furnish with strength for action; to prepare for efficiency; to fortify. | |
verb (v. t.) To tame, as a hawk. | |
verb (v. t.) To furnish with a servants. | |
verb (v. t.) To wait on as a manservant. |
manable | adjective (a.) Marriageable. |
manace | noun (n. & v.) Same as Menace. |
manacle | noun (n.) A handcuff; a shackle for the hand or wrist; -- usually in the plural. |
verb (v. t.) To put handcuffs or other fastening upon, for confining the hands; to shackle; to confine; to restrain from the use of the limbs or natural powers. |
manacling | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Manacle |
manage | noun (n.) The handling or government of anything, but esp. of a horse; management; administration. See Manege. |
noun (n.) To have under control and direction; to conduct; to guide; to administer; to treat; to handle. | |
noun (n.) Hence: Esp., to guide by careful or delicate treatment; to wield with address; to make subservient by artful conduct; to bring around cunningly to one's plans. | |
noun (n.) To train in the manege, as a horse; to exercise in graceful or artful action. | |
noun (n.) To treat with care; to husband. | |
noun (n.) To bring about; to contrive. | |
verb (v. i.) To direct affairs; to carry on business or affairs; to administer. |
managing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Manage |
manageability | noun (n.) The state or quality of being manageable; manageableness. |
manageable | adjective (a.) Such as can be managed or used; suffering control; governable; tractable; subservient; as, a manageable horse. |
manageless | adjective (a.) Unmanageable. |
manager | noun (n.) One who manages; a conductor or director; as, the manager of a theater. |
noun (n.) A person who conducts business or household affairs with economy and frugality; a good economist. | |
noun (n.) A contriver; an intriguer. |
managerial | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to management or a manager; as, managerial qualities. |
managership | noun (n.) The office or position of a manager. |
managery | noun (n.) Management; manner of using; conduct; direction. |
noun (n.) Husbandry; economy; frugality. |
manakin | noun (n.) Any one of numerous small birds belonging to Pipra, Manacus, and other genera of the family Pipridae. They are mostly natives of Central and South America. some are bright-colored, and others have the wings and tail curiously ornamented. The name is sometimes applied to related birds of other families. |
noun (n.) A dwarf. See Manikin. |
manatee | noun (n.) Any species of Trichechus, a genus of sirenians; -- called alsosea cow. |
manation | noun (n.) The act of issuing or flowing out. |
manbote | noun (n.) A sum paid to a lord as a pecuniary compensation for killing his man (that is, his vassal, servant, or tenant). |
manca | noun (n.) See Mancus. |
manche | noun (n.) A sleeve. |
manchet | noun (n.) Fine white bread; a loaf of fine bread. |
manchineel | noun (n.) A euphorbiaceous tree (Hippomane Mancinella) of tropical America, having a poisonous and blistering milky juice, and poisonous acrid fruit somewhat resembling an apple. |
manchu | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Manchuria; also, the language spoken by the Manchus. |
adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Manchuria or its inhabitants. |
mancipation | noun (n.) Slavery; involuntary servitude. |
manciple | noun (n.) A steward; a purveyor, particularly of a college or Inn of Court. |
mancus | noun (n.) An old Anglo Saxon coin both of gold and silver, and of variously estimated values. The silver mancus was equal to about one shilling of modern English money. |
mand | noun (n.) A demand. |
mandamus | noun (n.) A writ issued by a superior court and directed to some inferior tribunal, or to some corporation or person exercising authority, commanding the performance of some specified duty. |
mandarin | noun (n.) A Chinese public officer or nobleman; a civil or military official in China and Annam. |
noun (n.) A small orange, with easily separable rind. It is thought to be of Chinese origin, and is counted a distinct species (Citrus nobilis)mandarin orange; tangerine --. |
mandarinate | noun (n.) The collective body of officials or persons of rank in China. |
mandarinic | adjective (a.) Appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin. |
mandarining | noun (n.) The process of giving an orange color to goods formed of animal tissue, as silk or wool, not by coloring matter, but by producing a certain change in the fiber by the action of dilute nitric acid. |
mandarinism | noun (n.) A government mandarins; character or spirit of the mandarins. |
mandatary | noun (n.) One to whom a command or charge is given; hence, specifically, a person to whom the pope has, by his prerogative, given a mandate or order for his benefice. |
noun (n.) One who undertakes to discharge a specific business commission; a mandatory. |
mandate | noun (n.) An official or authoritative command; an order or injunction; a commission; a judicial precept. |
noun (n.) A rescript of the pope, commanding an ordinary collator to put the person therein named in possession of the first vacant benefice in his collation. | |
noun (n.) A contract by which one employs another to manage any business for him. By the Roman law, it must have been gratuitous. |
mandator | noun (n.) A director; one who gives a mandate or order. |
noun (n.) The person who employs another to perform a mandate. |
mandatory | noun (n.) Same as Mandatary. |
adjective (a.) Containing a command; preceptive; directory. |
mandelate | noun (n.) A salt of mandelic acid. |
mandelic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to an acid first obtained from benzoic aldehyde (oil of better almonds), as a white crystalline substance; -- called also phenyl glycolic acid. |
manderil | noun (n.) A mandrel. |
