Name Report For First Name MAXIMUS:


First name MAXIMUS's origin is Irish. MAXIMUS means "greatest". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with MAXIMUS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of maximus.(Brown names are of the same origin (Irish) with MAXIMUS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with MAXIMUS - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming MAXIMUS



NAMES RHYMING WITH MAXÝMUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (aximus) - Names That Ends with aximus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ximus) - Names That Ends with ximus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (imus) - Names That Ends with imus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (mus) - Names That Ends with mus:

cadmus erasmus kadmus momus neotolemus polyphemus pyramus rasmus triptolemus calibumus isdemus seamus shamus shemus artemus

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (us) - Names That Ends with us:

el-nefous enygeus caeneus cestus iasius lotus negus maccus dabbous dassous fanous abdul-quddus boulus butrus yunus dryhus thaddeus bagdemagus brademagus isdernus peredurus britomartus luxovious nemausus ondrus argus ambrosius batholomeus basilius bonifacius cecilius clementius egidius eugenius eustatius theodorus darius horus aldous brutus cassibellaunus guiderius lorineus ferragus marsilius senapus brus marcus seorus alemannus klaus abderus absyrtus acastus achelous aconteus acrisius admetus adrastus aeacus aegeus aegisthus aegyptus aeolus aesculapius alcinous alcyoneus aloeus alpheus amphiaraus amycus anastasius ancaeus androgeus antaeus antilochus antinous archemorus aristaeus ascalaphus asopus atreus autolycus avernus boethius

NAMES RHYMING WITH MAXÝMUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (maximu) - Names That Begins with maximu:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (maxim) - Names That Begins with maxim:

maxime maximilian maximillian

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (maxi) - Names That Begins with maxi:

maxie maxine

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (max) - Names That Begins with max:

maxfield maxwell

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ma) - Names That Begins with ma:

ma'isah ma'mun ma'n maahes maarouf maat mab mabbina mabel mabelle mabina mable mabon mabonagrain mabonaqain mabuz mabyn mac maca macadam macadhamh macaire macala macaladair macalister macalpin macalpine macandrew macario macartan macarthur macartur macaulay macauliffe macauslan macawi macayla macayle macbain macbean macbeth macbride maccallum macclennan maccoll maccormack macdaibhidh macdhubh macdomhnall macdonald macdonell macdougal macdoughall macdubhgall macduff mace macee macelroy macen macerio macewen macey macfarlane macfie macgillivray macgowan macgregor macha machair machakw machaon machar machara machau machayla machiko machk machum machupa maci macie macinnes macintosh maciver mack mackaillyn mackay mackayla mackaylie mackendrick mackenna mackenzie mackinley


First Names which starts with 'max' and ends with 'mus':

First Names which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'us':

magnus manus maponus marcellus marcelus marius markus

First Names which starts with 'm' and ends with 's':

mads maheloas makis manasses mannis mannuss marcas marcos maris markos marlis marliss marlys marquis mars marsyas mathers mathews mathias matias matthias mattias matyas maurits mavis meccus medus melampus melanippus melanthius melecertes meletios meliadus meliodas melwas memphis menelaus menes menoeceus menzies mercedes mertys metis mezentius midas mikhalis mikhos mikolas mikolaus milagritos milagros miles mimis minos mirias miruts mogens moises montes mopsus morcades mordrayans morris moses moss mounafes mozes myles

English Words Rhyming MAXIMUS


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MAXÝMUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (aximus) - English Words That Ends with aximus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ximus) - English Words That Ends with ximus:

inspeximusnoun (n.) The first word of ancient charters in England, confirming a grant made by a former king; hence, a royal grant.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (imus) - English Words That Ends with imus:

animusnoun (n.) Animating spirit; intention; temper.

bulimusnoun (n.) A genus of land snails having an elongated spiral shell, often of large size. The species are numerous and abundant in tropical America.

dedimusnoun (n.) A writ to commission private persons to do some act in place of a judge, as to examine a witness, etc.

minimusnoun (n.) A being of the smallest size.
 noun (n.) The little finger; the fifth digit, or that corresponding to it, in either the manus or pes.

mittimusnoun (n.) A precept or warrant granted by a justice for committing to prison a party charged with crime; a warrant of commitment to prison.
 noun (n.) A writ for removing records from one court to another.

primusnoun (n.) One of the bishops of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, who presides at the meetings of the bishops, and has certain privileges but no metropolitan authority.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (mus) - English Words That Ends with mus:

accismusnoun (n.) Affected refusal; coyness.

betacismusnoun (n.) Excessive or extended use of the b sound in speech, due to conversion of other sounds into it, as through inability to distinguish them from b, or because of difficulty in pronouncing them.

calamusnoun (n.) The indian cane, a plant of the Palm family. It furnishes the common rattan. See Rattan, and Dragon's blood.
 noun (n.) A species of Acorus (A. calamus), commonly called calamus, or sweet flag. The root has a pungent, aromatic taste, and is used in medicine as a stomachic; the leaves have an aromatic odor, and were formerly used instead of rushes to strew on floors.
 noun (n.) The horny basal portion of a feather; the barrel or quill.

camusnoun (n.) See Camis.

chiasmusnoun (n.) An inversion of the order of words or phrases, when repeated or subsequently referred to in a sentence

cormusnoun (n.) See Corm.
 noun (n.) A vegetable or animal made up of a number of individuals, such as, for example, would be formed by a process of budding from a parent stalk wherre the buds remain attached.

euonymusnoun (n.) A genus of small European and American trees; the spindle tree. The bark is used as a cathartic.

exophthalmusnoun (n.) Same as Exophthalmia.

ginglymusnoun (n.) A hinge joint; an articulation, admitting of flexion and extension, or motion in two directions only, as the elbow and the ankle.

hippopotamusnoun (n.) A large, amphibious, herbivorous mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius), common in the rivers of Africa. It is allied to the hogs, and has a very thick, naked skin, a thick and square head, a very large muzzle, small eyes and ears, thick and heavy body, and short legs. It is supposed to be the behemoth of the Bible. Called also zeekoe, and river horse. A smaller species (H. Liberiencis) inhabits Western Africa.

humusnoun (n.) That portion of the soil formed by the decomposition of animal or vegetable matter. It is a valuable constituent of soils.

hyoscyamusnoun (n.) A genus of poisonous plants of the Nightshade family; henbane.
 noun (n.) The leaves of the black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), used in neuralgic and pectorial troubles.

ignoramusnoun (n.) We are ignorant; we ignore; -- being the word formerly written on a bill of indictment by a grand jury when there was not sufficient evidence to warrant them in finding it a true bill. The phrase now used is, "No bill," "No true bill," or "Not found," though in some jurisdictions "Ignored" is still used.
 noun (n.) A stupid, ignorant person; a vain pretender to knowledge; a dunce.

inoceramusnoun (n.) An extinct genus of large, fossil, bivalve shells,allied to the mussels. The genus is characteristic of the Cretaceous period.

isthmusnoun (n.) A neck or narrow slip of land by which two continents are connected, or by which a peninsula is united to the mainland; as, the Isthmus of Panama; the Isthmus of Suez, etc.

lacmusnoun (n.) See Litmus.

larypgismusnoun (n.) A spasmodic state of the glottis, giving rise to contraction or closure of the opening.

lithodomusnoun (n.) A genus of elongated bivalve shells, allied to the mussels, and remarkable for their ability to bore holes for shelter, in solid limestone, shells, etc. Called also Lithophagus.

litmusnoun (n.) A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens (Roccella tinctoria, Lecanora tartarea, etc.), as a blue amorphous mass which consists of a compound of the alkaline carbonates with certain coloring matters related to orcin and orcein.

mandamusnoun (n.) A writ issued by a superior court and directed to some inferior tribunal, or to some corporation or person exercising authority, commanding the performance of some specified duty.

marasmusnoun (n.) A wasting of flesh without fever or apparent disease; a kind of consumption; atrophy; phthisis.

momusnoun (n.) The god of mockery and censure.

musnoun (n.) A genus of small rodents, including the common mouse and rat.

nystagmusnoun (n.) A rapid involuntary oscillation of the eyeballs.