mandible | noun (n.) The bone, or principal bone, of the lower jaw; the inferior maxilla; -- also applied to either the upper or the lower jaw in the beak of birds. |
noun (n.) The anterior pair of mouth organs of insects, crustaceaus, and related animals, whether adapted for biting or not. See Illust. of Diptera. |
mandibular | noun (n.) The principal mandibular bone; the mandible. |
adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a mandible; like a mandible. |
mandibulate | noun (n.) An insect having mandibles. |
adjective (a.) Alt. of Mandibulated |
mandibulated | adjective (a.) Provided with mandibles adapted for biting, as many insects. |
mandibuliform | adjective (a.) Having the form of a mandible; -- said especially of the maxillae of an insect when hard and adapted for biting. |
mandibulohyoid | adjective (a.) Pertaining both to the mandibular and the hyoid arch, or situated between them. |
mandil | noun (n.) A loose outer garment worn the 16th and 17th centuries. |
mandilion | noun (n.) See Mandil. |
mandingos | noun (n. pl.) ; sing. Mandingo. (Ethnol.) An extensive and powerful tribe of West African negroes. |
English Words which starts with 'man' and ends with 'uss':
English Words which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'ss':
madecass | noun (n.) Alt. of Madecassee |
madness | adjective (a.) The condition of being mad; insanity; lunacy. |
adjective (a.) Frenzy; ungovernable rage; extreme folly. |
maggotiness | noun (n.) State of being maggoty. |
magisterialness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being magisterial. |
magneticalness | noun (n.) Quality of being magnetic. |
maidenliness | noun (n.) The quality of being maidenly; the behavior that becomes a maid; modesty; gentleness. |
maimedness | noun (n.) State of being maimed. |
maistress | noun (n.) Mistress. |
majesticness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being majestic. |
makeless | adjective (a.) Matchless. |
adjective (a.) Without a mate. |
maladdress | noun (n.) Bad address; an awkward, tactless, or offensive way of accosting one or talking with one. |
malefactress | noun (n.) A female malefactor. |
malleableness | noun (n.) Quality of being malleable. |
maneless | adjective (a.) Having no mane. |
manginess | noun (n.) The condition or quality of being mangy. |
manifestness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being manifest; obviousness. |
manifoldness | noun (n.) Multiplicity. |
noun (n.) A generalized concept of magnitude. |
manless | adjective (a.) Destitute of men. |
adjective (a.) Unmanly; inhuman. |
manliness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being manly. |
marchioness | noun (n.) The wife or the widow of a marquis; a woman who has the rank and dignity of a marquis. |
marketableness | noun (n.) Quality of being marketable. |
marquess | noun (n.) A marquis. |
marrowless | adjective (a.) Destitute of marrow. |
marshiness | noun (n.) The state or condition of being marshy. |
martialness | noun (n.) The quality of being martial. |
marvelousness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being marvelous; wonderfulness; strangeness. |
mass | noun (n.) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host. |
noun (n.) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition; -- namely, the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, besides sometimes an Offertory and the Benedictus. | |
noun (n.) A quantity of matter cohering together so as to make one body, or an aggregation of particles or things which collectively make one body or quantity, usually of considerable size; as, a mass of ore, metal, sand, or water. | |
noun (n.) A medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump, of consistency suitable for making pills; as, blue mass. | |
noun (n.) A large quantity; a sum. | |
noun (n.) Bulk; magnitude; body; size. | |
noun (n.) The principal part; the main body. | |
noun (n.) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume. | |
verb (v. i.) To celebrate Mass. | |
verb (v. t.) To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into masses; to assemble. |
massiness | noun (n.) The state or quality of being massy; ponderousness. |
massiveness | noun (n.) The state or quality of being massive; massiness. |
masterless | adjective (a.) Destitute of a master or owner; ungoverned or ungovernable. |
masterliness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being masterly; ability to control wisely or skillfully. |
mastless | adjective (a.) Bearing no mast; as, a mastless oak or beech. |
adjective (a.) Having no mast; as, a mastless vessel. |
mastress | noun (n.) Mistress. |
matchless | adjective (a.) Having no equal; unequaled. |
adjective (a.) Unlike each other; unequal; unsuited. |
mateless | adjective (a.) Having no mate. |
materialness | noun (n.) The state of being material. |
matrass | noun (n.) A round-bottomed glass flask having a long neck; a bolthead. |
matress | noun (n.) See Matress. |
matross | noun (n.) Formerly, in the British service, a gunner or a gunner's mate; one of the soldiers in a train of artillery, who assisted the gunners in loading, firing, and sponging the guns. |
matterless | adjective (a.) Not being, or having, matter; as, matterless spirits. |
adjective (a.) Unimportant; immaterial. |
mattress | noun (n.) A quilted bed; a bed stuffed with hair, moss, or other suitable material, and quilted or otherwise fastened. |
noun (n.) A mass of interwoven brush, poles, etc., to protect a bank from being worn away by currents or waves. |
matureness | noun (n.) The state or quality of being mature; maturity. |
mawkishness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being mawkish. |
mayoress | noun (n.) The wife of a mayor. |
mazedness | noun (n.) The condition of being mazed; confusion; astonishment. |
maziness | noun (n.) The state or quality of being mazy. |