polyphemusnoun (n.) A very large American moth (Telea polyphemus) belonging to the Silkworm family (Bombycidae). Its larva, which is very large, bright green, with silvery tubercles, and with oblique white stripes on the sides, feeds on the oak, chestnut, willow, cherry, apple, and other trees. It produces a large amount of strong silk. Called also American silkworm.

prodromusnoun (n.) A prodrome.
 noun (n.) A preliminary course or publication; -- used esp. in the titles of elementary works.

ramusnoun (n.) A branch; a projecting part or prominent process; a ramification.

rhythmusnoun (n.) Rhythm.

strabismusnoun (n.) An affection of one or both eyes, in which the optic axes can not be directed to the same object, -- a defect due either to undue contraction or to undue relaxation of one or more of the muscles which move the eyeball; squinting; cross-eye.

tenesmusnoun (n.) An urgent and distressing sensation, as if a discharge from the intestines must take place, although none can be effected; -- always referred to the lower extremity of the rectum.

thalamusnoun (n.) A mass of nervous matter on either side of the third ventricle of the brain; -- called also optic thalamus.
 noun (n.) Same as Thallus.
 noun (n.) The receptacle of a flower; a torus.

thymusnoun (n.) The thymus gland.
 adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the thymus gland.

tilmusnoun (n.) Floccillation.

trismusnoun (n.) The lockjaw.

ulmusnoun (n.) A genus of trees including the elm.

vaginismusnoun (n.) A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH MAXÝMUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (maximu) - Words That Begins with maximu:

maximumnoun (n.) The greatest quantity or value attainable in a given case; or, the greatest value attained by a quantity which first increases and then begins to decrease; the highest point or degree; -- opposed to minimum.
 adjective (a.) Greatest in quantity or highest in degree attainable or attained; as, a maximum consumption of fuel; maximum pressure; maximum heat.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (maxim) - Words That Begins with maxim:

maximnoun (n.) An established principle or proposition; a condensed proposition of important practical truth; an axiom of practical wisdom; an adage; a proverb; an aphorism.
 noun (n.) The longest note formerly used, equal to two longs, or four breves; a large.

maximiliannoun (n.) A gold coin of Bavaria, of the value of about 13s. 6d. sterling, or about three dollars and a quarter.

maximizationnoun (n.) The act or process of increasing to the highest degree.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (maxi) - Words That Begins with maxi:

maxillanoun (n.) The bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
 noun (n.) The bone, or principal bone, of the upper jaw, the bone of the lower jaw being the mandible.
 noun (n.) One of the lower or outer jaws of arthropods.

maxillaradjective (a.) Alt. of Maxillary

maxillarynoun (n.) The principal maxillary bone; the maxilla.
 noun (n.) Of or pertaining to a maxilla.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to either the upper or the lower jaw, but now usually applied to the upper jaw only.

maxilliformadjective (a.) Having the form, or structure, of a maxilla.

maxillipednoun (n.) One of the mouth appendages of Crustacea, situated next behind the maxillae. Crabs have three pairs, but many of the lower Crustacea have but one pair of them. Called also jawfoot, and foot jaw.

maxilloturbinalnoun (n.) The maxillo-turbinal, or inferior turbinate, bone.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and turbinal regions of the skull.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (max) - Words That Begins with max:


English Words which starts with 'max' and ends with 'mus':

English Words which starts with 'ma' and ends with 'us':

macacusnoun (n.) A genus of monkeys, found in Asia and the East Indies. They have short tails and prominent eyebrows.

machaerodusnoun (n.) Alt. of Machairodus

machairodusnoun (n.) A genus of extinct mammals allied to the cats, and having in the upper jaw canine teeth of remarkable size and strength; -- hence called saber-toothed tigers.

macrencephalousadjective (a.) Having a large brain.

macrocephalousadjective (a.) Having a large head.
 adjective (a.) Having the cotyledons of a dicotyledonous embryo confluent, and forming a large mass compared with the rest of the body.

macrodactylousadjective (a.) Having long toes.

macropetalousadjective (a.) Having long or large petals.

macrophyllousadjective (a.) Having long or large leaves.

macropodousadjective (a.) Having long legs or feet.

macropterousadjective (a.) Having long wings.

macropusnoun (n.) genus of marsupials including the common kangaroo.

macrotousadjective (a.) Large-eared.

macrurousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Macrura; having a long tail.

magnanimousadjective (a.) Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; raised above what is low, mean, or ungenerous; of lofty and courageous spirit; as, a magnanimous character; a magnanimous conqueror.
 adjective (a.) Dictated by or exhibiting nobleness of soul; honorable; noble; not selfish.

magnetiferousadjective (a.) Producing or conducting magnetism.

magniloquousadjective (a.) Magniloquent.

magnoliaceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to a natural order (Magnoliaceae) of trees of which the magnolia, the tulip tree, and the star anise are examples.

malacopterygiousadjective (a.) Belonging to the Malacopterygii.

malacostomousadjective (a.) Having soft jaws without teeth, as certain fishes.

malacostracousadjective (a.) Belonging to the Malacostraca.

malapterurusnoun (n.) A genus of African siluroid fishes, including the electric catfishes. See Electric cat, under Electric.

malariousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining, to or infected by, malaria.

malevolousadjective (a.) Malevolent.

malgraciousadjective (a.) Not graceful; displeasing.

maliciousadjective (a.) Indulging or exercising malice; harboring ill will or enmity.
 adjective (a.) Proceeding from hatred or ill will; dictated by malice; as, a malicious report; malicious mischief.
 adjective (a.) With wicked or mischievous intentions or motives; wrongful and done intentionally without just cause or excuse; as, a malicious act.

malleolusnoun (n.) A projection at the distal end of each bone of the leg at the ankle joint. The malleolus of the tibia is the internal projection, that of the fibula the external.
 noun (n.) " A layer, " a shoot partly buried in the ground, and there cut halfway through.

malleusnoun (n.) The outermost of the three small auditory bones, ossicles; the hammer. It is attached to the tympanic membrane by a long process, the handle or manubrium. See Illust. of Far.
 noun (n.) One of the hard lateral pieces of the mastax of Rotifera. See Mastax.
 noun (n.) A genus of bivalve shells; the hammer shell.

mallotusnoun (n.) A genus of small Arctic fishes. One American species, the capelin (Mallotus villosus), is extensively used as bait for cod.

malpighiaceousadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of tropical trees and shrubs (Malpighiaceae), some of them climbing plants, and their stems forming many of the curious lianes of South American forests.

malvaceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Malvaceae), of which the mallow is the type. The cotton plant, hollyhock, and abutilon are of this order, and the baobab and the silk-cotton trees are now referred to it.

mammaliferousadjective (a.) Containing mammalian remains; -- said of certain strata.

mammiferousadjective (a.) Having breasts; of, pertaining to, or derived from, the Mammalia.

mancusnoun (n.) An old Anglo Saxon coin both of gold and silver, and of variously estimated values. The silver mancus was equal to about one shilling of modern English money.

manducusnoun (n.) A grotesque mask, representing a person chewing or grimacing, worn in processions and by comic actors on the stage.

manganesiousadjective (a.) Manganous.

manganesousadjective (a.) Manganous.

manganiferousadjective (a.) Containing manganese.

manganousadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, designating, those compounds of manganese in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with manganic compounds; as, manganous oxide.

manusnoun (n.) The distal segment of the fore limb, including the carpus and fore foot or hand.
  (pl. ) of Manus

marbrinusnoun (n.) A cloth woven so as to imitate the appearance of marble; -- much used in the 15th and 16th centuries.

marasritaceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, pearl; pearly.

margaritiferousadjective (a.) Producing pearls.

margarousadjective (a.) Margaric; -- formerly designating a supposed acid.

marigenousadjective (a.) Produced in or by the sea.

marlaceousadjective (a.) Resembling marl; partaking of the qualities of marl.

marmoraceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, marble.

marvelousnoun (n.) Exciting wonder or surprise; astonishing; wonderful.
 noun (n.) Partaking of the character of miracle, or supernatural power; incredible.

masterousadjective (a.) Masterly.

mastodonsaurusnoun (n.) A large extinct genus of labyrinthodonts, found in the European Triassic rocks.

materiousadjective (a.) See Material.

matrimoniousadjective (a.) Matrimonial.